Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 768 The Strength of the Heavenly Dragon Empire

"This seat is going back, you guys will take care of everything later, and come to Di Yuefeng to find this seat."

After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, he cast a look at Xiao Hanyue, Xiao Hanyue sacrificed the ancient flying treasure, and finally the five people, the green clothes and three monsters were on the ancient flying treasure, and the ancient flying treasure disappeared into the clouds in a blink of an eye middle.

The Mietian sword was constantly spinning in Li Qiuyu's dantian, and the mana also nourished the Mietian sword. Li Qiuyu returned to the room inside the flying ancient treasure and lay down on the bed to sleep.

Four years without rest, using mana and consciousness all the time, is exhausting enough. If he wasn't a monk in the transformation stage, he would definitely not be able to support it.

It is already against the sky that monks in the transformation stage refine spirit treasures, and they still refine them alone. If there is no Tianying Pill and Resurrection Pill, let alone the early stages of transformation, even the monks in the late stage of Dongxu will have no idea support for so long.

Seeing Li Qiuyu's exhausted and haggard appearance, Xiao Hanyue and others felt distressed, but fortunately, Li Qiuyu successfully refined the Mietian Sword.

The four girls were driving the ancient treasure outside the flying ancient treasure, and quickly shuttled among the clouds. Because there was no news from outside for more than four years, they didn't know what happened to the Tianlong Empire in Fengyue Continent.

Because when he left Tianlong, Li Qiuyu was cut off from outside news, and Bai Yuntian was in charge. Only in this way, could he refine the Heaven Mie Sword with peace of mind.

The two hundred great monks in the sky saw Li Qiuyu and the others leaving, and then looked at the sea area below, feeling nothing but horror in their hearts, and then flew in the direction of Li Qiuyu and the others.

On the flying ancient treasure, when Li Qiuyu woke up, he was already in the territory of Tianlong Empire. Xiao Hanyue and others were very happy to see Li Qiuyu wake up, because Li Qiuyu's complexion improved a lot.

At least my spirit is much better than before, I am no longer so haggard. Refining tools is really not a fun thing. It is okay to refine some low-level treasures. Like this kind of Lingbao, it takes a few years at every turn.

"My lord, you should take a rest, there are still a few days before Diyan Peak."

Xiao Hanyue came to Li Qiuyu's side and said softly.

"It's all right, it's just that I haven't slept for a long time, and I'm a little sleepy. It's good to rest for a while. How is the situation of the ancient demon on the way you pass?"

Li Qiuyu came outside, sat cross-legged on the flying ancient treasure, looked at the clouds outside, breathed in the fresh air, and after refining the Mietian Sword, felt a little relieved.

"Through this road, ancient demons are rampant. Although the ancient demons of Dashang haven't completely captured Dashang, there are ancient demons in almost every city." Lingling briefly explained to Li Qiuyu what he saw along the way.

"It seems that the ancient demon really wants to rule the Fengyue Continent this time. We don't have much time, so we must step up our cultivation. A little more strength will give us more protection. Although the Mietian Sword was successfully refined, the sword art has not yet been comprehended. ,hehe."

Li Qiuyu pondered for a while, and thought about the things in front of him. The speed of the ancient demon's attack was faster than expected. I thought it was not so fast, but even the place where Dashang was closest to Tianlong had many ancient demons. up.


The four daughters of Xiao Hanyue hummed for a moment, and finally quickly controlled the ancient flying treasure, flying in the direction of Diyan Peak, and Li Qiuyu continued to practice and recuperate.

In less than a few days, he had already returned to Diyan Peak. After returning to Diyan Peak, he received all the news, and one after another the news reached Li Qiuyu.

It was almost all the news that the ancient demons attacked the Great Shang and the Northern Jin Dynasty. A year ago, the two empires also saw that the situation was not right, and they both photographed the monks of the transformation stage and formed a big alliance.

The two empires also formed an alliance, and the two leaders were presided over by two emperors. There were more than [-] monks in the transformation stage, tens of thousands of monks, and ten million monks in the nascent stage.

The alchemy stage disciples were only responsible for logistical tasks and inquiring about news. The two empires did not take the Tianlong Empire into their eyes at all, because there were less than ten monks in the Tianlong Empire.

There are not many big monks, and they didn't even intend to invite Li Qiuyu. They completely ignored the Tianlong Empire where Li Qiuyu belonged. In this way, the monks and legions of the Tianlong Empire stood still. Also dare not do it.

When Li Qiuyu learned about this situation, she was very happy, but she also felt sad for the arrogance of the two empires. The combined strength of the two countries can indeed easily wipe out the ancient demons, but are they so united?Obviously not.

Besides, with the power of the Northern Jin Dynasty and the Great Merchants, there are definitely more monks and great monks in the stage of transforming gods. They obviously have hidden things. After the ancient demon retreats or is wiped out, the real war in Fengyue Continent will begin, a civil war.

The liquidation battles of the human monks' forces are all trying their best to preserve their forces. As long as they are alone, they will know these rules. Since they all know the rules, they will definitely preserve their own strength.

