"This place is really good. It seems that this is the place we are looking for. The top of Phoenix Island is full of high-temperature volcanoes, so naturally there will be no vegetation."

Li Qiuyu had seen everything on this island clearly a long time ago. It is true that there is no grass growing, because the temperature on Phoenix Island is much higher than other places, and the soil is all volcanic rocks, so naturally there will be no Flowers grow.

"Just look at it and you'll find out."

Xiao Hanyue said with a smile, the last five people flew up, and after putting away the ancient flying treasures, there was a lot of ground. There was no grass growing on the ground, but the temperature of the instant noodles was not very high.

But as long as the soil is destroyed, high temperature will appear. No wonder there are no flowers and trees here. The roots of flowers and trees will inevitably extend into the soil. As long as they touch the soil, they will be scalded to death by the high temperature.

However, as long as the soil on the ground is not moved, it will not have the slightest influence on the monks who want to practice here. The fire monks are regarded as heaven in this place, but Li Qiuyu has ordered that on this island, the fire monks cannot practice, so as not to cause volcanic mutations.

"They're here. After I arrange them, we'll find a place to practice, and then we'll start refining the Heaven Miting Sword."

Li Qiuyu's consciousness moved, and in his consciousness, two hundred great monks flew towards this side. As soon as his words fell, the two hundred great monks had already arrived in front of Li Qiuyu.

"Subordinates refer to the master."

The two hundred great monks said respectfully in unison, with puzzled expressions on their faces. They wondered what the use of Li Qiuyu's efforts to find a volcanic island would be. Even for fire monks, there is no need to spend so much effort to find such a volcano.

It's just that everyone knows what kind of identity he is, and Li Qiuyu's cultivation is already at the stage of transformation. He has seen with his own eyes the killing of big monks in the early Yuanying stage before, and dozens of big monks were killed as soon as he made a move.

Now I and others are still big monks, and the young man in front of me is no longer the eight Nascent Soul early stage monks, but an invincible monk at the stage of transformation.

It is best not to ask about things that should not be asked, so as not to be in unnecessary trouble. Seeing Li Qiuyu's arrival, wait and wait for orders.

"I need to refine a treasure here. It will take a while. You will surround the entire island. As long as there are monks coming, you will kill them all."

Li Qiuyu said solemnly, his sharp eyes swept over the two hundred great monks, and then he looked back, seeing the two hundred great monks standing respectfully, he was very satisfied.

"The subordinate obeys the order, and there will be no mistakes."

The two hundred big monks respectfully said, terrified in their hearts. When Li Qiuyu looked at it just now, the whole feeling would enter the hell of ice and fire. If he was not a big monk, he would definitely get lost under these eyes mind.

I have never encountered such a horrible thing in my life, and I have also encountered seniors in the transformation stage before, but compared with the young man in front of me, there is not a little difference.

Just the look in his eyes gave the monk such a big shock. If he was an ordinary monk in the Nascent Soul Stage or the Alchemy Formation Stage, he would not be directly killed by this look.

But they didn't know that Li Qiuyu's sharp eyes were when he entered Tianhai and encountered the double sky of ice and fire. The compatibility of ice and fire did not improve, but he realized a special talent.

Eye of Ice and Fire

Relying on the strength of the compatibility of ice and fire, the ultimate state of compatibility of ice and fire is integrated into the consciousness, and then conveyed through the eyes, even though such a glance, the monks below the Nascent Soul stage must be lost in mind, and even be wiped out inexplicably. Maybe kill.

But such eyes of ice and fire consume more mana and consciousness, and he generally doesn't use them at all. Such auxiliary talents are only used to scare people.

His opponents and enemies are all monks at the stage of transformation, and the power of the purpose of ice and fire is far from reaching the point where it can hurt the monks at the stage of transformation.

"Okay, if you do a good job this time, I won't treat you badly."

Li Qiuyu sacrificed a Huashen Pill, and the aura of the Huashen Pill immediately wafted out. All the people present were the cultivation bases of great monks, so it was natural to see that this was the rumored Huashen Pill, and Your Excellency Li Qiuyu, the Holy Alchemist They also knew his identity, so they naturally understood that the young man in white in front of him had reached the stage of transformation with the God Transformation Pill he had refined.

"The subordinates will definitely not disappoint the master, and they will go through fire and water without hesitation."

The two hundred big monks were pleasantly surprised. Although they hadn't obtained the God Transformation Pill yet, there was finally a glimmer of hope. It seemed that for this God Transformation Pill, they had to perform well.

"I don't have many Transformation Pills, but I can refine a cauldron for you, fifty Transformation Pills, you only have a quarter of hope."

