Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 762 Movements in Fengyue Continent

After staying in the palace for a full hour, the other princes retreated, leaving only Li Qingyun and a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy, who was also Li Qingyun's eldest son, Li Yu.

"Old ancestor, do you think Li Yu will take over the Tianlong Empire?"

Li Qingyun glanced at Li Yu beside him, and asked Li Qiuyu respectfully, although his eldest son's choice of the prince can be decided by himself, but now that Li Qiuyu is in the Tianlong Empire, it is up to Li Qiuyu.

"The children and grandchildren pay respects to the ancestors."

Li Yu also came to Li Qiuyu obediently, and respectfully knelt down to pay his respects. The etiquette was very good, which made Li Qiuyu feel a little satisfied.

"Well, get up."

Li Yu kowtowed politely, stood up after the last three salutes, and stood beside Li Qingyun, waiting for the orders of his father and ancestor.

"I don't want to meddle in the affairs of the Tianlong Empire, and I don't have that kind of ability. The crown prince must take the prosperity and stability of the Tianlong Empire as his own responsibility. Now that the Tianlong Empire is peaceful everywhere, but the cultivation world and mortals must be together, and they must have the courage to control the world. .”

Li Qiuyu thinks about the ancient demons' invasion of Fengyue Continent, and the three empires will not fight unless after the ancient demon war, even at that time, I don't know how many of you have passed, there is no dynasty in the world that is always invincible.

Even if the Heavenly Dragon Empire is gone, let nature take its course, there is no need for me to worry about the Heavenly Dragon Empire forever, I have my own affairs.

"The stability of the Tianlong Empire lies in the prestige of our ancestors. I don't want the Tianlong Empire to last forever. I just want to try my best to bring the Tianlong Empire into a prosperous era in my lifetime."

Li Qingyun glanced at it, and said respectfully, he really said that Li Qiuyu's strength has reached the peak of the human world, and he is not far from ascending.

"If you can think this way, you are considered enlightened. Well, I am leaving, but remember, the ancient demons have invaded Fengyue Continent. Although they have not yet appeared in Tianlong, you must be prepared."

Li Qiuyu turned around and walked outside, then seemed to think of something, paused, and with a movement of consciousness, a jade bottle, hundreds of thousand-year spiritual fruits and ten thousand-year spiritual fruits shot towards Li Qingyun.

Immediately, his body disappeared from the sight of the two of them, and finally he quickly returned to the Pingnan Palace. In the palace, back to the palace, Li Qiuyu went directly to the courtyard where he lived before.

This place was lived with my parents before, and it has been cleaned all the time. After 300 years, it is exactly the same as before, without any change.

The servants are also the descendants of the previous servants, who have always lived here and received the same benefits. Only Zhang Lingfeng's descendants are here.

Zhang Lingfeng is Li Qiuyu's senior brother in Tianxing Pavilion. After Zhang Lingfeng passed away, the younger generation also lived here. Li Qiuyu stayed here for one night before leaving the palace and returning to Diyan Peak.

Before leaving, Li Qiuyu took some spiritual fruits and some elixir that can prolong life for mortals, Li Yunlin. Since he is a mortal, he cannot own monk's items, lest he be missed by those who are interested.

"Young Master, you have returned to Tianlong Palace, is there any change in Tianlong Palace now?"

After Xiao Qiuyue practiced, she saw Li Qiuyu come back, and learned that Li Qiuyu had returned to Tianlong Palace. After practicing, she also wanted to go out to play, but Li Qiuyu just came back.

"Well, there is no change in Tianlong Palace, but Tianlong City is more than ten times larger than before, and it is also much more prosperous. It is getting closer and closer to the conditions of the empire."

"Shall we go out and play?"

Xiao Qiuyue said in a sweet voice, and then pulled Li Qiuyu's arm, acting like a baby was extremely cute, Li Qiuyu also shook her head with a smile.

"Where are you going to play, I will take you there."

"Just take me to Tianlong City. Anyway, if we suppress our cultivation base and change our appearance, no one will be able to find out that it's us."

When Xiao Qiuyue heard Li Qiuyu talk about the changes in Tianlong City, she became very playful. This place is not far from Tianlong City, only [-] miles away. For two cultivators at the stage of transforming gods, the distance of [-] miles is not enough. Just using the flying ancient treasure, it will arrive soon.

"Okay, let's go to Tianlong City for a walk, and practice after returning."

Li Qiuyu said with a smile, she just came back, and she has to turn back, but the distance is not far away, anyway, she doesn't need to walk by herself, but when she thinks of girls playing, she is scared by that energy.

As soon as the consciousness moved, the ancient flying treasure was sacrificed, and finally the two floated up, and quickly climbed onto the ancient flying treasure. Among the clouds, pieces of clouds were quickly left behind.

Xiao Qiuyue was extremely happy on the flying ancient treasure, leaving the flying ancient treasure from time to time, floating in the clouds and flying, her clothes fluttering like a nine-day fairy, turning into a phantom from time to time and shooting into the distance, her purple figure is like a purple shooting star .

