Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 761 Tianlong Emperor Li Qingyun

Of course, he didn't know about the affairs of Prince Pingnan's mansion, and he didn't know whether the juniors behind him were talking about him, but these were not important, because in their hearts, he was completely a grandparent.

Walking towards the palace, he arrived at the gate of the palace in less than a quarter of an hour. When he arrived at the gate, there was already a sea of ​​people.

The red carpet stretched from the square to the main hall deep in the palace, with mighty guards in golden armor on both sides. On the side of the square, Li Qiuyu walked towards the front.

"It seems that someone has notified the palace a long time ago. It's really grand."

Li Qiuyu secretly thought in his heart that he had been going to Pingnan Palace for more than an hour, and when he arrived, spies would naturally send a message to the palace, but he didn't know if the current emperor was as courageous as the previous ones.

In the sea of ​​people, the red carpet was more than two feet wide, and the sea of ​​people was one foot away from the carpet, all of them were monks in the alchemy stage, all of them were middle-aged monks, and all of them were top geniuses of the Tianlong Empire.

From the side of the square to the main hall of the palace, there are more than [-] alchemy monks on both sides. Such a neat array of alchemy monks is enough to show the strength of the Tianlong Empire.

"The younger generation welcomes the Holy Master back to Tianlong."

"The younger generation welcomes the Holy Master back to Tianlong."

More than [-] monks at the alchemy stage respectfully bowed to Li Qiuyu, with joy on their faces. Outside, these monks at the alchemy stage were genius monks from one side, and they were even top masters in the eyes of low-levels.

But now that he came here, in front of Li Qiuyu, he was a very low-level junior. Even if he bowed and knelt down, he didn't feel ashamed at all. On the contrary, it was a great honor to be able to welcome Li Qiuyu.

The supreme existence of Li Qiuyu's empire, even the current emperor, has to be called the ancestor, and the power is absolutely above the current emperor. In the cultivation world, Fengyue Continent is also the top existence, almost invincible.

Seeing these monks at the alchemy stage half kneeling, Li Qiuyu ignored them and walked up the red carpet step by step, which was nearly a thousand feet away from the main hall.

Walking unhurriedly, ignoring the alchemy monks on both sides and the crowds outside, after a full cup of tea, Li Qiuyu finally came to the gate of the palace.

"Li Qingyun, a descendant of the Li family, pays respects to our ancestors, congratulates our ancestors for successfully breaking through the stage of transformation into gods, and achieved the Dao of Heaven and Earth, and welcomes our ancestors to the Tianlong Palace."

A man in a yellow dragon robe, with a dragon crown symbolizing the power of the emperor on his head, also held it with one hand, kneeling down respectfully, and more than a dozen middle-aged men in purple python robes beside him also knelt and stood behind.

"Well, when I came here 300 years ago, the scene is far from here, which shows that you have the ability to govern the world. Yes, come on, you are worthy of being a child of my Li family. This seat grants you a hundred years of life and emperor Do not disappoint the people of the world."

With a slight smile on Li Qiuyu's face, he stretched out one hand, and saw a colorful halo appear on the palm of his hand, and then waved his hand, and the colorful halo shot into the center of Li Qingyun's eyebrows.

"Thanks to the ancestors, the younger generation must live up to the teachings of the ancestors."

Li Qingyun only felt a chill all over his body, and then his whole body seemed to have entered a hot spring, which made his whole body extremely comfortable, but the ancestor in front of him was still there, so he quickly thanked him.

"Go back, there is no need to make such a sensation."

Seeing Li Qingyun's reaction in front of him, Li Qiuyu was very satisfied. This Li Qingyun was just a monk who practiced Qi training at the eighth level. In fact, he was not a monk at all, because the emperors of the Li family practiced health preservation techniques.

An ordinary mortal can react so quickly in front of his own Tianhan Jiguang, he is worthy of being the emperor of the empire. Although Tianhan Jiguang can destroy everything in the world, after Li Qiuyu's refinement, it has completely become two kinds of limits.

It is completely possible to make Tianhan Aurora change according to itself. When it wants to attack people, it is destruction, and when it wants to save people, it is a life-saving treasure.

After his sacrificial training, injecting this trace of Tianhan Aurora into Li Qingyun's body, his future longevity will be comparable to that of a monk in the foundation establishment period.

The so-called emperor's aura is nothing more than Tianhan Jiguang's ability to lower the attacks of the transformation stage monks, and have a chance to resist the three attacks of the transformation stage monks.

It was also Li Qiuyu's cold aurora that really allowed Li Qingyun to escape an assassination by a cultivator at the transformation stage. Li Qingyun relied on the emperor's aura to properly suppress the attack of the cultivators at the transformation stage, and spread it to Fengyue Continent. .

"Everyone is in peace."

After Li Qingyun stood up, more than a dozen middle-aged people behind him also stood up and stood beside Li Qingyun respectfully. Li Qingyun softly shouted to the hundreds of alchemy monks outside.

Five hundred alchemy monks saluted Li Qiuyu and Li Qingyun respectfully, and Li Qiuyu was also crowded into the hall by the crowd like a star-studded crowd.

