"Brother Li Dao really doesn't need to be so polite, and the concubine is only at the invitation of fellow Daoist Tianji. What's more, Brother Dao Li's methods at the time, even Dao Beiming, couldn't kill you."

Fairy Bingfeng stood up and bowed to Li Qiuyu Yingying, and said in a delicate voice, her icy breath was like that of a fairy from an iceberg, but in this Yingying salute, she revealed a stunning beauty.

Li Qiuyu was also extremely puzzled. She never thought that Fairy Bingfeng would be so polite. She was also in the transformation stage. Even though she belonged to the Bingfeng clan, there was no need to salute her.

The other monks were also puzzled, this Fairy Bingfeng had always been arrogant, she did not expect Li Qiuyu to be so polite and polite not long after she was promoted to become a god.

"Hehe, fellow daoists, I came to the Northern Jin Empire this time mainly for the affairs of the ancient demons. I have no time to spend here. They are all my relatives. Let's discuss how to deal with the ancient demons now. "

Li Qiuyu paused for a moment, seeing that the other cultivators at the stage of transformation did not speak, and did not intend to be rude, and directly brought the topic to the table.

"Your Excellency the Holy Alchemist's name, I have heard about it for a long time, but I don't know how confident the Holy Alchemist is in expelling the ancient demon from the Fengyue Continent. The Holy Alchemist will have to work a lot for the Fengyue Continent."

A cultivator at the transformation stage stood up and clasped his fists at Li Qiuyu and said with admiration on his face. He came to the Northern Jin Dynasty alone, and dared to let all the monks in the Northern Jin Dynasty listen to him.

This kind of courage alone is not something ordinary people can do. However, the invasion of the ancient demons has already disrupted the Fengyue Continent. Since this Li Qiuyu boasted to help the Northern Jin Dynasty defeat the ancient demons, now only one person has come. There are four friends, although there are three monks in the mid-stage of transformation among the four who are horrified by Xiao Hanyue, but the five monks in the stage of transformation cannot defeat the ancient demon.

"Brother Dao, you don't have to be polite. Since I promised to help the Northern Jin Dynasty defeat the ancient demons, I won't break my promise, but I need the cooperation of a fellow Taoist."

Li Qiuyu looked around sharply, and said calmly, these monks still haven't learned their lesson, seeing themselves clearly, they don't have the confidence to defeat the ancient demon at all.

Even if his own strength is strong, he will not go to the ancient demon alone to die. Bei Jin's consolation doesn't care about his own affairs, as long as the ancient demon does not provoke Tianlong.

"As long as Your Excellency Saint Alchemist can find a way to expel the ancient demons from the Northern Jin Empire, we will definitely do our best, and then unite with the Tianlong Empire to drive the ancient demons of Da Shang out of Fengyue Continent."

A middle-aged man stood up and clasped his fists to Li Qiuyu and said, the situation in the Northern Jin Dynasty is really unfavorable now, a big war is imminent, and foreign aid is needed to defeat the ancient demon.

"Fighting against the ancient demons is naturally a head-to-head attack. Apart from this, I can't think of any other way, can't I?"

Li Qiuyu smiled, and when he said a word, all the monks present were stunned. What kind of solution is this? There is no way at all.

"Your Excellency, Holy Alchemist, you are just kidding. The power of the ancient demon is almost the same as that of the Northern Jin Dynasty outside. If we fight the ancient demon, even if we win, it will be a miserable victory. Besides, the ancient demon's heart is cruel, and it is impossible to retreat. We can only move forward, unless we kill all the ancient demons, otherwise we will retreat."

A few cultivators at the Transformation Stage said to Li Qiuyu, their tone was really bad. Li Qiuyu's actions were no different from before, and he was not doing his best to deal with the ancient demons, which would hurt both sides.

"Hmph, I just know that Beijin and Gumo are similar in strength now, otherwise I wouldn't have come here alone. With the full attack of all Dao brothers, as long as we can be one-on-one, I believe that Beijin has the hope of winning big. Don’t you all have the slightest grasp of one-on-one?”

Li Qiuyu looked at these monks, and said coldly, with no joy or worry on his face, no expression could be seen, but his tone gave off a cold aura.

"Your Excellency the Holy Alchemist, you mean that we Northern Jin monks can't contain the ancient demon one-on-one?"

A cultivator with the spirit of transformation heard Li Qiuyu say this, and he was extremely dissatisfied. In the Northern Jin Empire, although he was dissatisfied with the Han family in recent years, at least he was a monk of the Northern Jin Dynasty, and he would not allow monks from other countries to come and insult him.

"It's because fellow daoists don't have confidence, and I can't do anything about it. Don't you think that I can kill millions of ancient demons by myself, which is too much for me, haha."

Li Qiuyu laughed loudly and replied, suddenly, in the whole hall, there was a wave of swords slashing, and if there was something wrong, they would join hands to deal with Li Qiuyu.

"Hehe, fellow daoists, please listen to what your Excellency the Holy Alchemist has a good way to do. Since it is to kill the ancient demon, it is necessary to do it, but since your Excellency the Holy Alchemist dares to come to deal with the ancient demon, we must let it go." Your Excellency the Holy Alchemist will tell you about the plan to attack the ancient demons."

