"Phoenix Nine Transformations."

Seeing the huge tentacles slapped down, Li Qiuyu's whole body changed, and a shocking monster power radiated out, making him extremely powerful.

The Dingtian Ruler's attack has already been swung out, and the outcome is uncertain, but the ancient demon in front of him slapped off the huge tentacles, and must be dealt with first. To him, the gloomy ancient demon is just an ordinary existence.

The golden light is not that easy to deal with, I don't need to wait, if the golden light kills the gloomy ancient demon, that's all. kill.

This is only him who has such an idea and courage. Other monks would definitely not dare to imagine that, to deal with several opponents of the same class at a time, and to be able to count all the strengths, this is the strength.

Talented and courageous, no one out of three would dare to go to Liangshan. Since he dared to enter the lair of the ancient demons alone, he would be sure to kill a few ancient demons.

Even if they can't be killed, there are still powerful backhands. The four daughters of Xiao Hanyue are all masters of the transformation stage, and there are four monsters. Invincible.

It is equivalent to the existence of eight god-forming stages, and the combination of eight god-forming stages, and all of them are abnormal existences. Not to mention one against two, there is no problem in killing the monks of the same class.

When the Nine Transformations of the Phoenix was performed, it was necessary to rely on a naturally strong physique to fight against this tall ancient demon. Sure enough, after the Nine Transformations of the Phoenix was performed. .

The aura of the whole person changed suddenly, the demonic aura blasted out, the Dingtian ruler was also retracted, and a huge fist smashed fiercely into the sky.

The fist has the aura of burning the world. It is not a fire attack, but it can burn the air. This is the power of speed and strength.

The same is true for the huge tentacles. The tentacles are surrounded by pitch-black demonic energy, which has the breath of eroding all things, and the fists and tentacles collide in an instant.



Two violent explosions appeared at the same time, the golden light collided with the red ice cone, the ice cone seemed to come alive, a completely spiritual object, seeing the golden light.

He rushed over with all his strength, and collided fiercely with the golden light. The golden light was displayed by the Xuantian Lingbao Dingtian Ruler. The Dingtian Ruler itself has spirituality, and it has been with Li Qiuyu for hundreds of years.

Being nourished by mana essence and blood every day, there is naturally no treasure comparable to spirituality. Seeing the spirituality in the red ice cone in front of him, he shoots forward with an aura of contempt for the world.

The impact of the red ice cone and the golden light immediately caused a huge sound. The two collided, and the ice cone shattered every inch of it before it could support it. The spirit in the ice cone let out a tiny scream.

He was about to escape, but was quickly swallowed by the golden light, and the eerie ancient demon didn't expect this level, a mouthful of blood spewed out, and his mind was shocked.

All internal organs were shattered inch by inch, and not an inch of skin was intact. A blood-red villain suddenly appeared in the air, looking at Li Qiuyu viciously.

But there was panic in his eyes, because under the impact of Li Qiuyu's fists and tentacles, the aura that destroyed the world burst out in all directions.

The size of the villain is only five or six inches, and there is nothing in the red body in his hands. Before he has time to display his defense, the aura of destruction is swept away, his eyes show a look of unwillingness, and finally his eyes look up at his small body After a moment, his body finally shattered into pieces.

A trace of demonic soul floated in the air, and Li Qiuyu didn't pay attention to it. At this time, facing two opponents of the same class at the same time, the golden light killed the eerie ancient demon.

But the moment his fist collided with the tall ancient demon's tentacles, his whole body shook, his chest was hit hard like a giant hammer, and his body retreated violently.

A mouthful of blood couldn't hold back anymore, his face was as pale as paper, and the same was true for the tall ancient demon. After the huge body was hit by Li Qiuyu's fist against the tentacles, his body floated out like a piece of paper.

After a hundred feet, it hit the stone wall hard, and the stone wall was also smashed into pieces, and its huge body slowly slid along the stone wall and fell to the ground.

"out of body"


Li Qiuyu saw that the opportunity was rare. This tall ancient demon suffered more injuries than himself. When he was about to kill him, his consciousness moved, and a golden Nascent Soul appeared above his head. Fang Tian drew the halberd, and Fang Tian drew the halberd across the air.

A sharp ray of light slashed straight at the tall ancient demon. This Fangtian painted halberd is also a psychic treasure that is rarely seen, and it is also a top-level existence among the psychic treasures.

In addition to the Tiantian Ruler of the Xuantian Spirit Treasure, there are also several powerful attacking spirit treasures of Li Qiuyu, which are astonishingly powerful, and they are not inferior to the golden spear. Both spirit treasures are of the gold type.



There was a cracking sound, and the sharp light fell straight on the tall ancient demon's sliding body. The hard body was like fine steel, but it was still occupied by the fine light drawn by Fang Tian's halberd. After a scream, the magic baby Out of body.

"In front of this seat, dare the devil baby come out of the body, seek death, and sacrifice thousands of souls."