Immediately, he came to Li Qiuyu's side, just like a little sister next door, Li Qiuyu looked at this peerless girl happily, only he could see the peerless figure of this girl.

Li Qiuyu also left the ancient flying treasure from time to time, stepped on the clouds to catch up with the purple shooting star, and embraced it in his arms. In the clouds, sweet laughter rang out in the air.

Unknowingly, the two had come a hundred miles away from Tianlong City. The two slowly landed, put away the ancient flying treasure, and dressed up as ordinary mortals.

Dragon city

The capital of the Tianlong Empire gradually expanded from the Tianlong City 300 years ago, and it is ten times larger than it was 300 years ago. Even the Nine Star City seen in Bihai is nothing more than that.

It's just that there are not as many monks here as there are in Nine Star City, and the city of Nine Star City's monks is still dominated by mortals. The mortals here, even the monks, can't do it easily, because the mortals here are the people of the Li family of the Tianlong Empire.

When it comes to Tianlong Li's family, perhaps the cultivation world just smiles lightly, a secular kingship is not worth mentioning at all, but there is Li Qiuyu who dare not offend in the cultivation world, this Li Qiuyu can be regarded as a super master of Fengyue Continent, invincible in the world That's the case.

Tianlong City has grown from the original size of 3000 miles to the current size of more than [-]. Cultivators are forbidden to fly here, and the entire city is full of forces.

There are a total of 81 streets, each of which is five feet wide, and there are hundreds of small streets, all paved with blue-purple marble.

On both sides are some strange gadgets, belongings of ordinary people. Li Qiuyu took Xiao Qiuyue wandering in the streets, and Xiao Qiuyue bought beautiful things from time to time.

In Tianlong City, precious things also need to be exchanged for spirit stones, and things that are slightly worse are traded for gold and silver coins.

Li Qiuyu has trillions of spiritual stones on his body, and there is not much gold, but it is enough for Xiao Qiuyue to spend. After walking around for half a day, even Li Qiuyu, a super monk in the stage of transformation, is a bit overwhelmed.

When the girl went shopping, she couldn't describe it as horror. After finally staying up in the afternoon, Xiao Qiuyue took Li Qiuyu to eat some delicacies in an inn before returning to Diyan Peak.

When they returned to Diyan Peak, Xiao Hanyue and others also came out of cultivation. Seeing Xiao Qiuyue's gains in Tianlong City today, they all happily came forward to share the spoils.

On Diyan Peak and Diyue Peak, Li Qiuyu returned to his normal practice life again, and news came back constantly that he could control major events in the world while sitting at home.

With the rapid operation of the Tianji Pavilion, all the big and small news in the world are conveyed to Emperor Yuefeng. Li Qiuyu ordered the ten big monks to sort out the news sent back. He will personally check the news about the ancient demon.

Some weird news was not ignored, and Xiao Hanyue's four daughters also helped to check the news, and sent disciples to make official news from time to time, tracking the source and source of the news all day long.

In this way, after five full years, Li Qiuyu basically grasped most of the general situation of the entire Fengyue Continent, mainly the news about the ancient demons in the Fengyue Continent.

In addition to the exits of the ancient demons in the Great Shang Demon City, they also have exits in the Taiyin City in the Northern Jin Dynasty. The space crack of the Tianlong Empire was originally the most important teleportation array, but it was accidentally strangled in the cradle by Li Qiuyu.

But traces of ancient demons also appeared in other places in Dashang. Although many were killed by Dashang's alliance, these are a terrible hidden danger.

Seven cities of the Great Shang Empire have fallen, which is almost one-tenth of the territory of the Great Shang Empire. Around the Taiyin City of the Northern Jin Empire, many cities have also fallen.

The ancient demon, who was dismissed by the superpowers of Fengyue Continent, felt that it would be difficult for the ancient demon to bring disaster to Fengyue. The ancient demon was no match for the monks in the human world, but seeing the ancient demon quickly occupying the human city, for more than a hundred years, It has occupied nearly one-twentieth of the human territory of Fengyue Continent.

Moreover, some ancient demons also appeared in Fengyue Continent where monks and mortals could not survive.

Now there are more and more monk alliances, and they are getting bigger and bigger, because the strength of a city has no resistance at all under the attack of the ancient demons.

In a hundred years, hundreds of monks in the stage of human transformation into gods have also been lost. There are countless big monks and low-level monks.

There are also countless super alliances of Dashang, almost all of which are several cities united together to attack and defend alliances, and do their best to resist the invasion of ancient demons.

A large number of monks also quickly moved to the interior, and the millions of ancient demons have become tens of millions, and every time they contribute a city, the ordinary mortals in the city will also become ancient demon puppets, and the entire city is full of demonic energy, completely becoming a demon realm .

Li Qiuyu learned about the strength of human beings and ancient demons, and gradually felt relieved. No matter what, human monks are always the masters of Fengyue Continent.

The entire force is also countless times stronger than the ancient demons. After receiving this news, Li Qiuyu transferred some of the missions of the Tianji Pavilion disciples.

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