Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 721 Arriving at Sky City

Leaving the place of fighting skills, Li Qiuyu put the five big monks and the old man in a mountain range, and there were no powerful monks or monsters within ten thousand miles.

After performing a simple prohibition and illusion, put a few people inside, and then he will wake up, and after finishing everything, he will leave the mountain with the four daughters of Xiao Hanyue.

He returned to the journey of flying again, took a break after flying for a while, and did not encounter the ancient demons on the way, because the ancient demons appeared from the Moming City, which is in the sea area on the edge of the Great Shang Empire.

However, Li Qiuyu and others were flying to the interior of the Great Shang Empire. The ancient demons could not enter the interior of the Great Shang Empire for a while. When the ancient demons entered the interior, Fengyue Continent was gone.

The more you go inside the Great Shang Empire, the more peaceful you will be. There is almost no such thing as ancient demons, because the strength of the Great Shang Empire is all inside.

Although the ancient demon is powerful, it is still not in the eyes of these monks. This is also a sorrow for the monks. Only when the crisis is in front of them will they know how to be afraid.

Five years later

In Lingxiao City of the Great Shang Empire, five peerless and elegant figures landed outside the city, one man and four women, the man is chic and elegant, and the four women are about sixteen or seventeen years old, each of them has a peerless beauty.

"Finally home."

The man said with emotion, and looked at the tall city in front of him, and the four girls around him were also accompanying him.

"Brother Qiuyu, it must have been 300 years since we left Lingxiao City, and this place is still the same."

Lingling said, she was right. It has been almost 300 years since they left Lingxiao City. They were still great monks 300 years ago, and they are in the stage of transforming gods when they come back.

"Yes, it is indeed almost 300 years. For ordinary people, 300 years is already a few lifetimes. Even some low-level monks have already been reincarnated."

Li Qiuyu sighed and said, with their cultivation base, if there is no accident, it is about the same to live to 2000 years, and 300 years is not a short period of time for a cultivator in the transformation stage.

"I just don't know how Tianmen is doing now?"

Xiao Hanyue looked at Lingxiao City, this place was the first time they came, and finally entered Tianmen, joined Tianmen as low-level disciples, and finally achieved the realm of great monks in Tianmen.

"Let's go to the city to rest for a while, and then go to Tianmen to have a look."

Li Qiuyu gave the four girls a consoling look, only Qing Chi didn't know what was going on here, she also met Li Qiuyu and others in Tianhai.

"Senior, do you want to stay in the hotel?"

A buddy in the foundation-building period saw Li Qiuyu and five people coming, and hurriedly greeted them respectfully. The five people's cultivation bases were in the early Yuanying period, and for a foundation-building period, they were the supreme existence.

"Well, this seat needs the Tianling Courtyard."

Li Qiuyu nodded, and directly asked for the Tianling Courtyard. This courtyard was the first courtyard where Li Qiuyu lived. Finally, Han Xing introduced it to Tianmen. After Li Qiuyu became a great monk, this courtyard also became Li Qiuyu's special resting place. Place.

The name was named by Li Qiuyu when he was cultivating in Tianmen Ice and Fire Peak. This courtyard has been empty here, although Li Qiuyu has left Tianmen to travel.

"Senior, do you know Tianling Courtyard?"

The guy in the foundation building period said in surprise, with a look of disbelief on his face, no one has lived in this courtyard since he came to the inn, and he knew that it was a courtyard dedicated to an elder in the door.

The other monks didn't know the existence of this courtyard at all, and they didn't expect to be called out by a senior in the Nascent Soul Stage, how could he not be surprised.

"Well, of course, is there a problem?"

A faint smile appeared on Li Qiuyu's face, and he was stunned, since he hadn't been here for hundreds of years, no one knew him at all.

"No, it's just that this courtyard does not accept other seniors. It is a courtyard dedicated to the elders of our sect. Only that senior can live in it. Please forgive me, senior."

The monks in the Foundation Establishment Period hurriedly apologized and said that they were afraid that the seniors in front of them would get angry, and if one of them got angry, his own life would be lost.

Although Tianmen can be regarded as a big force in Lingxiao City, in the eyes of monks in other cities, Tianmen is nothing at all. Tianmen was originally a monk of the five great Nascent Soul Late Stages.

Ever since I thought that the senior went on a trip, he hasn't come back. There are only four big monks left, and a hundred years ago, the elder of a big monk also passed away.

The other three elders have also reached their deadlines, and it is not far from the time of sitting. Although there are many Nascent Soul stage monks in Tianmen, there is really no one who wants to break through the big monks.

Seeing that Tianmen is about to fall, the situation of Tianmen has gradually become extremely unfavorable, and other forces and families have begun to attack Tianmen.

The status of Tianmen disciples is also gradually declining, and they dare not cause trouble outside, unless Tianmen increases the number of great monks, they can maintain the status of the top ten sects in front of them.

Even so, it may not be very sure to maintain it, because there are top masters in other strengths, and the stage of transforming gods will also appear.

