Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 752 Facing the 4 Demon Monarchs

"Damn human, if you dare to come here to make trouble, this devil will refine you into a puppet."

An ancient demon with the initial strength of the Nascent Soul saw Li Qiuyu appearing in this place. Although he didn't know if this formation was done by the human youth in white clothes in front of him, no matter whether it was done by him or not, there must be someone to vent his anger.

The young man in front of him was the one to vent his anger on, but as soon as he finished speaking, there was a look of panic in his eyes, which then turned into despair.

Li Qiuyu saw more than [-] ancient demons with Nascent Soul stage strength come out, without any hesitation, she used her body skills and quickly rushed forward.

Countless powerful beams of light shot at the more than thirty ancient demons that came out in front of them. The ancient demons with the strength of the Nascent Soul's initial stage were no more than chickens and dogs in front of the monks of the transformation stage.

"Boom tom, boom tom."

There was a constant muffled sound, and more than thirty ancient demons in the Nascent Soul stage fell to the ground. They were dead the moment they fell, and there was no life at all.

The ancient demon who spoke was also killed at the same time. After killing more than thirty ancient demons, he swiped his hands and waved them quickly. Many storage bags were shot at his hands, and finally they were put into a demon monk. Inside the space ring dedicated to loot.

Spiritual consciousness spread forward, and suddenly, the appearance of the entire canyon appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness. This canyon is a hundred miles in size, and in the innermost part of the canyon is a strange altar. Not far from the altar, nine An ancient demon from the late Yuanying period, and nine late ancient demons surrounded the altar.

In the middle of the altar is a crystal clear pool with a radius of one foot. The pool is filled with blood-red liquid. Seeing this liquid, Li Qiuyu frowned. The blood-red liquid in the pool is the blood essence of low-level human disciples.

The blood essence slowly decreased and was sucked away by a strange breath. Nine ancient demons in the late Nascent Soul stage poured powerful magic energy into the pool to help the strange breath absorb the blood essence.

Not far away, the eyes of four tall ancient demons were slightly closed, without any breath leaking out, like a statue.

Divine Consciousness looked at the situation inside, moved quickly, walked inside, and encountered dozens of Nascent Soul stage ancient demons coming to stop them from time to time, but how could an Nascent Soul stage ancient demon be Li Qiuyu? current opponent.

I also slowly became cautious in my heart. The ancient demons of the four god transformation stages hid their auras. It seemed that they had known their arrival for a long time and wanted to kill themselves inside.

A quarter of an hour passed, and the huge altar appeared in sight. Thousands of ancient demons were killed along the way, and the storage bags of these ancient demons were all taken away after the killing. ,

The nine great monk-level ancient demons paid no attention to Li Qiuyu's arrival, but the four ancient demons at the stage of transformation into gods opened their sharp eyes, with a terrifying aura in their eyes.

"Hey Hey."

An ancient demon who was as tall as five feet tall smiled, with a bloodthirsty smile in his eyes, and licked the corner of his mouth lightly, looking at Li Qiuyu as if he had encountered a delicious meal.

"I have been looking for you for a long time, and I finally let me find you. Since I am here, let's go together, so as not to say that I am bullying the weak."

Li Qiuyu's eyes fell on the altar. It seems that this altar was not prepared for the few ancient demons in front of him, but several ancient demons found the altar here, and this altar is also a mysterious receiving teleportation array.

Relying on the blood essence of human monks to sacrifice for a long time, preparing to meet the powerful ancient demons in the upper realm and the lower realm. Although Li Qiuyu has never seen or encountered these things, she can know a thing or two at a glance.

"Hmph, ignorant human beings, can you stop this Demon Lord? Wait until this Demon Lord refines you into a puppet."

The red-haired ancient demon said loudly, no demons had ever called him a weak person, and he never thought that he would be called a weak person by a human being who considered himself a weak person. It would be strange not to be angry.


With a soft sound, a stream of red mist gushed out, and the shocking pressure pressed towards Li Qiuyu, with a corrosive atmosphere in the pressure.

"Hmph, I will express my anger for the monks of the Tianlong Empire today and kill you all here."

Li Qiuyu's momentum also skyrocketed. Some time ago, he dealt with and killed six demon lords by himself, but now there are only four demon lords, and the other nine demon generals who are big monks seem to be incapable of doing it.

With a movement of consciousness, a wooden ruler appeared in front of him, mana rushed towards the wooden ruler, and the wooden ruler suddenly turned golden, and a ball of golden light slashed straight at the red-haired Demon Lord.

"Xuantian Lingbao!"

There was a sound of surprise, and the eyes of the four teams showed horror and greed at the same time. Although the Xuantian Spirit Treasure is of no use to the ancient demons, they can be exchanged for the Xuantian Spirit Treasure and other human monks of the same level. magic treasure.

But Xuantian Lingbao was mastered by a master, and the attack came right in front of him, he was shocked, a red shield was sacrificed, the performance was full of reluctance, and a black devil blood spurted out.

