Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 703 Seeing Louting Road Again

"Go back to Patriarch, they are at the reception, they are the ones who sent the disciples to transmit the sound."

The old man in the alchemy period bowed respectfully towards Lou Tingdao, and finally told Li Qiuyu's situation, then lowered his head, waiting for the order of the patriarch.

"Don't say anything."

After Lou Tingdao finished speaking, he flashed his body and disappeared from the sight of the two disciples in an instant, without even a sign of leaving. The great monk and the old man in the alchemy stage were horrified.

Soon, Lou Tingdao came to the reception area and saw five people inside, four women and one man, these people turned into ashes, he will never forget it, because it was this man who controlled his soul.

It's just that the cultivation base of the five people is much stronger than before, and they are not at the same level at all. When I first saw them, they were only big monks, but these big monks defeated themselves, the peak monks in the early stage of transformation, if it weren't for them With sharp eyes, I must have been killed by this man.

Now that several people have clearly reached the stage of transformation, the gap between the two is even greater. After calming down, they walked inside.

"Hehe, fellow Daoist Lou, don't come here unharmed."

Li Qiuyu had already felt that he had understood the arrival of Lou Ting Dao, but he did not make a sound, and appeared in front of him in Lou Ting Dao, and his face showed a look of embarrassment, because after all, here is the Shenxiao Pavilion, he is a deity If the Supreme Elder at the peak in the early stage saluted Li Qiuyu, the other disciples would be suspicious.

Li Qiuyu didn't care about these things, so he first saluted Lou Tingdao and spoke politely, so that the other party had a way out to step down without embarrassment.

"The original Holy Alchemy Master has arrived, Lou has lost his welcome, and Wanwang Holy Alchemist Your Excellency forgive me."

Lou Tingdao was stunned, he didn't expect Li Qiuyu to give him such a big face, and he also knew that Li Qiuyu gave him face and a step, and there was a hint of gratitude in his heart.

"Fellow Daoist Lou, you're welcome, I'm also passing by here."

Li Qiuyu said with a smile, only the two of them knew in their hearts that the purpose of Li Qiuyu's coming here was just not stated clearly.

"Since your Excellency the Holy Alchemist is here, you will spend a few more days in the Shenxiao Pavilion, so that Lou can fulfill the friendship of the landlord."

Lou Tingdao smiled wryly in his heart, because he hadn't finished what Li Qiuyu told him, and found many other medicinal materials and materials, but only those three medicinal materials were not found.

"Haha, Fellow Daoist Lou is too polite. The main thing I am here this time is to run my old business. I will replace some pills with spirit stones and medicinal materials, and I will take care of fellow Daoist Lou in the future."

Li Qiuyu said politely that Lou Ting Dao should be given enough face. Although Lou Ting Dao is under his control, if Lou Ting Dao wants to fight to the death, it would be meaningless to come here by himself.

As long as I don't move him for a while, if I have any troubles, he will naturally help me out. I have successfully refined my God Transformation Pill, and I have successfully become a cultivator at the God Transformation stage. I no longer need three special medicinal materials .

"It's easy to say, it is our Shenxiao Pavilion's honor to be able to come to our Shenxiao Island, Your Excellency Saint Alchemy, please go to the loft above to rest, and we will slowly catch up on the old days."

Lou Tingdao's heart turned rapidly, trying to find a solution, but after thinking for a long time, he still couldn't find any solution, and finally he could only take one step at a time.

He wanted Li Qiuyu to go to the top to reminisce about the old days, just to solve the conditions Li Qiuyu said, to see if Li Qiuyu could relax a little bit, if he could relax a little bit, things would be easy to handle.

"Fellow Daoist Lou, you're welcome, okay, let's catch up on the past at the back."

Li Qiuyu nodded in agreement, and finally followed Lou Ting Dao to the top of the mountain. This mountain is more than two thousand feet long. Natural is best.

After a while, Li Qiuyu and the others followed Lou Tingdao to the top of the mountain, and sat down in an attic. There was no monk at all in this place, and even his divine sense could not be extended. Naturally, Li Qiuyu knew that there was a basic prohibition here.

After arriving here, Lou Tingdao bowed respectfully to Li Qiuyu and the other five: "Congratulations, my lord, for successfully breaking through the Nascent Soul Stage and reaching the Transformation Stage, and congratulations to the four fairies for making great progress in their cultivation."

"Well, you're being polite, have you done what I told you to do?"

Li Qiuyu said coldly, his voice was icy cold, as if it came from a deep abyss, Lou Tingdao also felt a chill.

"Back to the lord, the subordinates have almost dealt with the matter that the lord explained, but the three medicinal materials have not been seen."

After Lou Tingdao finished speaking, he looked at Li Qiuyu, trying to find Li Qiuyu's expression, but his heart was also uneasy and beating fast.

"Show me."

Li Qiuyu was stunned, and it turned out to be no different from what she thought. It was really difficult to find the three kinds of medicinal materials. After a hundred years of work, even a power like Lou Ting Dao could not find one.

He didn't blame Lou Tingdao either. With his identity and strength, he searched for hundreds of years before finding it. Fortunately, he has reached the stage of transformation.

