Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 707 Great Cultivator Tianhui

"Since no fellow daoist doubts the quality and grade of the pill, it is enough to prove that the pill from our Shendan Pavilion is a real high-level medicine, and it also matches the three words of Shendan Pavilion."

Wen Tianqing didn't make excuses for the words "Shendan Pavilion", but wanted to follow the psychology of the monks and slowly challenge the psychology of these monks.

"Fellow Daoist Wen, high-level qi training pills and second-grade high-level pills are good, but it's not that simple to be called a divine pill pavilion just by relying on two kinds of pills."

A Nascent Soul cultivator said with a smile. Although his tone was polite, his voice was not so friendly. In Shenxiao Island, many powerful people had a feeling of repulsion towards Shenxiao Pavilion.

"Fellow daoists are right. Two high-level elixirs cannot prove the skill of the Shendan Pavilion, but what do you think if there are third- and fourth-level high-level elixirs?"

Wen Tianqing was extremely happy. What he wanted was such an effect. If he said all the elixir first, it would definitely not have such a good effect. He wanted these monks to come up with it themselves.

"Third-grade high-grade pills, and fourth-grade high-grade pills. You, Wen Daoyou, are joking. The two high-grade pills are already good. If there are really three high-grade and fourth-grade high-grade pills, I will be convinced."

"Predecessors are right, third-grade and fourth-grade high-grade pills, our monks at the alchemy stage and the nascent soul stage can also increase their cultivation bases, so we won't worry about cultivation bases anymore."

Some monks also began to cater to them and said that they also wanted to see the high-grade pills of the third and fourth grades. This was also Wen Tianqing's fault.

The other monks didn't even know that there were third-rank and fourth-rank high-level pills, let alone fifth-rank and sixth-rank pills.Naturally, she would be played around by Wen Tianqing.

"Look, everyone, here is a third-grade high-grade pill, and this fourth-grade high-grade pill, let all fellow Taoists carefully identify it."

With a move of consciousness, Wen Tianqing shot two pills towards each other. The two monks at the Nascent Soul stage waved one hand, grabbed one of them in their hands, and finally looked at the pills quietly.

When the other monks saw the two pills being grabbed by two Nascent Soul stage monks, they all looked over and waited for the result, with a little joy in their hearts.

The fact that Wen Tianqing was able to take out the elixir in front of everyone proved that she was certain, without three-thirds, how dare she go to Liangshan.

If it is really a high-grade pill of the third and fourth grade, I and others will have the opportunity to buy the pill with spirit stones and increase my cultivation base.

In Tianhai, there are still a lot of low-level pills of the third and fourth grades, but the pills of the third and fourth grades are very expensive, and they are not willing to buy them. Now there are high-grade third- and fourth-grade pills.

A third-rank high-level pill is equivalent to a fourth-rank pill, and a fourth-rank high-level pill is equivalent to a fifth-rank pill. If you can get some, you will be very lucky.

After receiving the elixir, the monks in the Nascent Soul Stage closed their eyes at the same time, and brought the elixir in their hands close to their noses. The first time a senior monk appraised the elixir was to smell its smell, and the smell can also reflect the quality of the elixir one.

In an instant, the expressions of the two monks slowly changed, from surprise to horror, and finally to surprise. Finally, they opened their eyes and looked carefully at the pill.

"That's right, the quality of the third-grade high-grade elixir has reached 80.00% Qi."

"The fourth-grade elixir in the hands of this deity is also high-grade, with a quality of 90.00%."

The two Nascent Soul stage monks waited for a while, asked about their mood, and finally spoke. After speaking, they reluctantly shot two pills towards Wen Tianqing.

Although this elixir is very good, but Wen Tianqing is a cultivator of Shenxiao Pavilion, and the strength of Shenxiao Pavilion is the most powerful force on Shenxiao Island, so they will naturally not offend Wen Tianqing for a elixir.

Not to mention offending Shenxiao Pavilion, although this Shendan Pavilion did not say that it belonged to Shenxiao Pavilion, but there is definitely a connection between the two, otherwise Wen Tianqing from Shenxiao Pavilion would not have appeared in this place.

"It's really a third-grade high-grade elixir."

"I didn't expect there to be a fourth-grade high-level pill."

"Friend Daoist Wen, the price of this elixir is very expensive."

"The price should be high."

The sound of astonishment was absolutely unreasonable, and it took a long time to calm down, but there were still many monks who wanted to sigh, or asked Wen Tianqing the price of the elixir, but Wen Tianqing didn't answer.

With a mysterious smile on his face, the third-rank and fourth-rank high-level Taoists have already shocked the city like this. If the fifth-rank and sixth-rank pills are taken out, will these monks be able to bear it?

"A holy alchemist is a holy alchemist, and he can bring surprises and shocks to other monks at any time."

Wen Tianqing ignored these monks, thinking secretly in his heart that he wanted to pay attention to how to reveal the fifth-rank and sixth-rank pills. Although Li Qiuyu didn't give him sixth-rank pills, Li Qiuyu had already said that sixth-rank pills are Those that exist will also be unveiled this time, and the sixth-grade elixirs must be taken care of by themselves.

"Fellow daoists, what's the price? It's not expensive!"

