Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 74 The Unlucky Zhang Tianhang

A figure appeared in the line of sight of the three of them. He still couldn't stand steadily while walking. He didn't look like a monk at all, but he was dressed like a monk.

"Hey, it's Brother Zhang."

"Brother Zhang, why did you become like this?"

It turned out that the person who came was Zhang Tianhang whom Li Qiuyu and the others knew. He seemed to have suffered serious internal injuries. Han Yulong leaped vertically and protected Zhang Tianhang who had almost fallen in the blink of an eye.

"It's you guys here. I thought it was someone else. Hurry up, the people behind are about to catch up." Zhang Tianhang said eagerly, with a look of panic in his eyes.

"Brother Zhang, what's going on, it's like this."

Seeing Zhang Tianhang's injury, Han Yulong couldn't help asking again. In fact, Li Qiuyu also wanted to find out what Zhang Tianhang said, who was chasing her behind, and made him so scared and embarrassed.

"You've seen it before, it's Dong Ming and the others."

It turned out that after Zhang Tianhang entered the space crack, he hadn't contacted Li Qiuyu and the others. In the space crack, with the cultivation base of the ninth level of Qi training and experienced experience, he also gained a lot. Killed a few.

He was very excited. More than a month had passed, but there was still no news of many people. He was always uneasy, because apart from monsters and unknown dangers, he also had to prevent killing and seizing treasures.

He is alone, and he is the target of others to hunt and kill, and Qie has his enemy Dong Ming in here. He is not afraid of Dong Ming, but he is not sure how many helpers Dong Ming has.

Originally, they wanted to pull Li Qiuyu and the others together, but even if they met Dong Ming and the others, they still had a little bit of leverage, and there was little chance of escaping alone.

Whatever you are afraid of, come here.Just two days ago, Zhang Tianhang and Dong Ming, who were going to continue their treasure hunt, met each other on a narrow road.

"Brother Zhang, we are really destined, let's have a chat." Seeing Zhang Tianhang alone without helpers, Dong Ming smiled sinisterly, and the following helpers also surrounded Zhang Tianhang.

"Dong Ming, don't go too far in life and work, leave a way, we will have more opportunities to meet in the future, so as not to be ugly when we meet in the future." Zhang Tianhang said lightly, feeling desperate in his heart, and secretly thought: "It's really bad luck, look Today is really bad luck."

"Brother Zhang, let's settle the score. Did we brothers besiege you at the same time, or did you challenge us all alone?" Dong Ming smiled sinisterly, his face darkened, and he sacrificed the magic weapon in his hand. A helper also sacrificed the magic weapon.

All of a sudden, magic weapons flew all over the sky, Zhang Tian wanted to run away, he didn't intend to get entangled at all, and he was constantly attacked.He spotted the one with the lowest cultivation level, but the other party hadn't noticed, and was hit by his Aoki spell.

When the monk had no time to react, he broke through the encirclement of the crowd and finally escaped, but Dong Ming would let go of such an opportunity. He led six monks and chased after Zhang Tianhang. With his cultivation base and quick movement skills, it took him two days to escape, and he still couldn't drop Dong Ming behind him. Even so, he hardly had a moment of rest.

After escaping to the present, he was almost exhausted. Just when he thought he would drop Dong Ming behind him, he suddenly heard the sound of fighting skills. In desperation, he had to hide in the grass, not daring to make any movement.

Thinking in his heart, if Dong Ming from behind catches up, he must meet the cultivator in front, so that he will have a chance to escape, and he will not be discovered just after hiding for a while.Heartbroken, he had to be called out.

"There are six of them in total. Except for Dong Ming, who is at the ninth level of Qi training, everyone else is at the eighth level." Zhang Tianhang took a deep breath and said slowly.

"Then let's leave quickly." Han Yulong guarded Zhang Tianhang and was about to leave.

"It's too late," Li Qiuyu said flatly.

"They are catching up." Xiao Yuefeng also said seriously, but looked at Li Qiuyu.

"As usual, I'll leave first." After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, he fled to the side.


Seeing Li Qiuyu leave, Zhang Tianhang sighed, but he didn't say anything. This is how the cultivation world is, who would cause trouble for him.

Only Han Yulong and Xiao Yuefeng understood Li Qiuyu. The three of them had been together for more than a month, and they cooperated perfectly. After Li Qiuyu left, they also began to prepare for battle.

"Brother Zhang, hurry up and adjust your breath first, let's block it first." Han Yulong looked at Zhang Tianhang and nodded.

"There is no need for the two fellow Taoists to waste time here. Let's go first. You are useless here. Dong Ming's seven people are all eighth-level cultivation bases, and Dong Ming's cultivation bases are comparable to mine. Now I don't know what to do. There's no power left."

Zhang Tianhang said gratefully that he knew the details of the other party, and he also knew his fate, and he was not such a heartless person with two more people accompanying him to death.

"Hey, Zhang Tianhang. I'm watching where you are going now, hey, I also found two helpers." Dong Ming and seven people rushed to him one after another. When they saw Xiao Yuefeng and Han Yulong, they didn't take them seriously.

"Dong Ming, the two of them have nothing to do with me, don't touch them, the grievances between the two of us have been resolved." Zhang Tianhang said loudly, just as he finished speaking, another trace of blood flowed out of his mouth.


"Zhang Tianhang, is there such a good thing? As long as I'm with you, I won't let it go." Dong Ming smiled darkly.

"Dong Ming, don't go too far. If you leave us a path, you also leave a path for yourself." Xiao Yuefeng said harshly, and he put away the magic weapon in his hand.

"Then throw your storage bags over here, and I'll let you go, but Zhang Tianhang doesn't have such a cheap thing." Dong Ming pondered for a while, and said calmly, he had already seen the three of them. It's a dead body.

It's not that he is arrogant, he has six eighth-level qi training and his peak nine-level qi training, and it's no effort at all for two monks who are seven or eighth-level qi training.

He is also a master of the ninth level of Qi training, and in this space crack, he doesn't want to cause trouble.

"Okay, I'll give you the storage bag, can you guarantee that we will leave?" Han Yulong also took back the magic weapon, and slowly put his hand on the storage bag, and it seemed that he was ready to hand over the storage bag Go out to save your life.

"Ah, ah"

At this moment, the two monks who practiced the eighth level of Qi roared loudly, and finally their eyes turned gray, and they fell down slowly. Dong Ming was also confused by this sudden change.

Seeing that the two monks on the other side had taken back the magical artifacts and had already started to take out the storage bag at their waist, he was secretly happy.

At first, he didn't think that the two eighth-level qi-training companions around him would die suddenly, and he felt scared in his heart. According to him, he might not be the opponent of the two eighth-level qi-training, and the death of the two monks was too strange up. [Favorites and recommendations, because there will be a strong recommendation list, in fact, the strong recommendation list is just to let more fellow daoists see my work, and the real ones are fellow daoists. 】

Han Yulong and Xiao Yuefeng naturally knew that it was Li Qiuyu who made the move, and they didn't think that the two eighth-level qi practitioners would die in an instant, and they each used their magic weapons.


The two zhang radius in front of him turned into quicksand, and the earth thorns he used were sandwiched between them, which caught Dong Ming's side by surprise.

"Flame Knife"

Several fiery red flame knives flew towards the opponent in an instant, and the fireballs quickly smashed towards Dong Ming one by one.

"You are looking for death"

Dong Ming was completely enraged. At the beginning, two of his companions were plotted against, and now two monks who practiced seven or eight levels of qi training also started to fight against him. I don't know if the other party is plotting, or taking advantage of the chaos to find a chance to escape?

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