Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 763 Giving Orders

Vigorously search for the fire in the center of the earth, and the fire in the center of the earth must be a sea of ​​fire and a volcano with a radius of more than a thousand miles. Only such a volcano can have the possibility of the existence of elves.

In front of him and others' cultivation base.Quite a few of them can be improved in a short while, and the four daughters of Xiao Hanyue are stepping up their cultivation, striving to be able to cultivate to the peak or even the middle stage of the transformation stage.

As for his own cultivation, he also had to step up his cultivation. It was best to refine all the materials of the Mietian Sword into the Mietian Sword. The materials were already there, and what he needed now was the fire from the center of the earth.

The general fire in the center of the earth activates every super power, but volcanoes like Bihai are hard to see at all. Often these volcanoes are underground and not easy to find.

Of course, the disciples of the Tianji Pavilion were sent to search for the fire in the center of the earth, and the forces on the Tianlong Prairie of the Tianlong Empire must also be activated. Although they came from the Northern Jin Empire, after 300 years, these forces have also been fully integrated. To the Heavenly Dragon Empire.

The super power was tightly held by Li Qiuyu 300 years ago. Since he wanted to find the fire in the center of the earth, he also sent out as many senior fire monks and water monks as possible to find it.

Because fire-type monks are naturally more sensitive to fire than the other four systems, the same is true for water-type monks. Water and fire are incompatible, so they can naturally sense the existence of fire in the center of the earth.

After this order was issued, a million senior monks of the Tianlong Empire entered the search for the fire in the center of the earth, while Li Qiuyu practiced in Diyan Peak, practicing in retreat, mainly practicing the Shocking God Art and the Ninety-Nine Extinguishing Heaven Sword Formation , Only when the cultivation base is deep can the spiritual consciousness become stronger.

To cast the Nine-Nine Heaven Extinguishing Sword Formation, the cultivation base and spiritual consciousness required absolutely take the initiative. Li Qiuyu sent out all the big monks from Diyan Peak, and asked these monks to gather the power of the Tianlong Empire.

In order not to catch Tianlong by surprise during the ancient demon war, the two empires have countless alliances, and the Tianlong Empire can be completely controlled by himself.

Although the strength of the Tianlong Empire is not comparable to that of the other two empires, its manpower is limited and people defy the sky, even ordinary mortals have to use it.

Li Qiuyu's movements at Diyan Peak immediately aroused the response of the great forces of the Tianlong Empire. Although they did not gather for a while, Li Qiuyu's words were an absolute order.

The other great powers of the two empires also saw Li Qiuyu's movement in their eyes, and felt that the storm was about to come. Needless to say, Li Qiuyu's strength was a genius, and even Li Qiuyu was moving, so naturally It is not easy to understand that the ancient demon invasion this time.

The masters of Tianji Pavilion and Diyan Peak were running around, and the high-level and low-level disciples of Diyan Peak were all stepping up their cultivation. Li Qiuyu also comprehended the Great Formation of Extinguishing Gods, and every ten monks of the same class formed a moving formation.

The nine disciples used the God Extinguishing Formation to gather the mana of the nine disciples together, and one disciple in the middle got the mana of the nine disciples, and the instant burst was enough to kill the monks who were one level higher.

This is true for the Qi training period, the foundation building period, the alchemy period, the early Yuanying monks, the middle monks, and the late master monks.

Apart from the disciples of Diyan Peak who have missions outside, the other disciples inside the sect must participate in the cultivation and comprehension of the formation, in addition to normal cultivation.

All of a sudden, there were [-] formations the size of Diyan Peak, and a [-] God Extinguishing Formation, but in Li Qiuyu's heart, only some of these disciples participated in the ancient demon war.

Because some of them are going to protect the Tianlong Empire and Diyan Peak, the latter will be left behind. After passing on the formation to the disciples of Diyan Peak, Li Qiuyu also concentrates on cultivation.

Every two days, the four daughters of Xiao Hanyue will go out to inspect and guide the cultivation and enlightenment of the Mie Shen Formation, and just like that, another 20 years have passed.

Dozens of fires in the center of the earth were found, but none of them met the conditions that Li Qiuyu was satisfied with, and could not support the completion of the refining of the Mietian Sword.

The invasion of the ancient demons became more ferocious. The cities of Dashang and the Northern Jin Dynasty continued to fall, countless monks became puppets, and one tenth of the Fengyue Continent completely fell into the hands of the ancient demons.

For the past 20 years, Li Qiuyu practiced the Heaven-shocking Divine Art twice a day, one hour comprehended the true solution of Tianxuan, one hour comprehended the Heaven-shocking Nine Forms, and the other hour sacrificed to Lingbao.

It takes three hours to comprehend the Mietian Sword Formation, which will remain unchanged for 20 years. The extra time is used to practice spells, check the cultivation of Diyan Peak disciples, and deal with affairs in the Tianlong cultivation world.

For one day in 20 years, the greatest achievement is to cultivate the magic art of the Emperor's Chariot to the first level of Mahayana, and even a monk in the transformation stage can't shake it even with a full blow.

The Heavenly Emperor's chariot with a radius of ten feet has many rooms of different sizes, but Li Qiuyu never took out the Heavenly Emperor's chariot.

The demon-suppressing wheel also exerted more power, but for tens of thousands of ancient demons, the power of the demon-suppressing wheel in his hands could not deal with such ancient demons at all.

On the other hand, Wan Hun Pan unexpectedly increased his power a bit, and a fist-sized real devil's aura in his body was also faintly visible, but it was suppressed by the seven-color mana.

Swallowing a large amount of elixir, the cultivation of Xiao Hanyue's four daughters has also reached the peak of the early stage of transforming the gods, and the cultivation of Tiebie Qingyi and Lingling is close to the middle stage, and one foot has already stepped into the middle stage.

