Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 740 Adversity sees the truth

After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, with a move of consciousness, he sacrificed the ancient flying treasure from the space ring, and then floated on the ancient flying treasure with Xiao Hanyue and others, and the huge ancient flying treasure quickly shot into the clouds in the sky.

Flying ancient treasures shuttled quickly among the high clouds. Li Qiuyu looked at the distant sky, wondering what he was thinking.

The four daughters of Xiao Hanyue also stood behind him, watching him quietly, changing the direction of the flying ancient treasure from time to time. In the high-altitude clouds, naturally they would not worry about other monks' discovery.

Even if they are found, they are still above the Nascent Soul stage, but monks above the Nascent Soul stage can naturally understand that it is not an ordinary person who can fly to such a height on the island.

The five of them flew for a day, then slowly landed, and finally stayed in an inn in a city to rest. After resting, they started flying again.

In this way, after flying for a period of time, he would land and rest. After half a year, he finally came to the Land of the Desolate Spirit. Seeing the Land of the Desolate Spirit, Li Qiuyu felt a sense of going home.

The land of spiritual desolation is only 50 miles away from Tianlong, and 50 miles is a matter of half a day for the strength and speed of Li Qiuyu and others.

"Hehe, think about it. When we passed here 300 years ago, we were still at the Nascent Soul Stage. After 300 years, we came here again. We are already monks at the Transformation Stage."

Lingling said happily, after landing, her eyes looked around this spiritual wasteland where there was no spiritual energy, and there were not many trees in this place.

However, after Li Qiuyu took away the stone wall and the Linglong Pagoda, the spiritual energy in this place gradually increased, and the spiritual energy in other places also gathered.

"Haha, in 300 years, there must be no monk in this land of spiritual desolation who can live to be [-] years old."

Seeing Lingling's happy look, Li Qiuyu also felt joy in his heart. Indeed, 300 years ago, when he came here, he was still in the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

When I came back now, it was already the stage of transforming into gods. After 300 years, no one could live to be [-] years old in the spiritless land, a place without aura.

Only monks in the alchemy stage can reach the age of three hundred, but how could the alchemy stage come to this place without aura.

"Unless they are demons who don't need aura, no monks will come to this place at all. This place is not suitable for monks, not even for ordinary mortals."

Xiao Hanyue said in a sweet voice, cuddling tightly beside Li Qiuyu, looking at Xiao Qiuyue, Ling Ling and Qing Qiang, and finally saw Li Qiuyu frowning.

"Master, what's wrong with you?"

"It's okay, I feel a bit of magic, let's go, let's go and have a look."

Li Qiuyu said seriously that in this sensitive period, he would feel extremely sensitive to the devil energy. If it was before, he wouldn't care at all. In Fengyue Continent, there are quite a few magic cultivators.

Moreover, Han Wuji, the opponent he fears the most, is also a demon cultivator, and he also practices the righteous demon Wuji Dao, which can be regarded as a top-level demon skill.

In the end, he became immortal through cultivation. If his Nascent Soul hadn't exploded, he would have taken him away, but in the end he was completely killed.

Now that there is a demonic energy in this place, he will not think it is a demonic cultivator. He would rather kill a hundred people by mistake than let one person go. He has such a stable idea.

"Come on, let's fly."

Seeing Li Qiuyu's appearance, Xiao Qiuyue also put away her playful mentality, and the four girls used their agility to follow Li Qiuyu and quickly shot, and suppressed their cultivation to the late stage of alchemy.

The five figures flew close to the ground, relying on their powerful spiritual sense to lock on to the trace of demonic energy. The more they chased forward, the more confused they felt, because this direction happened to be the place where I and others got the Linglong Tower before.

After half an hour, Li Qiuyu and others stopped. Hundreds of miles away, a strong demonic energy spread in the air, and in the magical energy, the two figures kept separating and separating.

Not far from the two figures, six black shadows were on the ground, and the six black figures happened to surround the two figures, and powerful magic energy also came from the six black shadows.

"Hmph, spread the thought that this place was also taken over by the ancient demon."

Li Qiuyu stretched out his consciousness and saw the whole scene clearly. The six black shadows were six demon kings, and the two figures in the middle were monks in the transformation stage. A man and a woman seemed to be Taoist companions.

The two of them relied on their unique skills to improve their own strength, trying to lower the magic energy of the six demon kings below, and the magic energy carried the power of erosion.

And it also has the power of entanglement, even if it is two masters of the transformation stage, they can't break away from the magic energy of the six demon kings. The power of this magic energy alone can make two masters of the transformation stage There is no way.

"Senior brother, you should leave first. If this continues, both of us will be damaged in this place. The strength of the ancient demon is not something we two can resist. You should leave quickly."

