Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 775 Visiting the Aura Tiancheng

"Brother Qiu Yu, the ancient demon's city, two demon lords have discovered us."

Lingling said softly, a city a hundred miles away was completely enveloped by demon energy, two demon kings and hundreds of demon generals were standing firmly in the air, trying to kill Li Qiuyu's man intercept it.

They also sent a secret letter from the front, suspecting that some senior human monks used forbidden techniques to rush to Lingyun Tiancheng for support, and asked them to be stopped and killed here.

Originally, I thought that even if someone wanted to pass by here, it would take at least a few days without a teleportation array between the two cities, but then I thought that under the unintentional inspection, a fiery red light and shadow came from thousands of miles away, The speed is thousands of miles away, the speed has exceeded my imagination. '

Quickly summon the demon generals and another demon lord to intercept them. It is extremely simple for a hundred demon generals and two demon lords to trap and kill the light and shadow. The light and shadow are just a little faster.

"Stop, I ordered the coming people to stop, or I will refine you into a puppet."

A demon king also sensed that the person who came was not a demon race, but a human being, so he shouted loudly, and the other demon generals and demon kings were ready to attack, and as soon as the opponent stopped, they would capture and kill him.

"You control the Heavenly Emperor's chariot, and I will kill these ancient demons, and I will treat it as a sword formation."

Li Qiuyu said to Xiao Qiuyue who was beside her. With a flash of her body, a golden light shot out from between her eyebrows. The golden light had already come within ten miles of the ancient demon. Just as she was about to be furious, the golden light instantly turned into 36 golden streaks. Jianmang.

Li Qiuyu's body also appeared behind the sword light. With a movement of his consciousness, the 36 Mietian swords spun quickly, and a huge seven-color sword light quickly moved towards the two, and the demon king rushed towards him. Li Qiuyu will be busy controlling him, even with the sword Mang flew over.

"Attack, kill him."

Seeing Li Qiuyu completely ignoring his own existence, a demon king shouted angrily, ordering the demon generals below to attack at the same time, trying to disperse the golden seven-colored sword light.


Hundreds of attacks came in front of the seven-colored sword light, and disappeared instantly. The sword glow remained the same, without shaking at all, as if it had never encountered an attack at all, and swallowed the attacks of hundreds of ancient demons as if they were majestic.


At the moment of the devouring attack, Li Qiuyu brought the sword light and came in front of a hundred demon generals, completely ignoring these demon generals, and directly rushed through the middle of these demon generals. Wherever he passed, not a single ancient demon survived, and he was completely crushed. The sword glow devoured.


Li Qiuyu brought Jianmang to the Demon Lord, and the same was true. Jianmang was attacked by the leader and paused for a moment, but after a pause, the two Demon Lords still did not escape. There is a distance, but after the loss, it also disappears, which also gives the devil a fair treatment.

The huge seven-colored general was busy spinning, and the seven-colored sword light with a radius of one hundred feet was swept towards the general like a huge whirlwind, and no one survived wherever it passed.

In a moment, the air was finally empty. With a move of Li Qiuyu's consciousness, the colorful light disappeared and turned into a golden light that entered the center of his eyebrows. With his hands constantly waving, countless storage bags and space rings flew over. Li Qiuyu With a wave of his left hand, these interspatial rings and storage bags disappeared.

Entering the space ring on the left hand, Li Qiuyu wears a space ring in each hand, the left hand is the space ring for harvesting treasures and storage bags, and the space ring on the right hand holds the treasures and elixir that he often uses.

After finishing everything, Xiao Hanyue and others also came to Li Qiuyu in the Heavenly Emperor's Chariot, and Li Qiuyu returned to the Heavenly Emperor's Chariot, and finally was able to speed up the Heavenly Emperor's Chariot.

Under the Four Nine Extinguishing Heaven Sword Formation, it took only a few moments to deal with two ancient demons of the transformation stage and more than a hundred ancient demons of the great monk level.

This kind of speed is not at all in the stage of fighting against the gods, but in the period of great cultivators killing the alchemy. The five people are on the emperor's chariot, looking at the cities below. The cities are not as peaceful as before, but a piece of land. Panicked, he didn't even know when the ancient demon would come here.

Seeing the appearance of these cities, Li Qiuyu shook his head. If the Northern Jin Empire united early, there would be a chance for these ancient demons to capture these cities.

Even if this word repels the ancient demon, the civilization of Fengyue Continent will be greatly reduced. I don't know when it will recover its vitality, and maybe it will never recover, because the evil energy will turn this place into a demon realm.

It's not easy to get rid of the demonic energy here, but these can't be controlled, the ancient demons are rampant in front of them, it is impossible to completely turn Fengyue Continent into a demonic domain.

Flying quickly, in the afternoon of the fourth day, I came to Warwick City. The strength of Warwick City is strong, and the ancient demons have not come here yet. Li Qiuyu revealed his identity, and the monks who guarded here hurriedly opened the teleportation for Li Qiuyu and five people. Array, teleportation between moments.

