Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 733 Suning Sect Mo Lingxiao

The seemingly powerful Mo Zhan was immediately stabbed by the fiery red spear. As if he had lost support, he turned back to his original form powerlessly.

Mo Lingxiao looked at the black-clothed old man in puzzlement, with doubts in his eyes. The strength of this black-clothed old man was far stronger than his, and he didn't expect that an accident would happen at a critical moment.

And in the eyes of the old man in black, he saw the color of fear and despair, and then he slowly fell down, and the magic energy in the space gradually weakened.

"Hehe, in front of me, the ancient demon is nothing more than that."

When the old man in black fell down, a white figure appeared in Mo Lingxiao's sight. Seeing this figure in white, Mo Lingxiao's eyes showed horror.

With his cultivation at the stage of becoming a god, he didn't realize when the white-clothed boy came behind the black-clothed old man, and killed the black-clothed old man while he was performing the magic slash.

He naturally knew this young man in white. He had just killed the cultivators at the stage of transforming gods at the Linyue Gate, and fought against the Nine Demon Lords. He came here at this time to save himself.

"Thank you, Brother Li Dao, for your rescue. Mo Lingxiao is very grateful."

Mo Lingxiao quickly clasped his fists to salute Li Qiuyu, regardless of the demonic energy outside eroding the fiery light, because the cultivator in front of him was much more afraid than the ancient demon.

"Brother Mo, you are welcome. We are also human monks outside, so naturally we will not let other races invade us."

Li Qiuyu said with a smile, with a move of consciousness, a wheel-shaped treasure appeared in his hand, a mysterious light appeared on the wheel, and the light continued to radiate to the surroundings. Where the light passed, the magic energy of the space quickly disappeared. Suddenly, the devilish energy within a radius of a hundred miles disappeared.

The aura returned to its original state again. Seeing everything in front of him, Mo Lingxiao was terrified. The strength of this cultivator of Tianmen really cannot be underestimated, and various methods emerged one after another.

Anything can be horrifying, and the cultivator of the transformation stage was so easily lost in front of him, and now even the demonic energy of the demon race is also displayed.

After the demon energy disappeared, Xiao Hanyue's four daughters also came to Li Qiuyu's side. It turned out that Li Qiuyu, Xiao Hanyue and others had discovered the situation here early.

The four daughters of Xiao Hanyue were darting outside, and Li Qiuyu passed through the demonic energy and kept hiding in it. This is also because the old man in black is too confident and confident in controlling his own demonic energy.

Confidence in his own demonic energy, even an ant will not come in, and he will be able to find it immediately when he comes in. There is no thought that Li Qiuyu will enter the demonic energy silently, and hide behind him. far away.

Seeing the opportunity coming, Li Qiuyu's consciousness moved, and a god killing technique was cast, and then a strange handprint was pressed out, and the handprint was pressed on the vest of the old man in black.

The shocking destructive force destroyed the whole body of the old man in an instant, and even the Nascent Soul was killed at the instant the body was destroyed. When the old man in black chased him to the ground, he was completely turned into a pile of ashes.

"Brother Li Dao still knows the general situation. Our Suning Sect, as one of the top ten forces, will rely on Brother Li Dao to support us in the future. The ancient demon's invasion of Fengyue Continent is a huge catastrophe, but there are people like Brother Li Dao. , is also a fluke of Fengyue Continent."

Mo Lingxiao pondered for a while, and immediately stated that although Li Qiuyu killed the ancient demons of Linyue Gate and revealed the true face of Linyue Gate, this was not simply to deal with ancient demons, but to unify Lingxiao City .

With the strength of the Suning Sect, it is difficult to compare with the Linyue Sect. Now Li Qiuyu has wiped out the Linyue Sect, and the rest are the other eight forces.

As the fifth of the top ten powers, Su Ningzong would never be able to compete with Li Qiuyu. Instead of asking for trouble, it is better to retreat and return to Tianmen now.

This is not considered to be obedient to Tianmen, but to want Li Qiuyu to bow his head. In this way, Tianmen will naturally not take action against Suningzong, and maybe he can benefit from Tianmen Li Qiuyu's influence in the future.

"Suning Sect is also one of the top ten forces in Lingxiao City. Brother Mo thinks too highly of me. I also discovered that Linyuemen is an ancient demon some time ago. Tianmen must do its part for the monks of Fengyue. In the future The Suning Sect and the Tianmen are working together to deal with the ancient demons."

Li Qiuyu hugged Xiao Hanyue, and the other three peerless girls stood happily on the side, their eyes were on Li Qiuyu, and everything outside had nothing to do with them.

"Thank you Brother Li Dao. If there is anything to do in the future, just give an order. The entire Suning Sect will definitely go all out." Mo Lingxiao said, clasping his fists.

"Okay, from now on, the affairs of Suningzong will be the affairs of this seat. Brother Mo's situation is not good. You should support this elixir first, so as not to run out of mana and run into danger."

With a movement of Li Qiuyu's consciousness, a elixir flew out of the interspatial ring. The elixir spun around in the air, and then came to Mo Lingxiao's side.

