Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 731 9 Demon Lord

"Try it, I really want to see what powerful and amazing methods the Nine Demon Lords have hidden in the human world for thousands of years."

Li Qiuyu said indifferently, with a move of his consciousness, the Dingtian Ruler appeared in his hand again, and the momentum of his whole body soared, and the entire Linyue Gate was under a powerful and shocking pressure.

At this time, not far away, bursts of powerful voices came, Li Qiuyu ignored these voices, and naturally understood that it was the four demons of the transformation stage who were killing people on the outer edge, but they were able to make the noise so loud. Big, sure the other side is not that simple.

A golden light slid towards the Nine Demon Lords, and the same powerful golden light pierced through the space and shot out with a destructive aura.

At the same time as Ding Tianchi's attack was swung out, Li Qiuyu's body flashed, leaving the place where he was standing far away, and the golden light also disappeared.

The Nine Demon Lords disappeared into the air the moment the golden light shot down, and where Li Qiuyu was standing, the Nine Demon Lords ruthlessly smashed down a streak of black demon energy.


The sound of violent explosions continued to resound in the air, full of energy, and the moans of the two kept switching positions, and the two colors of gold and black flashed in the air.


The figures of the two separated immediately, a trace of blood appeared on the corner of Li Qiuyu's mouth, while the Nine Demon Lord had a raging smile on his face, looking at Li Qiuyu mockingly, as if looking at a dead person.

"What a powerful force."

Li Qiuyu was terrified in his heart. After hundreds of years of cultivation, this was the first time he met such a powerful opponent, and his strength was not inferior to that of Han Wuji.

"Phoenix Nine Transformations."

Li Qiuyu shouted loudly, the expression on his face changed, and the aura of his whole body changed drastically, from the original Heaven-shocking Divine Art to the monster power of Phoenix Nine Transformations.

The demonic power is filled with the aura of heaven and earth, and after the Nine Transformations of the Phoenix is ​​displayed, the white clothes are fluttering, and the lotus flower between the eyebrows is flickering, making the whole human monster look strange.

"The magic way is boundless."

Seeing the drastic change in Li Qiuyu's aura, the Nine Demon Lords also showed a rare serious look, the whole body's demonic energy surged, and he used the famous demonic Wuju Kungfu of the demon clan, and the demonic power and demonic energy collided continuously in the air.

The demons, demons and ghosts, who were natural enemies, saw their natural enemies at this time, and the two different powers and auras repelled each other in the air.

Waving his hands continuously, in a short while, countless devilish energy formed a dragon with a size of hundreds of feet. The dragon was no different from the dragon that Li Qiuyu transformed into a thousand souls.

It's just that the strength of the two is quite different. The magic dragon cast by the Nine Demon Monarchs is only a little stronger than the phantom, and the magic dragon that Li Qiuyu used to use the Wanhun Pan before is completely formed by the condensation of a demonic energy and a true soul.

After the magic dragon appeared, the Nine Demon Lords looked at Li Qiuyu contemptuously, then stood on the back of the magic dragon with a flash of his body, and quickly moved towards Li Qiuyu.

Wherever the dragon passed by, all the air turned into demonic energy, the aura and air disappeared, and the strong demonic energy continued to erode the entire Linyue Mountain Range.

"Green clothes."

When Li Qiuyu saw it, the Nine Demon Lords used the magic dragon, trying to kill him with the power of two in one, would he be gone? With a loud shout and a move of consciousness, a woman in green clothes appeared in front of him.

Immediately, the two of you rushed towards the Nine Demon Lords, thousands of feet high in the sky, when Li Qiuyu was a thousand feet away from the Nine Demon Lords, the green clothes who were originally in green roared loudly, and the flying body suddenly turned into a long A green dragon with a size of hundreds of feet, the whole body of the blue dragon is wrapped in a halo of seven colors.

"Blue Dragon."

Seeing that the green-clothed woman turned into a powerful green dragon, the Nine Demon Lord felt a little comforted, but the green dragon's realm was only at the peak of the late seventh stage.

It is easy for a demon dragon with mid-eighth-level strength to kill Qinglong, a peak late-level seven dragon, even with the help of Li Qiuyu, Qinglong, he can't escape from his own palm.



Two shocking roars, the coercion of the dragon, the two dragons meet together, the demon dragon is the monster of the demon clan, and the green dragon is the sacred object of the fairy world.

Between the two, even tens of thousands of years ago, they were enemies. Now that they meet in this place, they will not be outdone, and they will definitely kill each other.

Below, more than a thousand disciples of the Linyue Sect and more than [-] disciples of the Tianmen Sect quietly looked at the sky, with expressions of envy, horror, and admiration on their faces.

The two cultivators at the stage of transformation have their own mounts, and they are the most powerful dragons, Qinglong and Molong. The distance between the two is only five hundred feet.

With a movement of Li Qiuyu's consciousness, a golden spear with a handle of a hundred feet long appeared in his hand.

The air also seemed to be shredded by the spinning force of the golden spear. This spear was a psychic treasure obtained by Li Qiuyu when he killed the monks in the transformation stage.

It also went through a simple sacrificial refinement. There are too many treasures, so you can only choose a few of them. Others can be used as long as they can be used. The attributes of the golden spear and the attack power are invincible among the five elements.

"Spirit Devouring Slash."

