Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 730 9 Demon Lord

With a wave of Wan Hunpan, a similarly black light curtain blocked more than ten black rays of light, and the light and shadow flashed in, but was caught by the black light curtain.

The black light and shadow that had been accumulated for a long time was instantly broken by the black light curtain of Li Qiuyu. The four demons were horrified on their faces, and their eyes were fixed on the black flag in Li Qiuyu's hand.

"Wan Hun Pan, why do you have Wan Hun Pan?"

The four demons yelled out in a daze, completely forgetting that the two were still fighting, they were just terrified of the Wan Hun Pan in Yu Li Qiuyu's hands, not to mention him, any demon clan would be terrified when they saw Wan Hun Pan.

With a movement of Li Qiuyu's consciousness, the black triangular Ten Thousand Soul Coil was retracted, and the Ding Tian Ruler appeared in his hand, and mana quickly rushed into the Ding Tian Ruler.

In a master fight, victory or defeat is only a matter of thought, let alone two master fights at the stage of transformation, Li Qiuyu will miss such an opportunity, draw the sky ruler randomly, and a ball of golden light is like the sun hitting the four demons past.

Where the golden light group passed, the space suddenly shattered, and the shattered space recovered instantly. At a distance of two hundred feet, the golden light group came to the four demons regardless of the distance.

"Xuantian Spirit Treasure."

The four demons roared loudly, with expressions of fear and despair on their faces. Although they themselves and the demon lords in the stage of transforming gods, they were attacked by the Xuantian Lingbao after losing the opportunity, so how could they not be surprised.

"The ancient demon also has such insights, yes, yes, I will see how long you can last."

Li Qiuyu swayed, then stabilized his figure, and looked coldly at the four demons who were two hundred meters away. These four demons were not his real enemies this time.

The real opponent is still the Nine Demon Lords, who haven't appeared yet. It seems that they want to consume their mana, and when their mana is exhausted, they can easily kill themselves in one fell swoop.

But Li Qiuyu didn't care about these in his heart, what he wanted was this kind of situation, as long as he killed the five demons in the transformation stage, he could join forces with Xiao Hanyue and the others.

The power of Tianying Pill is enough to defy the sky, and mana is not a problem. If you want to make decisions on mana, you are doomed to miscalculate, but you must be careful in everything.

You can't capsize in the gutter just because of a moment of carelessness, then it will be too late to regret. He is the holy alchemist in the cultivation world, but he can also make a good medicine for regret.

Seeing that the golden ball of light had come in front of them, the four demons flashed resolutely in their eyes, and spurted out a mouthful of black blood essence. In the blood essence, there was an antique round jade plate. 】

The jade plate was no more than an inch in size. With the nourishment of blood essence, it rose in the wind, and instantly turned into a ten-foot-sized wall with mysterious runes flashing on it.

Essence and blood continued to disappear into the wall. After the wall was formed, the golden light group also came to the wall as expected, with a loud noise.

The golden light ball hit the wall, and suddenly, the air was full of energy, and the bursts of cracks were enough to tear apart a monk who had just formed a pill.

The golden ball of light stuck closely to the wall, the golden light ball didn't disappear, and the wall didn't break, but the faces of the four demons showed despair.

A streak of black blood essence was continuously poured into the wall, relying on burning blood essence to support the existence of the wall, but if this continued, not only would Li Qiuyu not be affected, she would also die from exhaustion of blood essence.

"This seat sees how long you can last, continue to burn blood, this seat will not give you a chance."

Li Qiuyu used up less than half of his mana after casting the Heavenly Ruler, and the golden light and the wall were indistinguishable for a while, but as long as time passed, the four demons would be lost.

The monks in the transformation stage have blood essence, which is no different from the blood essence of other monks. When the blood essence is exhausted, even if they don't have to kill him, he will die by himself.

If she didn't know the strength of Linyuemen, she would definitely wait for work with ease and would not do unnecessary things, but now that he knows the strength of Linyuemen, there are at least five masters in it, and one of them is still very good. Great existence.

Lifting his hands, a red and a blue light group appeared in his hand, and lightly closed his hands, the two light groups merged together to form a red and blue light curtain, spinning like a Tai Chi, his eyes turned towards the four demons After taking a look, the four demons used all their strength to cast the wall.

The blood essence shoots towards the wall one after another, as soon as the blood essence is cut off, the golden light will break through the wall, and the person himself will be obliterated under the golden light.

The power of Xuantian Lingbao should not be underestimated, it is simply not something that an ancient demon in the transformation stage can resist, unless it is a top-level treasure or a more powerful existence.

Seeing the light curtain in Li Qiuyu's hands, he was secretly startled. If this continues, he will not be able to wait for the arrival of Yimo and Nine Demon Lords, and he will be lost here.

"Master Demon God, the ancestor of all demons, please give me the most powerful power to kill this tiny human being."

The four demons were ruthless in their hearts, and looked at the light curtain in Li Qiuyu's hands with bloodthirsty eyes. They kept mumbling something, and finally shouted loudly, only to see countless demonic energy in the air rushing towards him.