Only Tianmen has no monks in the stage of transformation. If Li Qiuyu hadn't killed the monks in the stage of transformation of the second largest force 300 years ago, making Tianmen the second sect in one fell swoop, other sects would not dare to attack Tianmen.

But Li Qiuyu, the most powerful elder of Tianmen, also left Tianmen to travel and travel. Gradually, the news was accurate, and other forces began to encroach on Tianmen and suppress Tianmen.

The power is stronger than others, Tianmen has no strength, so it can only be suppressed by other strengths, the only thing it can do is to bear it silently, hoping that new masters will join and be promoted.

It is simply impossible for the three big monks to break through. This is the situation that has caused Tianmen's business in Lingxiao City to be suppressed.

Seeing five Nascent Soul cultivators arriving at the same time, this disciple of the Foundation Establishment Stage hesitated in his heart whether he should inform the people above him or not.

"That's why, look at this."

Li Qiuyu took out a token and threw it to the guy in the foundation establishment period.Finally, he quietly looked at this buddy in the foundation building period.

"You are, are you Patriarch Li?"

The foundation builder saw the token in his hand, and the word Tianmen appeared in his eyes. This is a good token for Tianmen, and this token can only be owned by elders above the Yuanying stage of Tianmen.

Then flip the token over, and on the other side, the three characters Li Qiuyu appeared in sight. On the three characters, there was a golden light flashing, with a mysterious aura in the light.

Although I don't know the breath inside this font, but this golden color is a special color for the elders. In Tianmen, every level of cultivating monks has a color to distinguish their status and identity.

The Supreme Elder is golden. In the memory of the foundation building staff, there have been only a few great monks in Tianmen for hundreds of years. He did not expect that the young monk in front of him actually had the token of the Supreme Elder.

The Supreme Elders, young and old, will naturally find some of these Supreme Elders, and Li Qiuyu is naturally the most famous one. Nearly three hundred years ago, the Tianmen Supreme Elder Li Qiuyu killed the cultivators of the Transformation Stage with the strength of a great monk.

Li Qiuyu has also become the object of worship of Tianmen disciples, but this Supreme Elder has never appeared, and finally got out somehow, Li Qiuyu has long been absent from Tianmen.

"This seat is Li Qiuyu. It has been 300 years. I believe that no one in Tianmen knows the existence of this seat."

Li Qiuyu made a move with one hand, the token returned to his hand, and finally disappeared into the space ring, speaking softly, with a sense of vicissitudes in his voice.

"Disciple Liu Domain visited Patriarch Li, and Patriarch Li has finally returned."

Seeing Li Qiuyu's appearance, Liu Domain was very excited. How could he not be excited when this legendary existence appeared in front of him again.

"Well, I have to rest. You come to Tianling Courtyard tomorrow, and I have something to ask you."

Li Qiuyu said calmly, and finally asked Liu Territory to take the five of him to the Tianling courtyard. Seeing that the courtyard was still the same as when he left, he was very satisfied.

There used to be a Han Xing in Tianmen, who took care of his cave for decades, and now Tianmen has kept his courtyard intact.

"Disciple obeys, master, you rest first."

Liu Territory kowtowed respectfully and left. When he left, he saluted Xiao Hanyue's four daughters attackingly. Reminiscent of Li Qiuyu's situation in Tianmen 300 years ago, there were also three peerless girls together, but now there is only one more.

Although Master Li's cultivation base is only at the early stage of Yuanying, the disciples of Tianmen know that Li Qiuyu likes to hide his cultivation base. Besides, it is difficult to underestimate Li Qiuyu's cultivation base if he guesses his cultivation base in the middle phase of foundation establishment.

"This place is still the same as before. It hasn't been touched. I still want the same room."

Ling Ling said softly, and then walked towards the room she used to live in, Xiao Hanyue took Qing Ling to a room, and finally returned to her own room.

Leaving Xiao Qiuyue and Li Qiuyu behind, they saw that the other three women had left, and they also walked towards the same room. It was just the time when Xiao Qiuyue was with Li Qiuyu.

After resting all night, I had nothing to say all night, and I didn't get up to wash up until noon the next day. After several people finished washing, it was already high in the sun.

Li Qiuyu probed out with a piece of spiritual consciousness, found the disciple of the foundation establishment period who received her yesterday, and then used the spiritual consciousness to send the disciple of the foundation establishment period to her Tianling courtyard.

"The disciple pays respects to the ancestor, and the four fairies."

Seeing the presence of all five of them, Liu Territory felt a sense of oppression in his heart. This was the instinctive reaction of the first monk to see a senior monk, and Li Qiuyu and the other five did not exert any coercion at all.

There was no trace of aura, but the monks in the transformation stage, just the perception and integration of the world, naturally made the low-level monks feel oppressed.

Li Qiuyu is the Supreme Elder of Tianmen, and also a master-level existence. Although the other four girls are with Li Qiuyu, and their cultivation bases are the same, but if they are called masters, they will definitely kill a few girls who know nothing about the world. Shout out old.

As soon as he had an idea, he simply called her Fairy, which was not impolite, and also satisfied the four seniors. He, who was mixed among low-level monks, was naturally extremely tactful.

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