Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 738 Comprehending the 29 Sword Formation

After returning to Binghuo Peak, Li Qiuyu called out the four daughters of Xiao Hanyue, and finally returned to their own training rooms to practice. This time, they went to Linyue Gate, and the gains and losses were balanced.

The influence of the ancient demon in Lingxiao City was wiped out, and the real power of Yinchan was also known. Although it was only a larva, if time passed, Yinchan would also grow up, and then it would become even more powerful.

But in the end, he also took a huge risk. This kind of risk still has no goal. This is the first time he has encountered such a thing, but Li Qiuyu has no complaints or regrets.

In the world of comprehension, taking risks may not necessarily bring you rewards, but if you don't take risks, you will have no chance at all. This adventure has not yielded much. In the world of comprehension, such things happen all the time.

It's just that I had better luck in the past, and I didn't gain anything from letting other monks take risks. Although there were no other monks this time, it was a waste of time.

He recuperated his injuries on Binghuo Peak and was completely isolated from the outside world. As for Ling Luotian's incident at Linyue Gate, he didn't bother to bother.

Among the other eight major forces, Suning Sect has willingly surrendered to Tianmen. Compared with Linyuemen, the other seven major forces are completely different.

Now that even the number one Linyue Gate has been wiped out by Tianmen, other forces have naturally seen the strength of Tianmen, and dare not take action easily, as long as Tianmen does not come to do it, it will be a blessing.

Not to mention that they came to attack Tianmen, Li Qiuyu naturally wouldn't feel at ease with them. At this moment, even if they came to attack Tianmen, he would not easily ignore them.

Because he has already entered the comprehension of the Mietian Sword Formation, the Mietian Sword Formation was originally called the Jiujiu Tiantian Sword Formation, that is, the Yijiu Sword Formation.

Two-Nine Sword Formation, Three-Nine Sword Formation, and Nine-Nine Sword Formation, Li Qiuyu is currently practicing one-nine sword formation, because Mietian Sword only has nine handles.

Unless you find the same other nine Mietian swords, you can start to practice the [-] Mietian sword formation, although the [-] Mitian sword formation is only nine Mitian swords more than the [-] Mitian sword formation.

But the gap between the two is not based on reasoning. When Yijiu Sword Formation was a big monk, it was able to kill twenty monks of the same class at the same time.

After reaching the stage of transforming gods, he has not used the Heaven Miting Sword Formation yet. First, no one can ask him to use the Heaven Miting Sword Formation, and secondly, he has no chance to perform it.

When meeting Han Wuji, he didn't have the slightest chance to use the Heaven Miting Sword Formation, and when meeting a master like the Nine Demon Lords, he didn't force him to use the Heaven Miting Sword Formation either.

Even when he met the ghost emperor's incarnation outside his body, he still didn't use it. The mana and consciousness consumed by the Mietian Sword Formation were too exaggerated. Li Qiuyu didn't have that much capital to consume his consciousness and mana to cast Mietian Sword Array.

Although it has not been used, the cultivation of the Mietian Sword Formation has never been interrupted, and the Yijiu Mietian Sword Formation has basically been completely comprehended and successfully cultivated.

Even Erjiu Sword Formation has been comprehended by him a little bit. As long as Mietian Sword is refined, he will use the real Mietian Sword to practice.

The subsequent three-nine sword formation and four-nine sword formation, and even the nine-nine extinction sword formation, all require strong cultivation and spiritual consciousness, as well as the main Mietian sword.

A lot of materials and energy have been used in Bihai to refine the Heaven Mie Sword, but in the end, only ten swords can be refined, and one of the ten Heaven Mie Swords has become a Nascent Soul.

The other nine-handed practice is the Mietian Sword Formation. After reaching the realm of the god transformation stage, it is completely possible to practice the [-] Mietian Sword Formation, but there is no place to refine the Mietian Sword for a while.

But even if it is refined, it is necessary to comprehend the sword art and formation. This comprehension took more than half a year, Xiao Hanyue and others have already left the customs, and even a little injury has already healed completely.

When Li Qiuyu learned that they had left the customs, he also said that if necessary, he could help Tianmen Lingluotian and others to wipe out the other seven great forces.

Try to submit as much as possible and kill as little as possible. Now that the ancient demons are invading, it is not appropriate to kill more human monks. As long as you submit to the Heavenly Gate, you may not be able to let them survive.

Within half a year, the seven major factions were successively attacked by Tianmen, and the results were self-evident. With Linyuemen's fate, other sects did not have any unnecessary resistance.

Moreover, the four daughters of Xiao Hanyue, together with the help of Lu Yi and the three monsters, can completely wipe out a sect. In this way, the top ten forces in Lingxiao City no longer exist. 】

The entire Lingxiao City is completely dominated by the Tianmen family. Although the other forces have not lost anything, they must be managed by the Tianmen. When dealing with attacks from foreign monks or other forces, they must help.

Seeing such a situation, Li Qiuyu was extremely satisfied. This was also the ending he wanted most. After all, there was no large-scale extermination. Lingxiao City has a radius of one million miles. On the surface, there are ten major forces, but the real power is only Tianmen.

