Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 739 Returning to the Heavenly Dragon Empire

"Okay, you guys go and clean it up. I'll go and tell Ling Luotian and the others. Although Tianmen is not mine, Lingxiao City is my achievement. It's best not to be messed up by them."

In his heart, this Lingxiao City might be able to be used in the future, and it is still necessary to keep some backup players. Only when one's own power is strong can he have a certain amount of capital.

The ancient demon was still suppressing the human monks. Just after he returned to Tianmen, it was reported that the ancient demon had taken down five cities in two places.

Human monks lost countless lives. In the city occupied by ancient demons, the entire city was turned into a demon realm, low-level monks were turned into puppets, and even ordinary mortals became members of the demon clan.

As long as I don't ascend, I have to face the threat of the ancient demon, and maybe I can face the ancient demon, and the Tianlong Empire still needs me. Although the strength of Lingxiao City is not great, it can also contribute.

"Go, son, we'll clean up first."

Xiao Hanyue said obediently, and finally left with the other three girls and walked towards his room. Li Qiuyu saw that Xiao Hanyue's four girls had already left, so he left Binghuo Peak with a smile.

After shaking his body, when he reappeared, he had already arrived at the main peak where Ling Luotian was. Seeing that Ling Luotian was practicing, he coughed lightly.

"The disciple has seen the uncle."

Seeing Li Qiuyu coming, Ling Luotian quickly stood up and bowed, and stood respectfully opposite Li Qiuyu, waiting for Li Qiuyu's orders.

"I'm going to leave Dashang for a period of time. Please take good care of this Lingxiao City, so that I won't be disturbed by other forces when I come back."

Li Qiuyu said coldly, in front of this Lingluotian, he is an elder, and the monks of the transformation stage are naturally much higher than the monks of the Nascent Soul stage.

In the world of comprehension, etiquette is definitely the most serious thing, and I have treated Ling Luotian and others very peacefully. Other monks in the transformation stage would never talk to Ling Luotian so politely.

"Uncle Master is leaving Dashang, is he going back to Tianlong Empire?"

Ling Luotian was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect that Li Qiuyu would leave Tianmen so soon, it should be for some matters of Tianmen.

As the head of Tianmen, the most powerful force in Lingxiao City, he is naturally very well informed about some news in the cultivation world, and he also knows some things about Tianlong Empire.

"Well, I will come back after I settle the matter. You'd better not provoke other foreign monks. The ancient demon invaded the Fengyue Continent. Be careful. This is for the three of you, it depends on your luck."

With a movement of Li Qiuyu's consciousness, three jade bottles appeared in his hand, and then he shot the jade bottles towards Lingluotian. Among the three jade bottles, one contained six pills of transforming gods.

The other two contained more than a dozen fifth-rank Tianchen pills and sixth-rank Tianling pills. These pills were enough to make his mother reach the realm of transforming gods.

However, whether they can successfully attack them depends on their good fortune and luck, and I can't help them. With my current cultivation level in the early stage of becoming a god, I don't have that ability at all.

"this is?"

Ling Luotian looked at the three jade bottles in his hands, and asked in surprise, although he knew that Li Qiuyu was His Excellency the Holy Alchemist and that there were pills in the jade bottles, but he didn't know what kind of pills were inside.

"There are six God Transformation Pills inside, two for each of you three. If you really can't reach the God Transformation Stage, it's just that your chances and good luck are not enough, so you can't force it. These two jade bottles are Tianchen Pill and Tianling Pill. Dan."

Li Qiuyu said unhurriedly, looking at Ling Luotian slightly with his eyes, with his hands behind his back, his appearance was extremely chic, and there was a vague aura exuding from his body.

If Ling Luotian didn't know that Li Qiuyu was a super expert in the stage of transforming spirits, without knowing the details, he would never be able to see Li Qiuyu's real strength, and only regarded Li Qiuyu as a low-level monk.

"Thank you for your uncle's support. This disciple must work hard to cultivate and do his best for my uncle."

When Ling Luotian heard that there were actually Transformation God Pill, Tianchen Pill and Tianling Pill in the jade bottle, he was stunned, and then he was overwhelmed with surprise. One God Transformation made them stuck with the great monk for hundreds of years.

Now Li Qiuyu gave the three of them six Pills of Transforming Gods at once, and she was naturally very excited. For the Stage of Transforming Gods, it was the only pursuit of the Great Cultivator.

Only by stepping into the cultivation realm of the transformation stage, can one hope to ascend to the spirit world, otherwise don't even think about it, this transformation pill is also the most important key to break through the transformation stage.

Some time ago, after Li Qiuyu really reached the stage of transforming gods, he also suspected that Li Qiuyu had refined the pill of transforming gods, and wanted to ask Li Qiuyu for one, but he didn't dare to ask.

Now I didn't expect Li Qiuyu to personally give herself the God Transformation Pill. The real gratitude to Li Qiuyu in my heart was not a hypocritical affectation in the cultivation world.

"This seat is only giving you a chance, the key is to rely on yourselves, but when you are taking Huashen Pill, the three of you should stagger the time, so as not to encounter troubles and no one will come forward to solve them."

