Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 722 Chapter Tianmen

"Well, I haven't come out for hundreds of years, so tell me about the situation of Dashang and Tianmen."

Li Qiuyu raised his hand to signal this disciple of the foundation establishment stage to stand up. Although he is a cultivator of the transformation stage, he is definitely the No. 1 existence in Tianmen.

But he doesn't like other people's too much etiquette, so it seems that he is too harsh on the disciples below him. If others respect me an inch, I will pay you back.

"Disciple obeys."

The disciples in the Foundation Establishment Stage stood up, stood respectfully opposite Li Qiuyu, and explained some basic information about Tianmen, Lingxiao City, and the Great Shang Empire.

The Great Merchant Empire, as Li Qiuyu understood, the invasion of the ancient demons, has not yet been in danger here, but there is no definite number in the cultivation world, and there may be changes at some point.

Tianmen also learned a little bit. This foundation-building period disciple didn't have much contact with it. It was impossible to know more, but he also understood the general situation.

The situation of Tianmen is unbearable. There are only three of the four great monks left, and the other one died a hundred years ago. Other forces have also begun to suppress Tianmen.

After half an hour passed, Li Qiuyu waved his hand to make this foundation-building disciple step back, and finally closed his eyes and meditated for a moment.

"My lord, the situation in Tianmen is really not optimistic. I wonder if you want to help Tianmen."

After waiting for Li Qiuyu to open her eyes, Xiao Hanyue asked softly, this is also the first place to choose now, whether to leave Lingxiao and return to Tianlong, or to contribute to Tianmen in Tianmen.

"Well, let's go back to Tianmen first. Although Tianmen is not my real sect and home, I have lived in Tianmen for a while anyway, and now we want to observe the situation of the Great Shang Ancient Demon."

The stage of transforming gods has arrived. If you want to find a critical point in Dashang or Northern Jin Dynasty, and prepare to ascend to the spirit world before the stage of transforming gods, the most important thing is to improve the strength of yourself and others.

However, after the stage of transforming gods, it is not easy to improve one's cultivation level a bit, but having pills is another matter.

"Actually, the threat from Tianmen is not a threat. With the help of a few of us, other strengths are not a concern. We return to Tianmen and concentrate on cultivation. As long as other forces don't come to provoke us, there is no need for us to do anything."

"However, it is not impossible to give a little lesson to those forces that suppress Tianmen. With our cultivation base strength, it is not difficult to kill the cultivators of the transformation stage. Very few, try to kill as few as possible."

Xiao Hanyue thought for a while, and expressed her thoughts. Now that the ancient demons are invading, although they have not yet come to the center of the Great Merchant Empire, they must be prepared for everything. The monks in the stage of transforming gods are the real power to protect Fengyue .

"Han Yue is right. We try not to kill the great cultivators and the cultivators of the transformation stage now, lest when the cultivators in the human world kill each other, the ancient demons will find an opportunity to take advantage of them."

After listening to Xiao Hanyue's words, Li Qiuyu also knew what Xiao Hanyue meant, and she was very satisfied. Xiao Hanyue and the others had followed her for hundreds of years, with exquisite thoughts, and thought of everything.

"Then when will I go to Tianmen?"

Qing Chi asked on the sidelines, in fact, for her, Tianmen has nothing to do with her, and there is no need to help, but Li Qiuyu, Xiao Hanyue and others all came from Tianmen, and she and Li Qiuyu Xiao Hanyue are also hundreds of thousands of people. We have been friends for years, and wherever Li Qiuyu and the others go, she has to go too.

She used to follow Yinlong, and she didn't have to worry about anything. Now that Yinlong is missing, she follows Li Qiuyu and Xiao Hanyue, and the relationship is extremely harmonious. Li Qiuyu also considers everything for her, and has nowhere to go in Fengyue, so she can only follow Li Qiuyu four people.

"Let's leave tomorrow. We will rest when we arrive at Tianmen. There is no convenient place for our own cultivation. At Tianmen and Binghuo Peak, the cultivation environment is several times better than here. Let's go to Binghuo Peak."

"Well, okay, let's practice first and go back to Tianmen tomorrow morning."

In fact, Lingxiao City is not far from Tianmen. With the current strength of Li Qiuyu and five people, they don't need it for an hour, but they don't want to attract the attention of other sects and forces.

The five of them returned to their room and began to practice. On the next morning, Li Qiuyu called Liu Domain from the Foundation Establishment Stage and gave an explanation.

Hearing that Li Qiu and others were going back to Tianmen, Liu Teruyuu's face suddenly showed excitement. If Li Qiuyu could return to Tianmen, he would naturally be able to solve many of Tianmen's current problems.

For a monk like Li Qiuyu, who travels outside every day, he is not willing to return to the sect at all, and naturally he will not be bound by the sect.

As a disciple of the Foundation Establishment Stage, I naturally dare not ask Li Qiuyu to return to Tianmen. It would be a great thing for Li Qiuyu to return to Tianmen in person.

"It's best not to spread the news of my seat's return. You know the severity of the matter yourself."

Li Qiuyu threw a storage bag towards Liu Domain in the foundation building period, said seriously, and finally left the inn with Xiao Hanyue and the others.

