After the Purple Gold Slash was struck, Li Qiuyu's whole body had already risen into the air and rushed towards Dong Ming.

"jingle, jingle"

The vigor of Zijin Zhan and the golden giant sword collided in the air, making crisp sounds. Two rays of light, one golden and one purple, flew randomly in the air, and the whole field was filled with vigor. He was attracted by the battle between Dong Ming and the two of them.

When Han Yulong saw that the opponent did not make a move, he naturally would not ask for trouble. He knew that he was not Li Qiuyu. No movement at all.

"I'll see how long you can last, haha."

Dong Ming slashed the golden giant sword at Li Qiuyu. The demon cultivator took advantage of the strength of the system and was several times stronger than the human cultivator.

Originally, his cultivation base was much stronger than Li Qiuyu's, let alone now, although Li Qiuyu would not lose for a while, but if this continues, it will be a matter of time before he loses.

"is it?"

Li Qiuyu was also very surprised. The power of the demon cultivator was really extraordinary. Although he was temporarily suppressed by Dong Ming, he could only resist, but he became more and more excited as he fought.

The three of Xiao Yuefeng became more and more anxious, and the four eighth-level monks on the other side also seemed to be fighting, they said secretly. "It seems that there are not many opportunities, and there are not many opportunities to escape. But seeing that Li Qiuyu is still fighting in the field, it is not easy for him to escape first.

"My son didn't want you to die too wronged, but you found it yourself. Then I will play with you." While speaking, Li Qiuyu blocked one of Dong Ming's attacks, and a burst of purple energy It landed fiercely in front of an eighth-level qi-training monk, who was about to make a move, but was startled by the strength in front of him, so he had to wait for the result of Dong Ming's battle obediently.

At this time, the Zijin Zhan in Li Qiuyu's hand disappeared, and he fell to the ground to stand firm, and then he hit the ground fiercely, and a white shadow slammed towards Dong Ming in an instant.

After he left, there was still an afterimage of the other party standing there.

Seeing that Li Qiuyu gave up the magical weapon in his hand, but ran towards him empty-handed, Dong Ming was also baffled by Li Qiuyu's actions. He thought that Li Qiuyu was confused, so he didn't care too much. He practiced demon cultivation by himself. Cultivation method, of course, is not afraid of Li Qiuyu, a monk who practiced Qi at the seventh level.


A white figure bumped into the gray figure in an instant, and the two figures made a dull sound, and then flew backwards like arrows.

Everyone below was shocked by Li Qiuyu's actions. A monk at the seventh level of qi training actually hit the demon monk at the ninth level of qi training with his body, thinking that Li Qiuyu was confused.

After the last two figures were knocked into the air, they all admired the intensity with which Li Qiuyu hit Dong Ming.

"Hey, how's it going? Is it good? Don't let me down." After Li Qiuyu was knocked into the air, Phoenix's Nine Transformations were used, reducing the power of rebounding a lot.

Although Phoenix Nine Changes is a body technique, Phoenix has already surpassed the category of monsters and reached the realm of divine beasts. Such a body technique can be regarded as a skill. It is not an exaggeration to say that Li Qiuyu is a half-monster cultivator. .

Under the collision, both of them were knocked into the air, while Dong Ming was not as graceful as Li Qiuyu, and his huge body fell straight to the ground. Qiu Yu stood on the side in good condition.

Thinking that his eyes were dazzled, he rubbed his eyes hard, but he still didn't believe it. In his heart, although Li Qiuyu was very strong, after colliding with Zijin, he must have suffered serious internal injuries and was lying on the ground.

"Stop rubbing, is it that easy for me to fall down?"

"Are you a demon cultivator too?" Dong Ming asked coldly with an inexplicable look in his eyes.

"Try it and you'll know." After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, the whole person strung out quickly, and passed through a distance of ten feet in a blink of an eye. When he raised his right hand, his true energy was dissatisfied with his right hand, and he aimed at Dong Ming and threw it.

