Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 755 Huge head

"What's the use of this altar? I'll give you a chance. Only one person can have the chance to stay here, and the rest must enter the Ten Thousand Soul Pan."

Li Qiuyu saw that the other eight ancient demons stopped talking, and said coldly, this altar is so important to the ancient demons, I believe it is not a good thing, and it is definitely not good for the Fengyue Continent of the Human World.

"This altar needs the blood essence sacrifice of human monks. After ten years, Lord Demon King will come to the human world from here to rule the human world."

The eight ancient demons said at the same time, and finally looked at each other, looking at Li Qiuyu, to see how Li Qiuyu would deal with himself and others.

"It turns out that everyone wants to live, even the ancient demons. I will help you all, and one will stay."

With a movement of Li Qiuyu's consciousness, a stream of pure devilish energy was placed on the pan of ten thousand souls, and the devilish aura of the pan of ten thousand souls suddenly surged, covering the eight ancient demons, and a mysterious breath swept across them, and the seven ancient demons disappeared on the altar Beside, there was an ancient demon sitting on the altar, with a look of survivors on his face.

"Since you want to stay here, you will stay here forever. I will never break my promise."

Wan Hunpan took it back, and with a movement of his consciousness, a pagoda appeared in his hand, and a silver cloud floated out. The silver cloud came in front of the great monk Gu Mo, and quickly surrounded him.

The figure of the ancient demon disappeared, and was completely surrounded by tens of thousands of yin mortals, and a voice that dared not dare came out: "Despicable, words don't matter."

The voice slowly lowered, and finally disappeared without a sound. There was no sound at all. Being suppressed by Li Qiuyu's coercion, there was no chance to move. The devil's flesh and blood devoured it, not even the devil's soul was spared.

"This seat told you to stay here, and you will naturally stay here."

Looking at a skeleton lying on the ground, Li Qiuyu said softly, with a look of disdain on his face, he never had anything to say to the ancient demon.

Non-my family, its heart must be different,

Therefore, those who are not of our race must be punished.


Li Qiuyu circled the altar four or five times before he could see the altar clearly. In the middle of the altar was a pool of blood, which was full of blood essence from human monks. The nine ancient demons had been exterminated, and there was no blood essence left. disappear again.

A disgusting smell came out, making his eyebrows twitch. I don't know how many monks were killed here. He didn't expect that the low-level monks of Tianlong entered the space cracks to search for medicinal materials and monsters, but they fell into the hands of the ancient demons.

I finally know why the ancient demons don't catch human monks outside. They can kill monks outside, but the blood essence can't be brought here, and the time the blood essence can stay outside is also limited.

They can only wait for the monks to come to the door automatically, and then kill them. The blood essence will be sent to this blood pool immediately. This altar has already existed here, but I don't know why the ancient demon discovered that there is an altar here.

It seems that the ancient demon has been counting human monks and Fengyue Continent for a long time. Since this altar can summon the demon king from the upper realm, he must want to use the strength of the demon king to unify the human world Fengyue Continent, or the demon king directly wants to rely on these The low-level demons opened the transmission channel.


"The Tower of Nothingness."

Li Qiuyu took a look at this altar. Since he wanted to rely on this altar to let the ancient devil's demon king go down, he would never let the demon king go down easily. Period of monks.

In the Human Fengyue Continent, no monks in the middle stage of transformation have been encountered. If the Demon King came, there would be no chance to compete with the ancient demon.

The whole body came to a height of hundreds of feet, and a elixir was thrown into the mouth. The consciousness returned to its peak, and a pagoda appeared in his hand, the tower of nothingness.

The Tower of Nothingness was spinning in front of him, and traces of colorful halos flickered. Seeing these colorful lights, Li Qiuyu felt an inexplicable familiar feeling in his heart. These colorful halos were Tianhan Aurora.

Tianhan Aurora is very afraid of other monks, ancient demons, and even monsters and monsters, and can almost eliminate anything in the world.

But for me, it is a life-saving talisman. I have saved my life by relying on Tianhan Jiguang several times, and also relied on Tianhan Jiguang to kill some powerful monks.

When he was in the land of nothingness, he got the tower of nothingness, and put the air of nothingness and Tianhan Jiguang into the tower of nothingness. After hundreds of years, he also exerted the power of Tianhan Jiguang to a greater extent.

But there is still a thousand miles away from the real power. Even he can't imagine the real power. He doesn't know what the power of Tianhan Aurora is.

This altar is too useful for the ancient demons. Even if I kill the four demon kings and nine demon generals with the strength of the great monks, there will still be other ancient demons who will open the formation to meet the demon king's lower realm.

After recovering his consciousness, the Tower of Nothingness in his hand was automatically suspended in the air, and a beam of consciousness shot towards the Tower of Nothingness, quickly mobilizing Tianhan Aurora.

