Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 713 Divine Firmament City Alchemy

"My seat is also relieved. This seat is in the Shendan Pavilion on Shenxiao Island. Please spread the news on behalf of a few fellow Taoists, so that the business of this seat's Shendan Pavilion will be better, haha."

Li Qiuyu smiled, and said to the five Ling Xiao brothers, with the help of the Ling family, the faster the news of the Shendan Pavilion will be spread, the farther it will spread.

"Your Excellency Saint Alchemy, you are being polite. With the reputation of the Divine Pill Pavilion, not all monks in Tianhai are well-known, but since Your Excellency the Holy Alchemist thinks highly of the Ling family, our Ling family will definitely not disappoint His Excellency the Holy Alchemist. Wait People take their leave first."

After Ling Xiao finished speaking, he cupped his fists and bid farewell to Li Qiuyu. The other four cultivators in the transformation period all bid farewell to Li Qiuyu, and the five bid farewell to Li Qiuyu and left the Shendan Pavilion.

Coming outside the Shendan Pavilion, Ling Xiao saw that there were hundreds of other monks in this place. He naturally understood what these monks were doing here, so he smiled.

"Brother, our nine Heavenly Spirit Pills, I believe it can improve our cultivation level a bit. I would like to exchange 27 million-year-old herbs for nine Heavenly Spirit Pills. Thank you, Your Excellency Saint Alchemist."

"The third brother is right. The million-year-old medicinal materials are of no great use in our hands. Only Your Excellency the Holy Alchemist can use the million-year-old medicinal materials to the extreme. Let's go and go back to retreat for a while."

The five brothers of the Ling family said softly, the voice was so small that it was hard to hear at all, but all the people present were monks, and that one was not a person with sensitive eyes and ears.

I was horrified in my heart. The Ling family exchanged 27 million-year-old medicinal materials for nine celestial pills. This statistic is indeed terrifying.

This is Tianling Pill, a sixth-grade Tianling Pill, and getting so many Tianling Pills at once shows that His Excellency Saint Alchemist has a lot of Tianling Pills in his hands, otherwise His Excellency Saint Alchemist is also a cultivator at the transformation stage, so naturally Not all the pills will be replaced.

Your Excellency the Holy Alchemist, if you want to use pills, you can refine them, so you don't have to worry about the pills at all. In this way, as long as you have the medicinal materials, you don't have to worry about not being able to replace the pills.

The five from Ling Xiao also left Shenxiao City quickly, and the five came and went quickly, but the pills they exchanged for brought a great impact to the monks in Shenxiao City.

"Another person exchanged for the Heavenly Spirit Pill."

"Yeah, and it seems to be nine celestial pills, nine celestial pills."

"The cultivators at the stage of transformation are amazing. If only I had the ingredients to exchange nine heavenly spirit pills from His Excellency the Holy Alchemist." After the five cultivators at the stage of transformation left, there was a lot of discussion among these monks.

Naturally, Li Qiuyu knew the actions of the five monks of the Ling Family's Transformation Stage, with a look of satisfaction on their faces, and they did not disappoint him. In this way, there was no need for him to show up.It can completely relieve the worries in the monk's heart.

After waiting for an hour, Li Qiuyu and the others left from the Shendan Pavilion and returned to the inn again. The appearance of Ling Xiao and others did not arouse any reaction from Shenxiao Pavilion, because Li Qiuyu's Shendan Pavilion was in this place. There will be more senior monks in the city of God in the future.

The Ling family is just five cultivators at the stage of transforming gods. Five cultivators at the stage of transforming gods are a remarkable existence in other cities, but in Shenxiao City, there are no big waves at all.

There are 99 or [-] of the gods of the big and small forces in Shenxiao City. Although these forces are at odds, they will join forces to resist when foreign monks and forces invade.

In two years, Li Qiuyu and five people practiced in the inn, and the pills were exchanged for a lot of spirit stones and medicinal materials. These medicinal materials are all 50 years old. Low-level monks exchanged for Qi training pills or second-grade high-grade pills.

A lot of other elixirs were also exchanged, but these elixirs are still insignificant to Li Qiuyu and others, even if the elixirs are used up, they can be refined.

On this day, in the entire Shenxiao City and beyond, because of the huge change in the aura of the Shenxiao City, the aura of thousands of miles around all gathered towards an inn in the Shenxiao City.

It turned out that half a year ago, Li Qiuyu used a spirit-gathering formation in the private courtyard of the inn to gather the spiritual energy near the city of God's Cloud towards the inn. 】

After the formation was completed, he sacrificed the Qiankun Cauldron and began to refine the elixir. After more than a year, there was still no news of Yinlong. He could only make the alchemy himself, which would even more alarm the monks in Tianhai.

That is the refining of the sixth-grade Heavenly Spirit Pill. For him, the number of times to refine the Heavenly Spirit Pill is not too difficult. It just takes a little longer.

After half a year of preparation and refining medicinal materials, finally, a one-inch-long Nine Heavens Root was thrown into the alchemy, and the medicinal liquid in the alchemy quickly fused, and within two days, the step of infusion was finally ushered in.

The aura of heaven and earth shot towards the separate courtyard of the inn quickly, and all the monks in Shenxiao City immediately sensed the location of the inn, and the place where the aura gathered was also in this place.

