It's just that this young man in white can walk under the coercion of the great monk Tianhui, and he doesn't have the slightest feeling. The only possibility is that the young man in front of him is a very powerful master, a master in the transformation stage.

The cultivators in the stage of transforming gods sit here, no wonder they dare to take out such a pill, and naturally they don't worry about Tianhui, a great monk, scrambling for the pill.

"This seat has already come out, this seat wants to see how fellow daoists are doing?"

Li Qiuyu said softly, Lian Shan waved his hand with a hint of a smile, and a mysterious breath was drawn towards the big monk Tianhui. The big monk didn't react at all, and everything in his body actually disappeared. The coercion was also broken.


Brother Tianhui spat out a mouthful of blood, and showed a look of horror. This young man in white, who seemed to have no cultivation base at all, had unfathomable strength. In front of him, he had no chance of fighting back.

All the monks present started their normal activities, but the big monk Tianhui was pale and clutched his chest, blood dripping from the corner of his mouth.

"Senior, forgive me, but this junior just wants this elixir."

Brother Tianhui finally woke up, and hurriedly said respectfully, expecting that the white-clothed monk in this transformation stage can bypass him, so as not to be killed.

After nearly a thousand years of practice, in the world of self-cultivation, he has never encountered such a terrifying cultivator at the transformation stage, nor has he felt such a sense of crisis.

"You think about this elixir, I said that I can't use spirit stones to buy high-level elixir, didn't you hear that only first- and second-grade elixir can be purchased with spirit stones, and other elixirs are In exchange for medicinal materials."

"Besides, the Divine Pill Pavilion in this seat can definitely be called the Divine Pill Pavilion. Take a look at the elixir in my hand."

Li Qiuyu pondered for a while, and with a movement of consciousness, a white jade bottle appeared in the picture in his hand. After looking around, he fell the jade bottle in his hand, and a pill rolled out.

"Heavenly Spirit Pill! Sixth Grade Heavenly Spirit Pill. It is really a sixth grade Heavenly Spirit Pill. The rumored Heavenly Spirit Pill has appeared."

A monk in the mid-Yuanying period yelled out in horror, his eyes were quietly looking at the Tianling Pill in Li Qiuyu's hand, and his voice was trembling.

"Sixth Grade Pill?"

"Heavenly panacea?"

"Isn't the sixth-grade pill the panacea in the panacea?"

After the mid-Yuan Ying monk shouted out, everyone looked at the pill in Li Qiuyu's hand in surprise, and then looked at the mid-Yuan Ying monk with doubts.

"That's right. This is the sixth-grade celestial spirit pill. I also have one in my hand. This pill is one of the three that my master got from an ancient cave 500 years ago. I have never been willing to use it."

"A hundred years ago, when the master's longevity was about to reach its limit, he used the Tianling Pill to attack the key points, thus breaking through the late stage of the Nascent Soul, and now he is a peak monk. I am also planning to use this elixir to hit the realm of a late-stage great monk. , haha, I never thought that someone in this world would actually refine a sixth-grade elixir."

The monk in the mid-Yuanying period cautiously took out a storage bag from his arms. Inside the storage bag was a brocade box, which was pasted with more than ten forbidden spirit charms. The pill was exactly the same as the one in Li Qiuyu's hand.

"Since fellow daoist possesses the sixth-grade celestial spirit pill, and has also seen Master Ling take the celestial spirit elixir, what do you think of the celestial spirit elixir in my hand?"

Li Qiuyu was also taken aback, she didn't expect to find the Heavenly Spirit Pill in the ancient cave mansion, she was really lucky, and even broke through to the later stages of the Great Cultivator relying on the Heavenly Spirit Pill.

After finishing speaking, he looked towards the middle-stage Nascent Soul cultivator, and after his eyes landed on the mid-stage Nascent Soul cultivator, the pill in his hand also flew towards the mid-stage Nascent Soul cultivator.


A few Nascent Soul stage monks saw Li Qiuyu's movements without the slightest movement. They were horrified that they could solve everything completely by their minds. Only a little bit of fur can be touched, but this young monk can easily grasp it.

"Thank you for your love, senior."

The monk in the mid-Yuanying period saw Li Qiuyu shoot the pill at him, and his face was happy. Since this monk in the transformation stage can make himself firm with the pill, it means that he is still useful.

"Yes, there is nothing wrong with the sixth-grade Tianling Pill. It is exactly the same as the Tianling Pill in my hand. However, the quality of the pill refined by the senior is much better than the quality of the pill in my hand. The quality has reached 90.00." %one."

Yuanying Zhongqi carefully inspected the pill that Li Qiuyu handed over, and the expression on his face gradually changed. The other monks thought there was something wrong with the pill, but after the Yuanying Middle Stage monk finished speaking, they realized Why did Nascent Soul's complexion change in the middle stage?

"Advanced sixth-grade elixir!"

