After waiting for more than four years, I finally saw the movement, but the movement was too loud. Although I don't know what Li Qiuyu is refining, but in the cultivation world, no matter what is refined, the last step is to inject spirits. .

The spirit injection also means that this refinement has entered the final step. As long as the spirit injection is completed, this refinement will end. Seeing such a powerful spirit energy, Li Qiuyu quickly waved his hands.

The Heaven-shocking Divine Art was in motion, directing the aura to the forty Mietian swords in the air. Under the attention of the powerful and dense aura, all the Mietian swords trembled immediately.

Before the heaven-shattering aura came to the Mietian sword, the Mietian sword was like a bottomless abyss, a large amount of aura disappeared as soon as it came, and was completely swallowed by these Mietian swords.

The aura of heaven and earth kept coming here, and the four daughters of Xiao Hanyue also opened their eyes. The island was shrouded in spiritual consciousness, and there was no joy or worry on their faces, because this time was the most critical moment. , or all fail.

Surrounded by a large amount of spiritual energy, Li Qiuyu quickly recovered his mana and physical strength, but his spiritual consciousness was consumed enormously. He took a Rejuvenation Pill every quarter of an hour, and a Resurrection Pill every two days.

In this way, three months have passed, and the aura of heaven and earth is still shooting towards this side. During this period, many great monks were also attracted here, but seeing the changes in the aura of heaven and earth here, there are still several shocking auras. Come out, all the monks in the stage of transformation are breathing.

They discovered it thousands of miles away. Since they had an opportunity to come here, they didn't want to seek death. They sacrificed to a cultivator at the stage of transformation, and if they were not careful, they would kill the big monk.

Although the treasure is good, life is more important, and they only found the fluctuation of spiritual energy, but did not see the treasure, so there is no need to take risks. It is precisely this kind of thinking that they were not killed.


Li Qiuyu felt that Mie Tianjian's absorption of spiritual energy slowed down, and he also slowed down the spiritual energy. After two days, Mie Tianjian stopped absorbing spiritual energy and had reached saturation. With a burst of magic power, the protective body on the forty Mietian swords was removed.


There was a clear cry, and the real appearance of the first Mietian Sword appeared in front of him. The golden sword god was covered with a colorful halo, and a sharp twirling spun away.

The fierce sword lights scattered all the protective bodies of the other 39 Mietian swords, and immediately, forty golden sword lights shot up into the sky with colorful halos, forming a huge sword light with golden colorful halos and shot out.

"Void Sword Spirit"

Li Qiuyu was terrified in his heart, and stared blankly at the phantom in the golden seven-color halo of sword light. Among the forty Mie Tian swords, there was a phantom inside, and the phantom was invisible.

Countless prohibition formations turned into nothingness at the moment when the golden colorful halo of sword light shot up into the sky. At a height of ten thousand feet, this sword light seemed to tear apart the void.

"Look, what is that?"

The two hundred great monks were horrified when they saw the golden seven-color halo and sword light in the sky, and they stared blankly at the sky, completely shocked.

"It is the treasure refined by the lord that succeeded. This is the radiant feather emitted by the treasure. This ray of light alone can turn you and me into nothingness. I don't know what the treasure refined by the lord is. So powerful."

A great monk who was at the peak in the later stage looked at the sky and said blankly, he is also a master of refining weapons, so he naturally understands the power of this golden colorful halo.

"Young Master succeeded in refining the weapon, and finally succeeded in refining the Mietian Sword."

Xiao Hanyue saw the golden seven-color halo and sword light in the sky, and said it out of her voice, feeling very happy in her heart. After waiting for several years, Li Qiuyu finally succeeded in refining the Mietian Sword, which was Li Qiuyu's painstaking effort.

Xiao Qiuyue, Ling Ling, and Qing Chi all looked at the sky happily, and shed tears of excitement. The successful refining of the Heaven Mie Sword meant nothing to say.

Li Qiuyu was very excited when he saw the power of the forty Mie Tianjian resonating with each other, but right now they must be sacrificed, and there are still many things that have not been resolved.

As soon as the consciousness moved, a trace of blood essence shot out, and the blood turned into a blood curtain, covering the forty Mietian swords. The moment the Mietian sword touched the blood essence, it immediately began to resist strongly, but after a while, all four The ten Mietian swords slowly calmed down again.

Because they sensed Li Qiuyu's breath, the Mietian Sword was refined by Li Qiuyu, and he was also the creator of the Mietian Sword, no different from his parents.

After Li Qiuyu successfully refined them for several years, he was naturally able to control them. After calming down, the blood essence quickly entered behind the Mietian Sword.

After pondering for a while, he shot out another stream of blood essence, which carried traces of consciousness, and the consciousness was scattered on the forty Mietian swords. Immediately, Mietian sword and Li Qiuyu's mind were connected together.

At the same time that the mind and the Mietian Sword were connected, there was an earth-shattering sound in the sky, and finally a colorful cloud appeared, and the golden colorful halo of the sword glow disappeared into the air.