Tianji said with a smile, glanced at Li Qiuyu, and also wondered what method Li Qiuyu had to deal with the ancient demon, and he was the one who proposed to help Beijin, so now is it possible to push the ancient demon and Beijin to the top.Even if he has some tricks in Tianji Sect, he doesn't know Li Qiuyu's methods.

"Fortunately, first of all, I would like to thank Your Excellency Saint Alchemist for coming to Beijin to help deal with Ancient Demon, but Saint Alchemist also knows that Ancient Demon has the same strength as my Northern Jin Dynasty. If we really meet, both sides will suffer."

An old man in the transformation stage pondered for a while, and said politely to Li Qiuyu, after all, it was his Northern Jin Dynasty who asked Li Qiuyu to help.

"As long as the ancient demon king is killed, I believe that the strength of the Northern Jin Dynasty will also be able to wipe out all the other ancient demons in the Northern Jin Dynasty. At that time, we don't need to do anything. Let the disciples below solve it. Give the following disciples a test."

Li Qiuyu said coldly, playing with a golden dagger in his hand. The dagger is only three inches long, but it is extremely delicate.

There is a hint of spirituality on it, but there is no trace of spirituality floating out. Everyone carefully looked at it, this exquisite dagger is a psychic treasure, and its spirituality is still very high.

Li Qiuyu now has a total of 49 Mietian Swords on his body, but only 45 Mietian Swords are needed for the Wujiu Sword Formation, the rest are useless for him at all, and he should just play and get close to this Mietian Sword.

However, with his current cultivation level, if he used the remaining four Mietian Swords to deal with the enemy, the cultivator at the transformation stage would not last long. The four Mietian Swords are like meteors in the air, making it impossible for the opponent to defend against.

Relying on his many years of cultivation experience alone, he has developed a set of skills to attack the enemy with four Mietian swords alone, and the four Mietian swords can also exert powerful attacks.

If the four Mietian Swords were used, the entire sky would be filled with the sword light of the Mietian Sword. The sword light carried an aura of destruction. As long as it was touched by the sword lights, the residual value would be severed, or it would be directly damaged.

"Your Excellency Saint Alchemy is right. As long as we kill the ancient demons at the level of the demon king, we will have nothing to do with us. I believe that my disciples in the Northern Jin Dynasty can completely kill the low-level ancient demons, and we can do whatever we want." Your Excellency Saint Alchemist has gone to Dashang, but if we want to exterminate the ancient demons of the Demon Lord level, we will also suffer a lot of losses."

"Haha, as long as you lure out all the demon lords and ensure that you will not be defeated by your opponent in a short time, I will be able to lead you to kill all the demon lords and minimize casualties."

Li Qiuyu smiled and said, looking at the old man, the peak of the early stage of transformation, the strength is not bad, but compared with Xiao Qiuyue, it can only be lost, let alone Xiao Hanyue, Qing Ling and Ling Ling Three mid-stage monks.

"Is there anything the sage alchemist can convince us?"

Some cultivators at the stage of transformation heard Li Qiuyu's words, and they were dubious. They didn't know what kind of means Li Qiuyu had. If they were one-on-one, even if the ancient demon was strong, it would not be an easy task to kill the cultivators at the stage of transformation. matter.

"Yes, but you have no choice."

With a movement of Li Qiuyu's consciousness, the exquisite dagger in his hand disappeared. At the same time, four identical exquisite daggers appeared in the air. Suddenly, the four daggers shuttled quickly, and the air was like hundreds of sword lights. breath of destruction.

There was a sharp light in the eyes, and immediately, the sword light turned around in front of each monk, and then disappeared again. The three delicate daggers disappeared, and there was one left in his hand, which he was playing with as before.

All the monks were extremely puzzled. At the moment when the sword light swept across, all the monks also instinctively put up their protective shields, but seeing Li Qiuyu put the sword light back, they didn't know what Li Qiuyu wanted to do.




There was a hissing sound, like the sound of mosquitoes and ants. If it weren't for the monks at the transformation stage, they would not have heard these sounds at all. When the sound appeared, the expressions on the faces of these monks could no longer be held back.

Because these protective shields that were scratched by the sword light showed a small crack, and the protective shield was completely broken from the crack. If it is against the ancient demon, it will definitely not be as simple as a protective cover.

"Your Excellency Saint Alchemist is very overbearing in attacking, but how sure is this way of killing the ancient demon?"

After a while, the whole hall fell silent, and no one spoke anymore. Finally, Master Beiming broke the silence and looked at Li Qiuyu with horror in his heart. With such a move, he could see some of Li Qiuyu's strength.

Now, I am no match for Li Qiuyu in front of me at all, and there are three mid-stage and one early-stage helpers beside me.

"It's true that we can't kill all the ancient demons in this way, but I don't only have this means, do you want me to show all the means?"

Li Qiuyu said coldly, strength determines everything, and the strong are respected. Even if all the monks present are at the transformation stage, none of them are his opponents, and at this time, they don't dare to cause civil strife.

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