Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 727 Li Qiuyu's Plan

There was silence in the hall, and there was no sound for a long time. The body of the Nine Demon Lords gradually disappeared in the hall, and the five demons at the stage of transforming gods also disappeared strangely.

The empty hall was extremely dark. At this moment, a small insect flew out of the hall, and finally bit the prohibition formation continuously.


With a soft sound, the prohibition formation exploded in an instant, and at the moment of the explosion, a shocking demonic energy came from not far from the formation, and the air was immediately frozen.

A silver worm was tightly imprisoned and suspended in the air. Immediately afterwards, an old man in black walked over, his eyes carefully inspecting the worm.

"Hmph, how dare you come to our Moon Gate."

The old man in black grasped it with one hand, the air twisted, and with a bang, the bug was turned into nothingness.

Not finding anything, he restored the formation again and left, looked around with cautious eyes, and finally disappeared into the air.

Not far from the edge of the Linyue Mountains, a young man in white frowned, opened his closed eyes slightly, and looked at a woman in green standing beside him.

"what happened?"

The woman in green was originally the one in green who was with Li Qiuyu. Of course, the young man sitting cross-legged on the ground was also Li Qiuyu. Above the two of them, there was an aura fluttering like nothing.

"Well, it turns out that the Linyue Gate is actually a demon clan. No wonder it is so powerful. I didn't expect to get an important news by accident." Li Qiuyu said seriously, repeating what the Nine Demon Lords and others had said.

It turned out that the worm was Yinmorant sent out by Li Qiuyu with his spiritual consciousness. The divine consciousness was attached to the Yinmorant, and he listened to all the words of the Nine Demon Lords and others, but when he was leaving, he was discovered by the formation. Although mortal was killed, Li Qiuyu's consciousness belonged to him, and Li Qiuyu naturally knew the news from that trace of consciousness.

The killing of this sliver of spiritual consciousness is nothing to him who has a strong spiritual consciousness, but the strength of the Nine Demon Lords makes him a little afraid.

It's much more powerful than he imagined, and the matter is more complicated. He didn't expect the ancient demons to invade the human world. The real power has not yet entered the human world, and only a part of it has come.

Judging from the words of the Nine Demon Lords, within a hundred years, the ancient demons will attack the human world with all their strength. At that time, it is unknown whether the human world will have the strength to resist the invasion of the ancient demons.

A hundred years can be said to be long or short. If you want to leave the human world to avoid this ancient demon war, you can only ascend. If you want to go to Tianhai and Bihai, it is not so easy.

Since it is the human world, is there an ancient demon invading Tianhai and Bihai? But if you want to ascend, you have to stare at the middle stage of transformation, otherwise, even if you find the critical point, you will have no chance to ascend.

The powerful force of space-time friction, even at the early stage of the transformation of the gods, will be smashed into pieces in an instant. How can they reach the spiritual world? Otherwise, many early stage monks of the transformation of the gods would not dare to try it.

"It's the ancient demons again. I don't know how many ancient demons left behind in this Fengyue Continent. It seems that the ancient demons have been plotting against the human world countless years ago."

Luyi said softly, actually, even a cultivator at the stage of transformation might not be able to detect this prohibition, otherwise the ancient demons at the stage of transformation would not have failed to find the existence of Li Qiuyu and Lvyi.

"I don't know about this. It seems that we are really in trouble. Did we come back too early?"

Li Qiuyu pondered for a while, and finally looked at the green clothes. In this world, except for Xiao Hanyue and the others, they are all green clothes, and they will say everything to the green clothes.

"No, don't you want to go back to Tianlong Emperor Yanfeng?"

Lu Yi said in a daze, "I also see that Li Qiuyu doesn't think so in his heart, there are people Li Qiuyu cares about in Tianlong Emperor Yanfeng.

"Well, people are not grass and trees, how can one be ruthless, the Heavenly Dragon Kingdom is my achievement, naturally I will not let the ancient demon destroy it easily, if the ancient demon really wins, there will be no peace in the entire human world. For the Demon Realm."

"It's the same for Dashang, the Northern Jin Dynasty, and Tianlong. The disciples of Diyan Peak and the people of Tianlong Kingdom will all become puppets of the demon clan."

Li Qiuyu said lightly, with a small voice, as if he was talking to himself. Fortunately, the green robe is a late seventh-order monster with profound strength, otherwise he would not have heard what Li Qiuyu said.

"Yes, we didn't come back too early. On the contrary, we came back at the right time. Even if we don't have the strength to compete with the demons, at least you won't regret it."

Lu Yi said softly, she was transformed into a human form, and she also carried some human tenderness, but she knew that she was a monster.

"You are right. Our strength is too weak and our cultivation base is low. Thousands of ancient demons have invaded the human world, and this is still a small part. We have no strength to deal with it. But even if we are lost, at least we will not Will be sorry."

With a slight smile on Li Qiuyu's face, she looked sharply at the Linyue Gate in the depths of the Linyue Mountains, where an ancient demon's hiding place was still wearing the coat of a human monk.

"Are you still going to do it?"

