Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 766 Before Refining

After preparing everything, he was a little relieved. Except for the few women around him, there was nothing else that could make him truly relieved. Now refining the Heaven Mie Sword, he could fulfill his wish and pursuit for hundreds of years.

For these materials, it took hundreds of years and countless painstaking efforts. There must be no mistakes. It is true that even if the ancient demons invade the Tianlong Empire, he will not leave the island, unless it is not good for the four women.

Only by refining the Mietian Sword can there be a glimmer of hope for self-protection. People will not be destroyed for themselves. Even if the Fengyue Continent is gone, I have now reached the stage of transforming gods, and I still need to find the ability to protect myself.

This island is also part of his core power, even if Tianlong is gone, he can still train these two hundred big monks, and then find another way.

There are two hundred big monks guarding the island. There are Xiao Hanyue and others here. Li Qiuyu is a little relieved. After setting up the prohibition formation, the five people are practicing outside. Li Qiuyu also relaxes other cultivation and concentrates on it. comprehend the refining method of Mietian Sword.

Although he had successfully refined ten Heaven Miting Swords before, he was afraid of failure if he wanted to refine them again, and various things could happen in the cultivation world.

It has been two months since I comprehended the method of refinement, and after confirming that I no longer need to comprehend it, I rested with peace of mind and tried to calm down.

When he was resting, the four daughters of Xiao Hanyue stopped practicing, and Zheng Zheng accompanied him to wander around the island for half a year, which made the two hundred big monks extremely puzzled.

It seems that Li Qiuyu is not refining weapons at all, but comes here to play, but Your Excellency the Holy Alchemist has his own reasons for doing things, and it is not something that big monks like himself can understand.

Half a year later, Li Qiuyu left Xiao Hanyue and others, and came to the edge of the vortex alone. The purple fire in the center of the earth has been like this for thousands of years, without any change, at most it has increased its power and quality.

"Fenghuotai, Ji."

Li Qiuyu stood in front of the purple earth-centered fire, and for ten days, his consciousness had been trying to communicate with the earth-centered fire, understanding the quality and character of this purple earth-centered fire.

Ten days later, the situation here is also well understood. There is also a fire elf underground, but this time Li Qiuyu dare not call the attention of this fire elf. There are four fire elves below, although the power of the four fire elves is not enough to let him go. Scared, but this time I am specialized in refining weapons, and I don't want to make mistakes.

Fenghuo Terrace is a simple refining step, inside which is a formation of gathering fire from the center of the earth, which can also be regarded as a spiritual treasure. Although the fire from the center of the earth in this vortex is powerful, if it is not gathered, it will be impossible to gather it together. Impossible to refine the Mietian Sword.

With this Fenghuotai, it is possible to gather the vortex of fire in the center of the earth in one place, and then use the ancient treasure and giant cauldron to refine the Heaven Extinguishing Sword.

As soon as the Fenghuotai came out, a mana power turned on the Fenghuotai. Immediately, the purple fire in the center of the earth boiled in the vortex, and quickly gathered towards the Fenghuotai.

Li Qiuyu also used several prohibitions and formations. It would take at least several years for him to refine weapons in this place, so he had to be ready.

However, these preparations have been prepared a long time ago. There are hundreds of bottles of Tianying Pill for restoring mana, twenty bottles of Pill for restoring spiritual consciousness, and various pills. Everything is ready.

Then he took out the materials of Mie Tianjian, and he also calculated that if the materials of forty Mie Tian Swords are refined together, it will consume more energy and mana than refining them separately, but in this way, the time will be shortened. a lot of.

It takes two years to refine the Heaven Mie Sword once, and it will definitely take seven or eight years to refine them separately, but it only takes three to four years to refine them all at once.

If he hadn't seen the power and strength of this earth core fire before, he would have to refine it separately, but now, after seeing the purple earth core fire.

I decided in my heart to refine the Mietian Sword at once. The risk is much greater, but in the cultivation world, what is not a risk, the greater the risk, the greater the reward, because this time To be short, the Mietian Sword is refined at the same time, and the compatibility between them is better.

If it is refined separately, the fire in the center of the earth will be disrupted the first time, and there will be no way to refine it in the next few times, so these materials of the Mietian Sword will be refined together.


Li Qiuyu's consciousness moved, and several pieces of black objects entered into the giant cauldron. The giant cauldron continued to rotate on the Fenghuo platform, and the power of the fire in the center of the earth turned the giant cauldron into a fiery red.

These pieces of black items are also one of the auxiliary materials for the Mietian Sword. The auxiliary materials must first enter the cauldron, and after these auxiliary materials are melted, the main materials are refined.

After a full hour, the items just put in also turned into black liquid, and a strange smell rushed out, and Li Qiuyu threw the second refining material into the cauldron.