At the front of the main hall, Li Qiuyu sat firmly, and Li Qingyun returned to the Ninth Five-Year Throne in embarrassment. After more than [-] years of ascending the throne, this Ninth-Five Throne felt like a needle prick for the first time.

After entering the main hall, Li Qingyun wanted Li Qiuyu to sit on the main seat, but Li Qiuyu refused. Although he was qualified to sit on it, he really didn't like secular power and didn't bother to sit on that throne.

"Congratulations to my ancestors for traveling and breaking through the stage of becoming gods. The younger generations have always admired the demeanor of the ancestors 300 years ago. Now I finally see the ancestors in their lifetime. This is the luck of my Li family and the blessings of the world."

Li Qingyun said excitedly, this seemingly ordinary boy is his ancestor hundreds of years ago, although he is not in the same line as him, but three or four hundred years ago, the Tianlong Empire was created by this boy.

If there was no such young man, there would be no Li family lineage, which would have been exterminated by the Yanjin Kingdom long ago. Counting, six to seven hundred years ago, I was also an ancestor of the Pingnan Palace, but my own lineage inherited the throne.

The ancestor in front of me is not only No. 1 in the Tianlong Empire, but also the oldest existence in the Li family, and his cultivation strength is also invincible in Fengyue Continent.

It is because of Li Qiuyu's existence that other forces dare not touch the Tianlong Empire. This is power, and the power of one person is enough to shake the world.

"This seat is nothing more than an old man. As for the strength of cultivation, self-protection is almost enough. The Li family belongs to the lineage, and unqualified disciples cannot practice. Li Zhenglong has done a good job. Hey, imagine Li Zhenglong, hundreds of Years ago, I followed this seat to conquer the world. The way of heaven is hard to break, so let nature take its course."

Li Qiuyu said lightly, to him, Li Zhenglong is just a small person, and his age is almost the same as Li Zhenglong.

The other dignitaries and the princes of the Li family were shocked when they heard Li Qiuyu's words, and they smiled inexplicably.

I didn't expect that the white-clothed boy in front of me would directly say the famous taboo, but after thinking about it, the fact is that Li Zhenglong followed the boy in front of him to fight the world hundreds of years ago.

Those alchemy stage monks who were outside just called Li Qiuyu the Holy Master, which is just a supreme title, and the right is as supreme as it was hundreds of years ago.

In the entire hall, there were hundreds of people, all of whom were the closest family patriarchs of Prince Li and Li Qingyun. Any of these people could shake one side, otherwise Li Qingyun would not have let them come.

After talking in the hall for half an hour, some princes came up to pay their respects. The young man in white in front of him was an ancestor of the Li family, and some old men also knelt down to Li Qiuyu respectfully like a child.

The oldest ones also called Li Qiuyu uncle and grandpa. Li Qiuyu felt a little awkward in her heart, but this was normal. She had lived hundreds of years in sleep, and the old people in front of her were descendants of several generations behind her.

"I need to practice when I come back this time. The goal of a monk's life is to ascend to the spirit world and pursue the way of longevity. The affairs of the Tianlong Empire are still taken care of by you. I hope you will assist Li Qingyun well. This is what I give you. A gift from me, to give each of you 20 years of longevity."

With a move of Li Qiuyu's consciousness, hundreds of ten-thousand-year spiritual fruits flew out, one for each person. The fist-sized fruits were crystal clear and exuded a mysterious aura.

"This is?"

"I see. This is the ten-thousand-year spiritual fruit mentioned in the ancient books, which can increase the lifespan of ordinary people by 20 years, but each person can only take one, and taking too much will affect the lifespan."

A thin old pedant held the fruit in his hands tremblingly, as if seeing a life-like treasure, he quickly put it away, fearing that it would be snatched away by others.

"Ten Thousand Years Spirit Fruit!"

"Thank you for the reward from the ancestors. The younger generation will definitely assist the emperor in governing the world and live up to the teachings of the ancestors."

Everyone knelt down and saluted Li Qiuyu excitedly. This gift is better than anything else. This is a 20-year lifespan. People who stand at the pinnacle of power are more worried about longevity and greedy for the prosperous world.

Now that the life span of 20 years has been increased out of thin air, it's no wonder that they are not excited. For ordinary mortals, the life limit cannot be reversed at all, otherwise there are so many monks pursuing the way of immortality.

"This fruit, I have linked your aura with it, and it cannot be used by others. Even if someone else takes it, it will not have the slightest effect. On the contrary, it will kill you immediately like poison."

Li Qiuyu said seriously that he was also afraid that someone would pay attention to these ten-thousand-year spiritual fruits. In this way, no one would pay attention to the fruit.

In order not to cause trouble to these people with my ten-thousand-year spiritual fruit, no one dares to doubt my own words, because regarding the mysterious existence of strength and consciousness, even monks in the transformation stage would not dare to try it casually with monks of the same class.

There are all kinds of methods in the world of cultivation, and there may be some weird and weird items that even a monk who left your transformation stage will be poisoned to death, because Li Qiuyu is in the transformation stage, and he is also a holy alchemist.

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