Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 757 Arriving at Emperor Flame Peak

"Then how did you get together with the Patriarch?"

After briefly explaining her own experience, Han Ling asked her senior sister tenderly, and also wanted to know how these fellow students of hers were with the patriarch.

"When we came out, we were trapped by more than a hundred ancient demons in the Nascent Soul Stage. It was the Patriarch who came out and killed them. In the end, the Patriarch went to the lair of the ancient demons and killed the more powerful ancient demons. Finally, we It came out smoothly until now."


Han Ling pondered for a while. It turned out that when she and Li Qiuyu killed more than a hundred ancient demons, she didn't find her fellow sect. After killing these ancient demons, Li Qiuyu took her away.

And these fellow disciples were suppressed by the coercion of the ancient demon and Li Qiuyu, so there was no chance to find Han Ling by Li Qiuyu's side, otherwise they wouldn't have missed it.

Moreover, when Li Qiuyu was in the air, she kept covering Han Ling with a seven-color body shield, so as not to be eroded by the ancient devil's devilish energy. It was impossible for a disciple in the foundation establishment period to resist the ancient devil's devilish energy.

"Who are the four fairies beside the Patriarch?"

A disciple at the alchemy stage asked Han Ling softly. He was extremely curious about the identities of the four girls. The strength that can appear out of thin air is absolutely extraordinary, and the strength of the four girls is not clear at all.

"Hush, keep your voice down, those three fairies are the wives of the Patriarch, and the other fairy is a good friend of the Patriarch, and they are all top masters in the Transformation Stage. The three uncles of the Patriarch are also the Patriarch of Diyan Peak."

Han Ling put her finger on her mouth, and said softly, she was also surprised in her heart, it hadn't been long since she entered the space necklace, but she knew the cultivation level and identity of the four of Xiao Hanyue.

"They are all monks in the stage of transforming gods, are they the ancestors of our Diyan Peak?"

When more than ten disciples heard Han Ling's words, they were horrified. There are countless great monks and Yuanying stage monks in Diyan Peak, but the entire Tianlong has no masters in the stage of transforming gods. They did not expect that there are masters in stage of transforming gods in Diyan Peak. Moreover, as soon as the search appears, there are four stages of transformation into gods.

Although the other one is not from Diyan Peak, but he is also a master of the God Transformation stage, and Li Qiuyu has a good relationship, and he is also a member of Diyan Peak. He did not expect Diyan Peak to be so powerful. The big forces in the world are not so powerful.

"Young master, yours is injured."

Xiao Hanyue was by Li Qiuyu's side, and as soon as his consciousness moved, he detected Li Qiuyu's mental shock, suffered some injuries, and showed a concerned look on his face.

Seeing other low-level disciples not far away, he forced his voice to reach Li Qiuyu's ears in a straight line, so as not to worry other disciples, and even more worry Di Yanfeng and Tianlong Empire, because Li Qiuyu's identity is enough to influence Tianlong Empire .

"Well, I just met four demon kings, and I was shocked a little bit, but it's not a big deal."

Li Qiuyu looked at Xiao Hanyue and smiled, said softly, then glanced at Xiao Qiuyue, Ling Ling and Qing Chi in a blink of an eye, a comforting look made the three girls feel at ease.

"Four demon kings? Could it be that this crack in space was made by an ancient demon?"

Xiao Qiuyue was also very surprised when she heard Li Qiuyu's words. He knew Li Qiuyu's strength, and he had no problem dealing with six demon lords. Ancient magic, and it is also a grinding tool.

There are also six demon lords in the land of spiritual waste, and four are encountered in the space crack. The land of spiritual waste is very close to Tianlong, and it can also be said to be within the territory of Tianlong.

"That's right, this is what I'm worried about. I didn't find a lot of ancient demons in Tianlong territory, but I encountered the existence of the level of a demon king. I really don't believe that Tianlong has no lairs of ancient demons."

Li Qiuyu said worriedly, even if he is free and easy, the ancient demon king appears in Tianlong, he can no longer be free and easy, in other places, it has nothing to do with himself, but in Tianlong territory, it can't be like this .

"Things will always be resolved. Let's just wait. Even if the ancient demons are in Tianlong, we can kill them. Besides, the entire Fengyue Continent has been attacked by the ancient demons. They will not stand idly by."

Seeing Li Qiuyu's appearance, Qing Chi encouraged and said, "I have been following Li Qiuyu for a long time, and I have become smarter. I used to follow Yinlong, and I had little knowledge. Now I am wandering around Tianhai and Fengyue Continent with Li Qiuyu, and my knowledge has increased. Not a lot.

"Okay, let's go back to Diyan Peak first and rest for a while. Even if the ancient demon invades Tianlong, I will drive it out of Tianlong's territory. Strength determines everything."

Li Qiuyu stood up, said with a smile, finally sacrificed the ancient flying treasure, and the four girls floated on the ancient flying treasure, ready to fly towards Diyan Peak.

But he glanced at the low-level disciples below, and finally decided to bring these disciples back together. With his own speed, he returned to Diyan Peak in an hour or two, and it would definitely take a day or two for the strength of these disciples.

"You stand together, and this seat will take you back."

Li Qiuyu called out to the disciples below, and finally sent a voice transmission to Xiao Hanyue's four daughters, telling them to leave first, and the thirteen disciples below all gathered together.

