"Uncle Li and Fairy in Green went out three days ago, and they were also going to the Moon Gate. With their speed, they arrived naturally, but they won't appear first. They are super experts in dealing with the Moon Gate."

Ling Luotian said with a smile, Li Qiuyu told him three days ago, but he didn't tell him about Li Qiuyu's return, if he knew that there was such a master in Linyue Sect.

I'm afraid he wouldn't lead thousands of disciples to kill Linyue Sect so swaggeringly. After all, these disciples are the core strength of Tianmen.

"That's fine. When the super masters of the Linyue Sect appear, I believe that Master Li's strength can also solve the problem. We can deal with the monks of the same class."

Cheng Yu took up the topic on the side, with a happy expression on his face. If he succeeds this time, Tianmen will be able to run rampant in Lingxiao City completely, and he will no longer worry about other forces.

A group of people rushed straight to Linyue Gate. When they set off, Linyue Gate had received the news, and other forces had also received the news.

"Hey, Tianmen really doesn't know whether it's life or death. They were the first to attack our Linyuemen, which just happens to wipe out Tianmen."

The Nine Demon Lords received the news from below, with a vicious smile on their faces, the monks from Tianmen didn't need to wait for others to take action at all, their strength was too poor.

It's just that Li Qiuyu said that Li Qiuyu was not inside, so it seems that he also wanted to sneak attack, Nine Demon Lord thought to himself, there was a trace of strangeness in his bloodthirsty eyes.

"My lord, Tianmen dared to attack my Linyuemen with such great fanfare. It seems that it relied on Li Qiuyu as a backer. As long as we kill Li Qiuyu, there will be a mess of sand under Tianmen, and it is not worth our efforts."

The five demons stood up respectfully and said, with an expression of disdain undoubtedly, the monks in the human world are not as powerful as the demons themselves, and the three big monks are also the opponents of the Linyue Gate.

There are sixty big monks at Linyue Gate. Even if Li Qiuyu appears, these big monks alone will be able to kill him. The strength of sixty big monks will definitely make the monks in the transformation stage feel terrified.

"Let the disciples below prepare first. If it is not necessary, we will not make a move, so as not to attract the attention of other forces."

"Subordinates obey."

The five god-transforming monks retreated, and arranged for the monks of Linyuemen to deal with the attack of Tianmen, preparing to kill the monks of Tianmen in Linyuemen in one fell swoop.

Tianmen attacked Linyuemen, the most powerful force. Although it was not spread in Lingxiao City, all the major forces knew about it, and secretly sent people to Linyue Mountain Range.

Ling Luotian and the others also felt that something was wrong, but at this point, they couldn't go back, and Li Qiuyu had ordered them, if they went back like this, it would be hard for Li Qiuyu to explain.

At dawn, more than a thousand monks came to the Linyue Gate Mountain Range. When they arrived here, they were less than a hundred miles away from the Linyue Gate.

The distance of a hundred miles is only an instant for senior monks, but Linyue Gate is far away, and Ling Luotian also ordered the disciples below to get the flying treasure and use their body skills to rush forward.

The spiritual consciousness also extended far away, taking into account all the movements in front of the Linyue Gate, where nearly two thousand monks were waiting there.

The strength is almost the same as that of Tianmen Arrival. Seeing such a situation, Lingluotian secretly groaned in his heart. There are so many old monsters who have lived for thousands of years, so easy to deceive.

The Linyuemen monks in front are just bait, the real power is in the Linyuemen, and waiting for others to go, whether they can solve the disciples outside the Linyuemen is still two words.

If it weren't for Li Qiuyu, he wouldn't have taken his disciples there so boldly. Even so, he was still uneasy, feeling that something was going to happen, and it was not good for him.

The distance of a hundred miles shortened rapidly, and Lingluotian was on the mountain peak thousands of feet away, looking at the monks at Linyue Gate with a calm expression on his face.

"This deity, Tianmen, fell into the sky, and Linyuemen suppressed Tianmen for hundreds of years. Today, Linyuemen is asking for justice. The person in charge of Linyuemen should come out."

Ling Luotian shouted loudly, the distance of thousands of feet is not a distance at all to the monks, and the voice was transmitted to the ears of the monks opposite.

Chengyu and Fairy Jiuyue were also beside Lingluotian, and the other disciples stared at the Linyue Sect cultivator in front of them on the mountain peak, feeling very excited. The existence of Li Qiuyu was their backer. From their point of view, as long as Li Qiuyu was around , everything will be resolved, while Chengyu and Fairy Jiuyue kept scanning with their consciousness, as if they were looking for something.

"Tianmen, haha, that's all. If you want to get revenge on us at Linyuemen, brother Ling, use any tricks you can, and Liu will follow."

A big monk quickly flew out of Linyue Gate, with a cruel smile on his face, looking at Ling Luotian and the disciples of Tianmen, as if he was looking at four people.

There were also three big monks flying beside him, whose strength was almost the same as Ling Luotian's, and he felt amused in his heart, there were more than sixty big monks in Linyuemen, and there were also monks in the transformation stage.

