Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 710 The Ling Family Visits

"The fifth-grade Tianchen pill, [-] million low-level spirit stones, I bought it for you. You are lucky, next time someone mentions using spirit stones to buy third-grade pills, kill them one by one."

After Li Qiuyu's voice fell, the whole person and Qing Chi disappeared into the door, leaving only Wen Tianqing and big monk Tianhui. The other monks were horrified, but Tianhui's face was full of regret.

3000 million low-level spirit stones bought a fifth-grade high-level Tianchen pill, while other monks used [-] million low-level spirit stones to buy a sixth-grade high-level Tianchen pill.

Although there is only one rank difference between the fifth rank and the sixth rank, the difference in preciousness and efficacy between the two is indeed a thousand miles away.

If I had known that there was a sixth-grade high-level Tianchen Pill, I would not have used [-] million low-grade spirit stones to forcefully buy a fifth-grade Tianchen Pill. One hit, not to mention the injury, but also offended His Excellency the Holy Alchemist.

"Fellow Tianhui, the fifth-grade Tianchen Pill is already in your hands, please take [-] million low-level spirit stones."

Wen Tianqing said lightly, feeling uneasy, and Li Qiuyu also warned him through sound transmission that he didn't want to see such a thing for the second time. He knew that Li Qiuyu knew what he was thinking long ago.

I really can't do this kind of thing again in the future. In front of the cultivator of the transformation stage, how could I be so small as to be able to hide the truth from the monk of the transformation stage in white.

But after Li Qiuyu left, he calmed down for a while, and finally turned his eyes to Brother Tianhui, with a serious look on his face.

"Wen Tianqing, okay, I have yours. These are [-] million low-level spirit stones. You can count them."

Brother Tianhui glanced at Wen Tianqing, took out a storage bag helplessly, threw it towards Wen Tianqing, his face twitched, obviously he was reluctant to part with the spirit stones in the storage bag, you must know that [-] million spirit stones are almost All his belongings.

"Haha, that's right. Fellow Daoist Tianhui is also considered lucky. Let alone 30 million elixir, even [-] billion low-level spirit stones will never be bought."

Wen Tianqing said with a smile, he was right, judging from Li Qiuyu's tone, these pills were not something that could be exchanged for spirit stones.

"Hmph, the number of spirit stones is not bad."

The big monk Tianhui asked Wen Tianqing, this monk at the transformation stage is here, and he has nothing to do with Wen Tianqing in front of him.

"The spirit stone is good. Fellow Daoist Tianhui still needs to buy elixirs, advanced qi training elixirs and second-grade advanced elixirs, but other elixirs need medicinal materials in exchange."

After Wen Tianqing finished speaking, she walked to the other side, preparing to exchange for other pills, because Li Qiuyu said that the Shendan Pavilion only operates for four hours a day, and the door will not be open at other times.

Great monk Tianhui put away the elixir, and left feeling depressed. The sixth-grade elixir passed away, and the fifth-grade elixir cost [-] million, but there was no way, but his luck was bad.

"Dear friends, if you need pills, please queue up, but before buying pills, please be careful about the exchange rate and conditions on the jade card, so as not to affect the time to buy pills. The business hours of this pavilion are two hours in the morning. At two o'clock in the afternoon, other aristocratic families will not operate."

When Wen Tianqing saw that big monk Tianhui left, he said to the other monks, and then retreated. The other monks who reacted quickly went to the door of the shop, trying to be the first to take pictures.

We all know that there are cultivators at the stage of transforming gods sitting in the Shendan Pavilion, and they dare not cause trouble. They have to act according to the rules of the Shendan Pavilion. In one day, the total number of monks traded is only more than [-] people, and most of them are practicing Qi. Stage and Foundation Establishment Stage, there are also a few Dandan Stage and Nascent Soul Stage.

The news of the appearance of the Shendan Pavilion on Shenxiao Island has also spread throughout the entire Shenxiao Island. The Shendan Pavilion has high-level elixirs, and there are fifth-rank and sixth-rank elixirs.

There is even a cultivator in the stage of transforming gods sitting in the town. The difference between Shenxiao Pavilion and Shendan Pavilion is one word, which links Shenxiao Pavilion and Shendan Pavilion together.

The appearance of high-grade elixirs immediately attracted the attention of all major forces, trying to find a way to get a good elixir, but the Shendan Pavilion also said that they would not exchange spirit stones for elixirs.

The names of Holy Alchemist Li Qiuyu and Fairy Qingji gradually spread among the monks on Shenxiao Island, and Li Qiuyu led the four daughters of Xiao Hanyue towards the separate courtyard of the inn.

Here is Wen Tianqing in the mid-term, so he can rest assured that in Shenxiao Island, ordinary monks dare not cast spells and powerful attacks, and no one dares to easily provoke the characters of Shenxiao Pavilion.

He is naturally relieved. As for the elixir and the spirit stones and medicinal materials in exchange, Li Qiuyu doesn't have to worry. He can run away from the monk but not the temple. , the biggest loss is naturally Shenxiaoge.

I believe that without Li Qiuyu's words, Shenxiao Pavilion Pavilion will admit his mistake first and compensate for the loss. Besides, Wen Tianqing, a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, can't use the first, second and third grade pills at all, and the fourth grade pills Wen Tianqing doesn't have much in his hands , there are only five fifth-grade pills, and there are no sixth-grade pills.

He would not be so stupid as to sneak away, even if he bought all the pills, it would only be 5000 million low-level spirit stones, plus the 3000 million spirit stones of the great monk Tianhui, and the [-] million spirit stones of the sixth-grade celestial spirit pill. [-] million, adding up to only [-] or [-] million.

