During the period of his healing, Xiao Hanyue's four daughters were all practicing on the top of Diyue Peak, the fifth-rank Tianchen pill and the emerald jade pill, and the sixth-rank Tianling pill, two celestial pills each.

Each of the four girls had several bottles of the fifth-grade elixir and the sixth-grade Tianling elixir, so they didn't worry about the elixir at all, and they would come out to accompany Li Qiuyu every time they practiced for a while.

After returning to Diyue Peak, you don't have to worry about other things. It's important to concentrate on cultivation. There are a lot of resources for cultivation. If you don't work hard, you will be too lazy.

Li Qiuyu didn't have time to practice with peace of mind at all, there were many things that were not dealt with, and he had to deal with these things before he could practice with peace of mind.

After reaching the stage of transforming gods, every time he practiced meditation, it would take a few days, maybe even a few months or a few years. Now that the ancient demons are invading, he dare not practice like this.

After arranging some things, they waited to find out what the ancient demons were doing before they dared to make a decision. Either the ancient demons would unify the Fengyue Continent, or the human monks would wipe out all the ancient demons.

Thinking of Tianlong Palace, Li Qiuyu sent a voice transmission to Xiao Hanyue and the others, and finally swayed and disappeared into Diyue Peak, leaving the mountain range of Diyan Peak.

Diyan Peak was only [-] miles away from Tianlong City. For Li Qiuyu, he arrived within an hour of the distance of [-] miles. Among the clouds, it was difficult for other monks to find his existence.

An hour later, Tianlong City was in the distance. Li Qiuyu collected the flying treasure and landed on a remote mountain with five people, and saw Tianlong City.

It is completely different from 300 years ago, it is more than ten times larger than before, and the degree of prosperity is completely two levels from before.

It's just that the palace is exactly the same as before. Li Qiuyu has suppressed his cultivation, and he is no different from a monk in the alchemy stage. He is dressed in white, showing an elegant and unrestrained demeanor.

"Fellow daoist, please stay here. This is the Tianlong City of the Tianlong Empire. To enter Tianlong City, you need a token, or pay a hundred low-level spirit stones."

A faint voice came over, and Li Qiuyu glanced at the city gate. It was a monk at the alchemy stage, with a light-colored dragon embroidered on his chest.

It turned out to be a disciple of the city defense team of the Tianlong Empire. This city defense team had already been established when Li Qiuyu left the Tianlong Empire, but it is now stronger than before.

The monks who are responsible for the management of the cultivation world and maintain the order of Tianlong City will not manage ordinary mortals. If ordinary mortals enter, they do not need spirit stones.

If a monk enters, he needs a hundred spirit stones. If he is a local monk, he only needs a token. There are also monks who pretend to be mortals, but at the gate of the city, there is a special spar for checking monks and mortals.

As long as it is a monk, there will be a slight reaction, and the monk's cultivation is tested according to the reaction speed of the spar. Li Qiuyu suppressed his cultivation to the alchemy stage. With his cultivation base, the spar can't detect his real Xiuwei.

"and many more."

Li Qiuyu paused for a moment, then quickly searched in the space necklace with his consciousness, and after a while, he found a golden token from it, which was the token of the guard of Pingnan Palace.

As long as there is such a token, you can enter, or you have to pay a hundred low-level spirit stones. In the space necklace, there is also his token of the Happy King, but he is not stupid enough to take it out now.

"Friends, please."

The monks of the city defense team in the alchemy period saw Li Qiuyu's token, and said politely, this token is the guard token of the Pingnan Palace, because most of the guards of the Pingnan Palace are from the disciples of Emperor Yanfeng, the number one force in Tianlong of.

Di Yanfeng is also the strength of King Xiaoyao. In Tianlong Empire, everyone knows that even if he offends the emperor, he cannot offend the people of Pingnan Palace, because Li Qiuyu is from Pingnan Palace.

Who is Li Qiuyu, maybe not many mortals know at all now, because 300 years is already a few lifetimes for mortals.

After several generations, who will remember people like their ancestors, but Li Qiuyu's reputation also exists like his ancestors. Everyone knows that there was a Li Qiuyu in the Tianlong Empire before, who built the Tianlong Kingdom into the Tianlong Empire. As long as you know the origin of the Tianlong Empire Everyone will find Li Qiuyu's name.

Leaving the gate of the city, the eyes wander around the city. This place, hundreds of years ago, also had its own footprints. Hundreds of years later, my own footsteps have stepped here.

Sure enough, with the passage of time, the prosperity of this city is not as imagined 300 years ago, and the monks here are also relatively high. In the past, in Tianlong City, there was a monk who practiced Qi at the tenth level and was considered a top expert.

Now, here is the Qi training period, the foundation building period, and even the Nascent Soul period, but no one dares to make trouble here. This is the central force of the Tianlong Empire, and it is stationed by Diyan Peak. There are no monks making trouble here at all. .

After wandering around the city for a full hour, I finally ate something in an inn, and went directly to the Pingnan Palace. Following the streets in my memory, a majestic mansion finally appeared in sight.

