Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 706 Wen Tianqing's Means

After Li Qiuyu finished his explanation, he went directly into the courtyard, and left the other matters to Wen Tianqing. The smell of wine is not afraid of deep alleys, and her elixir is good, as long as she publicizes it a little, it will spread.

After Li Qiuyu opened it, Wen Tianqing looked at a storage bag in his hand, moved his consciousness, and quickly penetrated into the storage bag, the expression on his face suddenly changed, and he stayed in place.

It turned out that there were more than ten jade bottles inside, five jade bottles were high-grade Qi training pills, two jade bottles were second-grade high-grade pills, and two jade bottles were third-grade high-grade pills.

There is also a bottle of fourth-grade low-grade pills, a bottle of fourth-grade middle-grade pills, a bottle of high-grade fourth-grade pills, and a jade bottle containing five high-grade fifth-grade Tianchen pills.

"A high-level elixir, it really is a high-level elixir."

Wen Tianqing murmured, her eyes were slightly dull, and finally her face was full of excitement. With such a pill, why worry about customers, the high-grade pill is Tianhai, which is simply a legend.

There are fifth-grade elixirs, but such elixirs are the treasures of a spoofing superpower, and generally only the super geniuses in the sect have made great contributions to the sect to get one.

The sixth-grade pill has never appeared in Tianhai. The last time the sixth-grade pill appeared was ten thousand years ago.

However, the sixth-grade pill of transforming gods can only be used by great monks to break through to the stage of transforming gods, and it is not used to increase mana at all. of the object.

With such a good elixir, it is natural to make his reputation famous so as not to affect the value of this elixir. At that time, Li Qiuyu told him the ratio of exchange for the elixir.

Thinking of Li Qiuyu's tone and appearance, this Holy Alchemy Master is really not simple, no wonder his master and the seniors above him have unremittingly helped him.

But he didn't know that the great elder of his own Shenxiao Pavilion was also controlled by Li Qiuyu, and killing the first cultivator of the Shenxiao Pavilion was also a matter of thought.

"Let's start, we will start selling elixir today. This deity will bring the monk who married her here. Prepare yourself, I will disappoint the Shendan Pavilion."

Wen Tianqing looked at the more than ten foundation-building stage disciples in the shop, and said seriously, at last the magic power of his whole body was activated, and a shocking coercion rose to the sky.

Then a ball of light shot into the sky, at the latest, with a slight smile on his face, but he didn't know that Li Qiuyu had already used such a method a hundred years ago.

Sure enough, this kind of effect is really unusual. I have seen the situation in the distance at this time, but no one is fighting, so I walked this way out of curiosity.

Although Shenxiao City is named Shenxiao, it is also named after Shenxiao Pavilion, but Shenxiao Pavilion is not the only force, and the power to govern the country with Shenxiao Pavilion is the most powerful.

There are other big forces, such as the Ten Great Families and Ten Powers of Shenxiao, and countless other big and small forces that are so intricate that it is impossible to understand them at all.

There is only one letter difference between the names of Shenxiao Pavilion and Shendan Pavilion. Li Qiuyu uses the disciples of Shenxiao Pavilion to take care of himself, but Shenxiao Pavilion also relies on Li Qiuyu's fame to fill Shenxiao Pavilion. facade.

This Li Qiuyu also knows, just don't say it, everyone knows it in their hearts. Although the overall strength of Shenxiao Island is not in the top ten of Tianda, it is also a super island.

Wen Tianqing is a member of Shenxiao Pavilion, and he also wants to rely on Shenxiao Pavilion to strengthen his own strength. If Shenxiao Pavilion's status in Shenxiao Island can be raised to another level, his status in Shenxiao Pavilion will also rise.

At first, he just promised his master and the seniors of Shenxiao Pavilion to take care of Li Qiuyu, but he didn't expect that he would encounter benefits. In such a matter, he didn't need to work hard at all, and he could completely make his name famous.

In less than a moment, there were no less than 500 monks who came to the front of the shop, ranging from Qi training to Yuanying stage. When they saw the three characters Shendange, they all showed a hint of disdain, but because Wen Tianqing Yuanying In the mid-stage of cultivation, I dare not say it clearly, the word "Shendan Pavilion" is really a big taboo.

"The Divine Pill Pavilion is officially established today. This pavilion will not contain low-level and mid-level pills, but all high-level pills, high-level Qi training pills, and second-grade high-level pills."

"No way, high-level pills, in Tianhai, there must be no high-level pills, and the word "Shen Dan Pavilion" is too exaggerated."

Before Wen Tianqing could finish speaking, there was already a lot of discussion below. The words "advanced elixir" still had too much impact on the monks.

"That's right, senior, high-level pills have really never appeared in Tianhai. Even if there are, there can't be too many of them."

"Advanced qi training pills and advanced second-grade pills are useful for monks in the qi training stage, foundation building stage, and even alchemy stage, but they shouldn't be of much help to us monks in the nascent infant stage."

