Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 780 Consequences of Ice and Fire Compatibility




There were three slight beeps, and the two powerful and perverted attacks finally came into contact with each other. The air was distorted immediately, and then froze for an instant, as if the space was forbidden.

The magic flames of the ancient demons in the mid-term are displayed by burning all the life essence and magic energy, and are completely supported by life and magic energy. Li Qiuyu's compatibility with ice and fire is also his biggest improvement in the past few decades.


There was a burst of explosions, and the entire space could no longer bear the pressure of the two attacks. Suddenly, within a hundred miles, the space was shattered inch by inch. The shattered space overflowed with countless winds, which ravaged ancient demons and human monks.

After the space shattered, it recovered in an instant. The two attacks roared and then disappeared, replaced by a strange light curtain. Demonic energy and ice and fire compatible to destroy the light curtain produced by the attack, and the light curtain scattered. , Wherever the light curtain passes, everything turns into nothingness.

At the moment when the two attacks of the Northern Jin monks exploded, more than a hundred monks of the transformation stage and countless major cultivators used their mana to strengthen the prohibition formation on the city wall, and at the same time added protective shields and defensive treasures.


Li Qiuyu's complexion changed. Just before the light came, he sacrificed the stone wall just in case, but this time the strange thing is that this light curtain has no harm to him at all, just like his own mana. He was not hostile, and the light curtain split in two from his side.

I thought this light curtain had no power, but I saw that other ancient demons were turned into nothingness when they encountered the light curtain, and more than ten demon kings were accidentally killed. two paragraphs.

A small number of seven or eight demon kings did not even escape the demon soul. The demon soul is the same as the Nascent Soul of human monks, but they are called differently.Such a demon soul is not as powerful as the Nascent Soul in the Nascent Soul stage.

Because ordinary ancient demons will not easily get the demon soul out of the body, and now it is out of the body, and it is not suitable for a while. The demon soul with the strength of the demon king is out of the body. Can be easily killed.

The light gradually weakened and disappeared after fifty miles away. Within fifty miles, except for a few demon generals and more than thirty demon kings, the rest of the place turned into nothingness.

The prohibition formations on the city wall of Lingyun Tiancheng in the Northern Jin Dynasty were all destroyed, and more than a dozen big monks were also killed by the light curtain. Fortunately, there was a defense prohibition formation in the city, otherwise there would be more casualties.

In the mid-term, the demon king immediately turned into nothingness under the light curtain. Li Qiuyu looked at the ancient demon in the distance, and finally his body flickered and returned to the city wall.

All the monks in the Northern Jin Dynasty looked at Li Qiuyu with terrified expressions. Is this monk in front of him still a monk?Is there such a terrifying monk in the human world?Within fifty miles, there were less than a hundred ancient demons.The other ancient demons were all wiped out with just one blow.

There are tens of thousands of ancient demons lost. The main thing is that the most powerful ancient demons in the front are the most powerful existences. Now the most powerful ancient demons in front have been killed by Li Qiuyu's tens of thousands.

Without waiting for Li Qiuyu's order, the bodies of more than a hundred monks at the stage of transformation into gods in the Northern Jin Dynasty flickered quickly. It can be three against one, and the demon general can completely ignore it. Even if it is the remaining energy of the battle with the demon king in the transformation stage, he can kill him.

After returning to the city wall, Li Qiuyu threw a recovery pill into his mouth, digested the pill, and recovered half of the consumed consciousness. The shot just now was beyond his expectations. If you meet the strong now, you will be strong.

This power is completely beyond the scope of my imagination. The destructive power brought by the two powerful attacks and collisions wiped out all the ancient demons within a radius of fifty miles, but the remaining one hundred ancient demons are all Top notch.

"Fellow Daoist Tianji, look at whether all the ancient demons have been lost in this battle."

Li Qiuyu recovered part of his consciousness, and asked Tianji with a slight smile on his face. He was also curious about a monk like Tianji, and he also knew that Tianji couldn't do everything right. It can be calculated, if so, it is neither too heaven-defying.

"Hehe, with Brother Li Dao here, these ancient demons are naturally a piece of cake. Since Brother Li Dao came to the Northern Jin Dynasty, I knew that this battle would be won, but I didn't expect Brother Li Dao to be so powerful. Strong, has gone beyond the scope of the lower understanding."

Tianji shifted his gaze to Li Qiuyu, the two looked at each other, and finally spoke, with the same smile on their faces, and they couldn't tell what was going on in their hearts.

"As for the strength of the Northern Jin Dynasty, I know a little bit, but after this war, these fellow Taoists must go to the ancient magic castle to kill the demon king, otherwise this seat is not so easy to talk about."

Li Qiuyu said calmly, but his voice was full of irresistible tone. He was also worried that these cultivators at the stage of transforming gods would rebel against others after killing the ancient demons, but the chances of this were very small. regrettable.

