Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 753 The Taboo of Ice

The ancient demons of the four god transformation stages were all terrified in their hearts. They thought that a human cultivator, whose cultivation base was almost the same as himself and others, would not be able to last long under the cooperation of the four of them.

But what happened just now was beyond his imagination. The four of them suffered a lot in a short while, and looked at Li Qiuyu coldly.

"Ah, ah."

"Boom, boom."

The red-haired ancient demon on the ground screamed loudly, and countless Yinmorants rushed up when he fell to the ground. Although the strength of the Yinmorants was only at the alchemy stage, tens of thousands of Yinmorants bit him at the same time, gnawing continuously. The red-haired ancient demon on the ground.

The rapid passing of the devil's energy made the red-haired ancient demon terrified. Even if he circulated the devil's energy all over his body, he still couldn't shake all the yin away.

The stronger the devil energy circulates, the faster the devil energy will be devoured by the yin chan, and the devil energy in the red-haired ancient demon's body will also disappear quickly, and he dare not circulate the devil energy.

He could only wave his huge arms, trying to drive away the evil spirits on his body. The three ancient demons in the air also saw this scene, and they didn't want the red-haired ancient demons on the ground to be killed, and Li Qiuyu had to defeat them one by one. .

Dots of devilish energy struck towards the red-haired ancient demon, but under the attack of the devilish energy, thousands of yin chan were defeated, and with a loud noise, thousands of yin morangs exploded.

The explosion of the Yin Moran with the strength of the alchemy stage is no different from the simultaneous self-explosion of thousands of alchemy stage monks. After thousands of Yin Moran exploded, the other Yin Moran quickly flew away.

There was only a skeleton left on the ground, without a trace of flesh and blood. An ancient demon in the transformation stage was instantly swallowed up by Yin Mori. Hurry up, and the three ancient demons in the air shook their scalps and went numb.

It's not that thousands of yin chants killed the ancient demons of the transformation god stage, but that after Li Qiuyu shot down the ancient demons of the transformation god stage, the yin chants took the lead before they had time to resist.

Yinmorant's talent carries the poison of time, and the monks and monsters attacked by Yinmorant will lose their lifespan quickly. Originally, the lifespan of monks in the stage of transformation into gods would pass quickly in the human world.

The same is true for the ancient demon. The ancient demon itself does not belong to the monks of this human world. After coming to the Fengyue Continent of the human world, his cultivation has been suppressed a bit, and his lifespan has passed faster than that of human monks.

With tens of thousands of yin chans attacking at the same time, even if the ancient demon's lifespan was longer than that of a human monk, it would not be able to withstand the consumption of yin chan. , not to mention resisting the demonic energy of his companions.

Moreover, the other three ancient demons also wanted to help their companions. Never would they have thought that their own attack would cause Yin Chan to self-destruct. With the rapid display of magic energy, the natural lifespan will quickly pass away.

In this way, the self-explosion of the yin chan was resisted, but the life essence also passed away rapidly. After the self-explosion yin chan resisted, the life energy was just exhausted, and the flesh and blood on the body was also swallowed by the yin chan.

The ancient demon without flesh and blood is naturally useless, even the demon soul has been swallowed by the yin, and there are only three ancient demons of the four monks in the transformation stage.

It seems that it has been a long time, but in fact it is only a moment of effort. These efforts just now can only respond to the reaction of a cultivator in the transformation stage.

"Fire and ice are compatible."

Li Qiuyu yelled softly, raised his hands, and a red light ball appeared in his left hand, and within the red light ball was the aura of burning heaven.

On the right hand, a blue light cluster also appeared, with a destructive aura in it. His eyes quietly looked at the two light clusters in his hand, and then he clasped his hands together.

The two light clusters fuse together quickly, without repulsion, on the contrary, it is an incomparable fusion, one ice and one fire two extreme light clusters fuse together.

I saw a Tai Chi-like light curtain appeared between the hands, but instead of black and white Yin-Yang fish, it was red and blue fireworks and ice.

"Be careful, this is a forbidden spell for human monks, the ultimate spell of ice and fire."

The gloomy ancient demon said coldly, with horror in his eyes, he is also a monk with a lot of talent in the ice system, he has cultivated the ice system to the extreme, and finally with the ancient demon, he combined the ice system with the ancient magic Tapping together.

Even if the ice-type kung fu has been cultivated to the extreme, it is still a single kung fu. The human monk in front of him did not expect to become the most difficult dual-element of ice and fire.

Ice and fire are born to restrain each other, but after cultivating to the extreme, they can be born with each other. This is also a variation of the skill, which is stronger than any attribute.

After finishing speaking, the ice-type cold air in the whole body circulated, a crystal light shield appeared in front of him, and the protective shield on his body became thicker.

With a wave of the long sword, the air suddenly turned into a world of glaciers. Seeing this, the two ancient demons around him changed their expressions, and then showed envy. This ancient demon is a human monk, and finally joined the ancient demon family.

