Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 748 Journey to Space Rift

"Follow the order of the ancestors."

The two came to a relatively remote place. After Li Qiuyu cast a simple prohibition, he sat cross-legged on the side and finished. Han Ling slowly talked about what happened in Diyan Peak recently.

Di Yanfeng is the number one force in the Tianlong Empire, with such strength, no one dares to provoke him. Di Yanfeng is also the number one force in the Tianlong Kingdom.

Naturally, it is the comfort of maintaining the Tianlong Empire, and it will not easily deal with other monks and forces. It's just that some small things happen every day, and there are many people. It is inevitable.

No big event happened, Li Qiuyu felt a little relieved after hearing this. In fact, he also knew that Di Yanfeng's strength was not as strong as that family and strength dared to provoke.

As long as Di Yanfeng doesn't encounter disaster, he can be sure. Di Yanfeng is the pillar of Tianlong Empire and also his own power.

"This crack in the space is different from before. I came here once during the Qi training period. At that time, only disciples who entered the Qi training period could be inside, but now there is no limit to the cultivation level."

Li Qiuyu spoke softly, as if he was talking to himself, but also as if he was talking to Han Ling. Han Ling didn't dare to disturb Li Qiuyu.

After meditating here for half an hour, I felt that it was getting late. In this space crack, I didn't care, but the disciples in the foundation building period were in danger.

As the elder of Diyan Peak, Li Qiuyu took care of his disciples as a matter of course. With a quick wave of his hands, a Nine Palaces Profound Sky Formation appeared in front of the two of them.

The Jiugong Formation is a hundred feet in size. Li Qiuyu is meditating on the side, ignoring Han Ling. Seeing Li Qiuyu's strength, Han Ling is not worthy of his reputation. Naturally, he is not worried about consolation, and he is also meditating and resting. Finally, he is really tired Also spread a quilt on the ground to rest.

This night, Han Ling also felt the safest time in the past two days. She slept until dawn. When she woke up, Li Qiuyu was still meditating.

Seeing Han Ling wake up, Li Qiuyu found a place to wash up briefly, and after the two of them tidied up, Li Qiuyu removed the Jiugong Tianxuan Formation.

"What kind of medicinal materials do you need to look for? I have nothing to do, so I can help you wander around here."

Li Qiuyu glanced at Han Ling, and finally said that he hadn't come across any clues for two days, so he was about to give up, and now there was a disciple of Diyan Peak, so he could wander around there for a while.

Since none of the previous monks went out, I wanted to see why these monks stayed here. Even if there was no teleportation array to go out, with his current cultivation base, he could completely destroy this space.

Forcibly going out, if it is really the reason of the space crack itself, it is okay to say, if it is other reasons, he will follow this reason to find the source.

"Back to Patriarch, this disciple wants to find the main material of Peiyuan Pill to refine Peiyuan Pill, but there are still a few medicinal materials that I haven't found, thank you Patriarch."

Han Ling was extremely excited. With a top-notch expert by her side, it was easy to find some medicinal materials. Moreover, the cultivation base of this patriarch had already reached the Nascent Soul stage 300 years ago. Such a state.

Finally, he asked softly, with curiosity in his voice, and looked at Li Qiuyu: "Patriarch, what is your cultivation level now?"

"Well, why did you say that?"

Li Qiuyu looked at Han Ling in bewilderment, thinking that searching for these medicinal materials would require realm and cultivation. When I came here before, I didn't have these rules.

"The patriarch forgives the sin, the disciple is just curious about the cultivation of the patriarch."

When Han Ling saw Li Qiuyu asking, she was startled. This young man was her patriarch. Although he was peaceful and close, the patriarch was the patriarch, so she thought Li Qiuyu wanted to blame herself.

"Hehe, so that's the case. I reached the stage of transformation decades ago. After reaching the stage of transformation, I was thinking of Tianlong, so I rushed back."

Li Qiuyu was startled, and smiled inwardly. He didn't expect this foundation-building disciple to be so curious, but fortunately, he was a disciple of his own Tianlong Emperor Yanfeng. If it was other disciples, he would never treat him so easily.

"Transformation, God Transformation? God Transformation Stage?"

Han Ling stammered and said, the word Huashen, this distance is really far away from her, so far that she can't even imagine it, and she doesn't know much about this realm.

In her heart, she is satisfied as long as she achieves alchemy, and her drunken pursuit is a Nascent Soul stage monk, even a great monk can't imagine it, she is satisfied thinking that the patriarch in front of her has reached the state of ascension, transforming into a god.

The stage of transformation into a god, this realm represents the implication of ascension. Only after reaching the stage of transformation into a god can one have the opportunity to ascend to another interface. The opportunity to ascend to an immortal is no different.

She also told her master that in Tianlong and even Fengyue Continent, the stage of transformation into gods is gone, and the stage of transformation into gods is also an invincible existence.

Naturally, even the monks in the Nascent Soul stage didn't know that there were monks in the Transformation Stage in Fengyue Continent, and a disciple in the Foundation Establishment stage couldn't believe it at all.

