He was a little suspicious that it was the former Supreme Elder. The matter was too coincidental, and he was not sure, so he finally asked Li Qiuyu.

When Li Qiuyu saw this disciple questioning him like this, he didn't understand. He had already said that his name was Li Qiuyu and his surname was Li, but he didn't get angry either.

When the disciples of the Foundation Establishment Stage heard the names of the two Supreme Elders of their Tianmen mentioned in succession by the senior of the Nascent Soul Stage, they became even more suspicious that this was the former Master Li. place.

After the disciples of the foundation building period left, Li Qiuyu took Xiao Hanyue to wander around outside the mountain gate. It was nothing to do, so it was just a relaxation.

The other Foundation Establishment Stage disciples were also looking at Li Qiuyu and the other five at the side of the mountain gate, waiting for the information from above. The arrival of these five Nascent Soul Stage seniors was too strange.

"This is the place where the Supreme Elders practiced purely. There is no transmission. Have you forgotten the rules of the Tianmen?"

The Foundation Establishment disciple quickly flew up to the main peak, and after more than ten breaths of time, he reached the halfway up the main peak, but was blocked by a master uncle in the early Yuanying period.

The Yuanying stage monk in Tsing Yi saw this disciple rushing around. He was dressed as a disciple of the patrolling mountain gate below. He never thought that he would dare to come to the main peak where the Supreme Elder was.

The expression on his face was also serious, and he glanced at the foundation-building disciple, and the aura slowly emerged from his body. Suddenly, the foundation-building disciple knelt on the ground, unable to move at all.

"Master, please forgive me. This disciple has something important to report to Master Patriarch. If the matter is serious, this disciple has no other choice."

The foundation disciple saw this monk in Tsing Yi's Yuanying period, and his heart sank. This monk in Yuanying period was a well-known criminal law master in Tianmen, and he didn't expect to meet him at this time.

However, he couldn't help the following things, so he could only speak out quickly, his body trembling non-stop, and finally he was completely imprisoned.

"What's the matter? If you can tell me a reason, this deity will punish you by the rules of the Heavenly Gate."

The monk in Tsing Yi said coldly, with a cruel look on his face, if a disciple in the Foundation Establishment Stage had anything to do to come to the Supreme Elder, it was obviously just to shirk.

But I have to let this disciple say something, so as not to make jokes when it happens, every sect has a special criminal law, and these monks are very cruel.

"When the disciples were patrolling below, five monks came, one male and four females. The male monk was a young man in white clothes. The female was about sixteen or seventeen years old. They were all at the Nascent Soul stage. The young man in white wanted to see Fairy Jiuyue And Elder Ling Taishang."

"Didn't he say his name?"

The monk in Tsing Yi was stunned for a moment, then sneered, looking bloodthirsty at the disciple of the Foundation Establishment Period, seeing how this disciple made up nonsense, and also a little curious about the five monks below.

"He said his name was Li Qiuyu."

"Li Qiuyu?"

"Well, the disciple will never dare to deceive the Patriarch."

"Could it be him? Come with me."

Cultivator Tsing Yi was shocked. These three words did not respond to disciples in the Foundation Establishment Stage or even the Core Formation Stage, but as a monk in the Nascent Soul Stage, he naturally knew Li Qiuyu's reputation.

I also know about Li Qiuyu, since the other party said so, it is not false, since the other party wants to see Elder Ling Taishang, there must be nothing wrong.

He didn't dare to delay, the weight of this person was beyond the reach of a Nascent Soul cultivator. He broke through to a great cultivator 300 years ago and killed the old monster in the Cangyuan Transformation Stage.

After speaking, he grabbed the foundation-building disciple with one hand, moved his body quickly, and arrived at the top of the mountain in a short while, only to be blocked by the seniors in the attic on the top of the mountain, so he couldn't see what was going on inside.

As soon as the consciousness moved, a piece of talisman paper appeared in his hand, and then a piece of spiritual consciousness was transmitted into the talisman paper. With a wave of one hand, the talisman paper flew towards the prohibition, and disappeared in the prohibition in an instant.

Behind the pavilion on the top of the mountain is a huge formation, the spirit gathering formation, which continuously gathers spiritual energy, and then a large amount of spiritual energy rushes towards the head of an old man in blue.

There was a gleam of joy on the old man's face, and finally he absorbed the aura with all his strength and transformed it into mana. It only took a moment of effort to receive the power and improve his cultivation.

But at this moment, the old man's eyebrows moved, and then he showed anger, but the anger was suppressed immediately, and the anger on his body did not diminish at all.

"Hmph, you dare to disturb the old man's cultivation, you really deserve to die. If there is no important matter, the old man will let you know how powerful it is."

The old man snorted coldly, his face was icy, and finally grabbed the air, and grabbed the red talisman that flew passionately in front of him. It turned out that this old man was Ling Luotian, the elder of the Tianmen Taishang.

Two or three hundred years have passed, and a younger brother has passed away. His own cultivation level is higher than that of his younger brother, but it has only been more than ten years. If he can't break through, he will die in ten years.

Two or three hundred years of hard work for Tianmen changed his appearance, from the original middle-aged to the current old man. Who said that monks are not afraid of the torment of troubles.

Recently, the major forces have stepped up their efforts to suppress Tianmen and want to erase Tianmen. In such a situation, it is difficult for Tianmen to change.

Every day because of Tianmen's affairs, my mood has become extremely irritable. Now I just made a little progress in cultivation and was interrupted by someone. It's strange if I don't get angry.