And Li Qiuyu began to communicate with the forty Mietian swords below. After a full day, Li Qiuyu was tired and lay on the ground. Nourishing in the aura.

Li Qiuyu threw a Tianying Pill into his mouth, and his mana recovered instantly. Looking at the Mietian Sword that was almost filled with aura, he nodded in satisfaction.

Then he thought of something, and with a move of his consciousness, he also sacrificed the nine Mietian swords in his dantian, a total of 49 Mietian swords were in the air.

However, when the nine Mietian swords that came out of the dantian came into contact with the other forty Mietian swords, they felt a little repulsed. Li Qiuyu smiled bitterly, and shot out another stream of blood, and at the same time forty Mietian swords Surrounded by the Mietian Sword, they were re-sacrificed.

After re-sacrificing, the 49 Mietian Swords were no longer repulsed in the slightest, but the nine Mietian Swords were obviously stronger than the other [-].

After thinking for a while, the expression on his face was resolute, and the 49 Mietian swords were spun quickly. With a movement of consciousness, the sound transmission went out, and the four daughters of Xiao Hanyue told the other two hundred big monks to be careful.

The 49 Mietian swords spun rapidly, and the golden rays of light merged together with colorful halos, smashing the only spirit-gathering array in the air, and Li Qiuyu flew away from the whirlpool with 49 Mietian swords.

The whole person stood at a height of thousands of feet. When he left the vortex, the Fenghuo platform and some materials all entered the space ring.

Xiao Hanyue's four daughters, Lvyi, and three monsters have already arrived in the sky, and the figures of two hundred big monks also appeared in the sky.

"Mietian Sword, cut."

Li Qiuyu turned the 49 sword lights of Mie Tianjian into a sword light thousands of feet long and a hundred feet wide, and slashed down towards the whirlpool. At the moment when the huge sword light cut down, space suddenly distorted, and time seemed to be forbidden. same.


With a loud bang, the vortex was cut out of a thousand-foot-long deep stream, and four fiery red babies escaped. The entire island slowly collapsed, and then it became a sea of ​​flames, and countless volcanic magma rose into the sky.

Seeing the appearance of four red elves, the Mietian sword immediately spread out, quickly surrounding the four babies, and Li Qiuyu shot out the mana one after another.

The four fiery red elves struggled for a while, and were finally trapped by a series of magical powers. The Mietian Sword quickly shuttled over the fire elves. Overwhelmed in the sea of ​​fire.

Immediately, the Mietian Sword and Fire Elves in the air, including Li Qiuyu, also disappeared into the sea of ​​flames. He wanted to use the power of the fire sea to refine the Fire Spirits and fuse the Fire Spirits and Mietian Sword. 】

Only the Mietian Sword tempered by the Fire Spirit can reach the power and quality of the original Mietian Sword in his dantian.Xiao Hanyue and the others and the two hundred major cultivators all looked at the sea of ​​fire in surprise.

I was completely stunned by Li Qiuyu's actions. The power of this sea of ​​fire is by no means ordinary. He dared to enter the sea of ​​fire like this. This is the gap.

Xiao Hanyue's four daughters were only worried about Li Qiuyu, because they had been with Li Qiuyu for a long time, and they knew a little about the art of refining weapons. They knew that Li Qiuyu would not take risks easily, and he had his own reasons for taking risks.

Time passed unknowingly, for a full two hours, there was a loud shout, the sound was like a dragon chant in the sky, and the sound wave went straight to the sky, and then, a huge seven-colored sword glow shot out, the sword glow was also thousands of feet high, behind the sword glow , Li Qiuyu's figure also appeared again.

"Ha ha ha ha."

Li Qiuyu laughed loudly, with a move of consciousness, the huge seven-colored sword light cut down towards the sea of ​​flames, the air was twisted, and the original Phoenix Island, which was thousands of miles in size, completely disappeared into the sea, and Phoenix Island also became history.

"What a powerful force."

The two hundred big monks were horrified and thought to themselves, although they didn't know how far such power would reach, but if the monks in the stage of transforming gods would disappear under this blow, Li Qiuyu's strength was originally It has been abnormal, and now that such a treasure has been refined, I don't know what kind of monk can compete with it.

"Congratulations, my lord, for refining the treasures and sweeping the world."

Seeing this, two hundred great monks congratulated Li Qiuyu respectfully.

"Okay, it's a happy event for me to successfully refine the Mietian Sword. This elixir is for you, I hope your cultivation can go further."

With a move of Li Qiuyu's consciousness, two hundred celestial pills were shot out. Although the celestial pills are precious, Li Qiuyu still has more than ten bottles in his hands, and Xiao Hanyue and the others have two bottles each, which is enough to take. It can be refined.

"Thank you Lord for the reward."

Two hundred great monks caught the Tianling Pill in their hands, and were immediately overjoyed. This is a sixth-grade high-level elixir, and Fengyue Continent has never heard of a sixth-grade elixir.

This elixir is only found in legends. I didn't expect it to be refined by the Holy Alchemist in front of me. Now I still have one in my hand. I can't be happy or not surprised.

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