There is no need for those three kinds of medicinal materials. If he has not reached the stage of transformation, he may attack Lou Tingdao. Since he cannot reach the stage of transformation, it is normal to vent his anger on Lou Tingdao.

But the expression on his face was still indifferent, Lou Tingdao couldn't see Li Qiuyu's expression at all, but judging from his face and tone, Li Qiuyu was still dissatisfied.

"Subordinates obey."

When Lou Tingdao saw Li Qiuyu asking what he was looking for, he quickly took out a space ring, and handed it to Li Qiuyu respectfully.

Li Qiuyu scanned the space ring with his consciousness, and it was full of high-grade medicinal materials, none of which were less than 10 years old, all of them were 50-year-old and [-]-year-old medicinal materials, and there were more than ten million-year-old medicinal materials.

I also found a lot of other materials, plus the materials I got before, after calculation, Li Qiuyu can also refine forty Tian Miejian swords.

A quarter of an hour later, Li Qiuyu's consciousness withdrew from the space ring, and she was very satisfied. These materials are good, and the materials in the space necklace alone can refine more than ten swords that destroy the sky.

The value of these materials can be imagined, and the other medicinal materials are also very good, and it is completely possible to refine five or six grades of elixirs. Although there are no three special medicinal materials, I don't need them now.

It doesn't matter if you want it or not, but he won't let Lou Tingdao go easily, because he still has to stay in Shenxiao Island for a while.

"Well, yes, getting these medicinal materials and materials is enough to prove that you have tried your best, but the three medicinal materials that I need are the same, you have to think about it. This seat is not the kind of aggressive monk, this seat You plan to live here for a few years and run a pill exchange business in Shenxiao City, you should know how to do it."

After Li Qiuyu withdrew her consciousness, she put away the interspatial ring, pondered for a while, and said lightly, looking at Lou Tingdao.

Lou Tingdao's face was neither happy nor worried, he didn't know what was going on in his heart, but the tender one felt a little fear in Lou Tingdao, afraid that Li Qiuyu would be dissatisfied and make a move.

Before Li Qiuyu came to Shenxiao Island, he had already considered that if Li Qiuyu wanted to do something, even if he lost part of Shenxiao Island, he would have to gather his own strength from Shenxiao Pavilion to kill Li Qiuyu.

But after Li Qiuyu's arrival, this idea has long been out of the blue. Li Qiuyu has already reached the stage of transformation, and the other four women have also reached the stage of transformation, and all of them have profound cultivation.

Although he hadn't reached the peak cultivation level in the early stage, in Shenxiao Pavilion, apart from himself, there was no cultivator in the transformation stage who could surpass the cultivation base of the four women.

Not to mention strength, he was able to contain himself when he was a great monk, but now that he has reached the stage of transforming gods, killing himself is also a simple matter.

What's more, there is also a terrifying Li Qiuyu, Li Qiuyu's strength, he can't even imagine now, especially the Tianhan Jiguang that makes him dread.

If he wanted to wipe out the five of Li Qiuyu, he would lose his own Shenxiao Pavilion. The fighting skills of the monks in the stage of transforming gods are earth-shattering, every move can destroy Shenxiao Pavilion.

He didn't want to do such an uneconomical thing at all. He could only wait for Li Qiuyu's reaction and prayed to God to bless him. In just a quarter of an hour, he seemed to have passed a century.

He finally knew how slow time was. A clock was basically dispensable in the eyes of monks, but at this moment time felt so slow.

"Thank you, my lord, I know what to do, my lord, let's rest here today."

Lou Tingdao felt relieved when he heard Li Qiuyu's words, and felt how happy it was to be let go, and felt more grateful to Li Qiuyu.

"No, we'd better live in the city. You can take a disciple to help me take care of it. I'm not familiar with this place."

Li Qiuyu glanced at Lou Ting Dao, and finally walked down with Xiao Hanyue's four daughters. After a while, Li Qiuyu and the others disappeared from Lou Ting Dao's sight.

After the few people left, he sat in the pavilion all at once. A breeze blew by, and his vest felt cold. It turned out that the clothes on his back were already soaked.

"Finally resolved."

Lou Tingdao said in a daze, and he could also see from Li Qiuyu's eyes that Li Qiuyu no longer needed three kinds of medicinal materials, and after reaching the stage of transforming spirits, it would be useless to ask for three more medicinal materials.

Although Li Qiuyu is still in Shenxiao Island, she is only dealing in pills, and I don't know what happened after that, but as long as I don't have any influence on Shenxiao Pavilion in the past few decades, it will be fine. After I sit down, I want to come to Li Qiuyu He will not easily trouble Shen Xiaoge.

The five of Li Qiuyu left Shenxiao Pavilion, quickly came to Shenxiao City, and found a good inn to live in. A month of [-] low-level spirit stones, Li Qiuyu paid the inn a one-time low-level one-year fee. Lingshi.

For him, Lingshi can be regarded as a real possession outside the body, and it is not very helpful to him, because the things he needs are generally not solved by Lingshi.

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