Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 758 Tidying up Emperor Yan Peak

It is also a great opportunity for a monk in the Nascent Soul stage to get a fifth-grade Tianchen. For Li Qiuyu, the mere Tianchen pill is only two or three months.

"Thank you Lord for the reward."

The hundred Nascent Soul monks saluted Li Qiuyu respectfully. At this time, the hundred Nascent Soul monks stepped aside, and none of them dared to disrespect Li Qiuyu and others again.

"Disciple Shuai Emperor Yanfeng is up and down, welcome the return of the lord."

A loud voice came up from below, with surprise in the voice, and then, the respectful voices of countless disciples came up, and the voices soared into the sky.

"Haha, I have been away for 300 years, and I finally came back today to reward Emperor Yanfeng, and each disciple will increase ten times the original welfare for one year in a row."

Li Qiuyu said with a smile, the voice reached the ears of all the disciples of Diyan Peak, and finally landed steadily, floating on the huge square.

When they came to the square, countless figures shot towards the square, and in a short while, nearly [-] disciples gathered on the square.

"Disciple pays homage to Master Uncle, congratulations to Patriarch for breaking through to transform into a god and becoming invincible in the world."

"Greetings to Fairy Hanyue, Fairy Qiuyue, Fairy Lingling, Fairy Qinglong."

Tens of thousands of Nascent Soul monks saluted Li Qiuyu respectfully. These Nascent Soul monks all knew Li Qiuyu 300 years ago, and also knew the three daughters of Xiao Hanyue, but they didn’t know Qing Chi, but they got Qing Chi from Han Ling’s mouth. name.

"The disciple pays homage to the master, and wishes the master to achieve the transformation of the gods."

"Greetings to Fairy Hanyue, Fairy Qiuyue, Fairy Lingling, Fairy Qinglong."

Tens of thousands of alchemy stage disciples saluted Li Qiuyu respectfully. Of these alchemy stage disciples of the fairy, only a few of them knew Li Qiuyu. At that time, they were only in the Qi training stage or foundation building stage.

But Li Qiuyu was known to everyone 300 years ago. Li Qiuyu was the object of worship for monks in the entire Tianlong Empire. After 300 years, he became the alchemy stage, and the object of worship also entered the The realm of becoming a god.

"The disciple pays homage to the Patriarch, and congratulates the Patriarch for reaching the stage of becoming a god."

"Greetings to Fairy Hanyue, Fairy Qiuyue, Fairy Lingling, Fairy Qinglong."

The disciples of the foundation building stage and the Qi training stage shouted in unison, their voices were loud, although they didn't know Li Qiuyu was a character, but tens of thousands of Nascent Soul stage monks, including the big monk, respected and worshiped this boy in white clothes so much. It is an amazing existence.

Just the word Huashen is already a god-like existence. In their hearts, this Fengyue Continent will not have the Huashen period. They did not expect that this white-clothed boy is actually a legendary existence.

There were also many disciples whose hearts lit up, and the word Li Qiuyu flashed in their hearts. This name was Tianlong No. 300 1 years ago, and many disciples had seen Li Qiuyu's name in Zhongtian Peak and Diyue Peak.

New disciples will always see Li Qiuyu's portrait, and there will also be introductions of Li Qiuyu by the disciples who teach the practice and the disciples who enforce the law, but they will forget it after a long time.

I didn't expect that this legendary figure from 300 years ago would be present in person, and he was still so young. He seemed so young, younger than himself, and he was actually a figure in the stage of transformation.

"Okay, I'm returning to Diyan Peak. Within five years, the disciples of Diyan Peak will step up their cultivation in addition to their normal tasks. I will take out the spirit stone pills."

Li Qiuyu nodded and waved his hand lightly to signal for silence. Immediately, more than [-] disciples in the entire square were completely silent.

After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, the whole square burst into cheers, most of them were disciples below the alchemy stage, mainly in the Qi training stage, because low-level disciples had more tasks, less benefits, and no time for cultivation.

After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, he returned to Diyue Peak. He also sent an order that he would retreat for a period of time. He also took out 200 billion spirit stones and countless treasures and elixirs for talented disciples to practice.

The return of Li Qiuyu caused the Diyan Peak to shake up and down. After 300 years of development, the number of great monks in Diyan Peak has reached 530, the number of monks in the middle stage of Yuanying has reached [-], and the number of monks in the early stage of Yuanying has reached [-]. Yu people.

There are more than [-] disciples in the alchemy period, more than [-] disciples in the inner sect during the foundation establishment period, more than [-] disciples in the outer sect, and more than one million disciples in the qi training period.

The number of spiritual stones consumed each year reaches as much as one billion, but the annual consumption of spiritual stones is only half of the earned spiritual stones, and the stored spiritual stones are also as many as 2000 billion.

Li Qiuyu returned to Diyue Peak to heal his injuries for a while, and then he had a clear understanding of all the forces in Diyan Peak. After explaining some things, he concentrated on his cultivation.

On Diyue Peak, Li Qiuyu threw pills into the mouth one by one on the top of the mountain, and then used mana to refine the pills to nourish the injured mind.

In this way, after half a year, the injury was fully recovered. After the injury recovered, he tried his best to control the forces of Diyan Peak. The ancient demons invaded Fengyue Continent, so he had to control his forces well.