With a wave of his hand, the talisman paper instantly burned, and a voice came to Ling Luotian's ears. Suddenly, Ling Luotian's face changed drastically.

"Master, the disciples patrolling down the mountain reported that a young cultivator named Li Qiuyu approached Master and Uncle Jiuyue, and the disciple had no choice but to disturb Master Qingxiu."

As soon as the voice fell, the talisman paper also burned the city to ashes, and Ling Luotian was still there, and it took a while to react, with ecstasy on his face.

With a sway, he disappeared in front of the pavilion, and when he reappeared, he was in front of the monk in Tsing Yi and the disciples of the Foundation Establishment Period, with a serious expression on his face.

"Go and inform the other two uncles, I will go down first."

Ling Luotian glanced at the disciples of the Foundation Establishment Stage, and then a light curtain enveloped the disciples of the Foundation Establishment Stage, and then disappeared in a flash, and the sound reached the ears of the Tsing Yi cultivator.

After a while, Ling Luotian came to the front of the mountain gate with a light curtain, staring blankly at the five monks in front of him, his body trembling unceasingly.


Seeing Ling Luotian coming here, more than a dozen foundation-building disciples felt horrified, and hurriedly knelt down to salute, looking extremely respectful, with puzzled expressions on their faces.

Could it be that the Patriarch came here for the five monks in front of him? There are nearly a hundred monks in the Nascent Soul stage of Tianmen, even if he wants to deal with five monks, he doesn't need the elder Lingtai, a great monk, to come.

"Hehe, Li Daoyou, for hundreds of years, don't come here without any problems, the four fairies are getting more and more beautiful, Li Daoyou is convinced."

Ling Luotian saw Li Qiuyu looking at him, with a smile on his face, said loudly, and bowed to Li Qiuyu and the other five.

"Friend Zero, you are getting old."

Li Qiuyu walked slowly towards Lingluotian, the two stopped ten feet apart, and finally said jokingly, Xiao Hanyue and the others also had smiles on their faces.

Girls would be happy to be praised for their beauty, and in front of the person they love, the four girls were naturally happy, sticking close to Li Qiuyu's side.

"Li Daoyou, what is your cultivation level? You have reached the stage of transforming gods, the cultivation level of the four fairies! The younger generation has met the uncle and the four fairies."

Ling Luotian frowned, feeling shocked, and began to see that the five people's cultivation bases were only in the early stage of Yuanying, but the aura on their bodies was faint, and the aura that rushed to Li Qiuyu's five people was completely integrated into the world.

This kind of aura can only be possessed by monks in the stage of transformation, and I am horrified. I haven't seen it for just 300 years, and I have already reached the stage of transformation, and five monks have already reached the stage of transformation, which is too terrifying.

Immediately there was ecstasy in my heart. When Li Qiuyu came back, I worried about hundreds of years of things would be unsolved. I don't need to worry at all. There are five monks in the transformation stage and Li Qiuyu's monster.

Not to mention Li Qiuyu's power in Tianlong, Li Qiuyu's cultivation strength alone can solve all troubles. When he just broke through to the Great Cultivator, he killed Cangyuan in the stage of transformation.

Now that he has reached the stage of becoming a god, he can't think of what kind of existence can defeat him. Such an existence is also a top expert in Lingxiao City and even the Great Shang Empire. Will he still worry about a power in Lingxiao City?

Having been in the realm of comprehension for more than a thousand years, he naturally knows the ability to deal with people and win people's hearts.

"Hehe, it's just a fluke that I'm waiting, there's no need to be polite, let's go in first and talk about it later."

Li Qiuyu said with a smile, this Ling Luotian is really pragmatic, even if he doesn't know what Ling Luotian is thinking, but this is also a matter of human nature.

"Master uncle please, four fairies please."

Seeing Li Qiuyu's peaceful expression, Ling Luotian was even more amazed. The average monks in the stage of spiritual transformation are high-ranking, but he didn't expect Li Qiuyu to be more modest than he was 300 years ago.

When other monks in the Foundation Establishment Stage saw the appearance and words of their Supreme Elder, they were immediately confused. Even the Supreme Elder had to be called Master Uncle. What kind of cultivation is that.

God Transformation Stage, yes, it is a cultivator in the Spirit Transformation Stage, Elder Ling Taishang also said it himself, since even the Supreme Elder thinks it is the Spirit Transformation Stage, naturally there will be no falsehood.

In the eyes of monks in the Foundation Establishment Stage, the Deity Transformation Stage is completely a god-like existence. He has broken away from mortals and completely entered the god-like realm.

"The disciple has seen the ancestor."

More than a dozen foundation-building monks finally understood that the white-clothed boy and the four peerless girls were all existences of the transformation stage, and the white-clothed boy was also a legend who killed the transformation stage with a great monk 300 years ago.

"Exemption, I have traveled the world for 300 years, but I have not taken care of Tianmen. These can be regarded as a meeting gift for you."

With a movement of Li Qiuyu's consciousness, a thought was sent out, pulling up more than a dozen disciples of the foundation establishment period who were kneeling on the ground, and then shot more than ten storage bags at the other disciples.

The faces of more than a dozen disciples were horrified. They didn't see Li Qiuyu make a move. They were pulled up by an invisible force at the same time, and they saw the storage bag flying towards them, and they just fell into their hands.

Ling Luotian was full of envy and horror at the same time. This is the power of the transformation stage, the power of mind, and it doesn't need to be done at all, and everything can be done with mind.

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