"That's not bad. I will settle these matters first, so as not to disturb my Qingxiu."

Li Qiuyu ignored Ling Luotian, and said calmly, there is no difficulty in solving a Lingxiao City, as long as the ten major forces are completely suppressed, they will be quiet.

"My disciple is ashamed to worry about Mr. Lao."

Ling Luotian was horrified by the strength of Li Qiuyu and Lvyi. The two of them entered and exited the formation as if there was no one in it. If they killed a big monk like himself, they would not have any kung fu at all.

"Forget it, this seat is also a member of Tianmen. If you have something to do, you will naturally have to support it. You try to provoke the nine major forces, and then attack the first major force with all your strength."

Li Qiuyu thought of the most powerful Linyue Sect. This sect has always been the most powerful in Lingxiao City, and no sect can shake its position.

Fortunately for other forces, even if there are monks in the transformation stage, he will not worry about it at all, but the Linyue Gate makes him see clearly, and he will not do things he is not sure about.

"Disciple obeys. In fact, other forces already think that our Tianmen is going to fall. They don't know about your existence, so there is nothing to worry about. The main one is the Linyuemen. It is said that there are more than one monks in the transformation stage, There are also many big monks."

"The Linyue Sect has never shown its true strength, and we don't know when it appeared. Even with the strength of our Tianmen Sect, we have not found out what kind of power the Linyue Sect is."

Ling Luotian said seriously, and told about the situation of Linyuemen. In his heart, Linyuemen is a mysterious and powerful existence, and has always been a potential threat to Tianmen. When going downhill, they didn't stop, just like other sects.

"This Linyue Gate, you gather all your strengths, and we will be the first to strike at the Linyue Gate, lest they see through our strength."

Li Qiuyu pondered for a while, and finally Luo Tian seemed to think of something, and said to Ling Luotian, no matter how powerful it is, it is just a sect, and with its own strength, everything is nothing.

"Disciple, prepare now."

"Okay, I'll go out first. You all try your best to attack Linyue Gate. I'll go first."

After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, she flashed out with her green clothes, left the formation in an instant, shot towards the distance, and disappeared within the range of Tianmen in a moment.

Moon Gate

The largest force in Lingxiao City, but few people saw Linyuemen attacking other sects, but they didn't know why Linyuemen became the largest force.

The entire sect is located in the Linyue Mountains, and there are hundreds of thousands of disciples in the entire sect, and no one knows how many core forces there are.

In the depths of the mountains, the pavilions are like scales. In the deepest part of the pavilions, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant. It is completely a fairyland on earth. It looks like such a beautiful place, but there is a faint evil spirit.

This is the forbidden area of ​​the Linyue Gate. Only the disciples of the great cultivators above the late Yuanying stage can enter. If there is no summon, even if the disciples of the great cultivators enter without authorization, they will be sentenced to death.

"Hmph, I have been waiting for thousands of years. My army of ancient demons has finally come to the human world again. Haha, after a hundred years, the human world will become the world of my demons. The demons will lead the entire Fengyue Continent and enter the spirit world. , to unify the fairy world."

A cold voice came out, and I saw a black-clothed monk sitting firmly on the main seat, which was more than ten feet higher than the other seats.

A blood-red crescent moon appeared between the eyebrows of the man in black, which made the whole person look extremely sinister and vicious, exuding an astonishing devilish energy from his whole body.

There is a black round light ball in his hand, and there are countless ghost spirits in the light ball. The countless ghost spirits screamed pitifully, but the sound was blocked by the light ball outside.

After the man in black finished speaking, he sent the ball of light to his mouth. In an instant, the black ball of light was sent into the mouth, and countless ghosts turned into essence and entered the mouth.

The movements are extremely agile, it seems that there are many such things done, the man gently closed his eyes, and it took a quarter of an hour to digest the black light ball just now, and the man opened his eyes.

The sharp eyes swept down, and wherever the eyes passed, streaks of black and pure magic energy turned the air into a mysterious atmosphere, no longer magic energy, nor spiritual energy.

Standing below are five light-black old men, who also exude a strong demonic energy. Five monks at the stage of transformation, and behind the five monks at the stage of transformation, there are ten big monks.

There was no demonic energy on his body, but after the man in black looked at him, the face of the nearly fifty great cultivator changed dramatically, and his aura immediately changed, from a human monk to a demonic cultivator, and his cultivation base also skyrocketed.

Feeling their own strength soaring, the expressions of panic on the faces of the fifty great monks turned into surprise, and then they respectfully saluted and thanked the man in black.

"My subordinates thank Mo Jun for his support."

Fifty big monks lowered their heads, not daring to look at the man in black on the main seat opposite, they all knew that this man was not something they could provoke.