Try to ensure that when the ancient demon invades the Tianlong Empire, Diyan Peak will not be scattered, at least have a defensive force, so as not to hinder yourself.

The Heavenly Dragon Empire must unify its strength and be completely united. It is like building the Heavenly Dragon Empire into a city of iron barrels. Even if the ancient demons invade, they must have the strength to fight.

"Bai Yuntian sees the Lord."

Bai Yuntian came to the top of Diyue Peak, saluted Li Qiuyu respectfully, and finally stood aside, waiting for Li Qiuyu's orders.

He just got the announcement from Li Qiuyu, so he hurried over. He was also a great monk who was kept at Diyan Peak by Li Qiuyu, and he came to Diyan Peak together from Bihai.

Of the 300 genius disciples of the Nascent Soul Stage who came to Diyan Peak, more than [-] were lost in the Northern Jin War, and there were only a few more than [-] left. during the time.

They have also reached the realm of great monks. In addition to the defeat and fall of the city in the Northern Jin Dynasty, these forces have also been drawn to Tianlong. There are also hundreds of great monks who surrendered under Li Qiuyu's seat.

In 300 years, some of them have also melted away, but there are also many Nascent Soul Stages who have been promoted to become great monks, which greatly increased the strength of Diyan Peak.

As for the high-level monks at Diyan Peak, Bai Yuntian and others were in charge, and the disciples below the Nascent Soul Stage were managed by several Nascent Soul Stage monks at Diyan Peak.

"Well, this seat has reached the stage of transforming gods. When I came back to Diyan Peak, I met a lot of ancient demons. You should know that ancient demons invaded Fengyue Continent. This seat killed the ancient demons of four demon kings in the space crack. The Land of Spirit Desolation also killed six demon lords, and I am worried that there are ancient demon lairs in Tianlong territory."

"So I want you to expand the members of Tianji Pavilion. This seat needs to know the situation of the entire Fengyue Continent, mainly the news of the ancient demons. To arrange this matter, remember, it is to learn the news of Fengyue Continent at any cost. This I'll give you a God Transformation Pill, and after I've arranged things, I will protect you and break through to the God Transformation Stage."

Li Qiuyu said lightly, and handed Bai Yuntian a pill of transforming gods. This Bai Yuntian has been with him for hundreds of years, and he took care of him leaving Diyan Peak. It is best for such a management talent to live longer time.

With one's own personal guardian, the chances of breaking through to transforming gods are much higher. Although the Tianlong Empire does not have the ancient demons invading wantonly, there are still hidden troubles.

He wants to use the power of Tianji Pavilion to every corner of Fengyue to inquire about the news of ancient demons and Fengyue Continent. This Tianji Pavilion was established during the war with the Northern Jin Dynasty.

300 years have passed, although the war is gone, the development of Tianji Pavilion is also very fast, and it has never stopped. Although there are not many senior monks in Tianji Pavilion, all of them are talents.

Talents who specialize in inquiring about news, this time the ancient demons invaded, it is best to expand the Tianji Pavilion even more, and invest a lot of money to control the most secret information of Fengyue Continent.

Keep abreast of the dynamics of Fengyue Continent at any time, don't be blocked by the ancient demons, and be prepared for the first time the ancient demons appear in the Tianlong Empire.

"This subordinate obeys the order, and this subordinate is going to invest 200 billion yuan in order to pass the information about the Northern Jin Dynasty and the Great Shang Empire to the master in the shortest possible time."

Seeing Li Qiuyu's serious expression, Bai Yuntian also knew that Li Qiuyu was serious about the ancient demons. He was a great monk, not to mention the countless Nascent Soul stage monks who were in charge of Diyan Peak, so he naturally knew about the big movements in Fengyue Continent.

Ancient demons appeared one after another in the Northern Jin Dynasty and the Great Shang Dynasty, and there were a large number of ancient demons. From this movement, it can be seen at a glance that the ancient demons are going to swallow the entire Fengyue Continent.

In the past hundred years, a lot of preparations have been made. Although Li Qiuyu is not here, he should not easily throw away Diyan Peak. Now that Li Qiuyu is back, he has a backbone.

What's more, Li Qiuyu has reached the stage of transforming gods. He could kill the big monks in the early stage of Yuanying.

Holding the God Transformation Pill in his hand, his heart was beating non-stop. After Li Qiuyu reached the God Transformation Stage, he was envious. A monk in the Spirit Transformation Stage could live for 2000 years.

Moreover, the strength of the cultivation level is not understood by the big monks at all. Now Li Qiuyu gave herself the God of Transformation Pill and promised to protect it personally. Li Qiuyu of the God of Transformation Pill made it. Much more.

The most important thing now is to perfectly solve the task assigned by Li Qiuyu, and live up to Li Qiuyu's explanation. This pill can almost be regarded as a lifespan for hundreds of years.

"Go down and prepare me a list of Diyan Peak Nascent Soul Stage monks."

Li Qiuyu said calmly, and finally waved his hand, signaling Bai Yuntian to back down, because he has some things to consider.

"Subordinates retire."

Bai Yuntian bowed respectfully and retired, leaving Li Qiuyu alone in the pavilion on the top of the mountain, looking in the direction of Tianlong City with a smile on his face.

"When should I go to Tianlong City to have a look?"

He said to himself, the higher-ups in the Tianlong Palace in Tianlong City also know that Li Qiuyu has returned to Diyan Peak, so they should go and see it.

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