Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 711 Five Ling Family Brothers

"It's okay. In this way, if Shen Xiaoge wants to be disadvantageous to us, he won't do it openly. Besides, we are both in the stage of transforming gods. It is not easy to kill us."

Ling Xiao smiled, looked at the other four classmates, and finally waited quietly.

"Haha, Fellow Daoist Ling Xiao, we haven't seen each other for a month, and I didn't expect to see you again. I'm waiting for you in the city."

Li Qiuyu also had a puzzled look on his face when he heard the voices outside. This Ling Xiao came to him at this time, and he didn't know what it was for.

But Ling Xiao had already yelled out, and he couldn't help but answer. After pondering for a while, he also spread his voice, directly outside the city a hundred miles away.

Many monks in the city heard the voices of two people, the voices of two monks at the transformation stage, and one of them was the Holy Alchemy Master of the Divine Alchemy Pavilion.

His Excellency Li Qiuyu, the holy alchemist, has only just come to Shenxiao Island, but in Shenxiao City, his reputation is almost as famous as that of the other ten masters and the elders of the top ten forces.

At this time, the Ling family came to ask His Excellency the Holy Alchemist to exchange for the elixir. They didn't expect it to be so open, so they were all curious and went to the Shendan Pavilion.

Li Qiuyu took the four daughters of Xiao Hanyue and walked towards the Shendan Pavilion. Within a quarter of an hour, Li Qiuyu and five people came to the Shendan Pavilion. At this time, it happened to be noon, and there were many monks who bought the pills. There are many other monks who come here.

Even if they don't buy pills, there are some monks who seem to know what kind of monks have obtained the top pills of the fifth and sixth grades. The front of the Shendan Pavilion has completely become a place where monks gather.

Li Qiuyu's arrival, when the other monks saw him, they all greeted him respectfully. This young man in white is His Excellency the Holy Alchemist, and he is even a cultivator at the stage of transforming spirits.

With such an existence, even the cultivators at the stage of transforming spirits might not dare to offend, let alone offend them. When the cultivators greeted each other, Li Qiuyu nodded and smiled back.

Although a slight nod is enough to make these monks feel very happy, you must know that in front of the cultivators of the transformation stage, people like themselves and others are in the realm of cultivation, and they cannot greet the monks of the transformation stage at all.

Saying hello to the cultivators in the stage of transforming gods is also considered a kind of face. Li Qiuyu and the four daughters of Xiao Hanyue passed through the monks, and finally entered the Shendan Pavilion. 】

Wherever he passed, he automatically gave way to let the five pass by smoothly. Seeing Li Qiuyu and the four peerless girls, they were all envious.

Not long after the four of them entered the living room of the Shendan Pavilion, four middle-aged men and an old man came to the Shendan Pavilion with serious expressions on their faces.

"In Xia Lingxiao, four fellow disciples came to visit His Excellency Li Qiuyu, the Holy Alchemist."

Ling Xiao was outside the Shendan Pavilion, looked at the three words Shendan Pavilion, and secretly thought in his heart that the Shendan Pavilion is really good, what kind of person will do what kind of things, just these three words, outperform other stores.

"Fellow Daoist Ling Xiao, don't come here unharmed, please stay inside."

Li Qiuyu's voice came out, and finally Ling Xiao led four of his fellow disciples towards the Shendan Pavilion. The monks outside had a look of surprise on their faces. His Excellency Li Qiuyu has a good relationship with his teacher.

"These five seniors are cultivators of the Ling Family's Transformation Stage, and the popularity of Your Excellency the Holy Alchemist really spreads all over the world."

After Ling Xiao's five monks at the transformation stage entered the Shendan Pavilion, the monks outside said in surprise that although the voice was very small, it reached the ears of several monks at the transformation stage.

Ling Xiao and the others all smiled faintly. They couldn't just ignore the gossip outside and just copy the inside. A monk in the transformation stage naturally knew where Li Qiuyu was.

"Sir Alchemist, this is my elder brother Ling Lou, this is my second brother Ling Pingzhi, this is my fourth brother Ling Jiujun, and this is my seventh brother Ling Tianyu."

After Ling Xiao came to the inner courtyard of Shendan Pavilion, he saw a young man in white and four peerless girls meditating in the courtyard.

After the five of them entered, Li Qiuyu opened his eyes slightly and stood up slowly. The other four girls also stood up next to the boy in white.

This young man is the Holy Alchemist whom I parted with a month ago, and one of the girls is also Xiao Hanyue whom I have seen before.

I didn't expect that besides Xiao Hanyue, there were three other girls who were almost the same as Xiao Hanyue by Li Qiuyu's side, and all of them were cultivators in the transformation stage.

I was horrified in my heart, Li Qiuyu was already very surprised as His Excellency the Holy Alchemist, and a monk in the transformation stage was even more admirable. The other four girls were also about the same age as Li Qiuyu. In his heart: "Could it be that the whole cultivation world The top talents are all around Li Qiuyu."

The good fortune between heaven and earth is completely gathered on Li Qiuyu alone, which is really enviable and jealous, but this Holy Alchemy Master Li Qiuyu cannot be hated, and he can't afford to provoke him. He would rather provoke a family and a super powerful force than to provoke him. I don't want to provoke a Li Qiuyu.

