Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 601 News from Tianhai

Li Qiuyu waited for this Foundation Establishment Stage disciple to leave, and cast out a simple prohibition, and then cast two Nine Palaces Profound Formation inside.

After finishing everything, the three daughters of Xiao Hanyue also started to take care of these things inside. Girls are always more careful than men.

After Ling Ling cleaned a large room first, Li Qiuyu practiced and rested in it, and the other rooms were slowly arranged by the three women.

It took half a day to set up several stone chambers, but when Li Qiuyu came out, the cave became a paradise.

This place is no longer a cultivation place for practitioners, but a boudoir for the ladies, which is very warmly decorated. The three daughters showed off their masterpieces after Li Qiuyu came out.

"Yes, I thought I was in the wrong place."

Li Qiuyu said with a smile, in front of this is a living room with a radius of ten feet, and behind the living room is a stone room for raising spirit beasts.

However, the spirit beasts of the four are all inside Li Qiuyu's space necklace, and there is no need to raise them here at all. Inside is Li Qiuyu's room and a place to cook.

A garden with a radius of ten feet is also used to plant medicinal materials. Although they don't need to plant these medicinal materials, they are just a decoration.

"Where did Brother Qiu Yu think he went?" Ling Ling said with a smile.

"Well, I went to a daughter's country." Li Qiuyu also said with a smile, he naturally knew that Ling Ling was laughing at him, and made himself happy.

"Daughter country? Where is it?"

"The Kingdom of Daughters is a legend in my hometown."

"Is it full of girls?"

"Of course, otherwise, why is it called the daughter country?"

"How did the little girl inside get here?"

"It is rumored that there is a well. When a woman arrives, she will drink the water in the well and give birth to children, and all of them will be girls."

Li Qiuyu said with a smile, he brought the story of the previous world here and told the three daughters, and the three daughters were dazed.

"Son, is what you said true?"

Xiao Qiuyue asked seriously, girls are naturally more fond of stories, and Li Qiuyu's narration is more vivid, making her also addicted to it.

"I don't know if it's true or not, but I grew up listening to such stories." Li Qiuyu said with a smile. In the last world, he still had feelings.

"Are the girls there pretty?"

Ling Ling's eyes widened, she looked at Li Qiuyu expectantly.

"I've never seen it before, so how do I know if it's beautiful or ugly, but no matter how beautiful it is, it's not as beautiful as the three of you." Li Qiuyu gently stroked Lingling's hair.


Lingling and the three daughters all asked in surprise, feeling very happy in their hearts.

"Of course it's true. When did you see that I lied?" Li Qiuyu said seriously.

The four of them chatted together for a while, Li Qiuyu seemed to have thought of something, pondered for a while, and then said, "Should we release the medicinal material mission like Bi Hai did, and see if anyone has the medicinal materials we need."

"I don't think so. You must know that this kind of medicinal material is 50 years old. Generally, if there is such a 50-year-old medicinal material, it would have been auctioned long ago."

Xiao Hanyue thought for a while, and finally said, what she said was not unreasonable, even if ordinary monks don't use medicinal materials, 50-year-old medicinal materials are a precious treasure in themselves.

"Then we just have to visit the auction house here. If we don't have the medicinal materials we need outside, we will leave this place next year."

Li Qiuyu said lightly, even though he has a firm mind, he can't help but feel a little disappointed, a little frustrated. For hundreds of years, he has not found the main ingredient of the elixir.

"That's all, but we still have more time."

Lingling smiled and said, seeing Li Qiuyu's appearance, she knew what was in her heart.

"You should also practice. After a while, I will go to those auction houses alone to see if there are any medicinal materials we need."

Li Qiuyu said calmly, and finally walked towards his room, and began to practice peacefully. This was the first time he felt that time was not enough.

In the previous foundation building stage and alchemy stage, I felt that I could easily answer, but in the current stage of transforming gods, I don't know when I can reach it.

Because there are only a few 200 years in life, not to mention that the lifespan of Xiao Hanyue's three daughters is not as long as his own. He has a lifespan of more than two thousand years, while the three daughters only have more than 1000 years.

Only after breaking through to transforming gods, I may have a lifespan of 7000-5000 years, and Xiao Hanyue's three daughters also have a lifespan of [-] years. At that time, there will be more opportunities to seek the spiritual world.

Ascension to the spirit world is the most sought after goal of every monk, because going to the spirit world requires sufficient strength. After entering the spirit world, you will get a thunder calamity once in 2000 during the transformation period, and a heavenly disaster once in 5000 during the emptiness period. robbery.

There are a total of nine times, and if one escapes a catastrophe, 2000 or 5000 years will be added. The higher the cultivation base, the greater the disaster will come, but the greater the recovery will be.

Li Qiuyu and the others rested in this big city of Shangluo for half a year, and Li Qiuyu also traveled around the city, but none of them had the medicinal materials they needed.