Li Qiuyu saw that this tall ancient demon was able to get the magic baby out of his body in a crisis, and he was also in admiration. The wisdom of the demon race is higher than that of humans, and the body is naturally strong.

In the fight, human beings are often defeated by the demons, and the demon infant can also seize the body when it comes out of the body. I am horrified that Li Qiuyu's strength is too perverted. Three companions were killed one after another. The baby is out of the body.

But after he came out of his body, he saw that the white-clothed boy Yuanying was still able to speak after he came out of his body, and he was terrified. Originally, he just wanted to attract the attention of Li Qiuyu's body, and wanted to win Li Qiuyu's hand.

"Dual infant?"

The devil baby asked in horror, but when he saw the two triangular flags in Li Qiuyu's hands, he became even more frightened. The two triangular flags turned out to be the treasure of the demon race.

After the devil baby came out of its body, there was no chance of resisting in front of the most precious treasure of the demon race, Wan Hunpan. A shocking suction pulled the devil baby in, and the sound of screams came out faintly, and finally returned to calm.

Li Qiuyu put away Wanhun Pan and several psychic treasures, and finally threw a healing elixir into his mouth. After a while, he seriously looked at the nine ancient demons who had been cultivated in the late stage of Nascent Soul.

The nine ancient demons did not move at all, and looked at Li Qiuyu with horror in their eyes. Just now, Li Qiuyu and the four demon lords confronted each other, and they did not take Li Qiuyu seriously. The four demon lords wanted to kill this human monk Very simple.

But after Li Qiuyu fought with the four demon kings, the nine ancient demons had no chance to move, and Li Qiuyu's coercion completely suppressed the entire space.

The four demon lords also had to exert powerful coercion to resist Li Qiuyu's coercion. All of a sudden, the coercion of the five god-transformation stages filled the air with each other, and the nine ancient demons couldn't move at all.

The so-called gods fight, mortals suffer, Li Qiuyu and the four demons are not gods, and the nine ancient demons are not mortals, but the strength of Li Qiuyu and the four demons can completely suppress the nine ancient demons.

Besides, the nine ancient demons also had their own missions, they couldn't leave the altar, and they didn't dare to be distracted to pay attention to the outside affairs, otherwise even more terrible things would happen.

In fact, the fight between Li Qiuyu and the four demon lords seemed to have lasted for a long time, but in fact it only took tens of breaths of effort. The four demon lords were killed, and he himself suffered some injuries, but the damage was not serious.

After the first ancient demon was killed by Li Qiuyu, the nine great monk-level ancient demons also knew how powerful Li Qiuyu was, and finally looked at Li Qiuyu with a sliver of consciousness, and watched Li Qiuyu put the four demon kings together. One kills.

The four demon kings were killed, and they all knew that Li Qiuyu was going to deal with nine of them next, so they simply gave up the altar formation and looked for opportunities to escape when Li Qiuyu was not paying attention.

"Be honest with me, otherwise I will take you into the pan of myriad souls and suffer thousands of years of suffering from demon draw."

Li Qiuyu smiled lightly, and glanced at the ancient demons of the nine great monks. He naturally understood what the nine ancient demons were thinking and wanted to escape, but since he could get away with them, the altar hadn't been done yet. Clearly.

Let go of these ancient demons, and there will be attention from ancient demons coming to attack the altar in the future. Since I have come, I must solve the world situation here in one fell swoop, so as not to leave future troubles.

"Humble human beings, sooner or later my ancient demon clan will dominate Fengyue Continent, and you can't stop it."

A dark-faced ancient demon spoke viciously to Li Qiuyu, but just after he finished speaking, his whole body was suppressed by a force of confinement. Suddenly, his body seemed to be suppressed by a huge force of ten thousand catties, and even his bones were shattered inch by inch.


With an unknown sound, the ancient demon, who was originally more than ten feet tall, was suddenly suppressed by the power of the five elements and became the size of a baby. Finally, it was sucked away by a black magic energy, and quickly entered into a triangular flag.

Li Qiuyu looked sharply at the other eight ancient demons who were cultivated by great monks. Just now, this ancient demon was presumptuous, and he can be used to stand out, and he can be killed with the power of the god-forming stage, and finally collected into the ten thousand souls among.

All ancient demons are arrogant and will not bow their heads to humans. He also wants to try to see if these ancient demons are the same as the legends. As long as there is enough price, he does not believe that ancient demons are really so tough.

"Let's stop talking now. This seat wants to kill you. It's like killing ants. Your ancient demon clan regards us human monks as ants. Why doesn't this seat treat you as ants?"

Li Qiuyu laughed. In the face of tyrannical strength, any race can despise other races. Human monks are generally weaker than ancient demons, but humans still fight against demons.

It has also been suppressing the ancient demon clan all the time. This is the ancient demon who hit a boatload of people with one pole, thinking that human monks are not decent, but just now Li Qiuyu's strength really frightened them. It is understandable for high-level to attack low-level, but now it is The same session kills the same session.

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