"My son is looking for death, you come to fulfill me."

A light voice came over, and Dong Ming became vigilant, thinking that his two companions were obviously not two monks at the seventh or eighth level of Qi training, and the one who really made the move must be the speaker.

"Who is it? It's sneaky. If you have the ability, let me get out."

Dong Ming was completely enraged. He was going to attack Han Yulong and the two, but now he has switched his target to the cultivator in the dark.

"Okay, my son will get out, don't regret it then."

Li Qiuyu used two rainstorms to get rid of two monks at the eighth level of Qi training, and the remaining five people thought that they were prepared, and it was impossible for him to attack, let alone.If he doesn't go out again, Han Yulong and the three of them won't last long.

Zijin Zhan exuded a deep purple light, he tapped his whole body on the ground lightly, and he was already flying into the air, Zijin Zhan also slashed fiercely towards Dong Ming, and Zijin Zhan appeared in the sky above Dong Ming in an instant.


Dong Ming is a monk at the ninth level of Qi training, so his experience is naturally extremely seasoned. Seeing that Li Qiuyu's attack had already posed a great threat to him, it was too late to dodge, so he had to rise up and sacrifice a golden giant sword , fiercely slammed into Zijin Zhan in the air.


The two strong energies collided in the blink of an eye, and a loud noise shook the ears of several monks present, and the energies stirred up huge whirlwinds, like wind and clouds sweeping away the surrounding trees.

Although Dong Ming was at the pinnacle of the ninth level of Qi training, in a passive situation, he was hit so hard that he retreated endlessly. He retreated about two feet before he was able to shake his steady body. indefinite.

"Hehe, it's not that bad. This ability is not enough." Li Qiuyu walked out leisurely, without any sign of post-fight appearance.

In fact, she was also greatly shocked, but he didn't want Han Yulong and the others to see it, and he didn't want Dong Ming to see the slightest clue, so he pretended to be nonchalant.

The cultivation base of the peak of the ninth level of qi training is indeed not something that he can compete with at the peak of the seventh level of qi training, unless he breaks through to the eighth level of qi training, there may be a glimmer of hope, but he is not without a chance.

When the two met for the first time, he was knocked back by Dong Ming's profound cultivation. Although he was similar to Dong Ming, he attacked automatically and had already taken advantage of it. Otherwise, he would have suffered a disastrous defeat. After suppressing the real essence in Nanguan of Dantian Town, he said secretly.

"Nine levels of Qi training, it really shouldn't be underestimated."

After the fight between the two, all the monks in the field stopped. Dong Ming and Han Yulong all looked at Li Qiuyu, while Li Qiuyu walked leisurely, like walking in the back garden of Zijin Same.

"It's you."

"It's Brother Li."

Both Dong Ming and Zhang Tianhang shouted out in surprise.

Zhang Tianhang did not expect that after plotting against the opponent's two eighth-level Qi training monks, the person who forced his rival Dong Ming back was Li Qiuyu who fled first. What surprised him even more was Li Qiuyu's cultivation base, a Qi training level seven The monk actually has such strength.

Dong Ming stared at the white-clothed monk in front of him. He didn't expect that Li Qiuyu, who had met him once, could plot against him. The original anger in his heart gradually calmed down, because he felt that the unremarkable white-clothed boy in front of him was his real one. archenemy.

"It's me, didn't you want me to come out, I'm standing here, what can you do to me?" Li Qiuyu smiled lightly, and finally walked in front of Zhang Tianhang.

"Brother Zhang, the injury is not a serious problem, you should heal it first. I will wipe out the entire madman." He took out a low-level Qi training pill and gave it to Zhang Tianhang, and slowly turned to look at Han Yulong and Xiao Yuefeng .

"Brother Li, cow!" Han Yulong said angrily.

"Okay, you two, don't let them run away. I'll deal with this guy. I'll see how to deal with the person who called me out."

Li Qiuyu walked towards Dong Ming step by step. When Dong Ming saw Li Qiuyu coming out, he ignored himself and the others, almost ignoring his own existence, and his heart burst into anger.

