Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 732 9 Demon Lord

The Wanzhang Demon Blade collided with a colorful ball of light, and the colorful light ball did not immediately submerge as imagined, but completely entered into the Wanzhang Demon Blade.

The Wanzhang Demon Blade slashed straight down, but at a much slower speed, and the colorful light cluster gradually disappeared, disappearing on the Wanzhang Demon Blade.

Seeing that the magic blade was about to occupy Li Qiuyu's face, a strange thing happened. There was a crisp sound from the magic blade, and countless cracks appeared immediately, and the cracks continued to spread.

"Crack, click."

The magic blade was shattered, and the colorful light group appeared in the sight of the monks again. The colorful light group smashed the magic blade, and hit the owner of the magic blade, Nine Demon Lords.


There was a muffled sound, and then the ball of light hit the chest of the Nine Demon Lords, and the black magic energy shield was quickly eroded. In less than a moment, the colorful light balls disappeared, and a hole the size of a head appeared in the Xiongku of the Nine Demon Lords.


The screams came from the mouth of the Nine Demon Lords, their eyes were furious, and a pitch-black demonic energy gushed out. In the magical energy, a five-inch-sized Nascent Soul appeared thousands of feet away, suspended in mid-air and looked at Li Qiuyu.

"Li Qiuyu, even if this demon king loses, he will hold you back."

The Nine Demon Lord Yuanying came out of his body, the demon body was completely eroded by the colorful light cluster, and the left back turned into nothingness, and he saw his powerful demon body being killed by Tianhan Aurora.

The Nine Demon King was furious, and looked at Li Qiuyu viciously, and then there was an unbelievable expression in his eyes. It was obvious that Li Qiuyu had exhausted his magic power and spiritual consciousness in fighting with him.

Now that Li Qiuyu's spiritual consciousness has recovered more than half, and his mana has reached its peak, if he continues to fight like this, unless he is killed all at once, he will never be killed.

"Is that so? Today, I will eradicate an ancient demon for Fengyue Continent, which can be regarded as making a contribution to the human world. Hanyue, Qiuyue, Lingling, Qingyu. Come out."

Li Qiuyu smiled lightly and moved his consciousness. Although his mana and consciousness had recovered, fighting the Nine Demon Lords consumed too much energy.

After he finished speaking, four peerless girls appeared beside him, and there were also three very small monsters, and the magic dragon and Qinglong fought somewhere, and Li Qiuyu and the Nine Demon Lords fought, and they couldn't tell the difference. Heart.

"My lord, leave this to us."

Xiao Hanyue glanced at Li Qiuyu with concern, then looked at Qiuyue, Qingjiu and Ling Ling, the four of them looked at each other, then disappeared beside Li Qiuyu in a flash, and when they reappeared, the Nine Demons had already been Jun's Nascent Soul surrounded him.

Although it is only a Nascent Soul, the strength of the Nine Demon Lords is no small matter. Li Qiuyu will not let any of Xiao Hanyue and the others go to kill the Nine Demon Lords, but he is absolutely at ease when the four girls join forces.

"I underestimated you, so there is a helper."

The Nine Demon King saw the four girls appearing out of nowhere, all of them were at the stage of transforming gods, and their strength was not necessarily inferior to that of their five subordinates.

"Nine Demon Lords, my son wants me to kill you. If you want to blame, blame yourself for being a demon, and blame you for messing with our son."

Qiuyue looked at the Nine Demon Lords, waved the top-level psychic treasure in her hand, and shot a huge ice cone towards the Nine Demon Lords. The ice cone was halfway, and suddenly turned into a crystal ice dragon. Nascent Soul bit it down.

Xiao Hanyue also chopped off countless cyan light towards the Nascent Soul of the Nine Demon Lords. Qing Ling and Lingling, both of them had strange attributes, but their power was no worse than that of Xiao Hanyue's sisters.

The shocking attacks of the four people all attacked Yuan Ying, and there was a vortex of aura in the air, which imprisoned the Nascent Soul.

The Nascent Soul of the Nine Demon Lords painfully resisted the spiritual vortex. At this moment, a huge foot stepped down, seemingly slow but actually fast.


The natural trajectory of the sky and the earth of the mysterious turtle beast stepped down, and trampled the Nascent Soul of the Nine Demon Lords on the ground. In the middle of the sky, the Nascent Soul had lost consciousness, and when it touched the ground, it was completely damaged. up.

Seeing this, Xiao Hanyue waved one hand and grabbed it in the air, a brown space ring appeared in her hand, and then returned to Li Qiuyu's side.

"Kill all the upper and lower sides of the Linyue Gate."

Li Qiuyu said softly, but the voice reached the ears of Ling Luotian and others who were thousands of miles away. Hearing Li Qiuyu's voice, all the disciples in Tianmen were very excited.

This cultivator in the transformation stage was so powerful that he was killed by Li Qiuyu in the end. Now Li Qiuyu asked himself and others to kill all the Linyuemen, which happened to suit his own wishes.

Besides, beside Li Qiuyu, there were four girls in the transformation stage and three powerful monsters. In the mountains thousands of miles away, the battle between the magic dragon and the green dragon was finally over.

