"Aren't you going to teach me a lesson? I want to see how you want to teach me a lesson. This is the first time I've heard someone want to teach me a lesson in hundreds of years. Hehe, it's really interesting. "

Li Qiuyu, who hadn't opened his mouth all this time, said indifferently, a shocking coercion erupted from his body, covering a radius of ten feet.

After reaching the stage of transforming gods, relying on powerful spiritual consciousness, he has already controlled his coercion and strength to the point where he can do whatever he wants.

Don't look at the coercion circle that is only ten feet in diameter, but within this circle, except for the monks of the same class, monks who are lower than oneself will be absolutely suppressed.

The cyan figure was frightened to death. He never thought that the young man in white clothes who seemed to have no cultivation base was the real super monk, and he was even more terrifying than the peak blood shadow in the late seventh stage.

He also understood that the young man in white in front of him was actually a cultivator at the transformation stage, although he couldn't see Li Qiuyu's strength clearly based on his cultivation and strength.But he was also lucky enough to meet a cultivator in the stage of transformation once.

Hunting geese all the year round, but unexpectedly being pecked by geese. The strength of this white-clothed boy is too terrifying, but he can't remember who this white-clothed boy is for a while.

"Who is the senior, the junior has eyes but does not know Mount Tai, the senior forgives the sin."

The cyan figure asked in horror, and then quickly begged for forgiveness. The boy in white in front of him killed himself as easily as killing an ant.

"I am a disciple of Diyan Peak, and my ancestor's surname is Li."

Seeing the blue figure being suppressed by Li Qiuyu's coercion, Han Ling said softly, with a look of pride on her face, although she didn't have such strength, but this young man was Di Yanfeng's senior and her own patriarch .

"Di Yanfeng? Are you Senior Li Qiuyu?"

When the cyan figure heard Han Ling's words, his mind quickly turned, and he thought of all the powerful monks at Diyan Peak. No one was surnamed Li, and the only one was Li Qiuyu from 300 years ago.

Could it be that the young monk in white in front of him is Li Qiuyu, the number one monk of Diyan Peak 300 years ago. If this is the case, he is really in trouble now.

"This seat is Li Qiuyu, what else do you have to say?"

Li Qiuyu smiled, the Nascent Soul cultivator in front of him didn't feel any great evil, and he didn't want to do anything to him, but since his majesty was so underestimated.

Simple punishment is still necessary, if it is not for the current ancient demon invasion and resistance, it does not matter if this Nascent Soul cultivator is killed.

"Senior is really Your Excellency Li Qiuyu, this junior is ignorant, please forgive me, senior."

When the cyan figure heard the boy in front of him say his name, his heart sank. It really was him. This is really troublesome, and he has no chance at all.

"Well, I don't want to kill innocent people indiscriminately, but you insulted me, you should know how to do it?"

Li Qiuyu couldn't think of punishing the monk in this way for a while, and finally looked at Han Ling to see how Han Ling's little girl would vent her anger.

"You stole my fruit, my patriarch doesn't want to argue with you, take out 100 million low-level spirit stones, you can leave." Han Ling thought for a while, and finally asked the cyan figure for 100 million low-level spirit stones.

One million spiritual stones is a considerable wealth for a low-level monk like Han Ling, but Li Qiuyu doesn't like it at all, but this cyan figure is a Tianlong monk, and killing people to seize treasures is also common in the cultivation world, and the cyan figure in front of him The figure did not intend to kill.

It is not impossible to let him go once, but the memory of seeing him just now must be erased, so as not to spread it and cause trouble for him.

"Thank you senior for not killing me."

The cyan figure took out the 100 million low-level spirit stones, his face ached. The 100 million low-level spirit stones were almost his entire net worth, but in order to survive, 100 million low-level spirit stones were nothing.


With a movement of Li Qiuyu's consciousness, a god-killing technique pierced out. The blue figure's sea of ​​consciousness only felt a stabbing pain, and then lost consciousness. When he woke up again, all memories refused to exist.

I only remember what happened an hour ago, and I don't know why I fell asleep lying in this dangerous space crack. I looked around inexplicably, and quickly got up and left.

Li Qiuyu and the others had already left tens of thousands of miles away, and they didn't take the episode just now to heart at all, because this kind of thing didn't happen ten times a day, but nine times.

Li Qiuyu took away the storage bags of these monks and erased their memories. Along the way, this Han Ling gained a lot, and sighed in his heart, this patriarch was in the crack of space, as if he was visiting his own garden. '

Time passed day by day, but no useful news was obtained, but the time for the opening of the space rift was already very close.

With hundreds of years of memory, he flew westward and arrived at the exit of the space crack in less than half a month. It was the same as before, but there was no previous formation.

After coming here, I randomly found a relatively remote place to meditate and rest. Although two days later it was time for the space crack to open, Li Qiuyu felt more and more that something was going to happen.