Pushing with one hand, the wall was suspended in the air with a black halo, and the golden light was consumed a lot, and the four demons were able to draw out their hands to block the light curtain in Li Qiuyu's hand.

A hint of surprise appeared in Li Qiuyu's eyes. After the four demons performed the forbidden technique, the whole person seemed to die, and there was no trace of blood on his face.It was completely wrapped in another leather bag.

A black and red monster shot at Li Qiuyu. The monster was no weaker than Qinglong, on the contrary, it was even stronger, exuding a destructive demonic energy all over its body.

"Under the compatibility of ice and fire, everything is nothingness."

Li Qiuyu saw that the four demons could use their lifespan and lifespan to sacrifice the forbidden technique of the ancient demon clan. With a push with both hands, a red and blue beam of light slammed straight at the monster.


With a strange sound, the monks below were stunned. The changes in the air were too strange. The monster collided with the ice-fire beam of light.

A huge light and shadow appeared in the space, and the light and shadow flashed straight towards the monks below, just falling on a monk in the late stage of alchemy.


The monk in the late stage of alchemy blocked the defensive magic weapon in his hand from the flying light and shadow with one hand, but the light and shadow flashed past, directly penetrated the defensive magic weapon, and hit the monk in the late stage of alchemy solidly.

A mouthful of blood spewed out, and the whole person fell down unwillingly. Seeing this, the other monks were also terrified in their hearts.

It turned out that Li Qiuyu's Ice and Fire Compatibility collided with the black monster, and the powerful tearing force brought out cracks in the space, and the wind fell from the cracks.

The strength of the gang wind cannot be handled by the monks in the alchemy stage in a hurry. After the black monster collided with ice and fire, it disappeared into the air immediately.

Li Qiuyu swayed, a trace of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth, and the four demons in the distance looked at Li Qiuyu blankly, and finally their eyes turned from fear to ashes.

A moment later, a gust of wind blew by, and the bodies of the four demons, which were more than one foot tall, were instantly turned into ashes, floating in the air, and a space ring fell towards the ground.

Seeing this, Li Qiuyu swiped with one hand, and a suction force grabbed towards the space ring. Seeing the space ring flying towards Li Qiuyu, at this moment, the space ring stayed in the air and shot in the opposite direction.

"Nine Demon Monarchs, I have been waiting for you for a long time, and I finally waited for you."

Li Qiuyu retreated hundreds of feet, looked at the sky from a distance, with a solemn expression on his face, and the other monks also looked at Li Qiuyu in a daze, all puzzled.

A moment later, the interspatial ring in the air was grabbed by a giant black hand, and the owner of the arm slowly appeared in the sight of the middle cultivator.

A man in black, with a bloodthirsty look on his face, was accompanied by four black-clothed old men who had transformed into gods. The four old men were no different from the four demons who had just been lost. anger.

"Li Qiuyu, a little human cultivator dared to utter wild words in front of this demon lord and killed his subordinates. You have to explain something to this demon lord."

The Nine Demon Lord looked at Li Qiuyu and was very surprised. He didn't expect this human monk to kill his subordinates so quickly, and he was very clear about his Linyue Gate.

I seldom show up, and this human monk seems to be waiting for me specially, the murderous intent in my heart is more intense, knowing too much, it is not good for me at Linyuemen.

"Lord Nine Demons, you don't have to hide like this when the ancient demon invaded the Fengyue Continent of the human world, you know, you are a spy of the ancient demon at Linyue Gate, but this seat sees that your power is not bad, this seat wants to try Try your weight."

Li Qiuyu said with a smile, the sound was heard hundreds of miles away, so he naturally knew that there were experts from other forces hiding here, but they just didn't show up.

Even if he couldn't kill the Nine Demon Lords, he still had to expose the Linyue Gate to the sight of the Fengyue monk. In this way, the Linyue Gate would also fall apart.

Sure enough, in the mountains hundreds of miles away, a female cultivator in red frowned, and was startled, she didn't expect that the Linyue Gate was an ancient demon.

It's just that I don't know how Li Qiuyu in Tianmen knew. If it is true that Linyue Gate is an ancient demon, the forces of Lingxiao City will definitely not let Linyue Gate go easily. We can only see if the situation of Linyue Gate is true.

There are also quite a few monks from other forces hiding not far away. When I heard Li Qiuyu's words, my heart was shocked. This news was too shocking.

"Haha, now that you know the existence of this Demon Lord, then you can stay here and become a member of my Demon Clan forever. This Demon Lord refined you into a Demon Clan puppet, and wants you to serve our Demon Clan."

The Nine Demon Lord did not expect that Li Qiuyu would call out his identity as others, and he was heartbroken, so he glanced at the four subordinates.

The demons of the four deity stages respectfully left, and quickly disappeared into the air. Li Qiuyu was secretly amused. The appearance of the Nine Demon Lords obviously wanted the subordinates of the four deities to go down and kill the hidden monks outside. A murderer.

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