Li Qiuyu has also cultivated to the peak of the early stage of transformation, and Yaoying's realm has also become a little loose. As long as the opportunity comes, he will break through the sixth transformation and reach the seventh transformation.

The Ernine Sword Formation of Mietian Sword Formation has long been comprehended thoroughly, the Three Nine Sword Formation has also been comprehended, and the Four Nine Sword Formation is like a thin layer of paper. Enlightenment depends entirely on chance and talent, as well as opportunity and Self-cultivation.

The Four Nine Sword Formation is about to be thoroughly comprehended, but Li Qiuyu stopped because the ancient demon's attack speed has accelerated, and one-fifth of Fengyue Continent has become the world of the ancient demon.

He can only go out and start to sort out the power of Tianlong, twist the cultivation power of Tianlong Empire into one, and then join the battle of exorcism, try to prevent the ancient demons from entering Tianlong.

"Young master, you are out of customs."

Xiao Hanyue said softly, reached out to hold Li Qiuyu's arm, and then walked towards the living room on the top of the mountain.

"Well, the Sanjiu Sword Formation has been comprehended, and the Four Nine Sword Formation is coming soon. There is no time to comprehend the Sword Formation now, and the fire in the center of the earth has not been found. .”

Li Qiuyu said softly that he has never stopped in his life, the war between Yanjin and Tianlong, followed by the war between Bihai Tianling Clan and Jiuxing Palace, and then the war between Tianlong and Beijin.

Now the Heavenly Dragon Empire is going to fight the ancient demons for survival again. After countless tests, is it going to be difficult here this time? This is a battle between humans and ancient demons, a battle between human civilization and demons hundreds of millions of years ago Continue to fight.

"Brother Qiu Yu, news came from Tianlong Palace that a powerful ancient demon secretly attacked Li Qingyun, an ancient demon in the transformation stage, but was blocked by a colorful halo, which entered the ancient demon's body, and the ancient demon gave up on Li Qingyun , It will be lost after escaping from Tianlong City, I feel that the colorful halo is Tianhan Aurora."

Lingling received the news, and immediately rushed to the outside of Tianlong City to check secretly. The ancient demon's body was turned into ashes, as if it was killed by Tianhan Jiguang, but Tianhan Jiguang was only known by Li Qiuyu, and Li Qiuyu She was in retreat, and she was also horrified.

So I rushed back without going to the palace, trying to find out what was going on with this Tianhan Aurora, could it be that someone else in the world had cast it.

"Oh, Li Qingyun is also a good fortune teller. I gave him the Tianhan Aurora. I didn't expect him to escape this disaster."

After Li Qiuyu reached the stage of transforming spirits, she naturally understood some natural numbers, otherwise she wouldn't have injected Tianhan Aurora into Li Qingyun's body for no reason.

"So that's it. I thought there were other people in the world who could cast Tianhan Aurora."

Ling Ling giggled, Tianhan Jiguang is Li Qiuyu's monopoly, and it is also the inheritance of nothingness, so naturally there will be no other people to use Tianhan Jiguang.

"The power of the ancient demons is getting stronger and stronger. Please help me analyze whether the ancient demons can defeat Dashang and Beijin against all the strength of Fengyue Continent."

"If there is no unity, no matter how powerful human beings are, they are still vulnerable. Now it seems that there are countless alliances between the two empires to deal with the ancient demons, but they have not really shown their strength to deal with the ancient demons."

"I'm going out this time because I intend to integrate all the forces of the Heavenly Dragon Empire. I will act first to prevent the ancient demons from entering the Heavenly Dragon Empire. Even if I win, the Heavenly Dragon Empire will be ruined."

"Well, your son is right. We should start first. Originally, our Tianlong Empire's cultivation strength is not strong, so we took the initiative to attack this time. Saving low-level disciples and ordinary mortals is beneficial and harmless to the Tianlong Empire."

After listening to Li Qiuyu's words, Xiao Hanyue also thought of Li Qiuyu's plan. In this way, there is no need to wait until the ancient demons attack Tianlong. When the ancient demons attack Tianlong, Tianlong has no power to fight back.

"Okay, I will send the order to the disciples of Emperor Yanfeng and the Tianlong Legion. You will pass the order to all the major forces in the Skyrim Prairie. The monks above the Nascent Soul stage will all gather in the Skyrim Prairie and prepare for the exorcism battle at any time."

Li Qiuyu said to the four of Xiao Hanyue, and finally disappeared on the top of the mountain with a flash of her body, came to the sky above Diyan Peak, and stood firmly in the air.

"All the disciples of Diyan Peak listened to the order. The ancient demons invaded the Fengyue Continent. The great merchants of the Northern Jin Dynasty were attacked one after another. The ancient demons came fiercely. The Tianlong Empire must be prepared to fight against the ancient demons. Now, this seat announces that all Yuans of the Tianlong Empire The monks above the infancy stage gathered in the Skyrim Prairie, and the disciples of Diyan Peak and Diyan Peak are going to join the ancient demon war to protect the Tianlong Empire."

"The entire army of the Tianlong Legion is ready to fight to protect the people of the Tianlong Empire. The Shenwu Legion is always on call."

Li Qiuyu spread the voice to a radius of two hundred miles.All the disciples who had comprehended the Great Formation of Destroying Gods and cultivated heard it, and quickly came to the square to wait quietly for Li Qiuyu's order.

At the same time, the four daughters of Xiao Hanyue also passed on Li Qiuyu's order, and the entire Tianlong Empire was completely involved in a civil war, from the invincible great monks to the mortal legion without cultivation.

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