Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 704 Li Qiuyu's Plan

In a separate courtyard with eight separate rooms and a separate garden in the middle, Li Qiuyu performed two prohibitions here, and then performed a Nine Palaces Profound Formation.

Xiao Hanyue and the others are also making arrangements inside, knowing that they will live in this place for a period of time, so it is natural to arrange it better here, and these things are also done by a few women.

Li Qiuyu casually found a room that Xiao Hanyue had taken care of and began to rest. Practicing breath adjustment is the most common thing for monks to do.

After two hours, Li Qiuyu walked out of the room and came to the living room, where she saw Xiao Hanyue, Ling Ling, Qiuyue and Qing Chi talking and laughing.

"My lord, have you rested?"

Seeing Li Qiuyu coming out, Xiao Qiuyue happily went up to her, hugged Li Qiuyu's arm, and then came to a chair for Li Qiuyu to sit down.

"Well, the breath has been adjusted. I just lost a Nascent Soul. The others are good. I will cultivate this Nascent Soul in the future. There is nothing to worry about. It's just a pity. Now that I have The strength of the general god transformation stage monks does not need to worry at all."

Li Qiuyu said with a smile, what he said is not bad. When I was a big monk, I was able to kill the monks at the stage of transformation. Now that I have reached the stage of transformation, although I lost a Nascent Soul, I have to kill the stage of transformation Being a monk is not an easy task.

"I knew Brother Qiuyu was the best."

Lingling said softly, with a lot of comfort on her face. Li Qiuyu's loss of Nascent Soul was indeed a great loss, but Han Wuji was also killed.

Although he didn't know how powerful Han Wuji was, Xiao Hanyue and Xiao Qiuyue also told her something about the past. This Han Wuji was a terrifying existence.

Not only his strength and cultivation, but also his opportunity and speed of cultivation are even more frightening. They are almost the same as Li Qiuyu's. Li Qiuyu had three Nascent Souls to survive.

"However, I gained a lot from killing Han Wuji. When I left Shenlong Valley, I also got a lot of wealth."

Li Qiuyu told about some things she encountered when she left the exit of Shenlong Valley, which made Xiao Hanyue's four daughters very happy. They never thought that there would be such a strong oppressive force at the exit.

"How long are we waiting here?"

Qing Chi knew that Li Qiuyu stayed here to find Yinlong, so she naturally didn't know that Li Qiuyu didn't come to Shenxiao Island just for him, firstly because of the Shenxiao Pavilion Pavilion, and secondly because of Yinlong The matter of giving himself the Emperor's Chariot is to wait for Yinlong and Qinglong to meet up next.

"I opened a Shendan Pavilion in Shenxiao City, and I managed pills here. With my fifth-rank and sixth-rank pills and the transmission speed of Tianhai's news, it will naturally spread to far away places very quickly. As long as Silver If the dragon is in Tianhai, he will find us. We can wait at most ten years, and if we still can't wait for Yinlong and the others in ten years, it means that they have left Tianhai."

Li Qiuyu spoke slowly, Qing Ji and Xiao Hanyue knew Li Qiuyu's meaning, if Yinlong didn't come, they would either be in distress, or they would leave Tianhai or be entangled by the above things.

As long as I leave Tianhai with a little word when I wait for others to leave, even if Yinlong and the others are late, they will know that Qingji is safe, and they will follow Li Qiuyu, and with Li Qiuyu's strength, they will naturally not worry about anything.

"Well, that's the only way. In Tianhai, as long as they can hear about us, even if they are on Dulan Island, they will use the teleportation array to come."

Xiao Qiuyue thought for a while, and finally said comfortingly, she looked at Qing Chi, and Qing Chi also looked at Xiao Qiuyue, looking at Xiao Qiuyue gratefully.

"Okay, I'm not looking for time today, you guys should go to bed early."

Several people slowly changed the subject, chatting here for more than two hours, Li Qiuyu looked at the sky, finally stood up and said.

"Well, I'm going to rest."

Qing Chi stood up and walked towards a room. This time she was different from before, because she had already found the place where Li Qiuyu was used to living, and lived alone in the west room.

"I'm going to rest too, where is Sister Hanyue?"

Lingling said softly, looking towards Xiao Hanyue, with a mischievous look on her face, she obviously knew that Xiao Hanyue was accompanying Li Qiuyu today, and asked Xiao Hanyue like this on purpose.

"Sister Lingling, you are really naughty little girl, go and rest, I will accompany you, Young Master."

They were all familiar with each other for hundreds of years, and they would not be shy. They said it directly, without any embarrassment, and finally hugged Li Qiuyu's arm with both hands.

"Sister Hanyue really doesn't know how to be ashamed."

After Lingling finished speaking, she left with a smile, and walked to a room on the east side. Xiao Qiuyue also saluted Li Qiuyu and left, a place where she lived with Lingling.

"Young master, let's rest."

Seeing that the three girls had already left, Xiao Hanyue called out tenderly, and snuggled up to Li Qiuyu tenderly and obediently.


Li Qiuyu glanced at Xiao Hanyue, and then there was a smile on his face. He bent over, wrapped his hands around, and hugged Xiao Hanyue across his chest, and finally walked towards a room.