Green clothes glanced at Li Qiuyu, and finally looked at the Linyue Gate in the distance, ignoring Li Qiuyu.

"Of course, since I have discovered it, I have to do it. Although I am not sure about dealing with him alone, but with Hanyue and the others, you four have a slight chance to deal with the big monk and the low-level disciple. .”

Li Qiuyu thought for a while, and finally smiled. It is his habit to face difficulties. Since there are such ancient demons, it is also a challenge. Even if they cannot be solved, he can leave when he encounters troubles.


"Of course not. Let's go back and call Hanyue and the others, so we can take care of them when we are in danger."

Li Qiuyu said with a smile, in the end, he disappeared from the spot in a blink of an eye, and was already ten miles away when he reappeared. The green clothes took a look at Li Qiuyu, and followed Feishe away.

The two quickly left the Linyue Mountains. One day later, the two returned to the Tianmen again, and went directly to the Binghuo Peak after returning to the Tianmen. It is best not to tell Ling Luotian and others about these things first, so as not to reveal the secret.

"Young master, why are you back?"

When Xiao Qiuyue saw Li Qiuyu and Lvyi come back, could it be possible that all the problems had been solved in two days? It should be impossible.

"I have something to discuss with you, let's wait for Hanyue and the others first."

Li Qiuyu said seriously, Xiao Qiuyue didn't dare to ask more when she saw Li Qiuyu's appearance, this was the first time Xiao Qiuyue saw such a situation.

Li Qiuyu had never shown such a serious expression before, and this time because of the fight with other forces, he must have encountered some serious trouble.

Half an hour later, Xiao Hanyue and Ling Ling came to Li Qiuyu's side, and finally Qing Qian also came to the hall where Li Qiuyu was. Of course, such things also had to be participated by the Xuangui Beast.

Xuangui Beast, Cloud Beast, and Blood Eagle Eagle were all in the hall. Seeing Li Qiuyu's serious look, they didn't dare to speak, waiting for Li Qiuyu's explanation.

"This time I went out with Lvyi, preparing to wipe out the nine major forces. I didn't expect that when I took the Linyue Gate, I discovered a secret. The Linyue Gate is actually an ancient demon."

Half an hour later, Li Qiuyu told about what he and Lvyi had encountered in the Linyue Mountains. Naturally, he also told about using Yin to inquire about the news.

The people and monsters in the hall can be trusted, so naturally he will not tell lies. After speaking, the four daughters of Xiao Hanyue and the three monsters all showed serious expressions.

"My lord, you said that the Nine Demon Lords are very powerful, how sure are you?"

Xiao Hanyue said seriously, the key thing is whether Li Qiuyu can kill the Nine Demon Lords, and the other subordinates in the stage of transforming gods, there are only four of them.

"I don't have much confidence, but it's worth a try. Even if it doesn't work, you can escape."

Li Qiuyu pondered for a while, and finally said that the two had never fought against each other, but the demonic energy of the Nine Demon Lords should not be underestimated, and some methods were terrifying.

Otherwise, the five subordinates at the stage of transforming gods would not be so afraid of him, and he didn't know how powerful the infinite power of the magic way was. Looking at the expressions and reactions of the subordinates at the five stages of transforming gods, It must be a vicious technique, and it is very famous among the demons.

"We can entangle my five elders in the transformation stage. You and Lvyi should be able to give it a try. If it doesn't work, we will leave here."

Xiao Hanyue said seriously, in the world of comprehension, people don't want to destroy the world for themselves, so naturally they won't lose their lives for an ancient demon.

"Well, let's rest for a few days, and when Ling Luotian and the others rush to the Moon Gate, we will do it. Their cultivation level is not high, but they can also restrain some low-level disciples."

Li Qiuyu said lightly, looking at Xuangui and the others with questioning eyes.

"I have no problem. As long as you don't lose, I'm not afraid. Even if I lose, as long as you're here, I won't disappear."

The Xuan Gui Beast said in a low voice, and the Blood Eagle Eagle and Cloud Beast also shook their heads, expressing that they had no opinion.

"Well, let's rest. It should be four days later, Ling Luotian and they will feel the Moon Gate. We will go directly to the Moon Gate to deal with some powerful ones then."

Li Qiuyu glanced at the three monsters, and finally left with the four girls, and went back to the training room. They all knew that there would be a big battle in a few days, and they all took a serious rest.

Try to show your full strength when you are at the Moon Gate. In the battle of the god transformation stage, if you are not careful, you will lose.

While Li Qiuyu and the others were resting, Ling Luotian took the younger brothers and sisters of the two big monks, more than a hundred monks in the Nascent Soul Stage, and more than a thousand monks who had formed pills and rushed towards the Linyue Gate.

I was very excited in my heart, but I didn't know how many disciples would be able to return to Tianmen this time.

"Senior brother, I wonder if Uncle Li has arrived at Linyue Gate?"

Fairy Jiuyue looked at Ling Luotian not far away. The flying ancient treasure under her feet brought more than ten alchemy stage disciples, and while driving the ancient treasure, she spoke to Ling Luotian. [Recommend a friend's work "The Ultimate Ghost Emperor"]

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