Half a year later, Li Qiuyu also came out of the seclusion, and fully comprehended the Erjiu Tian Mie Tian Sword Formation, but without the Mie Tian Sword, he couldn't practice the Er Jiu Tian Mie Tian Sword Formation for a while.

The purpose of going out this time is to find the fire in the center of the earth that can be used to refine the Heaven Mie Sword. The ordinary fire in the center of the earth cannot support him to refine the Heaven Mie Sword at all.

He also got some news that some weird things happened in the Tianlong Empire. He naturally wouldn't stand idly by when he got such news.

The Tianlong Empire can be said to be his base camp, with his relatives and achievements. First, it happened that the ancient demons invaded Fengyue Continent. The Great Shang Empire had Moming City as the ancient demon's stronghold, and the Northern Jin Empire had Taiyin City as the ancient demon's stronghold. .

Only there was no sign of the ancient demon in the Tianlong Empire. It is not that simple to say that the ancient demon despises the Tianlong Empire. The power of the monks in Tianlong is far inferior to that of Dashang and Beijin.

Since the ancient demons are going to invade the human world, the Tianlong Empire is the best place to choose, but there is no ancient demons appearing in the Tianlong, which is a bit puzzling.

He has also been waiting, waiting for some clues to appear in the Tianlong Empire. As long as there is any abnormal movement, he will find the strange trace and source from it.

"Brother Qiuyu, you are out of customs, are you going to Tianlong Empire?"

Lingling looked at Li Qiuyu who had just left the customs, and asked in a delicate voice, these news were also passed on to him by Xiao Hanyue, after the news came out, Li Qiuyu left the customs, and she probably understood that Li Qiuyu was for Tianlong out of the empire.

"Well, I just realized the [-]th Mietian Sword Formation, and I also went to the Tianlong Empire by the way, so as to avoid some jumping clowns from being arrogant in Tianlong. I still have to find the fire in the center of the earth to refine the Tianlong Sword."

Li Qiuyu nodded, looked at Xiao Hanyue Lingling and others, and said quietly that he and others had reached the stage of transformation, and it was time to find the critical point and ascend.

And try to improve your cultivation base and strength as much as possible, besides, the ancient demons are invading at this time, and a little more strength will increase the protection of life.

The other exercises and spells have not been practiced intermittently, and the spells have also been practiced to the extreme. It is impossible to improve these spells all at once.

Only by cultivating the Mietian Sword Formation can improve some life-saving strength in a short period of time, so refining the Mietian Sword is the most important thing right now.

"My lord has realized the Erjiu Tiantian Sword Formation, congratulations, lord!"

Xiao Hanyue said softly, with excitement on her face, Li Qiuyu's Mietian Sword Formation is so powerful, they all have seen it, when they were great monks in the past, they just refined the Mietian Sword into nine handles and killed the emperor. The five masters under Shi Qingling were killed.

During the war with the Northern Jin Dynasty, the Mietian Sword Formation also displayed its prestige. Killing a great monk was as easy as cutting grass. Now that it has reached the stage of transforming gods, spiritual consciousness is naturally not a problem.

, It will be easier to cast the Mietian Sword, and the power will be more powerful. Besides, the gap between the [-]th Sword Formation and the [-]th Sword Formation is not small, if you can comprehend the [-]th Sword Formation.

At that time, after the Mietian Sword is refined, its strength will skyrocket, and it will not be a problem to kill the cultivators at the Transformation Stage. The key is that the Mietian Sword needs to be refined.

"Hehe, we will leave Tianmen and return to Tianlong Empire in two days. After dealing with some matters of Tianlong Empire, we will look for the fire in the center of the earth."

Li Qiuyu smiled softly, and his face was full of joy, his cultivation had increased, no one was unhappy, and it was still the Heaven Miting Sword Formation.

In his space ring, the Mietian Sword Formation needed forty Mietian Swords also had forty materials, and with his current nine Mietian Swords, he could support the Wujiu Sword Formation.

Imagine the two-nine sword formation and the three-nine sword formation, and think about the power of the five-nine sword formation. Thinking of it makes people excited, and there is motivation when there is a goal.

It would be tiresome to just meditate for a day, and it was beyond his expectation that Lingxiao City was controlled by Tianmen so smoothly this time. 】

The crisis of Tianmen is lifted, and he has the opportunity to leave Tianmen, and he will come back to Tianmen if he has the opportunity, after all, he can't find the critical point for a while.

Even if you find it, you may not be able to ascend. Ascension is best in the middle and late stage of transformation, because it is more beneficial for you to be a friction of time and space.

In order not to be accidentally killed by the powerful space-time friction or the strong wind, during the ascension, a failure will disappear in smoke.

Since then, he has disappeared into the air, not even his soul is left. In the world of self-cultivation, there are countless such things, and there are very few monks who have truly ascended successfully.

In the end, he was wiped out between heaven and earth by Gang Feng and some powerful existences, but even so, it did not stop the monk's ascension. Wanting to live forever is the monk's ultimate dream and pursuit.

The same is true for Li Qiuyu, and the four daughters of Xiao Hanyue also think the same. Only after ascending can they have a longer lifespan with Li Qiuyu.

"Then let's clean up."

Qing Chi said with a smile, she had never been to Tianlong before, and when she was with Li Qiuyu, she could meet powerful opponents and threats every time, which also brought excitement and challenges.

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