Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 777 The Shocking Power of the 49 Sword Formation

"Since Your Excellency the Holy Alchemist is so confident, let's go to Lanlun City now. Lanlun City has gathered all the power of the ancient demons. As long as we kill the ancient demon king in Lanlun City, we will be fine."

The old man who spoke at the beginning pondered for a while, and finally said to Li Qiuyu, although they don't believe that Li Qiuyu's method can play a big role, but there is nothing he can do in the Northern Jin Dynasty.

What's more, beside Li Qiuyu, there are three women in the middle stage of transformation and one woman in the early stage of transformation. The combined strength of the five cannot be ignored.

If they joined, at least the casualties of the Northern Jin Dynasty could be reduced. There was no way out of this. After he finished speaking, he glanced at Master Beiming and the other monks, and all the monks nodded.

"But I've said it first, and I'm also thinking about Fengyue Continent. After the Northern Jin Dynasty's demon king is killed, all fellow Taoists should listen to my order and go to Dashang to support Dashang and go to the ancient magic castle together. To deal with the ancient demons with all their strength, no matter how powerful the demon king is, he has just descended to the lower realms, and under the attacks of the masters of the Quanfengyue Transformation God stage, he can only lose one way."

Li Qiuyu looked at the cultivators at the transformation stage and repeated his conditions. If he killed the Northern Jin Demon Lord, these cultivators would inevitably disobey his arrangement.

"Okay, I can guarantee it, but apart from the matter of dealing with the ancient demons, other matters cannot be arranged by Your Excellency the Holy Alchemist. After the battle, the agreement between us will also become invalid."

All the monks said to Li Qiuyu, the ugly words should be said first, so as to avoid any disputes when they get it, it would be bad, and if the monks caused any disputes during the transformation period, it would be a catastrophe for Fengyue Continent.

The battles between the cultivators in the Transformation Stage were earth-shattering, and what was the difference between them and the invasion of ancient demons? Everyone knew the current situation in Fengyue Continent.

The only way is to completely expel the ancient demon from Fengyue Continent once and for all, but to exorcise the ancient demon, the only way is to kill the demon king first.

"Well, I don't care about any rights. As long as the ancient demon is lifted, the agreement between us will become invalid. Do you have any questions now? If not, we will go to Lanlun City now. The longer the time delays, yes Fengyue is more harmful."

Li Qiuyu stood up and said, looking at Tianji intentionally or unintentionally, this monk's cultivation base is nothing, but some weird calculations really puzzled him.

In the end, all the monks had no objection, and agreed to go to support Da Shang after the ancient demon was killed, and then all the monks of the transformation stage flew towards the city wall of Lingyun Tiancheng. beyond the walls.

Countless formations, large and small, covered the city wall. Outside the city were millions of ancient demons and millions of ancient demon puppets. Among the ancient demon army, there were all demon generals and demon soldiers from the Nascent Soul stage. .

There are only a few demon kings in the army. Obviously, the other demon kings are resting and will attack Lingyun Tiancheng with all their strength when the time comes.

As long as Lingyun Tiancheng is captured, the true strength of the Northern Jin Empire will collapse, and the Northern Jin Empire of the three major empires of Fengyue Continent will gradually disappear from the mainland.

"Hmph, indeed, the ancient demons want to launch a general attack in the near future to capture Lingyun Tiancheng. They have already come out. I will take the lead to suppress their momentum. After I make a move, you will take the opportunity to do it." , the outcome depends on you.”

Li Qiuyu and others had just arrived on the city wall. There were originally five or six demon kings, but suddenly hundreds of demon kings flew out from the big tent in the distance. Each demon king was three feet tall, and his burly body was like an iron tower. , exuding a terrifying demonic energy from his body.

"Hey, humble human monk, I have been waiting for you for a long time, come out and die. The Fengyue Continent is the world of our demons, so stop doing those unnecessary struggles."

A demon king who was at the peak in the middle period said loudly, his voice was like thunder, with huge iron rings on his ears, and a ten-foot-long magic pestle in his hand exuded a strong demonic energy.

"Haha, there are countless demon kings who have been killed by this seat, and I happened to use you as a target today."

Celebrity Li Qiuyu opened a hole in the formation, and the whole person left the city wall. With a move of consciousness, a golden light shot towards the mid-term cultivator, and the golden speed was extremely fast.

In an instant, he crossed the space of thousands of feet and came in front of this mid-stage demon king. With a wave of the magic pestle in the middle-stage demon king's hand, a shocking and substantive demon energy slammed towards the golden light fiercely.


A crisp sound resounded in the air, and the golden light was immediately crushed by the demonic energy. In the mid-term, a big smile suddenly appeared on the face of the Demon Lord, who looked so arrogant that anyone wanted to flatten him.

Daoist Beiming and other monks were also extremely puzzled. Originally, this golden light was so powerful, but they didn't expect to be defeated by the mid-term demon king's blow.

