Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 708 Tianhui's Anger

"Wen Tianqing, I didn't expect that you were still at the peak in the mid-term. I saw the excitement here, but I didn't expect that you were selling pills, and the pills are very good. I should take a good look at them."

Tianhui said loudly that the other monks looked at this monk in a daze. Although they wanted to know whether the pill was true or not, the appearance of this big monk was too disgusting.

The big monk can ignore all the monks present, but the big monk is the big monk, no one dares to provoke him, so he can only look at Tianhui quietly.

Tianhui reached out and grabbed the elixir suspended in the air. The elixir kept trembling, as if trying to break free from Tianhui's control. All the monks were horrified. The spirituality of this elixir was already like this.

It's just that there is not much to see from the outside. It is obvious that when the alchemist is refining, the spirituality is suppressed in the elixir, and the spirituality should not leak out as much as possible.

It seems that His Excellency the Holy Alchemist's control over refining pills has reached a peak, and he gradually admires this Holy Alchemist who has not met.

The mana in Tianhui's hands continued to increase, and the pill was always a pill, and Tianhui finally grabbed it in his hand, but after getting the pill, he was still struggling in his hand.

"That's right, it's really a fifth-grade high-grade pill, Tianchen Pill, a fifth-grade high-grade Tianchen Pill."

Laughing loudly, his eyes never shifted from the elixir, and he regarded these monks as invisible people at all, just paying attention to the elixir in his hand.

"Fellow Tianhui, this elixir should be good."

Seeing Tianhui's appearance, Wen Tianqing was stunned, and then overjoyed. Although this Tianhui was powerful and not something he could deal with, he could deal with countless monks of Tianhui.

Shenxiao Pavilion in my backstage, and His Excellency the Holy Alchemy Master of Shendan Pavilion, who is also a cultivator in the transformation stage, naturally wouldn't worry that Tianhui would dare to snatch this elixir.

On the contrary, I still want Tianhui to snatch this pill in my heart. If so, Tianhui's fate can be imagined, and Li Qiuyu will not blame herself.

"The elixir is good, but the price of this elixir is not yet known, Wen Tianqing, you haven't said the price yet."

Tianhui said loudly, it looks like she wants to take this elixir away, no matter what the price is, the other monks can see that she is bound to get it.

At the same time, I was horrified, it was really a fifth-rank high-level Tianchen pill, it seems that the strength of this holy alchemist is really good.

"Fellow daoists, this pavilion will not exchange spirit stones for this fifth-grade elixir. It needs medicinal materials or materials to exchange."

Wen Tianqing ignored Tianhui, but looked at the cultivator in front of her, and briefly explained the conditions to be exchanged for the Shendan Pavilion, and carefully exchanged the conditions, and had to wait to check on the jade card.

"No spirit stones, just medicinal materials?"

"These medicinal materials should be cherished."

"Fellow Daoist Wen might as well talk about the medicinal materials that are exchanged for the elixir. The medicinal materials exchanged for this fifth-grade elixir should be all treasures of heaven and earth?"

All the monks present looked at Wen Tianqing curiously, and Tianhui showed a trace of anger on his face, this Wen Tianqing ignored himself at all.

"Wen Tianqing, what kind of medicinal materials does this elixir need? Is this how Shendan Pavilion neglects customers?" Tianhui said lightly, and the anger on his face became more and more intense.

The entire front of the shop was suppressed by an invisible coercion, and more than a dozen Nascent Soul stage monks could not move at all, with horrified expressions on their faces.

I secretly regretted it in my heart, it seemed that this time I was about to suffer from Yuchi, this big monk of Tianhui Mingxin wanted this fifth-grade high-level Tianchen pill.

Wen Tianqing had no joy or worry on his face, but his whole body was suppressed by coercion, but he was happy in his heart. In front of the monks of the transformation stage, if he dared to be so arrogant, he should be punished a little.

"This elixir, the Holy Alchemist of this pavilion, has already said that it cannot be exchanged for spirit stones. You need to use golden leaf orchids, red moon beads, alfalfa grass, Ji Yujin, and millions of years of medicinal materials."

Wen Tianqing uttered some high-level materials, and every time he mentioned the name and year of a medicinal material, the expressions on the faces of these monks became more dignified.

"In addition to these medicinal materials, can't other medicinal materials be used instead?"

When Tianhui heard Wen Tianqing's words, her heart sank slowly. These medicinal materials are all treasures of heaven and earth, and they are very rare to see.

I have a lot of spiritual stones on my body, and several medicinal materials have already been replaced with spiritual stones. Such luck is really difficult. I didn't expect that this elixir can only be exchanged with medicinal materials.

"Yes, but they are all precious materials that are more than 50 years old, and medicinal herbs that are millions of years old, and..." After a while, Wen Tianqing said the names of dozens of medicinal materials and materials.

But there is nothing that Tianhui can produce now, and the hope of exchanging the medicinal materials for this elixir is very small. The only hope is to forcefully buy this elixir.