Li Qiuyu and others have already arrived at Lingyun Tiancheng, the imperial capital of the Northern Jin Dynasty, but it is still tens of thousands of miles away from the imperial palace. Li Qiuyu and the others hurriedly spread their movements and flew towards the imperial palace.

It didn't take long for Li Qiuyu and others to come to Lingyun Tiancheng. Li Qiuyu's identity was known to everyone, even among the monks in the Northern Jin Empire.

Li Qiuyu was not blocked, so he came to the palace of Lingyun Tiancheng. When he came to the palace, he happened to see Daoist Beiming and some old monsters in the transformation stage were discussing something, and all of them had anxious expressions on their faces .

Without thinking about it, he knew that it was the sudden change in the affairs of the ancient demons, which made them lose their minds. In five days, the ancient demons had already approached the city. If no support arrived, they could only retreat or fight the ancient demons.

In this way, to avoid its edge, you can only escape for a while, but not for a lifetime. The more you retreat, the ancient demon will gain an inch. If Lingyun Tiancheng is also let out, there is no capital like Dashang. What prestige.

Li Qiuyu promised to support them, but the time needed to travel from Tianlong to Lingyun Tiancheng in the Northern Jin Dynasty is definitely not a matter of a day or two.

To support, unless there are a large number of senior monks, but with so many senior monks, it is impossible to mobilize from the distant Tianlong.

Just when they were undecided, the news of Tianlong Li Qiuyu's arrival came from outside. Hearing this news, all the monks were shocked. From Diyan Peak to here, it is tens of millions of miles away. , It is impossible to come so soon, but the surprise is the shock, but the real person has already arrived at the Lingyun Tiancheng.

But what's the use of coming to such a person, there is no use at all, but Li Qiuyu's reputation is here, let Li Qiuyu come to the hall calmly.

"Haha, Master Beiming, I haven't seen you for hundreds of years, you are getting old."

Li Qiuyu glanced at Master Beiming with a smile on his face. This cultivator at the transformation stage almost killed himself hundreds of years ago. If he escaped, he would be seriously injured, even though the grievances had been settled at that time.

But seeing his former opponent now, he felt uncomfortable. If it wasn't for the matter of the ancient demon, he really wanted to give him a hard lesson.

With my current cultivation base, it would be easy to teach this real Beiming a lesson. To kill him, it depends on whether I am willing or not.

"Hey, Li Qiuyu, Your Excellency the Holy Alchemist, you are indeed a genius who has not been seen for hundreds of years. He has reached the early stage of transformation from the early stage of Yuanying to the early stage of transformation. I really admire you, haha."

Master Beiming took a look at Li Qiuyu and was furious. The two of them would never forget the past, but for the sake of Beijin, he still suppressed his anger.

And I also know in my heart that I am also horrified by Li Qiuyu's cultivation. Even with my current cultivation, I am no match for Li Qiuyu in front of me, unless my descendant comes, but my proud descendant has not been seen until now.

If he knew that this young man in white had already killed his proud descendant Han Wuji, he would be blamed if he didn't do it on the spot.

It was only after Li Qiuyu got Han Wuji's storage bag that he realized that Han Wuji was the descendant of Daoist Beiming. He didn't expect that the opponent he had fought several times had always been a disciple of a cultivator in the transformation stage.

And he is the emperor's grandson of the Northern Jin Empire, but of course he will not let Master Beiming know about these things. It's not because he is afraid of Master Beiming, but he just doesn't want trouble to happen at this time.

"Fellow Daoist Tianji, Fairy Bingfeng, Fairy Dark Cloud, thank you for helping me out before, and Li thanked you again. I didn't expect to see the three of you here. It's a great fortune."

Li Qiuyu bowed to Tianji, Fairy Bingfeng and An Yun in a blink of an eye, her eyes paused on Fairy Bingfeng for a while, then she turned her gaze back and swept across the other cultivators at the transformation stage.

"Your Excellency Holy Alchemist, please be polite. At that time, the inferior people were just passing by. A genius like His Excellency Holy Alchemist, I don't want to die just like that. Besides, even if the inferior people are not there, I believe Your Excellency Holy Alchemy." There is a certain degree of certainty."

Tianji smiled strangely, and finally saluted Xiao Hanyue's four daughters with fists in their hands, wanting to praise Xiao Hanyue's four daughters.

"Fellow Daoist Tianji praised you. If it wasn't for the three of you, I really only had a chance to kill Brother Beiming. Hehe, luckily the three fellow daoists showed up, otherwise I wouldn't have the chance to gather here now. "

Li Qiuyu glanced at Master Beiming, and said calmly, with a calm expression on his face, he didn't take these monks seriously at all, and his words were not shocking and endless.

Although they didn't speak, they were all horrified. In the early days of Yuanying, they met Beiming. Now they dare to say that there was a little chance to kill Beiming in the transformation stage. It was either bragging or strength.

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