Li Qiuyu said seriously, Lingxiao City doesn't seem to be big, and its influence is not too strong, but there are still some hidden existences, not to mention the forces of other cities will also covet Lingxiao City.

"The disciple respectfully obeys the teaching of the uncle."

Ling Luotian said seriously, even if Li Qiuyu didn't remind him, he would understand this truth, and now that Li Qiuyu brought it up personally, he dared not ignore this issue, if he messed up Lingxiao City, he would never So I can explain to Li Qiuyu.

"Okay, try not to spread the news of my departure, and remind Jiuyue and Chengyu. This seat is leaving."

After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, he disappeared from Ling Luotian's sight in a flash, and when he reappeared, he had already returned to Binghuo Peak. About [-] feet away from Binghuo Peak, two alchemy stage monks stood respectfully.

In front of the two alchemy stages, Li Qiuyu looked at the two disciples quietly. Although they were not his own disciples, they belonged to Binghuo Peak anyway.

Han Xing is also a person I knew a long time ago, and now he is the peak card owner in the late stage of alchemy, and the deadline is not far away. This time, he left Binghuo Peak to go to Tianlong Empire, and he didn't know when he would come back.

Before he leaves, he has to explain. This is also a basic principle of being a human being. You can cultivate yourself to shock the heavens, but the most basic courtesy of being a human being still needs to be done.

"This time I'm leaving for a trip, don't let anyone know. You two can be regarded as disciples I've known for a long time. I give you this pill and spirit stone. I hope it can help you."

Li Qiuyu thought about it, he didn't have time now, and he couldn't personally protect the two late-stage alchemy disciples in the Nascent Soul stage, but he still had to give some pills.

With a movement of consciousness, four jade bottles appeared in their hands, two for each person, containing ten Tianchen pills, and the other jade bottle was a whole bottle of four high-grade pills.

The two disciples at the alchemy stage were exactly the same, given the pill, each of them threw a storage bag, and 1000 million low-level spirit stones was an astronomical figure for two monks at the alchemy stage.

Not to mention the disciples in the alchemy stage, even the great monks in the later stage, there are often many great monks who can't produce 1000 million low-level spirit stones. Li Qiuyu has trillions of spirit stones in his hand, and the current spirit stones are not very useful to him up.

1000 million is nothing at all. Giving it to two disciples can be regarded as the reward of a lifetime in Binghuo Peak. At least there is no need to go out and take risks to find spirit stones and elixirs.

"Thank you Patriarch for the reward."

Han Xing said respectfully, to him, Li Qiuyu is almost the same as having another parent. If it weren't for Li Qiuyu, he would have passed away long ago, and he couldn't even reach the foundation building stage. It was General Li Qiuyu's relationship that allowed him to enter In the inner sect, at the end Li Qiuyu gave him the pills and spirit stones, allowing him to build a foundation without any worries, and finally form the alchemy. Now Li Qiuyu gave him pills and spirit stones, which is the key to let him enter the Nascent Soul stage.

"Okay, if you pay attention to a word of fate, you and I can also be regarded as fate. I will help you if I can. In the future, it will depend on my luck and fortune. I have to leave."

After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, he didn't stay any longer, and disappeared from the sight of the two of them in a flash, and returned to the top of the Binghuo Peak, leaving the two alchemy stage disciples in a daze.

"Respectfully send the ancestors."

The two bowed respectfully towards the place where Li Qiuyu left. Neither of them knew where Li Qiuyu was going, and these things were beyond his concern.

Glancing at each other, Han Xing headed towards his own cave, leaving the rest of the matter to his disciple. He was going to retreat to practice in the cave, hoping to succeed in the Nascent Soul stage.

If he could reach the realm of the Nascent Soul Stage, his lifespan would double immediately, from four hundred to eight hundred. If one had the chance, one thousand years would not be impossible.

And only when the lifespan is increased, the cultivation level can be improved. This is a virtuous circle, and it is also a vicious circle. Without the lifespan, there will be no cultivation base, and without the cultivation base, there will be no lifespan.

When they returned to the top of the mountain, the four daughters of Xiao Hanyue had already packed up, and when they saw Li Qiuyu coming back, they all happily came up to see Li Qiuyu make a decision.

"Is everything packed?"

"Well, I packed it up a long time ago, and I'll wait for you to come back, son. Shall we leave here now?"

"Let's go, let's leave the situation of the Great Merchant Empire first. Anyway, things haven't happened to the point where we can't control it. With our speed, it doesn't take too long to return to Tianlong."

Li Qiuyu smiled, and said, Lingxiao City is only half a year away from Tianlong, and this year, several people can spend on the flying ancient treasure.

Moreover, the matter of the Tianlong Empire is just a little weird, and there is no real ancient demon. If the ancient demon did not come out in Tianlong before, there must be a certain reason. Now that there are some traces, they will not rush out all at once. .

Because of the Tianlong between Dashang and Northern Jin, they didn't dare to show up early, lest they be turned into dumplings, otherwise Li Qiuyu wouldn't be so calm.

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