"Thank you for the reward, master."

Seeing Li Qiuyu leaving and giving himself a storage bag, Liu Tianyu was very happy. It was the happiest thing for this master to return to Tianmen.

Seeing the sky where Li Qiuyu had disappeared, Liu Domain opened the storage bag and was stunned. Inside were 200 million low-level spirit stones and an ancient treasure.

After seeing these spirit stones and ancient treasures, he quickly put away the invincible ah, and finally looked around, afraid that other monks would find out.

Over the past 200 years, the influence of Tianmen has declined, and the benefits of disciples have gradually decreased. They have been suppressed by other forces everywhere, and even if they go out to earn spirit stones, there are very few opportunities.

What's more, this is 200 million low-level spirit stones. Even if he has [-] low-level spirit stones, he can't get them out as a foundation-building monk. In the middle of the foundation-building period, he still uses the best spiritual weapons.

I thought to myself: "This master Li is really generous, with 200 million low-level spirit stones and an ancient treasure, even if it is used in the late stage of alchemy or even the nascent soul stage, there is no need to worry about spirit stones and treasures."


Li Qiuyu took the four women on the flying ancient treasure and quickly shuttled through the clouds. The mountains, monks, villages and pavilions below kept retreating.

After three hours.

In front of the Tianmen sect gate appeared four peerless girls and a chic and elegant boy in white clothes. The boy looked at the huge and majestic mountain gate with a smile on his face.

"Hundreds of years, there is still no change here."

Li Qiuyu sighed and said, finally lowered the ancient flying treasure and walked straight ahead. In Tianmen, you can't use flying treasures to fly, you can only fly by body skills.

"Five seniors, please stay here. This is the forbidden area of ​​Tianmen. Please report your identities or tokens to the five seniors."

Li Qiuyu couldn't walk more than a hundred feet, and just when he came to the huge mountain gate, more than ten monks in the foundation stage appeared, all dressed in uniform.

"Hehe, sure enough, I have been away from the mountain gate for hundreds of years, and none of my disciples have known each other."

Li Qiuyu smiled faintly, and finally said softly, looking at Xiao Hanyue and the others with a helpless look on his face.

For hundreds of years, low-level disciples have been reincarnated several times, and high-level monks who are sitting in meditation, even if they are not sitting in meditation, are still practicing hard in seclusion to try to prolong their lifespan.

"My lord is right. They are all juniors. When we were in Tianmen, their grandparents were still children."

Xiao Qiuyue smiled coquettishly, indeed, the dozen or so Foundation Establishment Stage disciples in front of her are all only five or sixty years old, and all of them have good strength, but they have no better future.Otherwise, I wouldn't come here to patrol the mountain gate.

"My seat, Li Qiuyu, has been traveling for 300 years, and I'm back today. How are you, your ancestors in September?"

Li Qiuyu said with a smile, with a calm expression on his face, and he didn't feel that this was a powerful sect at all.

"Li Qiuyu? Forgive me for my shallow knowledge and not knowing the senior's name, but Master Jiuyue is currently retreating."

A disciple in the late stage of foundation establishment looked at the appearance of Li Qiuyu and the five of them. They all had extraordinary temperament, with an elegant aura, and they were still monks in the Nascent Soul stage.

It's just that Li Qiuyu has been away from Tianmen for too long, and his name is a taboo among low-level disciples, so they are not allowed to mention Li Qiuyu at all. They only know that there is a Li Shizu, but they rarely know the real name.

It's been a long time, and these disciples are all low-level disciples two or three hundred years later. They know of Li Qiuyu's existence, so naturally they don't know Li Qiuyu.

However, Fairy Jiuyue is one of the three major late stage monks of Tianmen, and she is also the supreme existence of Tianmen, so she naturally knows it.When Li Qiuyu mentioned Fairy Jiuyue and called her by her first name, she felt a little angry. 】

However, it was a troubled time for Tianmen to go down first, and there could not be many enemies. Moreover, Li Qiuyu and five of them were monks in the Nascent Soul stage, so naturally they couldn't offend them, and they were more polite.

"I don't blame you. When I was in Tianmen, your grandfather may have seen me. You are still too young. Jiuyue is in retreat. Lingluotian should be here."

Li Qiuyu's mood was extremely calm. With his cultivation level, his heart was like stagnant water. Few things could affect his mood.

In the past, these cultivators would have been punished a long time ago, and they would not have explained and waited so politely here, and would have just returned to the Binghuo Peak to practice.

"Senior's surname is Li?"

"Isn't my surname Li or Zhang?"

"Are you Li Qiuyu, the grand elder of the Tianmen Gate 300 years ago?"

"Well, let Ling Luotian come to see me."

"Junior, go and report to Master Zero, senior, wait a moment."

A disciple in the early stage of foundation establishment looked at Li Qiuyu suspiciously, and his heart trembled. The name Li Qiuyu was mentioned by his master when he was young, and Li Qiuyu knew something about Li Qiuyu's deeds in Tianmen. No, I didn't expect that the Nascent Soul cultivator in front of me was also called Li Qiuyu.

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