All the monks were staring at the mid-term monk's elixir, with greed in their eyes, but with this young monk in white here, they were constantly chilling in their hearts, and they didn't dare to have a wrong heart.

"That's right, the sixth-grade elixir refined by me needs to be exchanged for medicinal materials. This lord refined it together with Fairy Qinglong. In order to show my support to fellow Taoists, Fairy Qinglong decides the destination of this elixir." .”

Li Qiuyu smiled, and finally transmitted the sound, and the sound transmission reached Qing Ji's ears, and within a moment, a peerless girl came out, every step was full of innate connotations.

Even the Nine Heavens Xuannv couldn't reach her, Qing Qian came to Li Qiuyu's side, and the two stood side by side, the man was chic and elegant, and the woman was beautiful and charming.

Standing together, they are a natural couple, and Li Qiuyu is a monk in the stage of transformation, and this girl who just came out is also in the stage of transformation.

"This elixir was refined by His Excellency Li Qiuyu, the holy alchemist. This elixir is the first elixir bought by Shendan Pavilion on Shenxiao Island. Whoever pays the highest price will own this elixir. We Your Excellency the Holy Alchemist can also refine other high-level elixirs, and the sixth-grade elixir is not a kind of medicine, so please bid for it, fellow daoists."

Qing Ni smiled coquettishly at Li Qiuyu, her delicate face was like a flower, what is called a smile of a thousand flowers, it was Qing Ni's smile, which made the monks present lose their souls.

"Thank you Holy Alchemist Your Excellency and Fairy Qingji, the sixth-grade high-level celestial elixir is already a panacea, and this value really cannot be replaced by spirit stones. The younger generation will produce 5000 million low-level spirit stones, so let's attract others."

After Qing Chi finished speaking, for a moment, the entire front of the shop was silent, only this Nascent Soul monk was the first to wake up, and after he said 5000 million, other monks were also awakened by his voice.

"6000 low-level spirit stones."

"7000 low-level spirit stones."

After the first Nascent Soul monk opened his mouth, other monks rushed to bid, and an open auction field appeared outside the shop.

Generally speaking, auction houses are not allowed to appear, and this leads to the emergence of underground auction houses. These auction houses are also some monks who kill people to seize treasures and sell them through the underground auction houses.

It was also Li Qiuyu's instruction that Qing Li exchanged spirit stones for this first pill. The purpose was to push Qing Li out so that other monks would know about Qing Li. The location of the scorpion.

Unexpectedly, an auction field was formed in this place. In less than a moment, the price had been raised to [-] million low-level spirit stones. Although the most powerful here are only mid-term monks, these monks know that this sixth-rank high-level spirit stone , after being obtained by oneself, it can fully exert its value several times.

Some monks wanted to use this elixir to reach a higher level. Only those monks at the alchemy stage did not open their mouths, because the first monk asked for a price of 5000 million. If it was 5000 or [-], they could still do it. Take it out, but [-] million is definitely an astronomical figure for them.

The last Nascent Soul cultivator bought the Heavenly Spirit Pill with 3000 million low-level spirit stones. After getting the Heavenly Spirit Pill, the Nascent Soul cultivator had a look of surprise on his face, and finally bowed to Qing Xiang and Li Qiuyu and left. .

"Fellow daoists, you all know the value of this elixir. I am a holy alchemist, but it's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice. What I need are medicinal materials. Some medicinal materials are worth tens of thousands of spirits to you. There are only a few thousand spirit stones, but often these medicinal materials may be exchanged for sixth-grade celestial spirit pills or better medicines in this Shendan Pavilion."

Li Qiuyu said loudly, and finally asked Wen Tianqing to show the jade card, the year of the medicinal materials on it, the exchange ratio, and the price of the first and second grade high-grade elixir.

"This high-level Qi training pill only needs five thousand low-level spirit stones?"

A monk at the alchemy stage said in surprise that when he saw the price of the elixir, he immediately showed a puzzled look on his face, and finally said it out loud, and other monks also looked at Li Qiuyu.

"That's right, I said that there is no shortage of spirit stones in the Shendan Pavilion. With the means of my holy alchemist, is there still a lack of spirit stones? What is the use of spirit stones for me, so the price of this first-grade and second-grade pill Not expensive."

Li Qiuyu nodded, and said to these people suspiciously, with a slight smile on his face, and finally walked inside with Qingqi.

"I bypassed you this time. If you really had eyes, you wouldn't mess with me. Remember, my name is Li Qiuyu. I won't be so lucky next time."

When Li Qiuyu entered the door, she turned around and said to the big monk who was afraid to move, and looked at the big monk Tianhui with sharp eyes.

"Thank you senior for your mercy, this junior will never dare again."

Brother Tianhui saluted Li Qiuyu respectfully and said, in such a situation, even if he wanted to die, he would not offend this young man in white. If you want to draw your soul and refine your soul, it will be too late even if you want to die.

At that time, death may be a kind of relief, death, at least without pain, may be reborn, if the soul is drawn out, there will be no chance of reincarnation.

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