Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 741 Returning to the Heavenly Dragon Empire

Feeling that there are monks coming, the two monks at the transformation stage in the demonic energy slowly calmed down their mana. As long as there is a glimmer of hope, they will not let it go.

The mana circulates to block the eroding demonic energy from outside. As soon as the demonic energy enters the body, the mana will be lost immediately and quickly.

The six demon kings felt the powerful coercion and aura, and they stepped up the release of their demonic energy, trying to kill the two monks at the transformation stage before other monks arrived.

But this coercion is getting stronger and stronger, and it has begun to destroy the magic energy. At this moment, a huge golden object appeared in sight.

The golden thing came here with a destructive aura, and it was bound to scatter the demonic energy cover. Seeing this, the six demon kings knew that if they didn't stop it, they would definitely scatter the demonic energy.

"Shi Xiong, Shi Tian, ​​you two quickly grab it, hurry up, leave it to us."

A demon lord said loudly, with a rare look of horror on his face. With his own demon lord's strength, he naturally felt that the golden object was a golden spear. The power of the spear was something he had never seen before.

"it is good."

The two black shadow demon lords stood up suddenly. The tall figures were three feet high. When they stood up, they kept waving their hands, and then they each shot out a stream of pure magic energy, wrapping themselves .

Immediately, the whole person turned into a huge black boulder, the size of a hundred feet. Seeing the golden spear coming, the two quickly slammed into the golden spear.

With a shocking coercion, the golden spear collided with the first huge boulder in an instant. After a slight pause, it shot forward, and even the huge boulder transformed by the demon lord hit it forward.

In a blink of an eye, the golden spear shot the two Demon Lords forward together, and the boulders transformed by the two Demon Lords had no chance to escape the attack of the spears, and collided with the black demonic energy.

"Crack, click."

"Puff, puff."

The golden spear collided with the demon energy with overwhelming power. Originally, the golden spear was the spiritual treasure of the gold system. Among the five elements, the gold system was good at attacking, and its destructive power was the most in the world.

Coupled with Li Qiuyu's cultivation at the stage of transforming into a god, and using it with all his strength, although the distance of a hundred miles, but the power of the Lingbao plus the power of the fish, not only does the power not decrease in the middle, but the power increases due to the speed of rotation.

The power of rotation and the power of piercing the sky brought the two demon kings into it, making them unable to break away from the control of the spear at all, and they hit the sky-shaking demon energy directly.

This demonic energy was jointly displayed by six ancient demons at the level of demon kings. Even if two human monks at the transformation stage were in the magical energy, there was no way to get rid of it, but they did not expect to be the most powerful attack in the world. Bang together.

The golden spear instantly turned black and was eroded by the demonic energy, but the huge column of demonic energy trembled when hit, and finally there was a crackling sound.

The two cultivators of the Qingluo Sect who were in the stage of transforming gods inside also felt a huge change in the demonic energy, and took the opportunity to exert their mana with all their strength, and the exceptional pincer attack caused the demonic energy to finally collapse.

The two monks at the transformation stage and the golden spears attacked, the demon energy collapsed, and the four demon lords outside spurted out a mouthful of black blood essence at the same time.

With a slight sway of the body, the two demon kings in front of the golden spear were also smashed into huge boulders by the golden glow and the spinning force of the golden spear.

In the end, they changed back to their original shape and landed on the ground. Rather than saying it was a landing, it would be more accurate to say that they fell. After the two of them fell to the ground, their faces were as white as paper.

Just now, the attack power and spinning power of the golden spear destroyed their talents, and their cultivation base was greatly reduced. Looking at the spear in horror, when they fell to the ground, the figure of the fish came out hundreds of feet away.

"Haha, the six jumping clowns, in front of this seat, don't obediently catch them, lest this seat impose your demon skills on you, and let you try the viciousness of the demon skills."

Li Qiuyu stood steadily at a height of one hundred feet, quietly looking at the six demon kings on the ground, and finally at the two human monks who came out of the demonic energy.

"Thank you fellow daoist for saving me, Haotianjiao of the Qingluo sect."

"Qingluomen Qi Linghong, thank you fellow daoist for your help."

The two cultivators at the stage of transformation saluted Li Qiuyu politely, and finally came not far from Li Qiuyu, looking sharply at the six demon kings on the ground.

I was terrified in my heart. The cultivator of this white-clothed young man had unfathomable power. With a golden spear and coercion, he broke through the demonic energy. His power was even more terrifying than his husband and wife working together.

But the following are the ancient demons of the six demon lords. The mana of the two of them was exhausted by the six demon lords. If they want to get rid of the ancient demons, there is really little hope. This boy in white is on.

Since this young man in white dared to come alone, he was a little bit sure, and he was very grateful for Li Qiuyu's move. In the cultivation world, such things are simply not seen, as long as he doesn't take advantage of the fire, he will be considered lucky.

"Fellow Daoist, you don't have to be so polite. I just think that everyone, as human monks, should join hands to deal with the ancient demon when the ancient demon invades."

