Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 750 Overwhelming the Demons

Since there is the appearance of the ancient demon, it is best to solve the matter here at once, so as not to leave future troubles. Besides, in the territory of the Tianlong Empire with space cracks, he will definitely not leave such troubles behind.

This space crack will definitely appear before dark at most, and if it doesn't appear, I can tear this place apart with my strong strength.

Seeing that Li Qiuyu stopped talking, Han Ling didn't dare to disturb Li Qiuyu's rest. She walked around quietly, and suddenly looked at Li Qiuyu who was resting, feeling very curious.

Such a person is actually a cultivator in the transformation stage and the patriarch of Diyan Peak. I met him, and I don't know how he cultivated it.

Li Qiuyu also felt that this disciple was looking at him, but he didn't pay attention to it. He closed his eyes and practiced, waiting for the other disciples to come back, waiting for the development of the matter.

"Well, it came so fast!"

While looking at it, nearly a hundred Nascent Soul-level ancient demons came towards this side, each of them carrying an astonishingly strong demonic energy.

In a short while, he traveled a distance of a hundred miles, and came to the exit of the space crack, where more than a hundred ancient demons in the Nascent Soul stage appeared, which immediately aroused the horror of the monks in the middle school.

The power of the ancient demons is well known. In the past hundred years, the ancient demons have invaded Fengyue Continent, and rumors have spread. I did not expect that there are so many ancient demons appearing in this space crack. Could it be that there are really ancient demons in the Tianlong Empire.

More than a hundred ancient demons came to the teleportation array at the exit, and they blocked the teleportation array with powerful force, preventing other human monks from getting any closer.

There was a trace of disdain on his face, looking at these human monks who looked like ants, they had no intention of doing anything, and after the opening time of the opening of the space crack exit, he would slowly turn these monks into puppets.

"You humble human beings, stay here. It is also your honor to be the puppets of my ancient demon clan. My ancient demon clan will dominate and rule the Fengyue Continent and turn the entire Fengyue Continent into the world of ancient demons."

An ancient demon in the mid-Yuanying period said with a smile, the devil energy in his body was surging, and the magic energy was quickly eroding the sky. Here are all the disciples of the Qi training stage and the foundation building stage, only a few of the alchemy stage and a few Nascent Soul period monks.

No matter how many human monks there are, it is impossible to be the opponent of more than a hundred ancient demons in the Nascent Soul stage, but it is impossible to capture them without fighting.

"Ah, ah."

The disciples in the qi training stage and the foundation building stage were quickly corroded by the devil qi, and their bodies turned black, and then they screamed, and the aura on their bodies changed rapidly.

From the familiar human breath to the ancient devil's devilish energy, he became a member of the ancient devil's puppet. More than [-] monks quickly became the ancient devil's puppet.

But monks will not be caught without a fight. After becoming a puppet, they can do everything and can only resist, but such resistance is too weak.

"Hmph, if you want to fight with this demon general, you are not worthy. After turning you all into puppets, I will go to the demon king to return to life. Within a hundred years, Fengyue Continent will completely become my ancient demon clan."

A demon general saw two Nascent Soul cultivators preparing to attack him, a sky-shattering amount of demon energy surged, and the demon energy quickly sprayed towards the Nascent Soul cultivator, and the other ancient demons also cast their demon energy at the same time.

More than ten huge phantoms smashed down, and hit the two Nascent Soul stage monks at the same time. The phantoms had no chance to react, and the two Nascent Soul stage monks were smashed out of their wits.

"Hey, it's a pity that two Nascent Soul stage bodies are lost. It's no longer possible to refine puppets. Let's use it as a tonic for the original demon general."

The leader, the Ancient Demon General, looked bloodthirstyly at the two Nascent Soul stage monks who had already been damaged on the ground, grabbed it with his huge arm, and shot a black demonic energy towards the two monks on the ground.

A ray of soul was drawn out by the black devilish energy. After the soul appeared, it screamed loudly and wanted to escape, but it couldn't break free from the bondage of the demon general's black devilish energy.

It turned out that the two Nascent Soul stage monks wanted to take the opportunity to escape, and then find a way to leave this space crack, but they didn't expect that the strength of the same class of sclera was so strong.

When they met each other, they were beaten to death, knowing that there was no chance, they hid a trace of their soul in their bodies, and waited for an opportunity to seize the body after the ancient demon left. In this way, although their strength was greatly reduced, they would not end up in a state of death.

However, it was discovered by the ancient demon, and the soul was pulled out. It was too late to escape, and the soul let out a hissing scream.

The other low-level disciples were also stunned by what happened in front of them. The appearance of the ancient demons was beyond their expectations, and they were all ancient demons at the Nascent Soul level.

He wanted to leave this exit to escape the control of the ancient demons, but more than a hundred ancient demons displayed their demon energy, and more than three thousand human monks were tightly suppressed here, without the slightest chance to move.