"Boy, I'm going to extract the soul and refine the soul. I will make your life worse than death." Dong Ming gritted his teeth and said fiercely.

"Hey, I've heard this many times, but it hasn't come true. Can you change the lines?" Li Qiuyu put his hands down, smiled faintly, and finally his eyes flashed, staring at Dong Ming. The four eighth-level Qi training monks below said: "If you don't want to die, you'd better not move, let me stand here."

As soon as he finished speaking, he raised his hands quickly, put them together, and finally pulled them apart slowly, a cyan light appeared between them.

"Let's do it together, let's kill him first." An eighth-floor monk stopped at Li Qiuyu's words, furious in his heart, sacrificed the magic weapon in his hand, and shot straight out with several water swords.

He is also a monk at the eighth level of Qi training, how can Li Qiuyu, a monk at the seventh level of Qi training, speak nonsense in front of him, seeing his water sword shoot at Li Qiuyu's eyes, and the opponent is not ready to dodge and defend, and he feels in his heart Yixi, "That's all, it depends on how you die."

"puff puff"

The water sword was less than a foot away from Li Qiuyu, and when everyone thought he would be hit, the cyan light in Li Qiuyu's hand shot out instantly.

The water sword scattered the blue light, and the water sword also dissipated. At this moment, the originally scattered blue light turned into six round moon-shaped strong winds that pierced the air instantly, and the water attribute monk who attacked Li Qiuyu was killed before he had time to react. Strength penetrates.

There was a look of disbelief in his eyes, and finally he fell down with unwilling eyes, Li Qiuyu said lightly: "I told you not to move around, just don't stop."

"Another instant kill."

Han Yulong shook his head helplessly. He and Xiao Yuefeng stood separately, forming a triangle with Li Qiuyu, surrounding Dong Ming and the others.

A strange scene formed, three monks who only had seven or eight levels of qi training surrounded five or six monks who had eight or nine levels of qi training, Zhang Tianhang was also completely stunned, which completely subverted his cognition.

"Okay, very good, I have been fighting eagles all my life, and finally I was pecked in the eye by an eagle, so I actually underestimated you. But don't think this is a foregone conclusion, let you know how powerful I am."

Dong Ming said darkly, raised the golden giant sword, and kept changing strange postures with one hand. In a blink of an eye, Dong Ming also began to change, and the whole person grew to a height of about ten feet. , the clothes on his body were also broken, and the whole person turned into an orc.

"Very good, you are actually a demon cultivator. I want to see what you are capable of." Li Qiuyu was also surprised when she saw Dong Ming's changes. Seeing Dong Ming's appearance, she could tell that Dong Ming was a demon. build.

Demon Cultivation is a method of cultivation. The practice is the cultivation method evolved from monsters. To a certain extent, it will reach the strength of powerful monsters. The cultivation of monsters is also the method of body training. [The complex has finally reached the key point. After the protagonist has completed this experience, his cultivation base has also improved a lot. The real rise is coming. Come on, fellow daoists, recommend and collect it for me]

The strength of the body is several times that of a human being. It looks like a monster with human nature, and its melee combat ability is extremely powerful. However, Li Qiuyu saw that the strength of the demon cultivator Dong Ming cultivated was only the lowest level, otherwise he really didn't have it. There is a way.

"It's good to know, I will use your blood essence to temper my body, hehe." Dong Ming smiled sinisterly, looked at Li Qiuyu and the others with bloodthirsty eyes, and regarded them as dead people .

Han Yulong and Xiao Yuefeng didn't expect such a change, they didn't have any details in their hearts anymore, and they didn't have much confidence in dealing with a few qi-training eighth and ninth-level monks, that's because of Li Qiuyu's fucking strong feeling , never thought that Dong Ming was actually a demon cultivator.

"Hey, I will let you fulfill me, my son." After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, he raised his hands lightly, and Zijin Zhan appeared in his hand in an instant. He cut towards Dong Ming.

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