Now combining the skills of the human world and the skills of the ancient demons together, it is slightly stronger than the two of them, but this is the innate talent of others, and it is useless to be envious of yourself.

Seeing this companion perform the most powerful exercises, he also knew that it was not easy for the boy in white to perform the so-called compatibility of ice and fire, otherwise he would not have made the companions around him so prepared.

"Possessed by a demon."

"The body of a spirit demon."

The ancient demon in white and the other ancient demon also took a serious look at Li Qiuyu in front of them. Seeing the light curtain between Li Qiuyu's hands, they were also surprised. When they first saw the serious look of the gloomy ancient demon, they all thought it was a fuss.

Now I have seen it with my own eyes. Although I don't know the specific power, but judging from the strength and knowledge of the demon king, this light curtain is indeed not simple.Experts will know if there is one as soon as they make a move.

They all displayed the most powerful defense. The ancient demon clan was born with strong physique and strong defense. They relied entirely on their own strength to determine the victory.

"Hmph, under the compatibility of ice and fire in this seat, everything is nothingness, accept the move."

Li Qiuyu looked at the light curtain in his hands seriously, and then said lightly, just as he finished speaking, he pushed his hands, and a huge beam of light smashed straight at the three ancient demons of the transformation stage.

The red and blue beams of light carried a destructive death breath, and the air in the sky froze instantly, and time seemed to stop there. After Li Qiuyu cast ice and fire, he shook his body, and then the shield of devouring was added to his body.

The original shield is stronger, and the spells that are compatible with ice and fire are becoming more and more powerful. It is not at the same level as before, but the mana consumption has increased a lot.

This is also his most powerful move besides the Shocking God Art and Shocking Nine Moves, and also the most satisfying move. What he creates is the best.

The beam of light pierced through the space in an instant and came ten feet away from the three ancient demons. There was a chirping sound in the air, and gusts of strong wind smashed the air outside the altar.



A pillar of ice slammed into the beam of light compatible with ice and fire, and at the same time, two other black attacking tentacles slammed down towards the beam of light compatible with ice and fire, and the four attacks met in the air.

Suddenly, the air was blocked for a moment, followed by a shocking explosion, and a mysterious and strange breath slashed around, and Li Qiuyu retreated violently.

The stone wall moved towards the wall, and the halo of the Devouring Shield became more intense. With a loud puff, there was a huge earthquake, and a crack appeared on the stone wall, and then recovered.

But the violent vibration shook his mind, a mouthful of blood spewed out, and his face became a little pale. With a move of consciousness, a healing elixir entered his mouth, and the elixir was digested by the operation of mana.

The same was true for the corners of the mouths of the three ancient demons. There was black blood at the corners of their mouths, but they were not as vigorous as they were at the beginning.

The white-clothed ancient demon looked at Li Qiuyu quietly, his eyes showed horror, and finally despair, and then, his eyes turned to ashes.


The white-clothed ancient demon let out a pitiful cry, and his whole body fell down. The moment he fell, his body was shattered into pieces, without the slightest trace of blood.

"It turns out that's all there is to it. Don't worry about waiting for the two of you. I will send you both to the Ancient Demon Hell."

Li Qiuyu saw that another ancient demon was killed by the attack of Ice and Fire Compatibility, and she was very satisfied. Ice and Fire Compatibility never gave up. Few monks could resist the current power.

If it weren't for the three ancient demons, if they were replaced by other human monks of the god-forming stage, the three monks of the god-forming stage would definitely suffer more serious trauma.

After finishing speaking, Dingtian Ruler was sacrificed again, and a Tianying Pill entered his mouth, and the mana that had consumed less than half of it immediately returned to its peak.

Dingtian Ruler is a Xuantian Spiritual Treasure. After the infusion of mana, the originally simple and colorless wooden ruler suddenly turned golden, and the golden light was like a round of the sun.

With a random wave of the wooden ruler, a golden light burst out of the air and shot at the eerie ancient demon. This eerie ancient demon had just used a pillar of ice to resist the compatibility of ice and fire, and the consumption was also the greatest.

Now kill this gloomy ancient demon first, and kill the other tall ancient demon last. In this way, the pressure on him will be much less.

"The Taboo of Ice."

Seeing that the target of Li Qiuyu's attack was himself, the gloomy ancient demon was startled, the power of the Xuantian Lingbao was not something that the ancient magic treasure in his hand could resist.

There was a vicious look in his eyes, and he immediately used the most powerful taboo technique of the ice system, and tens of thousands of ice cones quickly condensed together.

An ice cone was formed, which was ten feet long and one foot thick, and the last jet of blood was sprayed on it. With the blessing of the blood essence, the ice cone turned blood red.

There was a strange aura on the ice cone, and it shot straight at the golden light, and the two skills arrived in a flash. At the same time, another tall ancient demon would not give Li Qiuyu a chance to catch his breath.

The magic power of the whole body was running, and a thick tentacle slammed down on the top of Li Qiuyu's head. The tentacles carried a destructive magic energy, and the air trembled.

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