However, there was a piece of news that made him thirsty for joy. This was a 1000-year-old sixth-grade Tianling Pill medicinal material that he had auctioned for 50 million yuan in the auction house.

Seeing that Li Qiuyu was very valuable and was being targeted, Li Qiuyu led six big monks to a remote place [-] miles away from the big city of Shangluo and killed them.

Get an exquisite jade slip in the space ring, inside the jade slip is a teleportation token, this token leads to a mysterious sea called Tianhai.

Although some people know about this Tianhai, very few of them can be teleported there, because Tianhai is basically an independent world, almost out of touch with Fengyue Continent.

And it needs a teleportation array to teleport there. The condition for teleportation is this jade slip. It is rumored that there are only 110 such jade slips in Fengyue Continent.

Moreover, the cost of spirit stones for each transmission is also huge, one for each of the best spirit stones of the five elements, and the monk who presides over the transmission array has to charge a huge amount of transmission fees.

Lingshi [-] million low-level Lingshi, Li Qiuyu finished reading this jade slip, with a faint smile on his face, everyone thought Tianhai existed in rumors.

But the real Tianhai still exists, and only the kingdom of the Great Shang Empire, Tianxiao City, has the teleportation array to Tianhai.


A completely independent world is also a mysterious sea area, in which there are countless powerful monsters and sea beasts, and countless precious medicinal materials.

There are also countless monster clans, and there are many medicinal materials that are 50 years old, but they have to take great risks to get them. Li Qiuyu put the jade slips away with a smile, and finally walked outside.

"Han Yue, let's take a long rest and head to Tian Xiao City."

Li Qiuyu smiled excitedly, with a confident look on his face, as long as there is a chance and news, he will not let it go.

"Go to Tianxiao City? What did you find?"

Seeing Li Qiuyu's happy look, Xiao Hanyue asked puzzledly.

"Tianxiao City has a teleportation formation to send to Tianhai. Tianhai has rich medicinal materials, which are several times more abundant than Bihai, so you should be able to find the medicinal herbs of Huashen Pill in Tianhai."

"Really, then let's go now."

When Ling Ling heard Li Qiuyu's words, she was about to leave immediately. You must know that girls are most afraid of getting old. Now they have been in the cultivation world for three or four hundred years, and they are still less than half of their life expectancy.

But since she found something that was helpful to her longevity, she wanted to get it immediately, and her appearance made sisters Li Qiuyu and Xiao Hanyue laugh.

"Let's stay here for a while, Tianxiao City is really far away from here, it's 5000 million miles away."

Li Qiuyu also looked at the entire Great Merchant Empire. Although the Great Merchant Empire did not have a complete map, Li Qiuyu put together countless map jade slips.

Only his spiritual sense can do it. If anyone knows that he has a complete map of the Great Merchant Empire in his hand, he must pay a high price to buy it.

Li Qiuyu has no shortage of spirit stones, and having a complete map is not a good thing for him, so he naturally does not do thankless things.

"Well, let's practice for another half a year, and then go to Tianxiao City, but it will take a lot of time to fly 5000 million miles." Ling Ling pondered for a while, and calculated the flight time.

It took the four of them nearly three years to cover the 6000 million miles last time, and now it will take at least two years to cover the 5000 million miles. Moreover, in the center of the Great Merchant Empire, there are more and more powerful masters. Be careful.

Half a year is neither long nor short. For ordinary people, it is 180 days, but for monks, it is just a blink of an eye.

The four of them left the cave in the great city of Shangluo and flew directly towards the center of the Great Shang Empire. Although they got the news, the four of them still searched for medicinal materials and flew all the way.

When you encounter a big city, you will go shopping all over the auction house, and you will get nothing, but some auxiliary materials and more advanced materials will also arrive, and you will not miss it at all.

Auctioning spirit stones, or killing people to seize treasures, or exchanging pills, you can do anything, as long as you value medicinal materials.

They have robbed the cultivators in the stage of transformation of gods, not less than once or twice. As long as the monks in the stage of transformation of gods are not in the early peak and middle stages, or are not super perverted, the four of them will suffer a little bit when they join forces.

So many monks like to pretend to be pigs and eat tigers, just to lower the opponent's defense and heart, so that they can attack instantly. Li Qiuyu's four people are in the early stage of Nascent Soul, and they don't need to pretend at all when facing the monks of the transformation stage.

There is no need to look at the four Nascent Soul stage monks with such existence, but it is often like this, and it is the Spirit Transformation stage that is lost.

After a full ten years, the four of them finally came to a big city that had existed for countless thousands of years. The walls of the whole big city were about a hundred feet high and the area was tens of thousands of miles in size.

In ten years, there must be more than [-] monks at the stage of transforming gods killed by four people. Li Qiuyu has nothing to do with the stage of transforming gods. It is very simple to kill.

Li Qiuyu would pretend not to show up when encountering monks in the transformation stage who were not abnormal in strength, and let Xiao Hanyue and the three daughters face each other, while she was alone in the distance.

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