"What kind of medicine is this?"

Mo Lingxiao reached out and took the elixir, and then there was a look of horror in his eyes. This elixir has reached a high-level quality, and it is also a fifth-rank elixir, but he didn't know the name for a while, and he didn't know the name of the elixir. Know what works.

"This is because I know that the Tianying Pill is absolutely useful for Brother Mo's current situation. I will take a step first."

After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, his consciousness moved, and a voice reached his ears. After listening, he said goodbye to Mo Lingxiao, turned around and shot in the direction of Linyue Gate, followed by the four daughters of Xiao Hanyue.

"Is it useful for my current situation?"

Mo Lingxiao looked around and saw that the demonic energy had already disappeared, and Li Qiuyu and the other five also left. He was taken aback for a moment, and finally resolutely threw the elixir in his hand into his mouth. Li Qiuyu saved himself just now, so naturally he would not to poison yourself.

When the elixir entered the mouth, it immediately turned into body fluid and rushed towards the dantian. The dantian, which lacked mana, instantly recovered to its peak.

Mo Lingxiao's eyes were full of surprises, this pill was so heaven-defying, even the magic power of a cultivator in the transformation stage could be restored to its full strength in an instant.If you are fighting with your opponent, you don't have to worry about running out of mana.

If he had such a elixir, he would definitely not be so suppressed by the ancient demon of the old man in black. Isn't the opponent's demonic energy terrifying, so there is no need to worry about the magic power.

This Li Qiuyu is really against the sky, the things he does and the means are against the sky. Fortunately, he has been linked with Tianmen, and Li Qiuyu will not do anything to Suningzong. If he is not on the same boat as Li Qiuyu , Linyuemen is the end of Suningzong.

Surprise is nothing but surprise, this place is really not a place to stay for a long time, I have to go back and report to my senior brother what happened just now, and I have to discuss it with my senior brother, this Li Qiuyu is not something that I and others can provoke.

Li Qiuyu just received the news from Ling Luotian that all the disciples of Linyue Sect were strangled by Tianmen. They found a formation at Linyue Sect. They didn't know what was inside these two formations. Without any idea, they informed Li Qiuyu. autumn rain.

The distance of thousands of miles, for the current strength of Li Qiuyu's five people, is simply a moment's effort to reach the center of Linyue Gate.

Ling Luotian, Cheng Yu and Fairy Jiuyue had been waiting here for a long time, and when they saw Li Qiuyu's arrival, they showed comforting expressions on their faces.

"The disciple has seen the uncle."

The three saluted Li Qiuyu and the other five respectfully. Having just seen Li Qiuyu's strength with their own eyes, they finally knew what kind of powerful means monks in the Transformation Stage had. of.

It is easier to kill the great monk than to kill the ants, but the monks of the transformation stage can't stand the toss in front of Li Qiuyu, or the two monks of the transformation stage will be killed by Li Qiuyu.

The same was true for the other four peerless girls. Although they didn't do anything, the real loss of the Nine Demon Lords fell into their hands in the end.

"Well, where is the formation you mentioned, take me to have a look."

Li Qiuyu nodded, and asked directly, since this formation was cast by Linyuemen, and it couldn't be broken with the cultivation and methods of Ling Luotian and others, it was naturally not easy.

"Uncle, please, the formation is right in front, the formation is hidden, it is not easy to find at all, it was discovered by a foundation establishment period disciple by accident."

Ling Luotian made a gesture of invitation to Li Qiuyu, and finally led the way, heading straight towards the innermost side of the Linyue Gate, passing through dozens of attics, and finally came to a hidden courtyard.

Baizhang outside this courtyard has already marked that this is the forbidden area of ​​Linyue Sect. Except for the elders of the sect's transformation stage, other monks or disciples will be sentenced to death immediately if they break into it.

"You keep an eye on this place. No matter what happens, don't leave here. Don't let anyone enter. I'll go in and have a look."

Li Qiuyu said seriously to the three of Ling Luotian, and finally brought the four daughters of Xiao Hanyue into the inside. After entering the courtyard, it was like entering another world, full of gloom. If low-level disciples came in, the gloom alone would Let them stay here.

"My lord, this place is so gloomy. It's not a place that can be owned by the Fengyue Continent of the Human World. It must be the ancient demons or ghosts who are cultivating here."

Xiao Hanyue scanned her surroundings, and her heart trembled. Although they were monks in the transformation stage, they were still girls. In front of Li Qiuyu, they were no different from ordinary people.

"Indeed, but the ancient demons and the ghost race have never been in touch with each other, and they are natural enemies. It is really puzzling that this place appears here. Let's be careful, so as not to get into trouble."

Li Qiuyu nodded and said, the consciousness is spreading outside, as long as there is any movement, you will know in advance, this place is indeed unusual.

"we know."

Xiao Qiuyue's four daughters said in a sweet voice, Li Qiuyu's mood was moved by her well-behaved appearance, and she looked at the four daughters with admiration on her face.

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