The spiritual consciousness was running, and a fist-sized colorful light group appeared on the top of the tower. With the blessing and operation of the spiritual consciousness, the colorful light group on the Tower of Nothingness became bigger and more intense.

After a while, the Tianhan Aurora on the top of the tower was a full foot in size, and the colorful Tianhan Aurora emitted colorful dazzling light, and the light also imprinted Li Qiuyu in it.


With a soft drink, the one-foot-sized Tianhan Aurora shot towards the altar quickly, and it was thrown together with the altar in an instant, and a light curtain instantly covered the altar.


Seeing the changes on the altar, Li Qiuyu's body flickered quickly, and he left the canyon in an instant. The Devouring Shield was strengthened again, and the stone wall came out, blocking himself tightly.


There was a shocking sound, and a wave of devilish energy soared into the sky, as high as a thousand feet, and the devilish energy instantly wiped out some hidden winds.

The entire earth shook violently, and it took a cup of tea to stop. The magic energy in the air was also quickly diluted in the spiritual energy.

The combination of spirit energy and devil energy turned into a strange atmosphere. Li Qiuyu was fifty miles away from the altar, but the explosion of the altar caused his whole body to be thrown hundreds of meters high by the violent vibration.

The stone wall blocked several gale winds, and within the line of sight, within a radius of twenty miles of the altar, the space was also shattered, and the momentum was not to say not strong.

At the exit of the crack in the space thousands of miles away, they also felt violent vibrations and powerful magic energy. The fragmentation in the space made these low-level monks terrified.

"Could it be that Senior Li fought against the ancient demon of the same class?"

A monk at the alchemy stage was horrified when he saw such a movement. Even if the monks here were fighting at the Nascent Soul stage, it was impossible for them to make such a big commotion.

"It seems that Senior Li knew early on that there was an ancient demon here, and he came here to exterminate it."

Some monks talked a lot and prayed in their hearts that Li Qiuyu could defeat the ancient demon. If even Li Qiuyu couldn't deal with the ancient demon, he and others would be in danger. After the ancient demon went out, the monks of Tianlong Empire would be attacked by the ancient demon.

Li Qiuyu landed, and quickly flew towards the altar. He wanted to see the current appearance of the altar with his own eyes, and he didn't want to abandon it.

When I came to the original place of the altar, I saw a black hole with a radius of a thousand feet, and the depth of the black hole was a thousand feet deep, and the consciousness extended. This black hole was originally a stone room, poured out of black iron. It is countless skeletons.

They are all the skeletons of human monks, and there is a huge black head in the center, which exudes a powerful aura. Although it is only a lifeless head, this head gives him the feeling of a giant demon god of heaven and earth. Same.

Li Qiuyu's heart was shocked, and she quickly withdrew her consciousness. This head is an introduction to the altar. Use this introduction to welcome the demon king from the upper realm, and then the Fengyue Continent will be overthrown.

"Since it's an ancient demon, you should go back to the original place, Ten Thousand Souls, Sacrifice."

Li Qiuyu froze for a while, Wan Hun Pan sacrificed, and a stream of pure true devil energy pointed towards Wan Hun Pan, and immediately Wan Hun Pan flashed, a pure demonic energy covered the entire black hole.

The powerful devouring power penetrated deep into the black hole, and the moment it touched the huge head, Li Qiuyu instantly sensed the huge head's resistance to Wanhunpan with his divine sense and real devil aura.

However, the Wanhun Pan is the sacred object of the Demon Race, the treasure of the Demon Race, no matter how powerful the huge head is, it is impossible to fight against the treasure of the family. among.

Li Qiuyu's consciousness moved, Wan Hun Pan was quickly put away, the black hole collapsed quickly, and countless human monk skeletons were buried inside.

"Suppressing the Demon Wheel, all demons in the world, suppress them!"

After the Ten Thousand Souls Pan was put away, the Divine Consciousness sacrificed the Demon-Suppressing Wheel, and the exquisite and simple Demon-Suppressing Wheel instantly turned into a huge wheel. The wheel rotated continuously, drawing back the demonic energy in the air.

The air also slowly returned to its original state, but the aura was gone. After a quarter of an hour, Li Qiuyu feebly retracted the Zhenmo wheel, and swallowed the last Tianying Pill.

The altar was destroyed by him, and the huge head was taken away by him. Even if the ancient demon came here, it would be of no use, and he should leave.

The mana recovered, and the body flickered quickly. In a moment, Li Qiuyu's figure appeared in the sight of all the monks. Seeing Li Qiuyu's appearance, he looked behind Li Qiuyu again. There was no ancient demon following him. Peace of mind.

"Senior Li is back."

"Congratulations to Senior Li for defeating the ancient demon and returning."


Waves of compliments came from Lingling, with a flattering expression on his face. At first Li Qiuyu saved everyone, and his strength made everyone envy and worship. After a while, he fought against the ancient demon thousands of miles away. Now when he returns, it should be the ancient demon. Killed.

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