"Hmph, I have been in Lingxiao City for ten thousand years. My army of ancient demons has descended on the human world. When the time comes, you will chop me up and conquer the human world. I will ask the Lord to infuse you with the spirit of real demons. You have to break through It is not a problem to become a god or even a higher realm."

The man in black said coldly, the indifferent voice is always like this, like a natural indifference, and the five cultivators at the transformation stage below all stood respectfully.

"The subordinates must go through fire and water to fight the world for the devil, and wish the devil the supreme ruler of Fengyue."

A big monk said flatteringly, with excitement on his face. Just now, the Taiwanese businessman gave his cultivation level a big boost just by casually being an elder. If he can get the real devil's energy, he won't directly reach the stage of transforming gods.

"You go down first."

The man in black waved his hand, his eyes were swollen with a sharp light, his voice was commanding, there was no doubt about it, more than fifty monks bowed respectfully and retreated, and exited the gloomy hall.

"My lord, the Nine Heavens boulder in Demon Underworld City has been sealed. Don't try to display its original power anymore. Our demons have also come to the human world with nearly tens of millions. Why don't we humanize the monks and human beings in the human world in one fell swoop?" For Demon Realm?"

The leader, the old man in black, bowed respectfully to the man in black, with a puzzled expression on his face, but his voice did not dare to have the slightest suspicion.

"One demon, dare to doubt the demon king, aren't you afraid of the pain of the soul devouring demons?"

The man in black looked at the demon fiercely, and the demon energy in his whole body rose sharply. If the demon could not give him a reason to convince him, he would immediately cast a forbidden technique to kill him.

"Nine Demon Lords, my subordinates are only thinking about the great plans of my demon clan. They have absolutely no intention of disobeying the Demon King. Please learn from the Nine Demon Lords." Cultivation level, but if you really want to do it, the Nine Demon Lords can kill themselves with just one move.

Because the Nine Demon Lords are the ninth disciples under the Demon King, they practice authentic magic skills, and the magic treasures on their body are also extremely powerful, so I am no match for him at all.

"This time, I won't care about it. I will pretend that I didn't hear your words, but I want to tell you that I have received the order of the Demon King to turn all the cities east of Lingxiao City into the demon domain of the demons."

"We'd better not attract the attention of human monks, lest the ten-thousand-year concealment will come to naught. When you act, try to be careful with me. If human monks find out, I will mention the devil to punish you."

The Nine Demon Monarchs gave the five subordinates a cold look, and they did not exist as five demon monks at all. In the demon tribe, they were naturally indifferent and lived for survival.

"This subordinate respectfully obeys the orders of the Lord, but recently the elder Taishang who left before Tianmen came back, we have to let it go, 300 years ago, this human monk killed Cangyuan, the second largest force, with the strength of a great monk. "

The demon clan who was beside Yimo came out, first saluted the Nine Demon Lord, and finally said seriously, without any expression on his face.

"Second devil, your courage is getting smaller and smaller. A human monk is nothing to worry about. Even if a great monk kills a master in the transformation stage, he is still not like an ant in front of this saint."

The Nine Demon Lord looked at the Second Demon, and smiled faintly. This smile made the five subordinates at the transformation stage tremble. They knew the habits of their master, and showing such a smile clearly indicated that the murderous intention had already appeared. .

"However, according to my subordinates, it seems that this Tianmen Taishang Elder has reached the stage of transforming gods, and his strength cannot be ignored. I just hope that Tianmen will not cause trouble for us at Linyuemen because of Li Qiuyu's return. If so, we will be violent." leak."

The elders of the five deity stages below the Nine Demon Lords have been following the Nine Demon Lords. They have no name, only one, two, three, four, five as code names, and the one who just spoke was the Three Demons.

"Hmph, don't worry about this matter, it's okay if he doesn't come to trouble us at the Moon Gate, but if he comes to our Moon Gate, he's looking for death."

The Nine Demon Lord said in a cold voice, the aura of his whole body soared, and the whole hall was filled with a layer of mysterious demonic energy, and the faces of the five subordinates at the stage of transforming gods showed horror.

"The Promise of Demon Dao."

"The lord has cultivated the Promise of Demon Dao!"

The three demons and one demon said in horror, their faces were horrified. Originally, the Nine Demon Lords were the disciples of the Demon King, and they had a huge advantage. times.

The five demon kings in the stage of transforming into gods were secretly jealous. They had great advantages and extremely high talents. Now they have successfully cultivated the infinite kung fu of the demonic way, and their status in the demon clan has improved a lot in the future.

"Haha, yes, you think a human monk is still my opponent, even if it is..."

Nine Demon Lord laughed loudly, but quickly stopped after speaking, not knowing what was in his mind, the other five subordinates were also startled, and quickly lowered their heads and stopped talking.

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