There are only three big monks in Tianmen, even if Li Qiuyu who just came back is in it, he is not the opponent of Linyuemen, and such strength also wants to deal with Linyuemen.

"It's so refreshing, since you want the business and influence of Tianmen, you can take it if you have the ability, and this deity will accept you."

After Ling Luotian finished speaking, his body flashed towards the big black-clothed monk in the middle of Linyue Gate, and a golden top-level ancient treasure in his hand ruthlessly smashed towards the black-clothed big monk.

"Hmph, courting death."

Seeing Ling Luotian attacking him, the great monk in black felt a little anger, and stabbed a huge long spear towards Ling Luotian. The huge spear shadow had a shocking destructive power, and the air also became frozen.

"Your opponent is me."

Cheng Yu saw that another monk was also going to attack Lingluotian, so he naturally wouldn't let him go as he wished, so he appeared in front of the Linyuemen monk in a flash. 】

Fairy Jiuyue also started at the same time, three big monks fought against three big monks, and the other monks quietly looked at the six big monks in the sky.




There were continuous sounds in the air, streams of energy shot indiscriminately in the air, and the space became distorted. The strength of the Great Cultivator was by no means comparable to that of ordinary Nascent Soul Stage Cultivators.

What's more, the six big monks fought at the same time, and the movement was naturally incomparable. The golden giant sword in Ling Luotian's hand slammed at the spear.

The two attacks collided instantly, and the two retreated violently at the same time, and finally looked at each other quietly, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of their mouths.

"It's such a powerful force, it seems that it is not far from the stage of transforming gods."

Ling Luotian was terrified in his heart. Although his own strength was not as good as that of the God Transformation Stage, he was still at the top among the Great Cultivators.

He didn't expect to receive a little damage with just one blow. Although the opponent received almost the same damage as himself, this place is Linyue Gate, not Tianmen Gate, so he lost the right time and place.

The two of them paused for a while, and then they flew out quickly, flashing one after another, and in an instant, the two of them couldn't do more than a hundred moves. Although the great cultivator relied entirely on spells and profound mana to win, the strength of the two was almost the same. , can only rely on moves and skills to win.

The battle in the air was not over yet, the two thousand disciples of the Linyue Sect flew up quickly, and came to kill the Tianmen Sect, and they were bound to kill the disciples of the Tianmen Sect here.

"Why hasn't Martial Uncle Li appeared yet? If things go on like this, our Tianmen Sect will be over. Two thousand disciples will fight against a thousand disciples, and the disciples of Linyue Sect will be stronger than Tianmen Sect. Sigh."

Fairy Jiuyue waved a red spiritual sleeve towards her opponent. The sleeve was soft and weak, but it carried a shockingly weak power. She of the water element had already cultivated the Qing Ling Jue to the extreme.

"Fairy Jiuyue, this deity has heard about her fame for a long time, but I just didn't have the chance to meet her. When I saw her today, I was astonished. If we form a pair of monks, our cultivation will definitely increase."

The middle-aged great monk Hao Lin had a strange smile in his eyes, his eyes scanned Jiuyue recklessly, and there was a sound of tsk tsk on his mouth.

"Haolin, this fairy sees that your strength is not very good, but this mouth is not simple. This fairy will help you."

Fairy Jiuyue smiled angrily. This cultivator's strength is not simple. She has seen it several times, but because of the great cultivator's strength, she dare not take action easily. Now that she has reached this point, she will naturally not be polite.

"Hmph, wait for the deity to take you down and take you in as a concubine, haha."

Hao Lin said loudly, and a giant cauldron in his hand kept hitting Fairy Jiuyue, each blow carried earth-shattering power, and the aura in the air was also shattered.

But such a powerful force, in front of Fairy Jiuyue's red sleeves, has no effect at all. When the fine steel meets the softness of the fingers, it is extremely rigid and soft.

The two rely entirely on their own mana and cultivation, and it is impossible to tell the winner in a short time. Fairy Jiuyue is secretly anxious. If she is entangled with this Hao Lin, the disciples below will need a large number of people. loss.

Cheng Yu was also very anxious, but the strength of the opponent was not inferior to his own, and he was even better than himself. Looking at the disciples below, he was in contact with the two thousand disciples of the Linyue Sect in an instant.

"Brother, what happened to Uncle Li, we can't go on like this."

Cheng Yu received the opponent's attack, retreated hundreds of feet, the sound transmission fell into Tian's ears, and the expression on his face was extremely ugly.

"Junior brother, you should resist first. Uncle Li may have encountered something. Let's find a way to get out of this place first, so as not to lose all the disciples of Tianmen."

After Ling Luotian repelled his opponent, he also sent a message to Chengyu solemnly, saying that the current situation is extremely unfavorable to Tianmen, and it is not an option to continue like this.

"What's the hurry, I'm not dead yet."

A voice came to Ling Luotian's ears, he was stunned, and suddenly revealed a look of surprise, this voice was very familiar, and finally he waited for the owner of this voice to arrive.

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