Everyone was completely speechless by Li Qiuyu's actions. This is not a monk's fighting style, it is obviously a street rogue's fighting style, but such a rogue is scary.


Seeing Li Qiuyu's fighting style, Li Qiuyu was also very rascal. Seeing the fist hit, he had to block with both hands, which could barely block Li Qiuyu's fist, but he was beaten back incessantly.

"Bastard, I must tear you apart." Dong Ming roared loudly, today he completely hated Li Qiuyu.


The sounds of fists colliding continued to be heard, and only two figures, one white and one gray, were seen flashing back and forth within a radius of twenty feet, and from time to time the two figures still appeared in the air.

After a poor effort, the gray figure slowly slowed down, and the white figure kept attacking the gray figure, and the white figure was split at the touch of a touch, without giving the gray figure a chance to fight back.

"Damn bastard, don't dodge if you have the guts."

Amidst the crashing sound, Dong Ming's roaring sound could be heard from time to time. It was intangible, but only because of the beating.

Seeing the battle between the two, Xiao Yuefeng gradually let go of his worries. Li Qiuyu's fighting power and fighting style left them completely speechless.

Only Li Qiuyu knows that it seems that he has the upper hand, but in fact it will not work if this continues. The true energy in the dantian is consumed enormously, and even if he wants to use the magic weapon now, it will not have much effect. The true energy in the dantian can no longer be used by him. Artifacts and spells.

"Damn bastard, how long can I last if I hack you."

Dong Ming naturally also saw Li Qiuyu's situation. As long as he fought hard with the opponent for a while, the opponent would run out of true energy, and at that time, he would be able to kill him without much effort.

"Then you just wait." Li Qiuyu punched hard, and the whole person quickly retreated. The true energy of the seventh level of Qi training is far from being exhausted by the monks of the ninth level of Qi training.

"Prepare to die."

After Li Qiuyufei retreated, Dong Ming did not catch up, but slowly raised the golden giant sword in his hand. Under the attention of Zhenyuan, the golden giant sword became bigger and bigger, and the golden light on the sword became more intense.

He saw that Li Qiuyu's true energy was exhausted and there was not much true energy left to use, so he concentrated his whole body of true energy on the golden giant sword, ready to kill Li Qiuyu in one fell swoop, and then deal with Han Yulong and the other two.

"Good, good, good." Li Qiuyu said three good words in a row, and threw an intermediate Qi training pill into his mouth.

He also knew that he was careless, and the other party obviously wanted to kill him in one fell swoop. In desperation, he swallowed a mid-level pill. Although he still had the killer weapon of the blood eagle eagle, he wanted to use this method to consume the mid-level Qi training pill. Such opportunities are rare.

The last time he dealt with the Blood Eagle Eagle, he used two at once. Although it was dangerous, he was still able to survive. He naturally knew that if he wanted to break through, he would definitely not gain anything if he didn't pay.

Under the urging of the true essence, the elixir melted instantly, and the medicine energy spread out, and strong medicine energy surged in his body frantically. , but sacrificed the sapphire sword.

The medicinal strength in the body surged rapidly in conjunction with the true essence, and finally rushed to the sapphire sword in his hand. The sapphire sword did not grow larger, but it was covered with traces of electric arcs.

These are long stories, but at that time, there were only a few breaths.

The golden giant sword also reached its peak, and the huge golden light slashed at Li Qiuyu fiercely. Li Qiuyu didn't move until the golden light was a foot away from his forehead, and the blue jade sword also met him fiercely. go up. 【Favorites and Comments】

When the golden light and the sapphire sword collided, there was no expected loud noise, but the electric arc blocked the golden light, but the golden light did not stop completely, the low gear of the electric arc only slowed down the speed of the golden light.

Five feet, four feet, three feet.

The golden light was still falling, and although Dong Ming had the upper hand, the moment the electric arc touched the golden light, he was completely numb, almost making him let go of his magic weapon. Li Qiuyu's loss is imminent, so naturally he will not give up the golden giant sword in his hand.

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