The magic dragon is cast by the nine demon lords at the level of the god transformation stage using forbidden techniques, but such a magic dragon will always exist as long as the owner is not damaged. The green dragon is at the late seventh level, but the magic dragon has the middle eighth level. The soul is in Qinglong's body, which makes her realm and strength slightly different.

The fight between the late seventh-order and the middle eighth-order was not inferior at all. Two huge dragons left their masters and fought thousands of miles away.

Unexpectedly, after a while, the magic dragon dissipated automatically. Qinglong was stunned, and he probably understood something, so he swayed and turned into a woman in green again, flying towards Linyue Gate quickly.

Under Li Qiuyu's order, the three monsters also participated in the battle, and the four daughters of Xiao Hanyue were beside Li Qiuyu, watching the battle below.

The battle turned into a one-sided situation, but the fifty big monks that Li Qiuyu saw a few days ago disappeared. He has been waiting for those big monks, otherwise he would have left here long ago.

Time passed slowly, and finally, Li Qiuyu discovered the great cultivator who had been infused with demon energy, and a shocking coercion pressed down.

Under the overwhelming coercion, the fifty great monks finally couldn't bear it any longer. Knowing that they would only be slaughtered if they hid like this, they flashed their bodies and used all their mana to shoot them outside. Affected by coercion, but also able to fly.It's just that the strength is much lower than usual.

But the moment he flew out, he was surrounded by Xiao Hanyue and other four cultivators at the transformation stage, and three powerful monsters were restraining him.

Li Qiuyu's body flickered, and then disappeared quickly, reappearing among the fifty great monks, and the Tiantian Ruler in his hand continuously drew golden light.

After the Great Cultivator was suppressed by the pressure of the monks in the Transformation Stage, under the strength of Li Qiuyu in the Stage of Transformation, the power of Xuantian Lingbao continued to harvest the lives of the Great Cultivator.

In less than a moment, all fifty big monks became air, and Li Qiuyu closed his eyes slightly. After killing these big monks, Li Qiuyu, Xiao Hanyue and others also rested not far away.

His spiritual consciousness searched the entire Linyue Gate for thousands of miles. He didn't know what happened to the other four demons at the stage of transforming gods. If there was no loss, he might as well solve it at once, so as not to go to Tianmen to make trouble in the future.

"Well, there is still one that has not been resolved. Let's kill it to avoid endless troubles."

Li Qiuyu stood up, disappeared in the Linyue Gate with a flash, and the four daughters of Xiao Hanyue also quickly followed, closely following behind Li Qiuyu.

Thousands of miles away from Linyue Gate, in a huge canyon, a man in blue waved a red spear with red rays of light.

The red light directly reflected a fiery red world with a radius of hundreds of feet, but outside the area of ​​the fiery red light, there was a piece of black magic energy, which had a radius of hundreds of miles.

"Mo Lingxiao, don't struggle any more, and just grab him obediently, so as not to suffer the pain of conjuring your soul, hehe."

An old man in black laughed, with a bloodthirsty smile on his face. Behind him was a huge boa constrictor, which became one with him.

Continuously spouting violent poison, the poison is mixed in the magic energy, and if it takes up a little bit, it will quickly erode the monk's mana.

"Hehe, Brother Li Dao of Tianmen Gate is really good. Linyue Gate is really an ancient demon. If you want me to catch it without a fight, let me think about it. Although I am not a saint, I am also a monk of the human race. I will never let the ancient demon Invade Fengyue Continent."

Mo Lingxiao said loudly, with a look of determination on his face, the fiery red light is getting smaller and smaller, as long as the fiery red light disappears, the demon energy will invade his body, even if the ancient demon in front of him doesn't do anything, he will be killed The devil qi eroded and died.

But if you want to deal with the ancient demon in front of you, you can only say that you are powerless. You have been fighting this ancient demon for a quarter of an hour, and you have used all kinds of methods. You can't escape from the ancient demon, let alone destroy the ancient demon. killed.

"Burning flames."

Mo Lingxiao shouted loudly, the magic power of his whole body was circulating, and his body exuded a fiery red light. A monk with the fire attribute had completely brought the fire element into full play.

The aura of the fire element suddenly soared into the sky. He wanted to break through the trouble of the demonic energy, and he did not hesitate to consume a lot of mana. He also knew that he could only fight while he still had mana, so as not to lose mana when he wanted to fight.

"If you want to leave, is it that simple? Make the devil cut!"

Seeing Mo Lingxiao's movements, the old man in black also knew that the other party wanted to break through the encirclement of his demonic energy with all his magic power. In the magical energy, he was completely in charge of him. If he wanted to leave, it was so easy.

But at the beginning, he discovered that the Nine Demon Lords had used the Demon Dao Wuji Kungfu, so he was afraid of accidents, so he unleashed the powerful Demonic Sword, and the huge Demonic Sword slashed down on Mo Lingxiao viciously.

"My life is over!"

When Mo Lingxiao saw the huge demonic slash of the old man in black, he felt desperate. He had lost the initiative in the demonic energy, but he had just cast all the mana in his body. Now there is not much mana left, and it is impossible to resist it. The black-clothed old man's magic was cut.

Seeing Mo Zhan approaching, he instinctively stabbed the fiery red spear at the old man in black. With such a stab, a strange thing happened.

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