This Pingnan Prince's Mansion is several times larger than before. It is full of people, busy with traffic, and there is an endless stream of people coming and going. Li Qiuyu glanced at it, and finally came to the door.

"Fellow Daoist, please stop. This is Prince Pingnan's Mansion. Do you have a token?"

A monk on the tenth floor of Qi training stopped Li Qiuyu politely, and the eight monks on the tenth floor of Qi training at the door all looked at Li Qiuyu seriously.

"Token, this is for you."

When I arrived at this place, no one in my family knew me, which was a bit funny, but after hundreds of years, no one remembered that there was another ancestor from the Li family in the Pingnan Palace.

"Shenwu Legion, Xiaoyao King Li Qiuyu?"

The monk on the tenth floor of Qi training held a golden gold medal in his hand. On one side of the gold medal was the word Shenwu Legion, and on the other side was the word Xiaoyao Wang Li Qiuyu.

The whole gold medal is extremely exquisite, and there is a mysterious aura on it. It turns out that this gold medal is after Li Qiuyu defeated the Northern Jin Empire. Li Mutian of the Tianlong Empire wanted to abdicate the throne to Li Qiuyu, but Li Qiuyu did not agree.

Li Mutian asked a senior craftsman to forge a gold medal, and named Li Qiuyu the Xiaoyao King of Jianguo. The power is not below the emperor, but above the emperor, beyond the throne.

This gold medal can only be used by Li Qiuyu alone. At that time, everyone in the world knew that Li Mutian gave up the throne to Li Qiuyu. Although Li Qiuyu didn't like worldly rights, he devoted himself to hard work and pursued the art of longevity.

But in Tianlong Empire, Li Qiuyu is not in the palace, nor is he an emperor, but his real power far exceeds that of an emperor. This kind of thing is like this in the world of self-cultivation and Fengyue Continent.

"Why, don't you guys remember me after leaving Tianlong for a while?"

Li Qiuyu said with a smile, the smile on his face is enough to melt the ice of ten thousand years, these low-level Qi training monks are only 30 years old, and he left Tianlong 300 years ago.

300 years ago, their grandparents were still children. Now that he appeared, they must not know each other. With his heart, he naturally wouldn't care about these juniors.

Leaving the insidious and cunning world of comprehension, and dealing with these secular low-level disciples, he is also in a good mood. After the stage of transforming into a god, he paid great attention to the cultivation of xinxing.

"You are the Happy King? The junior pays homage to the senior"

The Qi-training cultivator holding the gold medal felt that the name was very familiar when he saw the gold medal in his hand, but he couldn't remember where he knew it. After listening to Li Qiuyu's words, he finally understood that the boy in front of him was 300 The most powerful person of the year.

No.1 of the Tianlong Empire was horrified, knelt down quickly, and performed a big gift from a junior. The other monks in the Qi training period were tenth-level cultivation bases, so they could naturally hear Li Qiuyu and the captain's words, and hurried to the ground. Kneel down.

"Get up, I haven't come back for 300 years. When I was here, your grandfather was not born, haha."

Li Qiuyu smiled, and with a move of consciousness, he pulled the eight monks up. The other people who entered and exited were very curious when they saw the eight highly trained guards bowing to the boy in white.

The people in the Pingnan Palace knew that there was no such a young man. Even if the prince of the Pingnan Palace was here, these guards would not kneel down to salute, but now they kneel down to a strange boy.

The monk in the qi training period gave his eyes to the guards around him, saw the captain's eyes, and ran towards the inside quickly, feeling horrified in his heart.

"Senior, this is your token."

The monk in the qi training period held the gold medal in both hands, trembling and sent it to Li Qiuyu, feeling extremely scared. The white-clothed boy in front of him seemed harmless to humans and animals.

But this young man is a god-like figure, far more terrifying than the Nascent Soul stage. These monks have no way to fathom their psychology. If something goes wrong, others will suddenly disappear.

Li Qiuyu didn't reach out his hand to move his consciousness, and the gold medal in the hands of the monks during the Qi training period disappeared into the space necklace, which made some mortals horrified.

After putting away the gold medal, the entire Pingnan Palace was full of joy. Dozens of figures in brocade clothes appeared at the door, leading by three [-]-year-old men, followed by more than ten middle-aged men and four teenagers.

After arriving at the door, I saw a young man in white clothes standing steadily outside, and I was shocked. He was really the same as the young man in the portrait. This young man was really the ancestor of the Li family.

"Junior Li Yunlin pays respects to grandpa."

The three old men glanced at Li Qiuyu, with excited expressions on their faces, bent their knees, and knelt down on the ground. This young man was his uncle's generation.

In the Li family, apart from the two elders of the uncle's generation still in the palace, now the Pingnan Palace is the oldest among the three of them, and their age has also reached 80 years old.

"The younger generation pays homage to the ancestors."

The middle-aged man and the four young men in the back knelt down respectfully. The eyes of the four young men were full of puzzlement. The white-clothed young man in front of him looked younger than himself, and his elegant and unrestrained appearance really made people jealous. Thinking of my grandfather and father's uncle kneeling down to this young man, and claiming to be his ancestor.

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