A Nascent Soul cultivator said in surprise that although the advanced Qi training pill and the second-grade high-grade pill have a great impact on people, but he is a Nascent Soul cultivator, and the two pills are useless to him.

"Fellow daoists, be quiet first, whether it is a high-grade elixir or not, fellow daoists will know at a glance."

Wen Tianqing said lightly, with a smile on his face, and his heart was filled with joy. Seeing the horror of others made him happy, even though he did not refine the elixir.

"Senior really has a high-level pill that can be seen by the junior and others. Even if the family goes bankrupt, they still have to buy one."

A foundation-building monk said loudly, with a respectful tone in his voice, but he obviously didn't believe in the existence of high-level elixirs.

"Okay, fellow daoists, please take a look, this is the high-level Qi training pill that I even know."

After Wen Tianqing finished speaking, with a movement of consciousness, two high-level Lian Khitans shot out from the jade bottle, and the directions they shot happened to be a monk of the Nascent Soul Stage and a monk of the Foundation Establishment Stage.


"Hey, it's really a high-level Qi training pill, and the quality reaches [-]%, which is too scary."

"That's right, it's really an advanced stage of Qi training. As long as you improve a bit, you can definitely reach the top-grade elixir. The level of this elixir has reached the quasi-high-grade."

The two monks watched the elixir flying towards them. The elixir left a scent in the air, which cheered up all the monks. Finally, the monks in the foundation building stage held the elixir in their hands.

His eyes were studying on the elixir, the expression on his face slowly changed, and finally he closed his eyes, and his nose kept sniffing gently. The grade speaks out.

After he finished speaking, the other monks still didn't believe it, thinking that this foundation-building monk had misunderstood the high-level elixir, and it was still 90.00% seven standard.

All eyes were on the Nascent Soul cultivator. The higher the strength, the more convincing the words. If this Nascent Soul cultivator said the same thing as the Foundation Establishment cultivator, it must be a very high-level elixir.

Yuanying stage monks were initially dismissive of Qi Lian Pill, but seeing the quality of this elixir, they really had to be convinced. High-level elixir knocked down such a quality, and in Tianhai, it was simply a legend.

Seeing other monks looking at him, he said it with a smile. After finishing speaking, the other monks showed surprise expressions on their faces.

"Advanced qi training pills, this pavilion is not lying."

Wen Tianqing said with a smile, she didn't believe it at first, but after seeing the elixir, the expression on her face was no different from that of these monks, and the one behind her was a monk in the transformation stage of a holy alchemist.

The cultivators at the stage of transforming gods should be said to be transcendent existences, but Your Excellency the Holy Alchemist is even more of a symbol of supremacy, even the cultivators at the stage of transforming gods would not dare to offend.

"Fellow Daoist Wen, the high-level qi-training Dana is indeed true, and the quality has never been seen in Tianhai. I'm afraid you were not the one who refined this elixir. The second-grade high-level elixir you mentioned is also high-level. Let me see it below." look."

There was a Nascent Soul cultivator who was a little surprised when he saw two monks identify the grade and quality of the elixir. After the two monks returned the elixir to Wen Tianqing, he said to Wen Tianqing.

"This is natural. This pavilion will give you more surprises for fellow Taoists, so please look forward to it."

Li Qiuyu was meditating inside, and there were four peerless beauties not far from him. Although he was not outside, his spiritual sense was outside, and he controlled everything in his own hands.

Wen Tianqing also paid more attention to this. Although the strength of the Nascent Soul in the middle stage was not worth mentioning in his eyes, his ability to do things still had to be recognized.

This kind of questioning by the monks made them slowly laugh at the horrified information, and it could impact the psychology of these monks even more powerfully.

After Wen Tianqing finished speaking, he changed the jade bottle and put it in the storage bag. With a movement of consciousness, a jade bottle appeared in his hand, and then poured out two pills in it, and shot the two pills at the two monk.

This time the elixir was received by two monks at the alchemy stage. The monks at the alchemy stage can fully see the quality of the elixir, and there are other elixir to make them firm.

"That's right, the quality of the second-grade high-grade elixir has reached 90.00% three."

"Fellow Daoist Luo is right. This elixir is the same. It is completely made by an alchemist. It is a high-level second-grade elixir. I believe only high-level alchemists have the opportunity."

The two monks at the alchemy stage looked at the elixir in their hands, and finally looked at each other with surprise in their eyes. After exchanging opinions, the two also stated the quality and grade of the elixir.

"And that fellow daoist doubts the quality of this second-grade elixir?"

Wen Tianqing said loudly, holding the two elixir in his hands, and looked around. After a while, no one doubted the quality of the elixir, and two monks in the alchemy stage had already checked it.

If you go to appraise it yourself, you will clearly not believe the two monks in the formation stage. Besides, the advanced Qi training pill in front of you has also been checked out by the monks in the Yuanying stage.

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