Back in the private courtyard of the inn, Li Qiuyu was meditating and practicing, while Xiao Hanyue's four daughters were chatting and laughing, waiting quietly.

Li Qiuyu couldn't be without a trace of anxiety. Although Yinlong is Qingji's relative, it has no direct relationship with him at all. Even if they don't come, they will either be lost or leave Tianhai.

Time passed day by day, and within a month, Xiao Hanyue, Ling Ling, Qing Ji, Xiao Qiuyue, Li Qiuyu and the others did not leave the private courtyard of the inn even half a step.

Wen Tianqing handed over the remaining elixir and the exchanged medicinal materials and spirit stones to Li Qiuyu every day. The first and second-rank elixirs were sold the most every day, followed by the medicinal materials exchanged for the third-rank elixirs, and the medicinal materials exchanged for the other fourth-rank elixirs. Not less.

Every day, nearly 50 million spirit stones come into the account, and occasionally [-]-year and million-year-old medicinal materials arrive, but they have to be reserved with the Shendan Pavilion in advance.

Li Qiuyu went to the Shendan Pavilion to check the quality and age of the medicinal materials, and the Tianchen Pill was also in his hands, and Wen Tianqing only had five Tianchen Pills in his hands every day.

Without top-level materials, he dared not exchange the fifth-grade Tianchen pill easily, so Li Qiuyu could only do it in person. In this way, Li Qiuyu would take Xiao Hanyue and the others out to play every day.

The power of Shenxiao Island is indeed strong, but Li Qiuyu and five people are all monks in the transformation stage, and they dare not easily attack the Shendan Pavilion with ordinary strength.

The monks in Shendan Pavilion are disciples of Shenxiao Pavilion, and Shenxiao Pavilion's background in Shenxiao Island is extremely powerful. Even without Li Qiuyu and five people, they would not dare to do it.

No one can say for sure whether the Shendan Pavilion is the property of the Shenxiao Pavilion. If one offends the Shendan Pavilion or any of the forces of the Shenxiao Pavilion, it may be attacked by the two forces.

Besides, there are no other monks in the Shendan Pavilion, just a few top masters. Such people can completely abandon the Shendan Pavilion and beat up other family forces in a mess.

Within a month, almost the entire Shenxiao Island knew about the existence of the Shendan Pavilion, and also knew about the appearance of the fifth-grade high-grade pills and sixth-grade high-grade pills, and the other pills were also high-grade.

As long as a monk uses ingredients to exchange for a fifth-grade elixir, it will cause Shenxiao Island to churn, but no one dares to provoke the Shendan Pavilion.

After a month, someone finally exchanged a million-year-old medicinal material and a 50-year-old medicinal material for a sixth-grade Tianling Pill. The second Tianling Pill appeared and was exchanged for the medicinal materials. Xiaodao was shocked.

It's just that the medicinal materials of a million years and the medicinal materials of 50 years are not so easy to obtain. The medicinal materials in the Shendan Pavilion are very high, and the spirit stones cannot be exchanged for the medicine.

As a result, the reputations of Li Qiuyu and Xiao Hanyue's four daughters were greatly shaken. Your Excellency the Holy Alchemist and the four peerless fairies are on Shenxiao Island, and the four women are all peerless figures in the world.

On this day, five middle-aged men and an old man appeared outside the city of Shenxiao Island. The five men's eyes were shining brightly. Before entering the city, a shocking sound came into Shenxiao City.

"Your Excellency Li Qiuyu, the holy alchemist of the Shendan Pavilion, is here to pay a visit to Ling Xiao from the Ling family."

Ling Xiao shouted loudly outside the city, they did not enter the city either, Shenxiao City is the world of Shenxiao Pavilion, they will not enter the city easily, unless they are certain, they will come in.

They also learned ten days ago that there was a Shendan Pavilion in Shenxiao City, and that Li Qiuyu was the owner of the Shendan Pavilion. The last time they got Li Qiuyu's pills, the other disciples in the transformation period also wanted to exchange for some.

Ling Xiao reluctantly brought four fellow disciples to the outside of Shenxiao City. The four fellow disciples did not expect that Ling Xiao would actually have friendship with Li Qiuyu, His Excellency the Holy Alchemist.

After Ling Xiao finished shouting, the four fellow disciples looked at Ling Xiao in amazement, as if they didn't know him, a fellow disciple with a thousand years of friendship, who went to Shenlong Valley once and got a high-level elixir.

The appearance of the fifth-grade and sixth-grade elixirs shocked several members of the Ling family, and within a month, another cultivator of the Ling family appeared at the transformation stage.

It all depends on Li Qiuyu's God Transformation Pill. Ling Xiao came here this time with the gratitude of the Patriarch, and secondly, he wanted to exchange some pills for Ling's disciples.

"Brother Ling, don't be so rude about the pills that His Excellency Saint Alchemist exchanged with you, lest we come here in vain. You must know that Your Excellency Saint Alchemist is someone with a weird temper."

Ling Luxiu looked at Ling Xiao, with a puzzled expression on his face. His third brother had always acted cautiously, and he was extremely cautious in everything he did. He never thought that he would reveal his identity outside of Shenxiao City, and He also directly handed over to His Excellency the Holy Alchemist, not knowing what his third brother was thinking.

Moreover, if there is any connection between the Shendan Pavilion and the Shenxiao Pavilion, it is not a waste of time for me to wait for others, and maybe it will cause trouble.

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