In this way, it took a while to refine each material. After half a year, all the auxiliary materials were finally refined, but Li Qiuyu also consumed two bottles of Tianying Pill.

The Huanhun Pill also used more than [-] pills. Judging from the situation, it was much better than expected. The next step is to refine the main materials.


Two gray stones entered the giant cauldron. Sky Meteorite, the ten main materials of the Extinguishing Sword, such a stone came to the ground after traveling through countless spaces. The Sky Meteorite, which was originally tens of thousands of feet in size, finally fell to When it was on the ground, it was only the size of a fist.

However, this fist-sized celestial meteorite is the real essence. It can resist any sharp magic weapon and treasure. In terms of hardness, celestial meteorite is still ranked in the top three.

Two months later, the two celestial meteorites were finally refined into liquid, and then another material was put into the tripod, each of the main materials.The time required is about two months.

After a while, three years have passed, and all the materials have entered the cauldron. In the giant cauldron, there is more than half of the mysterious-colored liquid swirling in the huge cauldron with a radius of one foot.

Li Qiuyu's face was pale and haggard, extremely tired, but now is the critical moment for refining the weapon.

Compression is to suppress these liquids, completely fuse them together, and finally let them solidify slowly. When solidified, the Mietian Sword Embryo will come out.

The constant surge of mana stirred up the liquid in the cauldron, allowing it to solidify as soon as possible. After half a year, the liquid was finally reduced to one percent of its original size.The giant tripod also became smaller.

The liquid that was shown off in it also gradually solidified, and Li Qiuyu finally gagged with a consoling smile on his face. It took half a year to solidify the liquid.

The forty Mietian swords are really different from the ten Mietian swords. Refining consumes more mana than ten swords. Seeing the rapidly solidified liquid, Li Qiuyu's consciousness moved.

The spiritual consciousness was immediately divided into forty strands, which were prepared long before the liquid solidified, and the spiritual consciousness was kept at the peak, because forty Heaven Mie Swords required forty strands of spiritual consciousness.

Even with his astounding spiritual sense, he still felt very strenuous, but after forty divine senses were separated, he felt a little relieved, now is the most critical time for refining weapons.

Under the control of the divine consciousness, forty to the divine consciousness divided the inside into a semi-solidified body of 40 yuan and sacrificed it.After leaving the giant tripod, mana continuously pressed these semi-solidified objects into shape.

Senior monks refining treasures are no longer the same as mortals refining magic weapons, because these treasures cannot be touched by any breath or objects, and can only be forged with monks' spiritual sense and mana.

After half an hour, forty sword embryos of the Mietian Sword appeared in front of him, with a mysterious aura on them, and the best way to describe it was dim. , there is also a layer of protective body, as long as the outer protective body is removed, the real appearance of Mie Tianjian will appear.

But now it can't be removed at all, because a lot of spiritual energy needs to be injected to grow the spirituality inside as much as possible, so that it can reach the level of Lingbao.

After four years, the purple flames in this vortex have also become very weak, which is several times smaller than four years ago. Li Qiuyu looked at the forty dull sword embryos with satisfaction, and his consciousness slowly merged together to draw these Mietian Swords together.

The divine consciousness controlled forty Mietian swords, which spun endlessly in the air, surrounded Li Qiuyu, and a circular sword array with a radius of hundreds of feet appeared.

This can't be called a sword array, because it is just to control the mietian sword to rotate around a circle in response to spiritual consciousness, so as to inject spirits, and it can also make these sword embryos get better connected.

"All spirits in the world, sacrifice."

Li Qiuyu looked at the Mietian Sword in the air, and was very satisfied in his heart, but the expression on his face was dignified, because the final step of refining the weapon came, and the quality of the Mietian Sword depended on the last step.

After sacrificing the Linglong Pagoda, a burst of mana hit it to open the pagoda. Immediately, the aura of heaven and earth seemed to be pulled away by an endless suction force.

The Spirit Gathering Formation also started quickly, and the spiritual energy in a radius of a million miles was throbbing. On the island, two hundred monks saw the spiritual energy in the air twisting rapidly, which could distort the spiritual energy. describe.

They were all horrified. They didn't know what kind of treasure Li Qiuyu was refining, and it needed such a large amount of spiritual energy. The spiritual energy shot towards Li Qiuyu's place at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The spiritual energy on the island has almost become real. Seeing such a situation, two hundred monks extended their spiritual consciousness, because the spiritual energy fluctuations here have stirred up a million miles around, so as not to be discovered by those who are interested, and also Knowing that Li Qiuyu has reached the last step of refining treasures, it is also the most critical step.

Concentrate on covering this island with spiritual consciousness, otherwise if a fly comes in, if someone comes in, it will be killed immediately. Even a cultivator at the stage of transformation, under the simultaneous attack of two hundred monks, will not be able to kill it. It vanishes in an instant.

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