"Haha, it turns out that the ancient demons are making trouble here. I have been waiting for you for a long time, and I finally gathered you all together, haha."

A sneer came from all directions. Although the voice was full of laughter, it didn't feel like a smile at all, as if it came from the Nine Nether Hell.

As soon as this voice appeared, the monks of the alchemy stage and the nascent soul stage among the human monks were all pleasantly surprised. The strength of this voice is absolutely extraordinary. No matter how strong it is, more power always needs more hope.

"Who is it, this devil will get out, don't sneak around there."

The leading demon general was stunned, and a look of surprise appeared on his ugly face, but the change in his expression could not be noticed at all on this ugly face.

The other ancient demons were also startled by this sound. This sound came from all directions, and they couldn't find the source of the sound at all.

"Come to Tianlong territory to make trouble, I tell you to go back to where you came from."

As soon as the voice fell, a white-clothed boy appeared in the sky hundreds of feet in front of him, standing steadily at a height of fifty feet, appearing strangely, without the slightest sign, just like the white-clothed boy was standing there in the first place.

Beside the white-clothed boy was a girl in pink, and a third-tier blood eagle eagle. The three of them stood firmly in the air, looking at more than a hundred ancient demon generals in the Nascent Soul stage.

"Li Qiuyu, this is Senior Li, really Senior Li Qiuyu from Diyan Peak, Your Excellency the Holy Alchemist."

A Nascent Soul cultivator saw Li Qiuyu's appearance, and was immediately overjoyed. This young man in white had seen him twice 300 years ago, when he was still in the Alchemy Stage.

Li Qiuyu's majestic demeanor in the Northern Jin Empire is still in my mind. This young man was also an idol I admired back then. I never thought that I would see him again when I was in danger 300 years later.

"Uncle, do you know him?"

The two monks at the alchemy stage beside him saw their uncle losing his temper, and asked in surprise, but they couldn't loosen the running mana, lest the evil energy enter the body.

"Of course you don't know, he is His Excellency Li Qiuyu, the No. 1 holy alchemist of Tianlong, who was able to kill the great monk in seconds 300 years ago."

The Nascent Soul cultivator looked adoring, and he was also a Nascent Soul cultivator, but Li Qiuyu's strength had been invincible in the Nascent Soul Stage as early as 300 years ago.

Naturally, he didn't know that Li Qiuyu had reached the stage of transforming gods. In Tianlong and even the entire Fengyue Continent, not many people knew of the existence of the stage of transforming gods.

"What an ignorant human being, even a small human monk dares to be rampant in front of this demon general. Human monks are really ignorant to the extreme."

The leading demon general saw that Li Qiuyu's cultivation was only at the Nascent Soul stage, while he had more than a hundred cultivation bases like him, and he was still a mid-stage demon general.

"I am too lazy to waste time with you, you will all lose."

Li Qiuyu glanced at the more than a hundred Nascent Soul-level ancient demons around him, with a look of disdain in his eyes, as if looking at the four of them.

"All demons in the world, suppress them."

With a movement of consciousness, an original wheel appeared in his hand, and a stream of pure mana was shot out, and the simple and mysterious wheel suddenly turned into a disc with a radius of hundreds of feet.

The original plate exudes a mysterious brilliance, and the mysterious radiance carries an aura of brilliance, which is completely opposite to the evil spirit.

"Ah, be careful, this treasure is very strange."

Seeing the appearance of the demon-suppressing wheel, the chief demon general was startled, and hurriedly reminded the other companions, but it was too late. The light emitted from the demon-suppressing wheel covered more than a hundred ancient demons at the Nascent Soul level below.

"Ah, the magic power of this demon general."

"The wheel will lose its magic."


Waves of horrified sounds came from the mouths of more than a hundred demon generals, and the demonic energy covering the low-level human monks disappeared immediately.

With the disappearance of the magic energy, the power of the ancient demon also disappeared, and everyone was free. They looked at Li Qiuyu in the air in horror, and saw a golden mana from Li Qiuyu pouring into the huge wheel.

"I want to go. In front of me, the demon generals in the Nascent Soul stage are just like ants. I have killed more ancient demons in the Nascent Soul stage than ants."

Li Qiuyu saw that more than a hundred ancient demons were about to break free from the suppression of the demon suppressing wheel and leave. He would let these ancient demons leave, and the mana in his body circulated. The ancient demons of the period fell to the ground at the same time.

Looking at Li Qiuyu in horror, the appearance of coercion is not aimed at any ancient demon or human monk. It coerces some people and demons. As long as the strength is sufficient, all existences can be suppressed.

In the face of the coercion of the cultivators in the transformation stage, the most powerful of these monks and ancient demons in front of them is only the middle stage of the Nascent Soul. It is simply easy to suppress these low-level existences with coercion.

"Let's lose it."

Li Qiuyu said indifferently, facing so many people, Cultivator Thunder and more than a hundred ancient demons, it is like a judge announcing a person's life and death.

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