As soon as the Nine Demon Lord stretched out his hand, a huge black magic blade appeared in his hand. The strong magic energy flashed on the magic blade, and he slashed down at Li Qiuyu fiercely.


The breath in the air shattered, the spirit energy and the magic energy fused together, the air turned gray, and the golden spear and the black magic blade struck together.The magic dragon and the blue dragon backed away.

The light of the golden spear faded, quickly changed back to its original shape, and finally turned into a three-inch small golden delicate spear, which fell into Li Qiuyu's hands.

There was another trace of blood spilling from the corner of his mouth, and the expression on his face became serious. The blow just now had already done his best. He didn't expect that the gold-type psychic treasure plus the power of the shocking gods would not be able to kill him. The defeat of the Nine Demon Lords.

In my heart, I was amazed by the Nine Demon King's Demon Dao Wuji Kungfu. I didn't expect that the demons have such a domineering technique besides their natural physique.

The Nine Demon Lords on one side were also surprised. Li Qiuyu's strength was several times stronger than he had imagined. The Qinglong sitting down seemed to have only a seventh-level cultivation, but his strength was not inferior to the eighth-level magic dragon he was sitting on.

You must know that the Soul Devouring Slash is also the attack that he became famous for. If other monks in the stage of human transformation into gods, they would have been damaged by this blow, but this Li Qiuyu took it easily.

"Hmph, sure enough, try the true power of this Demon Monarch's Promise of Demon Dao."

After the Nine Demon Lords finished speaking, the aura of the whole body increased sharply, and the demon energy became purer, and the strength that was originally at the peak of the early stage of the transformation of the gods quickly climbed all the way, and did not stop until the peak of the mid-stage of the transformation of the gods.

The Soul Devouring Slash also retracted, stretching out one hand, the magic power in the air quickly condensed, and the countless magic power turned into one after another magic blades, and the magic blades quickly merged together.

In a short while, the magic blade has reached the size of a thousand feet, and the entire sky is completely a huge magic blade, even if it is five hundred miles away, it can be clearly seen.

The magic blade is still skyrocketing, endlessly skyrocketing, and the four demons in the distant stage of transforming into gods are horrified. This is the real magic power of the Nine Demon Lords.

It is not an exaggeration to think that the Nine Demon Sovereigns can use the Demon Dao Wuji Kungfu to show the strength of the opponent. If they can easily kill the four demons, their strength is naturally domineering and powerful.

The thousand-foot magic blade turned into a ten-thousand-foot magic blade, and slashed straight at Li Qiuyu. In the entire sky, the magic blade cut through the space, and the whole sky was suddenly dimmed by the pitch-black magic energy.

After the magic blades gathered, the disciples of Tianmen and Linyuemen quickly flew away, leaving the battlefield far away. In the battle between the monks of the transformation stage, even the monks of the Yuanying stage would suffer disaster.

"The Shield of Destruction."

"Ignore the attack."

"The death of silence."

"Sky Cold Aurora."

Seeing such a powerful attack, Li Qiuyu was horrified. He threw a elixir into his mouth, and it immediately turned into mana. The mana in his whole body circulated, and the devouring shield spread out to protect his whole body.

With a movement of his consciousness, a one-inch-sized stone appeared in his hand, which immediately turned into a ten-foot-sized stone wall, blocking him tightly.

These two defenses are definitely his most powerful defenses. After using the two defenses, the magic blade has reached a hundred feet.

As soon as the mana was activated, the shocking fifth form of Silent Destruction was displayed. After reaching the stage of transformation, the power of Silent Destruction became even greater. After the Silent Destruction was cast.

The monk flying on the ground stopped innocently, the whole space stopped, and even time stopped. Li Qiuyu took advantage of this opportunity, with a move of consciousness, the tower of nothingness was sacrificed.

Unleash all the spiritual sense, probe towards the tower of nothingness, and quickly mobilize Tianhan Aurora, a colorful light group the size of a fist appears on the top of the tower.

The light group instantly reached a size of one foot, and Li Qiuyu's consciousness was exhausted. Seeing that the huge magic blade had reached fifty feet, the light group of Tianhan Jiguang flew forward.

The colorful light cluster cuts through the space like a colorful meteor, and hits straight towards the Wanzhang Demon Blade. The gap between the two forms a sharp contrast.

In the distance, seeing the colorful ball of light crashing into the Wanzhang giant blade, everyone showed strange expressions. Could this colorful light ball be able to resist the Wanzhang puppet?

But the Nine Demon Lord behind Wanzhang Demon Blade didn't think so about the power of this light ball. Seeing the colorful light ball, Nine Demon Lord's face unexpectedly showed a look of panic.

"Aurora Tianhan? Aurora Tianhan!"

Nine Demon Lords had a rare regret in his heart, his eyes looked at the colorful light cluster flying towards him, his face showed a sinister and vicious look, the magic power of his whole body was running, and a stream of blood spurted out. 】

The blood essence was sprayed on the magic blade, and the power of the magic blade was greatly increased. It is expected that with the power of the magic way of infinite skill and the blessing of the blood essence of the real name, it can break Tianhan Jiguang.

There may not be many people who know Tianhan Jiguang in the human world, but in the demon clan, many people know Tianhan Jiguang, because Tianhan Jiguang is an existence that destroys everything in the world in the classics of the demon clan.

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