The shield received black magic blood, and its power suddenly increased. The red magic energy flashed continuously on the shield, and in an instant, the golden light came into contact with the red shield.

"Bang, click."

There was a crisp sound, followed by another muffled sound. The red shield was struck by golden light, and cracks appeared on the shield.In the end, it changed back to its original shape and fell on the ground. The red-haired ancient demon was also blocked by the shield and forcibly moved away.

The golden light hit the ground fiercely, forming a deep hole one hundred feet deep and one foot wide, and the four ancient demons were terrified.

"Hey, if you dare to destroy the treasures of this Demon Lord, this Demon Lord will destroy you."

The red-haired ancient demon felt distressed when he saw that his treasure was destroyed in an instant. Moreover, the treasure was sacrificed with its magic blood. When the treasure was attacked, a trace of black blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.


Li Qiuyu's face was startled, and he looked at a gloomy ancient demon. There was a trace of human monk's aura on the gloomy ancient demon, and the two auras were mixed together.

And the strength is almost the same as that of the other three ancient demons. A blue long sword appeared in his hand, looking at Li Qiuyu with cold eyes, and finally looked at the other three companions.

The body quickly shot at Li Qiuyu, and at the same time, the other three ancient demons also moved, wanting to join forces to kill this young monk.

The long sword in the gloomy ancient demon's hand drew a streak of black ice, and the ice shot towards Li Qiuyu with an aura of freezing the world, at an extremely fast speed.

"It turned out to be a puppet controlled by the ancient demon, I will give you relief."

Li Qiuyu's body flickered quickly, and the devouring shield launched a one-inch-sized ignoring attack and turned into a stone wall with a radius of one foot. The stone wall was controlled to the limit by the divine sense. 】

It can be swung completely, no different from a shield used by an ordinary mortal legion, and the defense of this stone wall is extremely strong.

Seeing the gloomy ancient demon ice attacking and slashing, with a movement of consciousness, the column of glaciers appeared in his hand, and with a random stroke, a huge icicle smashed straight towards the ice.


There was an earth-shattering explosion, and the whole ground trembled. Li Qiuyu retreated backward with the rebounding force, dodging the red-haired ancient demon's attack.

The stone wall in his hand also blocked the black arm of another ancient demon, and the cyan claw shadow under his feet could barely pass by. The four demon kings with the strength of the transformation stage joined forces, and the slightest distraction would damage it.

"Try the means of this seat."

With a movement of consciousness, the Linglong Pagoda appeared in his hand, several pieces of silver clouds shot out, and tens of thousands of yin chan shot towards the four ancient demons, and the endless cloud of insects enveloped the entire space for hundreds of feet.

"Hey, spirit worm."

The gloomy ancient demon was also surprised when he saw countless spirit insects, but these insects were not powerful enough, they only had the strength of some magic soldiers, so there was no need to worry.

"I still have some knowledge, take a blow from me."

With a wave of his hands, he pointed out, and the force of the Heaven-shocking Finger shot towards the eerie ancient demon with a destructive aura. After the Heaven-shocking Finger, a cold light slashed towards the white-clothed ancient demon behind him.



The shocking finger collided with the ice of the gloomy ancient demon, the ice was broken, and the finger force fell on the long sword, and a crisp sound came out.

At the same time, the cold light cut cut through the air, and four white light and shadows were superimposed together. The ancient demon in white didn't mind for a while, and a huge arm fell to the ground.


The white-clothed ancient demon roared loudly, even if it was an ancient demon, the demon king who had reached the stage of transforming into a god, his arm was cut off, and it hurt his heart, and he looked at Li Qiuyu with red eyes.

A jet of pure black magic energy rushed towards Li Qiuyu's vest. The magic energy was only the size of a little finger, but the speed was extremely fast, and it came to Li Qiuyu's vest in an instant.



There were two soft sounds, and in desperation, Shibi moved backwards. The stone wall blocked the attack of the black magic energy, but the magic energy was transformed from the essence of the white-clothed ancient demon, which was almost the same as the inner alchemy attack of a monster. The stone wall blocked the attack of the magic energy, but it was also shaken a bit.

While blocking the demonic energy, the red-haired ancient demon smashed a huge fist over. The fist carried the power of destruction and erosion, and the wind shot out in all directions.

Seeing that the fists already knew it, it was too late to use the treasure to resist or attack, so his heart became ruthless, and a huge fist also went up to meet them, and the two fists collided fiercely.

Li Qiuyu's body shook, his chest felt tight, and a mouthful of blood spewed out, but the red-haired ancient demon didn't benefit either. His tall body hit the ground hard, and he looked at Li Qiuyu in the air in horror.

He never thought that a seemingly weak human monk would have such a strong physique and strength. His own strength was considered famous among the ancient demon kings, but now he was defeated by a young human monk.

Following the red-haired ancient demon's attack power, his body suddenly retreated a hundred feet, his eyes were fixed on the three ancient demons in the air, and the three ancient demons kept waving their hands or the treasures in their hands to resist tens of thousands of Yin mortals.

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