Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 714 Li Qiuyu's Punishment

He envied Li Qiuyu's pills and strength, but he didn't dare to do it. If he really did, he might not be Li Qiuyu's opponent, let alone other companions.

"Hehe, I have been in the cultivation world for 600 years, and you are still the first person I admire. You have the guts to snatch things in front of me. I have to admire you."

Li Qiuyu said with a smile, Xiao Hanyue and others also came to Li Qiuyu's side, looked at Li Qiuyu with concern, and Lingling gently hugged Li Qiuyu's arm.

"In front of this seat, cast space spells, let's be disappointed, tell me, why is there any reason for this seat to let you go once, in the eyes of this seat, everything under the transformation stage is an ant."

Looking at the big monk lying motionless on the ground, Li Qiuyu had already imprisoned him when he shot down the big monk, and now he couldn't even move his fingers.

"Senior, spare your life, senior, spare your life, this junior just wants to get a celestial pill to hit the bottleneck."

The great cultivator was terrified to death. The cultivators in the transformation stage were not something that the great cultivators could provoke, but relying on the power of space magic, I wanted to try it. Before I did it, I had already thought about it. The medicine leaves here and hits the bottleneck.

Now he was really defeated by His Excellency the Holy Alchemist in the Transformation Stage, and what made him even more horrified was that it was Li Qiuyu who used his space control to break his spell.

"You don't even know how to beg for mercy, and you dare to take risks in front of me. I don't want to kill people now, but I will teach you a lesson. Don't challenge my limit again."

After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, a mysterious light pointed at the big monk, then turned and walked towards the gate of the inn, Xiao Hanyue and his four daughters followed him.

"My cultivation base?"

After Li Qiuyu's light hit his body, the great cultivator's mana in his dantian quickly lost, and his cultivation base also dropped rapidly, until it stopped at the early stage of Yuanying.

But being able to escape his life already made him feel lucky. After shouting out, he didn't dare to speak anymore, quietly left the front of the inn, and disappeared among the crowd.

When Li Qiuyu was about to enter the gate of the inn, a voice came over, which made Li Qiuyu and the four daughters of Xiao Hanyue stop, and turned to look behind.

"Shenxiao Pavilion Tingdao, congratulations to Your Excellency the Holy Alchemist for refining the sixth-grade celestial spirit pill. It's really gratifying."

Lou Tingdao came to the inn not far from the inn with five cultivators at the stage of transforming into gods.

The other monks in Shenxiao City were amazed, Lou Tingdao was the number one master in Shenxiao City, the existence of the pinnacle in the early stage of transformation, did not expect that even Lou Tingdao from Shenxiao Pavilion came to the inn to congratulate Li Qiuyu.

After speaking in Lou Tingdao, the other five cultivators of the stage of transformation in Shen Xiao Pavilion also bowed politely to Li Qiuyu, with a smile on their faces, and polite congratulations on their lips.

"Haha, I was lucky enough to refine the Heavenly Spirit Pill, it's just luck."

Li Qiuyu turned around and cupped his fists at Lou Tingdao to return the salute, and said with a smile.

"Your Excellency Saint Alchemist has refined a sixth-grade celestial spirit pill. I want to exchange for three of the elixir, which is just out of the oven. All the cultivators on Shenxiao Island are convinced."

After Lou Tingdao finished speaking, he shot ten million-year-old herbs and twenty 50-year-old herbs towards Li Qiuyu. With a move of Xiao Hanyue's consciousness, thirty herbs floated in front of the five people. Look carefully at these medicinal materials.

"Okay, since I have refined the sixth-grade elixir on Shenxiao Island, these three elixirs belong to fellow Taoist Lou..." After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, the jade bottle appeared again, and then poured out three elixirs from it Medicine, three pills quickly shot towards Lou Tingdao.

The elixirs flew across the air without any haste, within a short distance of a hundred feet, the three elixirs flew for the time of a cup of tea, and everyone was horrified.

At such a speed, the space almost froze, making the monks present think that time had stopped, and finally this feeling did not disappear until the elixir was caught by Lou Tingdao.

In the eyes of the senior monks and the cultivators of the stage of transformation, it was a completely different scene. The speed of the three pills was extremely fast, but it happened that the pills fell into the hands of Lou Tingdao after a cup of tea.

The three elixirs gave people a completely different feeling, but the aroma left in the air made people intoxicated, and they couldn't let go of the breath of this elixir.

"The quality of the sixth-grade elixir of the Holy Alchemist is getting better and better. If this continues, it is not impossible for the top-grade elixir to appear in Tianhai after hundreds of years."

Lou Tingdao sniffed the elixir carefully, looked at it carefully, and finally said pleasantly.

"Friend Lou Dao has won the prize."

Li Qiuyu laughed and said, indeed, this alchemy is better than the previous alchemy, and the quality has also improved a lot, but it is not easy to refine the top-quality elixir.

"Thank you for your elixir, your lord alchemist. If you have any difficulties, you can just notify Shenxiao Pavilion. Your lord, alchemist, is tired of refining elixirs, so don't bother me."

The five members of Lou Tingdao clasped their fists at Li Qiuyu and said, they turned and left with satisfied smiles on their faces, and finally disappeared into the crowd.