Li Qiuyu said lightly, in this way, these great monks would naturally accept it. The time for the God Transformation Pill is definitely rare, otherwise the recess of the God Transformation period would not be flying all over the sky.

"The subordinates and others know that the master spent 300 years looking for the material for the God of Transformation Pill, and the God of Transformation Pill is not a sugar pill, but the subordinates and others will try their best to go through fire and water for the safety of the Lord."

All the monks knew that Li Qiuyu's words were not false, he was a holy alchemist, and he was using Huashen Pill. Naturally, he was sure of refining a cauldron, but the quantity was not large, even if he didn't give Huashen Pill, he would You have to defend him.

It seems that coming to this place to refine treasures this time also means to improve the strength of the monks around him. The monks who can get the God Transformation Pill will become confidantes after reaching the God Transformation Stage.

"The size of this island is no more than ten thousand miles. You are not allowed to leave this Phoenix Island for half a step during this period of time until I refine the treasure."

After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, he waved one hand to signal the big monks to leave. After a while, two hundred big monks surrounded the island, each choosing a place to meditate and rest, not daring to practice on the island.

Two hundred big monks surrounded an island with a size of ten thousand miles. Even if it is difficult for a fly to enter here, let alone monks, even monks who are unlucky and pass by here have to be killed.

After these monks left, the four daughters of Xiao Hanyue gathered around Li Qiuyu to see how Li Qiuyu would arrange it, because it took more than a day or two to refine the Heaven Mie Sword.

"Let's go to the crater first and see what's going on?"

After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, he took the four girls to the center of the island. After a while, he came to a dark red place. When he came here, the temperature rose gradually. To suppress.

But it doesn't have any effect on the cultivation base of the God Transformation Stage. The terrain here is getting lower and lower, and this is also the source of the fire in the center of the earth.

"You wait for me here, I'll go down and have a look."

Li Qiuyu felt the temperature rise sharply, even with his cultivation in the stage of transformation, he still felt a bit unbearable, because this place has not been changed, and it is directly in contact with the fire in the center of the earth.

"Young master, be careful, we are here waiting for you to come back."

Xiao Qiuyue and the others stayed in place, Li Qiuyu flashed his body, and flew forward quickly, flying a full distance of ten miles, Li Qiuyu had to stop, and could only walk forward step by step. Running, the fire element's skills circulate throughout the body, so that it will not be affected by the temperature.

After a while, a vortex with a radius of a thousand feet appeared in front of my eyes. I don't know how deep the vortex was. Even when Li Qiuyu's consciousness extended to a thousand feet below, it was blocked by a mysterious breath.

The purple flame kept spinning, burning and flickering in the vortex, and Li Qiuyu's face suddenly showed surprise. This purple flame is the best earth-centered purple fire.

In the fire of the earth's core, the purple flame is the best. The purple flame of the earth's core can already compete with the sky fire. Although it can only compete with the ordinary sky fire, it is enough for refining equipment.

It would definitely be a happy thing to cultivate here, and the spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth kept pouring in here, and finally shot into the vortex.

Seeing the fire in the center of the earth, Li Qiuyu hurriedly left and quickly came to Xiao Hanyue's four daughters. The surprise on her face made the four daughters see the size of the harvest at a glance.

"The purple fire in the center of the earth can fully support the refining of the Mietian Sword this time. Let's set up a ban around here."

Li Qiuyu said happily, this is the first time he has encountered such a happy thing in this period of time, if he refines the Mietian Sword, his strength will be greatly improved.

"Purple earth core fire? That's great. It seems that Mietian Sword will be successfully refined soon, and then we won't worry about the ancient demons." Ling Ling said in a high-tech manner.

"Hehe, it will take at least ten years to refine the Heaven Extinguishing Sword. During this time, no matter what happens, don't let anyone come to this island. You will have to work hard for a while."

Li Qiuyu said with a smile, looking at the four girls apologetically. Under normal circumstances, the four girls would not let the four girls take risks for him. Ten handles were made, but this time forty handles were to be refined.

"My lord, don't worry, with our four sisters here, no one will bother you to refine the weapon. I hope you will refine the Heaven Mie Sword as soon as possible."

Xiao Hanyue said softly, the last five people stopped [-] miles away from this place, Li Qiuyu cast more than ten prohibitions, and then cast dozens of formations around a hundred miles away, even if the cultivators in the transformation stage came , It will take a while to break the formation.

There are four daughters of Xiao Hanyue, and four monsters. I believe that even if ten cultivators at the transformation stage come at the same time, they can be killed. Even if they can't be killed, they have enough capital to protect themselves.

After the formation and prohibition were set up, Li Qiuyu arranged a huge spirit-gathering array here. The spirit-gathering array was as large as a hundred miles in radius, and the spiritual energy with a radius of [-] miles rushed towards it quickly.

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