Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 715 The Demon's Trace Reappears

"The subordinates have seen the master"

Lou Tingdao saluted Li Qiuyu respectfully, feeling uneasy. He didn't know what Li Qiuyu had come to find him this time, and hoped it wasn't something bad.

"Well, do you want to be free?"

Li Qiuyu looked at Lou Tingdao, and finally said with a smile, with a hint of a smile on his face, a strange smile, which made Lou Tingdao extremely puzzled.

"What does your lord mean? The subordinates don't know what offended the lord. Please forgive me, my lord."

When Lou Tingdao heard Li Qiuyu's words, he didn't know what had offended Li Qiuyu, and his heart sank slowly.

"Forget it, I'm leaving Shenxiao Island too. You can be free. These are some pills left in the Shendan Pavilion. These are the rewards for the disciples of the Shendan Pavilion. Your ban will be cleared within a day." eliminate."

After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, he handed a list to Lou Tingdao, and finally used his body skills to leave Shenxiao Pavilion, quickly returned to the inn, and left Shenxiao City with the four daughters of Xiao Hanyue.

When Li Qiuyu was in Shenxiao City, Li Qiuyu pressed a shocking coercion into the city, and then said loudly: "I left Shenxiao City, fellow Taoists who have a chance, let's meet Fengyue Tianlong."

After finishing speaking, the figures of the five people had disappeared into the sky, and when the other monks reacted, His Excellency Li Qiuyu, the holy alchemist, and the four peerless women had already left Shenxiao City.

It's just that I don't know the meaning of the sentence left behind. Only Yinlong and Li Qiuyu know what Li Qiuyu said, because in this Tianhai, few people come here, and few people go to Fengyue Continent.

Knowing that the monks in Fengyue Continent rarely have the opportunity to go there, if Yinlong and Yinlong are late, they can really wait for the others to leave Tianhai in the first place and go to a place called Fengyue Continent.

The Tianlong Empire may have been inconspicuous in the Fengyue Continent for hundreds of years, but after the appearance of Li Qiuyu, it became the Tianlong Empire, making the Tianlong Kingdom the third largest empire in the Fengyue Continent.

As long as they are monks of Fengyue, they will know the existence of the Tianlong Empire, and even more the existence of the Xiaoyao King Li Qiuyu of the Tianlong Empire. Although Li Qiuyu is only the Xiaoyao King, in the Tianlong Kingdom, he is already the supreme existence.

The number one cultivator of Diyan Peak, the Tianlong Empire has no cultivators at the stage of transforming gods, not even a great cultivator. In the end, Li Qiuyu let his subordinates live in Diyan Peak, making Diyan Peak the No. [-] sect of Tianlong in one fell swoop.

Li Qiuyu took the four daughters of Xiao Hanyue and flew quickly on the ancient flying treasure. Xiao Hanyue and the four of them always controlled the ancient flying treasure with two of them every time.

Li Qiuyu comprehended the magic art of the Emperor's Chariot inside alone, and practiced other spells. Occasionally, he would go down with a few girls to rest for a day or two.

In this way, after several times of teleportation arrays and five years of flying, they finally came to the low-level island of Dulan Island. This Dulan Island was also the place where they descended for the first time.

Although Dulan Island is very small, the level of monks is also very low, and all the conditions are very poor, but this place is the place where Tianhai and Fengyue Continent are teleported.

Li Qiuyu had already found out where the two nodes were teleporting when he first came to this place, otherwise he would not have rushed from Shenxiao Island to Dulan Island so easily.

After arriving at Dulan Island, Li Qiuyu and Xiao Hanyue's four daughters rested on the island for two months, and then came to a place called Jingxing City.

"Brother Qiuyu, are you sure there is a teleportation array to Fengyue Continent in this place?"

Ling Ling asked softly, she also didn't believe that there would be a high-level teleportation array in such a place.

"Hehe, the more there are no monks paying attention to the place, the more senior monks will not pay attention. When we came here, we were in this place, and when we went back, we were also in this place."

Li Qiuyu smiled, stretched out his hand to touch the password's hair, and finally walked directly towards the square, and the four daughters of Xiao Hanyue also returned to the space necklace.

When you come to this square, you can see the cultivation conditions of Dulan Island just from the scene here. There is only one teleportation array in this place, a short-distance teleportation array, but even such a teleportation array, no monk can use it. Just this teleportation array.

There are thousands of spirit stones at a time. How can a foundation building and alchemy stage be willing to use the teleportation array, but here are five monks who are at the peak of the alchemy late stage.

"Senior, do you want to use the teleportation array?"

A monk in the late stage of alchemy saw Li Qiuyu coming, stood up quickly, and saluted Li Qiuyu respectfully, because Li Qiuyu's current cultivation was the peak monk in the early Yuanying period.

In a place like Dulan Island, he is definitely considered a top expert, so naturally he can't be provoked, try to be polite and polite, and don't let this monk in the Nascent Soul stage find the slightest problem.

"Yes, but I don't need this teleportation array, I need the teleportation array leading to Fengyue."