The other four disciples at the stage of transformation were also horrified. Could it be that the young man in white in front of him is the holy alchemist of the stage of transformation, but in the eyes of his own monks, he couldn't see the cultivation level of the young monk in white.

The other four peerless girls are all cultivators at the stage of transforming gods, and their strength is slightly better than their own.

But seeing his brother Ling Xiao saluting and greeting this white-clothed boy, it was hard to accept the reality. This white-clothed boy is really a cultivator in the transformation stage, and even more so, His Excellency the Holy Alchemy Master.

"I met His Excellency the Holy Alchemist in Xialing Pingzhi."

"In Xialing Tower, I met His Excellency the Holy Alchemist."

"Under Ling Jiujun met His Excellency the Holy Alchemist."

"I met His Excellency the Holy Alchemist in Ling Tianyu."

When several monks from the Ling family transformed into gods saw their brother Ling Xiao bowing to this young man, they naturally wouldn't make a mistake, and they wouldn't be rude when they waited for others.

"You fellow daoists, please be polite, this seat is Li Qiuyu, fellow daoists, please sit down."

Li Qiuyu said with a smile, and looked at the foundation-building cultivator on one side. This foundation-building cultivator is also a disciple of Li Qiuyu's Shendan Pavilion, and he specializes in taking care of the chores of this shop.

After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, the foundation building stage monks hurriedly moved five chairs, trembling in their hearts, there were ten transformation god stage monks in this place.

In the eyes of the cultivators of the Foundation Establishment Stage, the cultivators of the Transformation Stage are already god-like, and now there are ten god-like characters.

After moving the chair, the vest and clothes all over his body were already soaked, but he didn't dare to show it here, in case he provoked a few cultivators at the transformation stage, he didn't know what would happen if he got damaged.

"You go down."

Li Qiuyu waved his hand and signaled the foundation-building cultivator to leave. If he was allowed to stay in this place for a while, he would definitely collapse.

"The disciple retire."

The monks in the Foundation Establishment Stage hurriedly bowed to the ten cultivators in the Transformation Stage and bid farewell. Hearing Li Qiuyu's words, it was like hearing an imperial decree, and he gave Li Qiuyu a grateful look.

"Your Excellency Saint Alchemist, I didn't expect that the Divine Pill Pavilion would be established so soon. I came to Shenxiao City this time just to ask Your Excellency Saint Alchemist to help me exchange some sixth-grade pills."

Ling Xiao said straight to the point, and clasped his hands towards Li Qiuyu and said, polite and polite, not at all like a cultivator in the transformation stage.

This is true, only he himself knows the gap between himself and Li Qiuyu, and he left Shenlong Valley entirely with Li Qiuyu's help, otherwise he would stay in Shenlong Valley forever.

Moreover, Li Qiuyu's strength was not known at all, but with Li Qiuyu's various means, he dared to rescue so many monks of the same class in the transformation stage, there must be some powerful backers.

A cultivator who can tear apart the space, a cultivator at the transformation stage who controls the treasure of space, is a terrifying existence at all. What kind of concept is that when all kinds of horrors appear on a person.

"Fellow Daoist Ling Xiao, you are being polite. My elixir is the same for monks all over the world. Besides, I also said that as long as I have the medicinal materials I need, I can naturally exchange for elixir."

Li Qiuyu laughed loudly, with a hard-to-see boldness on his face, which made several monks in the stage of transformation feel that the holy alchemist in this stage of transformation is different.

"Since Your Excellency the Holy Alchemist has agreed, we will not take advantage of His Excellency the Holy Alchemist. Friendship belongs to friendship, and business belongs to friendship. Let's take out the medicinal materials and materials first, and His Excellency the Holy Alchemist to judge the price."

Ling Xiao saw Li Qiuyu's appearance, although Li Qiuyu said very decisively that he wanted medicinal materials in exchange for elixir, he knew that as long as his medicinal materials and materials were good, this Holy Alchemist would still exchange some elixirs for himself of.

"Okay, Fellow Daoist Ling Xiao is really extraordinary, let's start."

Li Qiuyu glanced at Ling Xiao, and finally said lightly.

Ling Xiao and the four cultivators at the stage of transformation took out their medicinal materials and materials. Li Qiuyu checked them one by one, and finally exchanged nine celestial pills and fifteen pills of celestial celestial pills for the medicines in the hands of the five cultivators at the stage of transformation. Herbs and materials.

There are a total of 27 medicinal herbs that are a million years old, and more than ten medicinal herbs that are 50 years old. There are as many as three kinds of ingredients for the Mietian Sword. Although the Tianling Pill is cherished, it is absolutely cost-effective to exchange for these medicinal herbs.

Half an hour later, Li Qiuyu and Ling Xiao had smiles on their faces, and each got what they needed. Li Qiuyu's elixir was definitely a top-notch item.

In Tianhai, it is already a kind of luck against the sky to get a sixth-grade Tianling Pill, but such luck is impossible or impossible.

But Li Qiuyu can refine the sixth-grade Tianling Pill, and he can exchange it with medicinal materials. Medicinal materials are a good thing, but with medicinal materials, they need to be refined.

For monks below the alchemy stage, alchemists may be able to refine the pills they need, and for monks at the Nascent Soul stage, maybe the elixir masters can refine them.

However, the elixir used by the great monks in the transformation stage and the late Yuanying period cannot be refined by a spirit alchemist, but only by a holy alchemist.

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