Seeing this situation, Li Qiuyu will send some disciples to solve some hidden dangers of the Tianlong Empire, and vigorously develop the strength of the empire. After the ancient demon is wiped out, the Tianlong Empire will be able to withstand the attacks of the two empires.

Li Qiuyu also gathered the forces in the Tianlong Empire in the Skyrim Prairie, and taught these big monks and Nascent Soul Stage monks the God Extinguishing Formation, striving to have the power to fight against the ancient demons.

After the reception, I and Xiao Hanyue and others practiced on Diyue Peak. The early stage of transformation has reached the peak. It is impossible to break through, so I can only practice the Heaven-shocking Nine Forms continuously. Practice the seven styles to the extreme.

The main advantage is to perform countless prohibitions and formations in a dark place on Diyue Peak, comprehend the four-nine sword formation in the prohibition, and practice the four-nine sword formation. The 27 long swords in the sword formation form a circular formation, constantly exuding a powerful aura.

Now that the real Mietian Sword has been successfully refined, it will never be replaced by a long sword. When the real Mietian Sword is cast, it is not a concept at all. Array, the powerful power is not a grade at all.

He knew exactly what kind of power he had achieved, and he didn't want to disturb other monks, so this Tian Mie Sword was also his trump card.

After two years of continuous comprehension and practice, the Three Nine Sword Formation has reached an extreme. Now he is comprehending the Four Nine Sword Formation and concentrating on comprehending the Four Nine Sword Formation.

In the past 50 years, Li Qiuyu concentrated on practicing the Three Nine Sword Formation and comprehending the Four Nine Sword Formation in the first ten years.

The Four Nine Sword Formation has been thoroughly understood, and it took 20 years of practice to perfect the Four Nine Sword Formation. The Four Nine Sword Formation displayed by the 36 Mietian Swords does not belong to the attack of human monks at all.

But I still have the Nine Mie Tian in my hand, so I can use it, so I started to comprehend the Five Nine Sword Formation, until then there was still no place to start with the Five Nine Sword Formation.

I have been comprehending for 30 years, but I have only figured out the five-nine sword formation, which is still a long way from the real comprehension, but one comprehension is not something that can be comprehended through hard work.

He didn't put all his energy on the Wujiu Sword Formation, but started to manage the Tianlong Legion and the monks. During this period, he also refined the Four Tripod Transformation God Pills, refining a total of 280 Transformation God Pills. Adding the 56 pills I started with, I have a total of 330 seven pills of transformation.

The two hundred great monks on Phoenix Island all got one, but they must all be loyal to Li Qiuyu forever, and Li Qiuyu naturally would not do thankless things.

Anyway, the God Transformation Pill was of no use to him, so why not cultivate some of his own power, besides the two hundred big monks who got the God Transformation Pill, the other thirty or so big monks also got one.They are all reliable.

In 50 years, the 230 Huashen Pill has achieved 210 seven big monks, eight big monks were completely abolished when they broke through, and five big monks were raised to the extreme in the later period. Li Qiuyu saw this, He also gave them five Huashen Pills.

They didn't dare to take it lightly, because it was a great fortune that no one survived, and they all understood that Li Qiuyu's God Transformation Pill would either become a God Transformation Stage, or be completely useless in cultivation.

The cultivation bases of the five great monks were not completely abolished, and Qiu Yu had just come out to rescue them. Even so, the Tianlong Empire gave birth to more than 50 monks at the stage of transforming gods in 200 years. 】

The senior monks of the two empires were all horrified. They all knew the identity of His Excellency Li Qiuyu's Saint Alchemist, so they naturally understood that there was a ninety-nine percent chance that Li Qiuyu's refining pill would reach the stage of transformation.

Seeing the skyrocketing power of the Tianlong Empire, the top leaders of the two countries also came to Diyan Peak to seek an alliance, but they were ruthlessly rejected by Li Qiuyu. At first, the two countries saw people as inferior, but now they saw that their empire was getting stronger, so they immediately came to win over.

The top leaders of the two countries are extremely helpless, but what can they do? I didn’t see the Tianlong Empire in my eyes when I was sleeping. However, although the Tianlong Empire has more than 200 more masters at the stage of transformation, it is still far behind the strength of the two empires. distance.

The great forces of the Tianlong Empire completely admired Li Qiuyu when he saw that Li Qiuyu trained 50 great monks for [-] years to cultivate the monks of the urban transformation god stage. Such a thing has never happened in the cultivation world.

During the 50 years, Ling Lanxin and Ling Yun sisters played with Xiao Hanyue's four daughters from time to time. Both sisters were in the late Yuanying stage, but they had not reached the peak. Li Qiuyu gave them two Huashen Pills, and some Five or six high-level pills, strive for the two of them to reach the stage of transformation.

The two juniors of the Li family were also at the peak of the Yuanying stage, and they practiced together with Li Zhengqing. Of course, Li Zhengqing also became a monk in the transformation stage.

It wasn't long before Lan Yan and Shi Feixuan reached the late stage of Yuanying, but they met the descendants of Zhang Tianhang and others. Zhang Tianhang and others had been in the legion all their lives, but they couldn't withstand the ravages of the years, and finally passed away.

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