Li Qiuyu said seriously, with a voice as cold as ice, which made the five monks at the alchemy stage chill all over, trembling in their hearts, and looked at Li Qiuyu submissively.

"How did senior know about the teleportation array leading to Fengyue Continent?"

An old man said in horror, to know this teleportation array, there are very few monks who know it, but the Nascent Soul Stage monk in front of him knows it.

"You don't need to know this, which teleportation array I want to use, isn't it possible?"

Li Qiuyu's voice was getting colder and colder, thinking that in a place like Dulan Island, there would never be any high-level monks coming, and it would be impossible for me, a monk at the transformation stage, to be caught in this place.

"Senior can naturally use which teleportation array, but which teleportation array to use requires five top-grade spirit stones of the five elements, and 1000 million low-level spirit stones."

The monks in the late stage of alchemy quickly said, and finally took a look at Li Qiuyu, 1000 million is already an astronomical figure for the monks in the late stage of alchemy.

"Well, 1000 million low-level spirit stones, five top-grade spirit stones, all right, please count them."

Li Qiuyu pondered for a while, and with a movement of consciousness, a storage bag appeared in his hand. Finally, he handed the storage bag to the monk in the late stage of alchemy, and handed over five top-grade spirit stones.

After a while, the alchemist cultivator who counted the spirit stones nodded and said respectfully: "Senior, the number of spirit stones is good, do you need to use the teleportation array now?"

"Of course, I will use the teleportation array now."

Li Qiuyu said lightly, and finally followed the five alchemy monks to the back of the square, and came to a stone room, which was imprisoned by several illusions, prohibitions and two formations.

After a cup of tea, five late-stage alchemy monks opened the stone room, and an altar appeared in Li Qiuyu's sight.

The size of the altar is only two feet in diameter, and there are countless monsters and runes carved on it. Li Qiuyu has some understanding of the formation, but he doesn't know anything about the teleportation formation.

"Senior, prepare yourself. When we open the teleportation array, you must go to the teleportation array, lest the energy of this top-grade spirit stone be exhausted."

The monk in the alchemy period said seriously that he received 1000 million spirit stones from Li Qiuyu. This astronomical figure, which is divided equally among himself, is also a huge number.

"This seat knows."

Li Qiuyu said lightly, in fact, he didn't need to prepare anything at all, as long as the teleportation array was opened, he would go to the teleportation array and leave the Tianhai.

It also took 200 years in Tianhai, and finally he successfully reached the realm of transforming gods, but one Yuanying was lost, but Han Wuji was killed.

The five top-grade spirit stones were put away, and the five monks in the late stage of alchemy exerted their mana with all their strength, hitting the five spirit stones with their mana. Immediately, the five top-grade spirit stones emitted five shocking auras.

After the aura appeared, the runes on the altar quickly emitted various powerful auras, and the altar was covered by a burst of light. Li Qiuyu saw that it was time, and with a flash of his body, he appeared on the altar.


Five monks in the alchemy stage hit the last mana on the spirit stone, burning the spirit stone quickly, and the teleportation array began to rotate. In a short while, the rotation speed of the teleportation array reached a limit.

Li Qiuyu's vision gradually became blurred, and his consciousness could not penetrate the halo. There was a loud shock, and the whole person became dizzy, and bursts of light and shadow appeared in Li Qiuyu's sight.

The teleportation array was really activated, and he seemed to be traveling through countless starry skies, but there were black holes all around him. After an unknown period of time, Li Qiuyu only felt a hallucination in front of him.

Countless grotesque monsters are scratching their paws, and some tall ones are passing in front of them, but this is an illusion, but it is exactly the same as the real one.

"It can't be an illusion."

Li Qiuyu secretly thought in his heart that with his cultivation level in the stage of becoming a god, it is impossible to have hallucinations if he can't, but this is not real either.

On the edge of a sea area of ​​the Great Shang Empire, more than a dozen monks in the early stage of the Nascent Soul were pale-faced and displayed the magic treasures in their hands, and there was a big monk among them.

These monks were surrounded by dozens of grotesque monks. These grotesque monks could no longer be called monks, because these monks were all ten feet tall, and the tallest was five or six feet tall.

With a bloodthirsty smile on his face, his whole body is full of powerful demon energy, he is completely a demon, and his strength is almost the same as that of a monk in the Nascent Soul stage.

A demon with a height of about seven feet was holding a strange weapon two feet long, and he kept looking fiercely at the great monk in the late Yuanying period, and the blade still had amazing corrosion.

With each blow, the aura in the air would be eroded and turned into demonic energy. The great monk gradually showed signs of exhaustion, but he had no chance to escape.

Within a radius of five miles, the demonic energy has already occupied half of this space. The longer the delay, the more unfavorable it will be for the monks, and the demonic energy will become stronger and stronger.


ancient magic

If Li Qiuyu was in this place, he would know that these tall demons belonged to the demon clan, and they were powerful ancient demons. Every ancient demon had the strength of a foundation-building monk after birth.

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