Since you can't be controlled by yourself, let's teach them here first. The strength of the Demon King should not be underestimated, and we must deal with it together with the monks of the Northern Jin Dynasty.

"Hey, brother Li Dao, don't worry, the ancient demons invaded the Fengyue Continent. I have discovered some hundreds of years ago, but there is no way to kill them."

Tianji smiled mysteriously, and finally continued: "The ancient demon is the enemy of Fengyue Continent, an enemy who cannot share the sky, so the monks of Fengyue Continent part of the national border and love parted, and jointly deal with the ancient demon."

"Since Fellow Daoist Tianji discovered the ancient demon hundreds of years ago, why didn't he do it?"

Li Qiuyu stared at the young monk in front of him. This monk was mysterious, and he couldn't even find any information about it. It's just that this Tianji Gate has existed for tens of thousands of years, but this Tianji Gate really has such powerful calculation skills ?

"Brother Li Dao, forgive me, the so-called secrets of heaven cannot be leaked. Things in the cultivation world cannot be calculated by a sect of secrets. Even if we figure it out, there will be changes. Things in the world are extremely strange, and often some things can be understood without strength. Yes, even if you are a Taoist brother, I don’t know.”

Tianji made a bow, with a mysterious and weird smile on his face, Li Qiuyu saw that he didn't say anything, and some of what this Tianji said was indeed very reasonable, so he didn't ask any more.

Looking at the big battle ahead, the outcome of the big battle has been decided, three against one, no matter how powerful the ancient demons are, they can only lose one way. The demon generals who survived the curtain still did not escape.

The cultivators in the transformation stage were killed early on, and the loss of the seven demon kings caused a serious deviation in the strength of the ancient demons. The demon generals and soldiers of the ancient demons who were fifty miles away wanted to attack the city to help the demon kings, but the human monks also They rushed up and collided together again.



The ground continued to collapse, the space continued to shatter and quickly recovered, and countless winds ravaged the ancient demons and monks. After a quarter of an hour, there was only one demon king left in the air. Under the attack, the invisible pressure tore the city into pieces before the attack hit him.

"Fellow daoists, now that the demon king has been dealt with, let's go to the ancient demon base camp and take a stroll inside."

Beiming shouted loudly, the ancient demons have been ravaging human monks for a long time, and now it is finally time for the ancient demons to perish, but countless demon generals still exist, and the monks in the transformation stage like themselves will not step forward to help.

Even if the human monks wiped out all the ancient demons, it would still be a tragic victory, but if hundreds of monks of the transformation stage were added, the situation would be different. The monks of the transformation stage would enter the demon generals, and they would be like sheep.

"Okay, those of us who are old and immortal will be the killers once. To deal with the ancient demons, there is no need to pay attention to the peace of heaven. It is the ancient demons that invaded our Human World Fengyue Continent. Let's see if our strength has grown or regressed over the years."

Some monks in the spiritual transformation stage hurried back, with a smile in their voices, they had just killed all the demon kings, and the strength of the human spiritual transformation stage monks was preserved, so it's no wonder they were unhappy.

Besides, now, there is no demon king at the level of the god-turning stage, this is the world of his own god-turning monks, and no one will say that he is too heavy to kill the ancient demons. Constantly waving.

A series of fierce attacks or spiritual treasures smashed at the demon generals, and the situation of the war quickly turned one-sided. More than a hundred cultivators at the transformation stage entered the camp of the demon generals, and every time they made a move, some demon generals were lost.

Li Qiuyu watched these cultivators slaughtering, with no joy or worry on his face, his eyes slightly closed, and the Heaven-shocking Divine Art was automatically activated, slowly adjusting his breath, waiting for these cultivators to kill wantonly.

A quarter of an hour later, Li Qiuyu opened his eyes. A cultivator at the transformation stage had exhausted his mana, and quickly returned to the city wall. After returning, he politely bowed to Li Qiuyu, and finally threw a elixir into the mouth In , fast running skills consume mana.

However, mana was consumed so much that it couldn't be recovered in a short time. If this continued, even if it took ten days, it might not be possible to restore mana to its peak.

After pondering for a while, with a movement of consciousness, pills appeared in front of him one by one, and the pills spun quickly in front of him. The pills carried a faint fragrance, and caught the eyes of the three of Tianji and the cultivator at the stage of transformation who were meditating to recover their mana. They were all attracted.

"This elixir is for you. If you practice like this to recover your mana, it will take less than half a month." Li Qiuyu moved the elixir quickly and shot towards the monk who was meditating on the ground.

"Thank you, Your Excellency Saint Alchemist."

The cultivator who was meditating to recover mana caught the elixir in surprise, looked at the elixir, and the fresh fragrance of the medicine spread into his nose, and he was shocked. efficient.

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