"My lord, it's not good for my younger sister and Qing Chi to see it."

Xiao Hanyue shyly buried her head on Li Qiuyu's chest, absorbing Li Qiuyu's breath to her heart's content, her voice was so weak that only she could hear it.

Although she has been with Li Qiuyu for hundreds of years, she would be embarrassed if Qing Chi saw her during the day, even if Qing Chi knew about the relationship between Li Qiuyu and her three sisters.

"If you are talking, they will be called out by you."

Li Qiuyu said with a smile, lowered her head and kissed Xiao Hanyue's face, strode towards the room with big strides, gently placed Xiao Hanyue on the bed, swiped with one hand, and together prohibited the entire room from being covered. Stopped, the wooden door was also closed.

Xiao Hanyue felt relieved when she saw Li Qiuyu's prohibition here, and took off her coat for Li Qiuyu herself. The two lay on the bed, and Xiao Hanyue took off her coat.

There is only a bellyband and snow-white trousers left on the whole body, and the head is lightly resting on Li Qiuyu's chest, and a pair of snow-white firm and plump jade peaks are on Li Qiuyu's chest.

Although Li Qiuyu is a cultivator at the transformation stage, he is a normal man. Soon, the two of you entered the entanglement of life and death. After two full hours, the two of you were also exhausted.

In the end, he fell asleep deeply. When Li Qiuyu was with the three girls, he was not a cultivator at the transformation stage, but a normal ordinary mortal, but his physique and physique were relatively strong.

The night passed like this, and when they woke up, it was already dawn the next day, and Xiao Qiuyue and the others did not come to disturb Xiao Hanyue, but practiced meditation in the center of the courtyard on one side.

Li Qiuyu woke up and saw the peerless beauty and delicate body beside her, she was filled with happiness. This woman has been with her since she was a child, and it has been more than five hundred years now.

There is also Xiao Qiuyue, the three of them rarely separated, and finally Lingling joined, and the four of them have been together for hundreds of years. For ordinary people, it is several lifetimes.

For monks like Li Qiuyu and others in the transformation stage, it is also an important experience in their life, how many hundreds of years in a lifetime.

I can get the physical and mental consent of the three peerless beauties, what else is there to be dissatisfied with, and I must not let the three girls be sad or suffer any bullying.

His eyes looked at Xiao Hanyue quietly, and a gentle smile appeared on his face. Just watching quietly like this, after a quarter of an hour, Xiao Hanyue woke up feeling being stared at.

"My lord, you've already woken up."

Seeing Li Qiuyu looking at her, Xiao Hanyue felt a burst of satisfaction in her heart. To be looked at by her beloved man like this is the happiest thing in a woman's life.

"Well, I just woke up too, you should go to sleep."

Li Qiuyu said softly, and gently stroked Xiao Hanyue's forehead with one hand, it was so gentle that Xiao Hanyue felt Li Qiuyu's tenderness.

"Then let's all lie down, my sister and the others are already up."

Xiao Hanyue said softly, and then buried her head on Li Qiuyu's chest, enjoying the warm moment.

The two stayed warm on the bed for half an hour before getting up. This time Li Qiuyu didn't ask Xiao Hanyue to dress him, but with a move of consciousness, he took out a set of clean clothes from Xiao Hanyue's space ring.

Xiao Hanyue, Xiao Qiuyue, and Ling Ling's space rings, Li Qiuyu can open them with his own consciousness, just like his own.

He took out a set of pink gauze, a pair of white trousers and a purple apron, and put it on for Xiao Hanyue himself, with a dark purple dress on the outside.

Finally put on her own clothes, Xiao Hanyue watched Li Qiuyu dress herself, feeling like molasses in her heart, extremely happy.

The perfect and peerless delicate body was displayed in front of the beloved, and after the two finally got dressed, they both walked out and saw Xiao Qiuyue and Ling Ling who were still meditating and doing morning classes.

"My lord, you just woke up. We have been practicing for a long time."

Seeing Li Qiuyu and her sister come out, Xiao Qiuyue shouted happily, and finally came to Li Qiuyu's side.

"That's right, very good, I didn't expect Qiuyue to be so diligent."

Li Qiuyu said with a smile, reaching out to embrace Xiao Qiuyue.

"Master, you wronged Qiuyue, Qiuyue is very diligent."

When Xiao Qiuyue heard Li Qiuyu say this about herself, she immediately acted like a baby in dissatisfaction, and Li Qiuyu also let Xiao Qiuyue act like a baby. After a while, Li Qiuyu and Xiao Hanyue left here and came to the washing room.

The two finished washing quickly, and then Li Qiuyu practiced in the living room, while Xiao Hanyue went to prepare breakfast. In less than half an hour, Xiao Hanyue woke up several people, and the breakfast was spent amidst laughter.

Li Qiuyu and the others had just finished eating and were resting aside, when a respectful voice came in.

"Junior disciples of Shenxiao Pavilion, wait for senior's orders."

A gray-clothed cultivator in the mid-Yuanying period respectfully shouted outside the courtyard, and his voice reached the ears of Li Qiuyu and others in the courtyard.

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