Han Ling was also meditating beside her. During this period of time, she was also the safest person in the crack in the entire space, because she had a powerful patriarch beside her.

The medicinal materials obtained are naturally quite a lot. When encountering high-level medicinal materials, although they are guarded by monsters of the fourth and fifth ranks, they are often killed with one claw in front of the blood eagle eagle. The medicinal materials and inner alchemy are put into the storage bag in.

Seeing the corpses of monster beasts of the fourth and fifth ranks, if these monster corpses were sold, they would definitely be worth a lot of spirit stones, but his storage bags were already full.

Li Qiuyu also wanted to give her a space ring, but if the space ring appeared in the hands of a cultivator at the Foundation Establishment Stage, it would definitely cause trouble, and he simply didn't have the strength to protect the space ring in his hand.

This is really hurting her. There are more than 200 interspatial rings in her hand, and there is not much use for keeping them, but two or three of them are filled with medicinal herbs or materials.

Two days passed quickly, and there were nearly 3000 disciples who came to the exit of the space rift, so it was considered normal, but why not a single disciple was able to go out in the previous period of time.

Now it's time for the space crack to open, and nothing unusual has happened yet. Could it be that there is no problem here at all.

But soon, a trace of familiar aura entered into his consciousness. Although he didn't see this aura many times, he had encountered it many times during this period of time.

ancient magic

That's right, it's the aura of the ancient demon. I have the aura of a real demon in my body, and I'm also very sensitive to the aura of the ancient demon. During this time, I have dealt with the ancient demon a lot.

The appearance of this aura also made him very excited. Since he found a trace of the ancient demon's aura, he must be inseparable from the ancient demon.

Following the aura just now, a middle-aged monk in the middle of alchemy, with profound cultivation, concealed a trace of demonic aura.

"The Eye of the Phoenix, open."

Li Qiuyu opened his mouth and said softly, a golden lotus flower appeared between his brows, the lotus flower shone towards the golden light, and the golden light looked towards the middle-aged middle-aged man who was shooting from a distance.

"Sure enough."

In sight, this cultivator who looks like a human being is actually an ancient demon, to be precise, a puppet of an ancient demon. The human monk was turned into a puppet by the evil energy of the ancient demon, and his cultivation strength has been improved for no reason. a lot.

Withdrawing the golden light of the lotus flower, he opened his eyes, and a powerful god killing technique probed towards the sea of ​​consciousness of the middle-aged monk. There was a burst of pain on the face of the middle-aged monk, and after a while, he passed out on the ground.

Li Qiuyu harvested her spiritual consciousness, with a disappointed expression on her face. In this sea of ​​consciousness that was crying, she didn't get any news, and the memory in the sea of ​​consciousness has long been erased.

However, it can also be confirmed from the momentum of this monk's cultivation base that this monk has become an ancient devil puppet during this period of time, and his cultivation base has improved a lot.

"Patriarch, is there a problem with this monk in the alchemy stage?"

Han Ling saw that Li Qiuyu killed a monk who was in the alchemy stage. Although she was puzzled, she didn't dare to ask more questions, because during this period of time, she followed Li Qiuyu in the space crack and learned a little about Li Qiuyu.

This patriarch with unfathomable strength didn't want those other monks to kill people to seize treasures, nor would they kill innocent people indiscriminately. During this period of time, they almost didn't do anything.

Now that she suddenly dealt with a monk in the alchemy stage, she just asked Li Qiuyu out of curiosity. She was not afraid of Li Qiuyu's anger, because this patriarch was approachable.

"Well, this monk was turned into a puppet by the ancient demon."

Li Qiuyu swiped with one hand, and black demonic energy gushed out from between the brows of the monks in the alchemy period. After the demonic energy came out, they were ready to flee. Putting one hand in front of Li Qiuyu, not to mention the demonic energy, even a powerful demon would not want to escape.

"Oh, it's no wonder that the monks who entered the space crack didn't come out again. It seems that they have all become puppets of the ancient demon. This time we?"

Han Ling heard Li Qiuyu's words, saw the devilish energy again, and then thought about whether she would stay in it, and was still a little scared.

"You girl, with my seat here, what is the mere ancient demon? Even if their demon king came, they would have to disappear."

Li Qiuyu smiled, and gave Han Ling a comforting look. Indeed, he did not believe that there were ancient demons that surpassed the strength of the demon king. If that was the case, there would be disaster in Fengyue Continent.

"Patriarch forgives the sin, the disciple made a slip of the tongue, the patriarch's cultivation is astonishing, the world is invincible, naturally there is no need to worry about the ancient demon."

Han Ling said flatteringly, she has a pretty face like a flower, and Li Qiuyu shook her head helplessly, and finally used her spiritual sense to guide every move within a radius of ten thousand miles into her divine sense, to see how the ancient demon is here What kind of strength and movement do you have.

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