After saying this sentence in Lou Tingdao, the other monks were stunned, and then they understood that the Holy Alchemist is not a monk from Shenxiao Pavilion, but Shenxiao Pavilion is also polite to His Excellency, and dare not offend him. If it was like this just now, at least Shenxiao Pavilion will not provoke Shendan Pavilion.

I also gave the other monks a message. If you want to move the Shenxiao Pavilion, you must consider the existence of the Shenxiao Pavilion. The Shenxiao Pavilion is the largest force on the Shenxiao Island. provoked.

Li Qiuyu disappeared from the sight of the monks with a smile, and finally entered the inn. The other monks also stood outside in a daze, filled with surprise in their hearts, with envy and satisfaction on their faces.

It is definitely a great blessing to see the holy alchemist successfully refining the sixth-grade elixir with his own eyes, and it can also prove that Your Excellency the holy alchemist has the ability to refine the sixth-grade elixir. Refined by Autumn Rain.

When Li Qiuyu returned to the inn, the shopkeepers and staff were extremely respectful. Although he knew that Li Qiuyu was the Holy Alchemist, this time he saw that Li Qiuyu successfully refined the sixth-grade elixir.

This time, he also raised the reputation of his inn to the highest point. Your Excellency the Saint Alchemist used to refine the sixth-grade celestial spirit pill here, and lived here for several years.

The price of this inn has also risen in a straight line, from [-] low-level spirit stones to [-] low-level spirit stones. Although some low-level monks cannot afford to live there, this inn is the most famous inn in the city.

Back in the courtyard, Li Qiuyu cast the formation and removed the spirit gathering formation, lest the spirit energy would affect Shenxiao City, and finally practiced quietly to restore energy and physical strength.

After half a year of continuous alchemy, although he had reached the stage of transforming spirits, he still felt a little tired. The four daughters of Xiao Hanyue didn't bother him, and let Li Qiuyu rest in a room after returning.

And they are protecting the law for Li Qiuyu. Although other monks dare not provoke Li Qiuyu easily, it is inevitable that some monks who don't have good eyesight will pay attention to the pill.

In this way, Xiao Hanyue rejected many monks who came to visit on the grounds that Li Qiuyu was tired from alchemy and wanted to rest in seclusion. Although some monks were disappointed, they did not dare to show dissatisfaction on their faces.

After a full ten days of rest, Li Qiuyu also recovered to the peak of his heyday, and often took the four daughters of Xiao Hanyue to play in Shenxiao City. Li Qiuyu's reputation spread rapidly in Shenxiao Island. , the four peerless girls around him are always obediently by their side.

The business of the Shendan Pavilion is getting better and better, but the business of the Shendan Pavilion is not Li Qiuyu's goal. He has a lot of medicinal materials and spirit stones, and the main purpose is to wait for the two Yinlongs.

When they were playing, the monks who saw Li Qiuyu and the other five greeted them respectfully, and no one dared to pay their attention unless they wanted to die.

Time passed slowly, seven years passed, and Li Qiuyu and the others became more and more disappointed. Yinlong did not show up, which meant that he was no longer in Tianhai, or he was killed.

Li Qiuyu's person is also preparing to leave Shenxiao Island, and it seems that Yinlong's person will not come, and it is useless to wait here for a long time.

"Qingji, I think Yinlong and the others may have left Tianhai, or else they are."

Li Qiuyu stopped in the middle of what he said, and even if he didn't say what happened next, Qing Ji, Xiao Hanyue and others would know it.

"Thank you for waiting here for so long. Yinlong and the others didn't come to look for us. They must have left Tianhai or died. The monks are in the realm of comprehension. Things are unpredictable."

It's rare for Qing Ling not to be sad, because the monk himself is tossing in the bloody wind, and it is inevitable to encounter danger.

"I have reached the stage of transformation, and I plan to leave here in a few days, and then leave Tianhai."

Li Qiuyu said seriously, looking at the four daughters of Xiao Hanyue quietly.

"Well, it's time for us to leave and go back to Fengyue Continent. Let's look for it again. Life and death are up to us." Qing Chi said softly.

"Okay, you guys rest first, I will go to the Shendan Pavilion to deal with some things, and then we will leave Shenxiao Island."

After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, he left the inn, and then walked directly outside, towards the direction of the Shendan Pavilion. In fact, there were not many things in the Shendan Pavilion, just some medicinal herbs and spirit stones.

Because Wen Tianqing of Shendan Pavilion will hand over to Li Qiuyu every month, now he wants to take away the medicinal materials and spirit stones in Shendan Pavilion, and the remaining pills will be regarded as a little reward for Shenxiao Pavilion.

In less than half an hour, Li Qiuyu came out of the Shendan Pavilion, Wentian asked that Li Qiuyu was leaving Shenxiao Island, he was startled, then disappointed.

But this Shendan Pavilion belonged to Li Qiuyu, and he could close it whenever he wanted, but fortunately, none of the pills in the Shendan Pavilion were taken back.

Ask Wen Tianqing to make a list, and finally take the list to Shenxiao Pavilion. If you want to leave Shenxiao Island, you have to give Lou Tingdao an explanation. Will do things that hurt others.

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