"This is just a high-grade fifth-grade elixir. In Tianhai, the price of such a elixir should be around [-] million. Since this elixir is high-grade, the deity will pay [-] million."

Tianhui pondered for a while, and finally said to Wen Tianqing that as a big monk, he wanted to exchange for a elixir, and he bought it with Lingshi. I believe it is generally because of his strength that he would not blame himself.

Besides, I have tripled the price, so the chance of being blamed is very small. Besides, the Shendan Pavilion has just started opening, so it won't offend many people.

"The elixir of this seat cannot be exchanged with spirit stones. You can only exchange this elixir with ingredients or materials. Otherwise, fellow daoist, please put down the elixir in your hand."

A voice came out, the voice was flat, without any anger, and it was impossible to understand the expression of the speaker.

"Hehe, who is it? Come out with this deity, and this deity wants to buy a elixir, isn't it okay? Is this how your Shendan Pavilion treats customers."

Tianhui was startled, her voice came to her ears like a gust of wind, she didn't know what kind of cultivation the monk who spoke was.

"The Shendan Pavilion is like this. Whether you want to buy it or not, I don't lack spirit stones. I will give you three breaths to put away the pills and leave, so that I won't be angry."

There was still no anger in the voice, and the other monks were very curious, wondering how the monk who spoke had the guts to talk to a big monk.

In their eyes, great monks are already top-level existences. Although there are monks in the stage of transformation, those monks in the stage of transformation are all seen once in hundreds of years, and all of them are practicing in seclusion.

With Wen Tianqing, a monk in the mid-Yuanying period, there will naturally be no monks in the transformation stage, or there will be big monks of the same class talking in it.

It's just that everyone is suppressed by the coercion now, unable to move, they can only watch Tianhui standing there holding the elixir.

"Haha, what an arrogant tone, even if you are a senior in the transformation stage, I won't be vague. I want to see, so what if I don't put down the pill within three breaths."

Tianhui was already irritated by Wen Tianqing, and now she is threatened by a secret monk. Her existence at the peak of a great monk can resist for a while even in front of a monk in the transformation stage.

He also knew that cultivators at the stage of transformation would not appear easily, and even if they did, they would not do so easily. The speed of life of cultivators at the stage of transformation was several times faster than that of other monks.

Li Qiuyu also felt it when he did it, but he can control the mana, as long as the mana is not exhausted, the longevity will not be lost.

I can also feel the difficulty of recovering the magic power of the cultivators in the transformation stage. It is definitely not a matter of a day or two to restore the exhausted mana to the peak of its full glory.

There is Tianying Pill, which will not easily exhaust its mana at all. Even if it is exhausted, it can recover instantly. This is when Tianying Pill really shows its value.

Tianhui has reached the peak in the later period, and he has mastered some understanding of the world, otherwise he would not dare to cause trouble in the Shendan Pavilion on Shenxiao Island.

Although there was no real trouble, in Li Qiuyu's eyes, this Tianhui had already challenged his majesty, and a holy alchemist in the transformation stage could not be insulted lightly.

Since he dared to make trouble in front of his Shendan Pavilion, he should get the punishment he deserved. He also saw that Wen Tianqing had some dissatisfaction with this Tianhui, but Tianhui was hindered by the power of Shenxiao Pavilion, and Wen Tianqing was hindered by Tianhui's strength .

He just wanted to use Li Qiuyu or Shenxiao Pavilion's influence to punish Tianhui, so as to relieve his hatred, and secretly laughed in his heart. Every time Shendan Pavilion was established, there would always be some unlucky people who would let him stand up.

"Okay, I'll come out now and see what qualifications you have to make trouble in front of me. I have already said that there is no shortage of spirit stones in the Shendan Pavilion."

Li Qiuyu opened his eyes, stood up slowly, looked at Xiao Hanyue's four daughters, and gave the four of them a comforting look.

The four of them spent more time together, so they naturally knew that Li Qiuyu didn't need the four of them to show up. Xiao Qiuyue nodded to Li Qiuyu, and then they continued to practice themselves, and Li Qiuyu also slowly walked outside.

In a short while, Li Qiuyu's figure appeared in front of all the monks. The snow-white clothes all over his body set off his chic and elegant appearance, making people lower their heads involuntarily.

Everyone couldn't see the young man's cultivation, but the young man was walking outside without being suppressed by coercion at all, as if the coercion didn't exist at all.

Tianhui's eyes also became horrified. Her own strength was also a top existence among the great monks of the same class. Among the coercion of oneself.

"Could it be that this young man in white with no cultivation is a cultivator in the transformation stage?"

"Impossible, even a cultivator at the stage of transforming gods can tell with my cultivation."

A monk in the Nascent Soul stage wondered secretly, but he still couldn't see the cultivation level of this white-clothed boy, or this white-clothed boy had no cultivation level at all and was not a monk.

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