"Hey, what a powerful aura gathering power, could it be that the big monk is about to break through?"

On the top of the inner mountain of Shenxiao Pavilion, looking at the direction of the inn, he naturally didn't know that the person living in this inn was Li Qiuyu, a holy alchemist who had been in seclusion all year round, and was completely out of touch with the outside world.

"The fluctuation of spiritual energy is the infusion of alchemy. Could it be that His Excellency the Holy Alchemist is refining the elixir."

An old man with white beard and eyebrows looked at the inn where Li Qiuyu was staying in an alchemy room, with a look of horror and admiration on his face at the same time.

"Another panacea has been born."

Horrified voices came from the mouths of some big monks and monks in the transformation stage, and the other monks walked towards the direction of the inn.

Curiosity is the nature of monks and human beings, especially the holy alchemist Li Qiuyu came to Shenxiao City, which brought huge changes to Shenxiao City. The low-level monks and inns in the city brought huge income.

Many monks came to the outside of the inn to find out what happened, but Li Qiuyu’s infusion time had already passed for a month and a half. The longer the time, the more horrified the monks were, because they all knew that only the higher the level of the elixir was, the more refined the elixir was. The medicine must be better, and low-level pills don't need spirit injection at all.

One and a half months have passed, notice that the number of monks here has not decreased, but more, but no one dares to make trouble, because they know that the four girls around Li Qiuyu are all top-level monks at the stage of transformation, and Shen Xiaoge There are also six or seven cultivators in the stage of transforming gods who come to the inn from time to time.

Although I am not sure whether it is to help His Excellency the Holy Alchemist, or to pay attention to the pill, in the realm of comprehension, one is not afraid of ten thousand, just in case, besides, His Excellency the Holy Alchemist is also a top-level cultivator of the transformation stage, no one dares to take it lightly provoke.

Most of the monks who came not far from the inn were monks in the alchemy stage and the Nascent Soul stage, and there were also countless big monks and monks in the dark transformation stage watching.

One and a half months have passed, six days since the Great Change in Spiritual Energy No. 40, the spirituality of heaven and earth has immediately returned to its original state.

At this moment, a light and shadow flew out of the inn, and the light and shadow continued to rotate in the air. After the light and shadow appeared, a young man in white also appeared behind the light and shadow.

I saw the young man in white constantly waving his hands, wearing a blue halo on his hands, the halo became bigger and bigger, and in a short while, the halo, which was originally only one foot in size, became a foot in size.

The cyan halo is wood-type mana, a necessary attribute for an alchemist, because alchemy requires selection of medicinal materials and identification of medicinal materials. Even when alchemy is done, wood-type mana is needed, and when alchemy is produced, wood-type mana is also required .

The monks above the alchemy stage in the distance have their spiritual consciousness blocked by a mysterious and invisible breath, and can only approach within ten feet of the light and shadow, but even so, they can clearly see the elixir in the light and shadow.

There are 83 elixirs the size of finger eyes, 83 celestial spirit elixirs, which make the monks envious, but they are just envious.


Li Qiuyu reprimanded lightly, and a spoof jade bottle appeared in his hand, and then with a move of consciousness, he drew with one hand, and a huge suction shot towards the light and shadow, and the light and shadow were pulled, and quickly shot towards the jade bottle.

At this moment, Li Qiuyu swiped with one hand, and the air was stopped immediately, and then with a shake of one hand, the air was shattered, and with a scream, a blue-clothed late-stage monk fell from the air fiercely.

It turned out that this great cultivator relied on his ability to control the space to secretly snatch away Li Qiuyu's elixir. If he snatched away 83 elixir, he would definitely be able to successfully boost his cultivation to the stage of transformation.

But in front of Li Qiuyu, the big monk can't be just an ant. He never imagined that the real treasure of space control is in the hands of Li Qiuyu, and after Li Qiuyu reaches the stage of transforming gods, he has reached the level of the whole world and nature. A higher level of understanding.

Within a certain range of his own, not even the air can escape his divine sense, not to mention that his divine sense has already reached a distance of twenty thousand miles.

After the big monk landed, Li Qiuyu also put 83 pills into the jade bottle, then put the jade bottle away, and looked around.

Finally, he landed in front of the big monk in blue. He looked at the big monk coldly, with a sneer on his face, and he admired the big monk in his heart. .

Dare to steal pills from his cultivator at the stage of transformation, even ordinary monks at the stage of transformation may not be able to bully him into such a short distance, so he naturally understands that the cultivation technique of this monk must be weird.

When the big monk was cut down by Li Qiuyu, he was shocked. The hiding technique of the blue-clothed big monk was so powerful that he didn't even notice the existence of the big monk.

He concealed all the monks' information, but in front of Li Qiuyu, it was completely paperless, and he had a new understanding of Li Qiuyu's strength.

Although the Great Cultivator is not the same concept as the happy event of the God Transformation Period, it takes a little effort to kill the Great Cultivator easily, but in the hands of Li Qiuyu, the Great Cultivator is just like an ant, completely relying on the control of the space to kill the Great Cultivator. The monk had no power to fight back, and now he doesn't know whether he is alive or dead.

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