"Hehe, keep practicing, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future, and opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared. My disciples of Emperor Yanfeng should set their sights a little further, so far that I can't believe it."

Li Qiuyu said with a smile, what he said is not wrong, as long as you have qualifications, talent and hard work, you have a lot of pills, and you even have God Transformation Pills, if you want to achieve God Transformation, there is still a chance.

"The disciple will follow the teachings of the patriarch and will definitely work hard to cultivate."

Han Ling's heart was shocked. The young man in front of her looked young, and every sentence she said was beyond what ordinary people expected. It's no wonder that her ancestor was No. 1 in the Tianlong Empire.

"Let's go, find some medicinal materials, and exercise your body to prevent it from decaying. I have lived for 600 years, so I need to exercise more."

Li Qiuyu laughed loudly, but didn't know that Han Ling behind her stood there with her mouth wide open, 600 years, 600 years, it took only 600 years to understand the realm of the transformation of gods from Qi training.

In Diyan Peak, the Nascent Soul cultivator was not over six hundred years old. At first he thought that the young patriarch was an old monster over a thousand years old, but he was only six hundred years old.

It is said that a monk in the stage of transformation can live to be 2000 years old, maybe even 600 years, and reach the stage of transformation in [-] years, even if he does not practice, the time limit is still many years before.

Seeing Li Qiuyu walking casually in front, Han Ling quickly chased after him. Along the way, Li Qiuyu released the blood eagle and the blood eagle also suppressed the realm to the third level.

Encountering high-level monsters, they were killed directly. Four or five-level monsters were caught to death with one claw, and they didn't even have a chance to resist. Han Ling was very surprised. There is such a kind of owner, there is a kind of pet. .

Even a third-order monster pet is so abnormal, if he knows that this seemingly weak and easy-to-bully Blood Eagle Eagle is a powerful monster at the peak of the seventh-order late stage, he will definitely be shocked.

Li Qiuyu's cultivation is only in the Qi training period, but if there is such a breath, no one dares to provoke it easily. They all regard Han Ling as the most powerful existence, but they don't know that the most powerful is Li Qiuyu who seems to be the most useless now.

"Hmph, this medicine is mine."

Han Ling found a golden-yellow fruit. Judging from the quality of the fruit, it must have reached a thousand years old. Such medicinal materials are also difficult to come across in space cracks.

Unexpectedly, when he was about to pick it, a cyan figure appeared in front of him, and the cyan figure grabbed it with one hand, and the golden fruit returned to his hand.

He glanced at Li Qiuyu and Han Ling with a look of disdain on his face, caring about the fruit in his hand, Han Ling ignored what he said.

"I said, this fruit is mine, you give it back to me, otherwise..."

Seeing the cyan figure ignoring her, Han Ling was furious. In the past half month, she has been going all the way, and no one encountered her at all. Even if she met a monk in the alchemy stage, she was dealt with by the blood eagle eagle.

Seeing the golden fruit now, she was still excited, but she didn't expect that other people would get there first, and they would ignore her. With Li Qiuyu by her side, she naturally had no fear at all.

"Little girl, you are so courageous. Who is your master? Don't you know how to be polite?"

The cyan figure put away the fruit, and glanced at Han Ling and Li Qiuyu. A girl in the late stage of foundation establishment and a young man with no cultivation base felt slightly angry in his heart.

"Who is my master, you are not worthy to know, but you took away the medicinal materials I discovered, and you have to return them to me. Otherwise, my ancestor will be rude to you."

Han Ling said mischievously, he really is an existence of Li Qiuyu in the stage of transforming gods, and is already an invincible existence in this Fengyue Continent. Worry.

"Hmph, your patriarch? Who is your patriarch? This deity should teach me a good lesson, and teach you a disciple who doesn't understand big and small."

The cyan figure glanced at Han Ling, said a few words indifferently, turned around in disdain and wanted to leave, the juniors in the foundation establishment stage rarely paid attention to them at all.

"Do you want to leave? Hehe, if you dare to speak out in front of this deity, you will die."

An icy voice came out, the voice seemed to come from the ten thousand zhang glacier, making the whole body of the cyan figure shudder, and the heart was shocked. Just such a voice made me feel uncomfortable. If I really do it, I don’t know what will happen such a situation.

Looking at the source of the sound, it turned out to be a third-tier monster blood eagle eagle: "No, it's not third-tier, definitely not third-tier, it's seventh-tier, the peak blood eagle in the late seventh-tier."

The cyan figure was terrified in his heart. After seeing the blood eagle eagle, he finally saw clearly the true cultivation level and realm of the blood eagle eagle. Could it be that this monster is the ancestor of the female cultivator, with a puzzled expression on his face.

"I picked this fruit. If you want it, you can take it. I will leave."

The cyan figure quickly took out the collected golden fruit and threw it at the blood eagle eagle. As a monk in the Nascent Soul stage, he would never fight against a monster beast at the peak of the seventh-order late stage for a thousand-year-old medicinal material.

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