After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, there was a slight smile on his face. At this moment, the space around him suddenly distorted, and four peerless girls appeared beside Li Qiuyu.

The expressions on the faces of the two cultivators at the stage of becoming gods in Qingluomen changed, and their hearts tightened. They were bitten by snakes for ten years and were afraid of well ropes. Judging from the movements in the space, they were definitely not ordinary cultivators.

If the ancient demon appeared, he would be dead. Fortunately, after the four girls appeared, they stood quietly beside Li Qiuyu, at least they could be explained as human monks.

"Hey, human, you have ruined the good deeds of this Demon Lord, and this Demon Lord wants your life to be worse than death."

When a demon king saw the young man in white standing in the air with a look of aloofness, he was furious. Just now, he and others were still in control of two monks who were in the stage of human transformation.

Unexpectedly, the young man in white would change the situation as soon as he appeared, and even injured himself and others as soon as he came. Ancient demons invaded Fengyue Continent. In their eyes, human beings are simply ants, and they can tolerate ants to despise themselves.

However, I had a slight fear of Li Qiuyu in my heart. Later, I saw four peerless and beautiful girls appearing, all of them were at the cultivation level of the god transformation stage, and I felt even more concerned about withdrawing.

Six demon lords against seven human monks at the stage of transforming gods, even if the ancient demon clan is strong, the victory will be a miserable victory, and this business is not counted.

"Haha, I heard such words, there are not ten thousand, but there are nine thousand. It's just that the monks or demons who said such words died of shame in the end. The same is true for you. I will give you a chance. One person killed you all, haha."

Li Qiuyu looked at the girls around him, then at the two cultivators of the Qingluo Sect at the stage of transformation, laughed loudly, and turned his eyes to Xiao Hanyue and the others.

"Young master, be careful, we will raid for you."

Xiao Hanyue said in a sweet voice, and gently arranged Li Qiuyu's clothes. His appearance was so cute that the two monks of the Qingluo Sect were horrified.

Judging from Li Qiuyu's appearance and words, it should be that he wants to go alone to deal with the six-stage demon king Gumo. I don't know what confidence and evidence this white-clothed boy has.

Dare to say such a thing, and he has such courage and courage in front of the devil. At first, he thought it was a joke, but seeing the expressions and performances of the four girls around Li Qiuyu, he knew that Li Qiuyu was not the only one crazy.

Seeing Xiao Hanyue arranging Li Qiuyu's clothes again, she didn't seem to be trying to deal with the monks of the six stages of transformation, but seemed to be playing.

"Well, you can leave here soon, you wait."

Li Qiuyu stroked Xiao Hanyue's face lightly, swayed her body, moved her consciousness, a golden light appeared in the center of her eyebrows, and the golden light flashed, shooting straight towards the six demon kings on the ground.

The speed ignores the distance of space, and they are about to come in front of the demon king. With one hand stroke of the six demon kings, a stream of pure black magic energy appears and strikes towards the golden light.

Seeing the black devil energy hitting the golden light, a mocking smile appeared on his face, and then he flashed his body and disappeared into the air in an instant, reappearing a hundred feet away.


With a violent sound, the golden light collided with a black pure magic energy, and the magic energy immediately crushed the golden light and turned it into pieces.

"Hey, it turns out that's all there is to it, hum!"

Shi Xiong saw the ferocious golden light being defeated by several of his demon kings, his face showed disdain, and he said lightly.

Not only them, but also the two cultivators at the Qingluo Sect in the air, were extremely puzzled. Li Qiuyu defeated the demonic energy for the first time and rescued her husband and wife, but now such a black hole appeared. dragon.

Only the four daughters of Xiao Hanyue looked at Li Qiuyu happily, because they knew that Li Qiuyu was always serious when confronting the enemy, even a low-level monk would take it seriously, and they knew Li Qiuyu's strength very well.

"Haha, don't beg me for mercy then."

Li Qiuyu saw that the golden light was defeated, but there was no change at all. After speaking lightly, his consciousness moved, and the defeated golden light flew around.

The defeated light turned into nine tiny golden lights, and the nine golden lights flew hundreds of feet away. Just when everyone was puzzled, the nine golden lights spun rapidly.

The six ancient demons were taken aback, and immediately knew that they had been fooled. With the rotation of the nine golden lights, Li Qiuyu turned into a piece of golden light, and the light gradually turned into seven colors.

"Mietian Sword Formation, sacrifice."

Li Qiuyu gave a soft drink, and slowly closed his eyes. His spiritual consciousness fully mobilized the nine Tian Miejian swords. The golden light that just shot from the center of his eyebrows was also composed of the nine Mie Tian swords.

The nine Mietian swords shot at the ancient demon on the ground together, and the ancient demon's attack separated the nine Mietian swords, which suddenly paralyzed the ancient demon's sight. When they realized it, the Mietian sword formation had been successfully arranged up.

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