Wen Tianqing was always challenging the psychology of the monks. After talking about the price, she paused for a moment, and finally whispered the word "not expensive".

"Not expensive?"

"How much is not expensive?"

"What conditions are needed, can senior Wen tell you."

Some monks couldn't wait to ask, after the quality of the elixir was confirmed, what they were most concerned about was the price, usually the third or fourth grade elixir, the price was sky-high, and even there was no market for it.

"The price is indeed not expensive. Let's put this price aside first. Let's talk about our Shendan Pavilion first. The Shendan Pavilion was established by the top holy alchemist Li Qiuyu. His Excellency Li Qiuyu is the number one in Tianhai. The elixir refined by the holy alchemist is absolutely unparalleled."

"If you want to talk about the Shendan Pavilion, only the Holy Alchemist Li Qiuyu can be called. In Tianhai, there is a Holy Alchemist who can refine high-level medicine."

Wen Tianqing said loudly, looking around, some low-level disciples kept nodding, there were only five or six of His Excellency the Holy Alchemist in Tianhai, but they didn't see any of them.

"Your Excellency the Holy Alchemist?"

"Your Excellency the Holy Alchemist appeared on Shenxiao Island, right?"

Some monks in the alchemy period said in surprise that their cultivation base is not high, but they have heard a lot of anecdotes in the cultivation world. His Excellency the Holy Alchemist is the supreme existence in Tianhai.

This Wen Tianqing said that the high-level elixir refiner is His Excellency the number one holy alchemist, and no one dared to object at all, because no one could refine high-level elixir due to lack.

However, there are still a few Nascent Soul cultivators who disagree with Wen Tianqing's words, but they can't find a reason to object for a while. If they really have a reason, they can only bring in another Holy Alchemist to compete. It must be able to refine high-level elixir.

It’s just that I’m dissatisfied, partly because of Wen Tianqing’s influence, and partly because I have some doubts about the identity and strength of His Excellency the Holy Alchemist appearing on Shenxiao Island. division.

"Your Excellency Li Qiuyu, the Holy Alchemist? But the Holy Alchemist of Yunhai Island, Your Excellency Li Qiuyu?"

A monk in the late stage of alchemy said in surprise, his face was full of excitement, and his voice became louder, and he couldn't control it at all.

"This fellow Taoist knows His Excellency the Holy Alchemist? Yes, His Excellency the Holy Alchemist Li Qiuyu is the Holy Alchemist Li Qiuyu of the Divine Alchemy Pavilion on Yunhai Island. It seems that the fellow Taoist has a lot of knowledge."

Wen Tianqing was also startled, he just heard his master casually mentioned Li Qiuyu, the Holy Alchemist of Yunhai Island, but he didn't expect that someone actually knew about the Holy Alchemist of Yunhai Island.

"It turns out that it is really Your Excellency Li Qiuyu. The younger generation followed Master to Yunhai Island decades ago. Yunhai Island happened to be competing for the position of the top ten princesses. This is not a big deal. The most famous thing is the appearance of Yunming City." I got a holy alchemist, Your Excellency."

"Your Excellency Sheng Alchemy and our Supreme Elder, this time, at the invitation of the elders, go to Shenxiao Island to refine some pills for fellow Taoists, and to do our part for the fellows of Shenxiao Island. Take out the pills you are good at in exchange for medicinal materials and spirit stones."

"This is the fifth-rank Tianchen pill, the advanced fifth-rank Tianchen pill, all fellow Taoists are blessed."

Wen Tianqing sacrificed a jade bottle, and then with a movement of consciousness, a pill was shot out, and an astonishing aura rushed towards the monks.

"Ah, what a powerful aura."

"Fifth grade elixir, fifth grade elixir? Did you hear me wrong?"

"A fifth-grade high-level elixir, do you want to exchange it for spirit stones and medicinal materials?"

"Is this spiritual energy really a fifth-grade elixir?"

After Wen Tianqing said it, all the monks were completely taken aback. At the beginning, the high-level pills were already shocking enough, and the identity of the holy alchemist also had a powerful impact on the psychology of the monks.

The moment the elixir appeared, the astonishing spiritual energy attracted everyone, and they were all surprised, and now they are almost numb.

"Of course, that fellow daoist needs to appraise it. This is a high-grade fifth-rank Tianchen pill."

As soon as Wen Tianqing released his hand, the elixir was automatically suspended in the air, and it kept spinning, and traces of aura radiated outward. The monks above the foundation stage could clearly feel the spirituality in the elixir.

"The breath, aura, and spirituality of the elixir have already proved the level of the elixir, but I still need to really experience this fifth-grade high-level Tianchen elixir."

A loud voice came, and everyone looked towards the sound, only to see a monk with thick eyebrows and big eyes walking towards this side.

Every time he took a step, the whole ground trembled, and with a rough smile on his face, he walked directly towards Wen Tianqing.

"Brother Tianhui, I haven't seen you for a hundred years. I didn't expect my cultivation to reach the peak in the later period. I'm really happy to congratulate you."

When Wen Tianqing saw the person coming, his expression froze in the next year, and then he smiled again. Naturally, his disciples of Shen Xiao Pavilion would not be afraid of a big monk, and there were several monks at the transformation stage behind him.

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