But at the moment when the golden light was defeated, the defeated golden light turned into 36 golden rays, and when the 36 golden rays were separated, the golden light suddenly turned into seven colors.


With a move of Li Qiuyu's spiritual consciousness, he mobilized 36 Mietian swords. The 36 Mietian swords were controlled by his spiritual consciousness, and immediately formed a circular sword formation. The sword formation formed by the 36 Mietian swords was as large as a hundred feet.

The sword array rotated rapidly, and the 36-to-[-] sword light was no longer visible, but turned into a seven-color sword light with a size of one hundred feet, and the sword light suppressed the air.

Moreover, there is a mysterious aura of destruction in these sword lights. Seeing such a change, the monks on the side of Master Beiming are also horrified. They have all reached the realm of transforming gods, so they can naturally feel the power of this sword light.

In the mid-term, the ancient demon didn't expect the opponent to use his own attack to arrange powerful moves, and suddenly felt a sense of being tricked, his face was filled with anger, and he also realized that this sword light was not simple.

Looking at the other companions, he quickly circulated the magic energy in his whole body, and sacrificed the magic pestle in his hand, turning into a huge magic pillar with a height of hundreds of feet.

The other demon lords also quickly prepared, the one who killed Li Qiuyu in one fell swoop, a monk in the stage of human transformation, was no match for the demon lord at all.

The demon king on my side is almost the same as the human monks. He just waits for the human monks to gather and kill them all in one fell swoop, so that the entire empire can be overthrown.

"In front of me, you are nothing but clowns. My opponent is not you, but now, you must perish."

Li Qiuyu activated the sword array with his divine sense, and the seven-colored sword light with a radius of one hundred feet continuously rotated. The power of the four-nine sword array was enough to quickly kill the monks in the stage of transforming spirit.

After finishing speaking, the Four Nine Extinguishing Heaven Sword Formation spun towards the front, and Li Qiuyu also followed behind the sword formation, like a huge colorful whirlpool, Xiao Hanyue and the others hurried to Li Qiuyu's side to protect Li Qiuyu in He was attacked by other monks while using the sword array.

They will not take the lead, but follow Li Qiuyu's back. As long as there are ancient demons and monks attacking Li Qiuyu, they can completely control the attacks of the last three parties for Li Qiuyu.

"What a powerful sword array, what an abnormal power."

"What a strange breath, that monster came here alone without a single soldier."

The monks in the Northern Jin Dynasty were horrified when they saw Li Qiuyu unleash the sword formation. This was the first time they had seen such a sword formation, and they saw that it was a powerful existence in the cultivation world.


Li Qiuyu yelled loudly, speeded up, and rushed towards the demon lord in front with the sword array. The speed was extremely fast, and the distance of thousands of feet was reached in an instant. There is a vacuum.

"Ah, ah"

"Ah, ah"

"Quickly let go, don't bang this sword glow."

The sword array came in front of the Demon King Zhong in an instant. In front of the sword array were more than a hundred demon kings and thousands of demon generals, but Li Qiuyu and the sword array rushed towards these powerful existences as usual.

Immediately, hundreds of attacks smashed on the sword array with shocking demonic energy, and the sword array paused slightly, and in an instant, the martial arts team's attacks and demonic energy were also swallowed by the sword light.

Looking at the situation like this, all the ancient demons were stunned, and the masters fought with each other.

Immediately, the eight demon lords and dozens of demon generals were shattered by the sword glow, and then swallowed by the sword glow, the eight demon lords and dozens of demon generals disappeared in the air.

This was a prelude, the sword formation didn't stop, Li Qiuyu pressed the sword formation forward, and shot at the place where the demon kings were concentrated, and several demon kings and dozens of demon generals were lost.

All the demons finally came to their senses, knowing the power of this sword light, this is the real invincibility. Since the demon king in the middle period avoided it and was not damaged under the sword array, he quickly reminded other demons.


When Master Beiming saw Li Qiuyu, he killed more than a dozen demon kings in an instant, killing nearly a hundred demons. He was completely stunned by such a situation.

Is this still a means of human monks? Killing monks in the transformation stage can be as easy as killing ants. The power of this sword formation is too terrifying and abnormal.

It has gone beyond the imagination of monks in the human world, but he was awakened by the reminder of the ancient demon in the middle period, and hurriedly reminded the monks in the Northern Jin Dynasty who were in the transformation stage.

If you don't seize this opportunity, when will you wait? After finishing speaking, in a blink of an eye, he will come to the ancient demon monarch not far from Li Qiuyu, and when he finds a lone demon monarch, he will launch a powerful attack, completely looking desperate. The way to play, because the opponent's attack is also with all its strength.


"Ah, ah."

There are continuous screams in the air, and the seven-colored sword light will carry the breath of destruction, the invincible attack, and the strangeness of devouring everything, bringing a large number of monks into life.

After being reminded by the ancient demons in the mid-term, these demon kings did not dare to gather together and separated quickly, but Li Qiuyu pushed the sword formation and shuttled among countless ancient demons.

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