The female cultivator said anxiously, she also knew that her senior brother stayed here for her own sake, otherwise she would not be entangled, but if this continues, both of them will suffer here.

"Junior Sister, you and I have been husband and wife for thousands of years, and I have never left you for half a step. I can leave you, even if I want to lose, we must stay together. If I leave, my heart will stay here, and there is nothing wrong with being alive." meaning."

The man said softly, and kept waving his hands to block the demonic energy outside. A foot away from the two of them was full of strong demonic energy.

From time to time, he used his mana to resist the demonic energy for the female cultivator, and tried not to let the magical energy corrode the female cultivator. Even at this time, the male cultivator still treats the female cultivator so gently.

"But if this continues, you also know that both of us will suffer. Our Qingluo Sect needs to be taken care of by seniors. There are tens of thousands of disciples in the Qingluo Sect. They cannot be killed by ancient demons like this. Minglin begs you, senior brother."

The female cultivator's voice was pleading, thinking that her senior brother should ignore her and leave here quickly. Although the two are entangled, they have been married for thousands of years, and they both know each other's strength. Either one of the two should leave here. Neither is a problem.

"Junior Sister, stop talking, the ups and downs of the Qingluo Sect are all predestined by the heavens, and neither of us can reverse it. Even if we are here, we are not the opponents of the ancient demons. Besides, the disciples of the Qingluo Sect have already evacuated to Heavenly Dragon Empire."

The male cultivator was talking to his junior sister while exercising the demon energy with low skills. He also wanted his junior sister to leave here, but it was impossible for the two of them to leave at the same time. Make a wedding dress.

"Hey, what a pair of mandarin ducks with the same fate, hey, is it that simple to leave? I had intended to leave a long time ago, and you still have a chance, but now, you have no chance."

A sinister voice came out, and the source of the voice was one of the six demon kings on the ground. After it finished speaking, it raised its hands to the sky.

The other five demon lords also raised their hands at the same time. When Liu raised his hands, six shocking demonic energy shot towards the two cultivators in the middle.

"Myriad magic tricks."

One of the demon lords yelled loudly, and the six of them quickly spun on the ground, and the demonic energy also formed a column, tightly enveloping the two cultivators at the transformation stage, without even a single gap.

"Junior Sister, the two of us really won't be able to leave, we lose, and we have to drag them to the bottom, what do you think?"

There was a trace of loneliness on the face of the male cultivator, and then he smiled and said to the female cultivator, at this time, the two of them completely ignored the demonic energy outside, but circulated their whole body's mana.

"Brother Qiuyu, are we going to rescue them?"

Lingling was deeply moved when she saw the thousand-year-old love between the two Taoist couples in the transformation stage, which completely surpassed the hypocritical emotions in the cultivation world.

Xiao Qiuyue also looked at Li Qiuyu, and looked at Li Qiuyu expectantly in her eyes. These two monks can not leave at this time, love each other more than their own lives, so it is not the case for herself and the young master.

"Well, of course I have to rescue them. As long as they are not heinous people, as long as they are human monks, I will save them during the invasion of ancient demons."

Li Qiuyu said seriously, the situation of the two of them moved him too, as long as they are human beings, they will have a soft side in their hearts, but it has been diluted by the long-term hypocrisy of the cultivation world.

After finishing speaking, the momentum of the whole body soared, and the terrifying momentum quickly hit the devil energy hundreds of miles away, and a golden spear appeared in his hand.

The golden spear suddenly became a hundred feet long and one foot thick. The spear spun endlessly in front of Li Qiuyu, and the high-speed rotation shattered the air into pieces.

Seeing that when the time came, mana from all over his body surged towards his hand, and he slapped it out with a palm. The spear received a shocking palm force, and quickly flew towards the distance.

Instantly disappeared from the sight of Li Qiuyu and the others. Li Qiuyu glanced at Xiao Hanyue and the others, flashed his body, and disappeared immediately.

Xiao Hanyue and others naturally knew the place where Li Qiuyu appeared, and followed Li Qiuyu, quickly flying towards hundreds of miles away. The golden spear ignored the distance of space, and instantly appeared hundreds of miles away, thousands of feet away from the devilish energy .

The astonishing aura and coercion appeared not far from the demonic energy before the golden spear, and the demonic aura and aura collided fiercely, making a scoffing sound immediately.

"Hey, it's so powerful and coercive, and there are human monks coming again, let's hurry up."

One demon lord said loudly, the other five demon lords also noticed the aura of coercion, and they all knew that it was not easy to come. Only by quickly killing the two god-turning stages in front of them would they have a chance to deal with the monks who came.

"Brother, wait, it seems that a monk is coming."

The female cultivator also felt a trace of strong coercion and aura. In the demonic energy, the coercion and aura were actually infiltrated. The strength of the comer is definitely not an ordinary monk.

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