Li Qiuyu swiped with one hand, and a colorful mask covered all thirteen disciples, and then he floated up, stuck the huge mask with one hand, and flew quickly in the air.

The thirteen disciples were horrified when they saw the strong wind outside parting to the two sides, and the countless mountains retreating rapidly. This speed was even faster than Gu Bao.

The flying ancient treasures controlled by Xiao Hanyue can only run in parallel. This speed is not worth mentioning to Li Qiuyu. If they see the speed of Li Qiuyu's sixth transformation of the Phoenix, they will definitely be stunned.

In less than two, a continuous mountain range appeared in sight, and five huge mountain peaks appeared in the eyes of the thirteen disciples for a moment.

"Hey, this is Diyan Peak?"

A disciple of the Foundation Establishment Stage said in horror that under Li Qiuyu's mask, he naturally couldn't understand the real flying speed. The journey that originally took two days actually took only two hours.

Li Qiuyu's speed slowed down a little at the distance of one hundred miles from Diyan Peak, but it was still extremely fast. The distance of one hundred miles was not a short distance for a disciple below the alchemy stage, but for a disciple like Li Qiuyu For a cultivator in the transformation stage, it is just an instant.

Even a monk in the Nascent Soul stage can do it in a blink of an eye without teleporting. On top of the five main peaks of Diyan Peak, he was shocked to see a colorful mask and a huge flying machine flying over a hundred miles away.

He thought it was an invasion by foreign enemies, and Diyan Peak had a rule that within a thousand miles of Diyan Peak, he could not fly fast, and within a hundred miles, he could not use flying treasures.

"This is within the territory of Diyan Peak. Fellow Daoists who come here please stop immediately, lest the Diyan Summit think this is teasing. Please be at your own risk for the consequences of teasing Diyan Peak."

A loud voice came out, and a middle-aged man in green clothes shot out from a main peak, standing firmly on the top of the mountain, looking at the flying ancient treasures and colorful masks beside Li Qiuyu.

"Diyan Peak's defensive disciples obey orders, and anyone who comes will be killed."

Seeing that Li Qiuyu's speed had slowed down a bit, but he didn't intend to stop, the middle-aged man in Tsing Yi was furious. The sound transmission went on, and just as the voice fell, hundreds of the same monks in Tsing Yi shot out from the five main peaks.

They are all monks in green clothes, but the patterns on their chests are a little different. This is also a sign of Diyan Peak's defensive strength, and they are all monks above the Nascent Soul Stage.

The hundred Diyan Peak disciples swayed and surrounded Li Qiuyu and others in a semi-surrounding shape. In an instant, Li Qiuyu had come to two hundred feet away from these disciples and stopped.

"This seat is Li Qiuyu from Diyan Peak."

Seeing Diyan Peak's defensive power and speed, Li Qiuyu was extremely satisfied. He was able to mobilize a hundred Nascent Soul stage monks at the same time in an instant. Such speed and strength can definitely be called a super power.

"Li Qiuyu?"

"Disciple sees the lord, and welcomes the lord to return to Diyan Peak."

The middle-aged monk in Tsing Yi who appeared at the beginning was also horrified when he heard Li Qiuyu's voice, and then he looked at Li Qiuyu, the appearance of this young man in white was exactly the same as that of the man 300 years ago, and his breath and connection were also the same. It is definitely Li Qiuyu from 300 years ago.

Besides, the four women on the flying ancient treasure were also seen 300 years ago, but their aura is going to become more terrifying, which is changed by the improvement of their strength and cultivation.

This middle-aged monk in Tsing Yi was also a great monk who surrendered to him when Li Qiuyu fought in the Northern Jin Dynasty 300 years ago. His blood and soul were refined by Li Qiuyu, so there is a natural connection between the two.

"Go back by yourselves."

Li Qiuyu shot down the light mask, and after a while, the light mask spread out on the ground, and the thirteen disciples returned to the ground, still not believing that they had returned to the familiar Diyan Peak so quickly.

The middle-aged monk in Tsing Yi quickly transmitted the sound, and in less than a moment, all the monks above the Nascent Soul Stage of Diyan Peak knew that Li Qiuyu had returned after leaving Diyan Peak for 300 years.

"I have been away for 300 years, and your cultivation has increased a lot. This is what I bestowed on you."

Li Qiuyu glanced at the middle-aged man in Tsing Yi, and with a move of consciousness, a pill flew towards him. The strength of this middle-aged monk in Tsing Yi has reached the peak of the late stage, and one foot has entered the stage of transformation , It's just that without the God Transformation Pill, he didn't become a real God Transformation Stage monk.

"Thank you, Lord, thank you, Lord."

The middle-aged monk in Tsing Yi caught the Feishe's pill with his eyes and swept it over the pill, and his expression changed drastically, revealing a look of ecstasy.

This elixir is the God Transformation Pill on the Cultivation Record. Only by God Transformation can a great monk hope to enter the God Transformation. I didn't expect that when I thought the time limit was approaching, a God Transformation Pill would appear.

The other monks were extremely puzzled when they saw their commander so gaffe, but the pill was given to him by Li Qiuyu, so they didn't dare to ask.

"Meeting is fate, this is for you."

With a movement of Li Qiuyu's consciousness, a jade bottle appeared in his hand, and with the movement of his consciousness, the encyclopedia pill was shot out, one for each person, a fifth-grade Tianchen pill.

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